Atletico De Madrid play “Right-Wing Football” and is a style based on cynicism and anti-football
If this is the case, which teams play “Left-Wing Football” and are there any other teams who are proponents of the Atleti style?
Atletico De Madrid play “Right-Wing Football” and is a style based on cynicism and anti-football
This was pretty left wing as was tiki taka
Also I always liked Atletico, now I know why...
Fucking hate direction-brains.
Manchester City is literally owned by country that kills their policital enemies in mass executions.
UAE kills its enemies in mass executions?
>atletico plays right wing football
>always get embarrassed in the champions league by the big boys
Really makes me think
>right-wing football
Real madrid
>center football
Man city
RB Leipzig
>left-wing football
Why is our country like this? Why is fucking kneeling on the ground before a football match now treated as a sacred ceremony that can never be interrupted?
why the fuck are they trying to link a style of football to a point on the political spectrum
there should be a meme for people who are like coomers but instead they just see politics everywhere they go and can't ever get their mind off it
The absolute state
>>right-wing football
>Real madrid
This seems about right though I’m willing to put the Majority of Serie A in with this.
>>center football
>Man city
>RB Leipzig
This is the tricky one. I think this would be the majority of all clubs in football. RB for this business practices? The countries that own PSG and City are authoritarian and they don’t sit comfortably with that centrist tag
>>left-wing football
This is the actual hard one, as there isn’t that many. I get that the fan bases of each of these clubs are socialist but those that run the clubs definitely aren’t. St Pauli seems to be an outlier. Maybe even Dortmund?
Remind me of that screenshot in where scouser plebittors called bus parking "fascist football"
>fascist ball
So an unwillingness to play the game should be associated with fascism?
Dunno,some people really seem to cant separate politics with their daily lifes.
So what exactly is different about Basque radical and extreme leftism?
If you go to /pol/ they’re basically there
Tbf LFC and socialism are intrinsically linked. It's not a new twitter or reddit phenomenon in that regard.
It's always obsessed commies and other roaming lefties who come up with this bullshit
I mean it was Atlético Aviación under Franco so it's kind of true, but stupid nevertheless.
Independence mostly.
Basque independence and sympathy for ETA terrorism, that’s the summary
luv right-wing footy mucho, me
i wonder (((why)))
Because you let this happen. It's over. Tomorrow you'll be Airstrip One. No more Britain.
>backward-wing football
man united
Has any news source destroyed it's credibility more that the Independent since the switch to digital?
What is it with Americans and their need to insert politics into literally everything.
same thing at this point
>son of former kgb agent buys paper in 2010
>turns into propaganda shitrag
Its funny how people look at the name and think ah yes this will br balanced and apolitical
wtf im an atletico madrid fan now
liverpool straight up plays hoofball most of the times and people just pretend not to see it pretending it's a super tactical gameplay
it's actually interesting in that sense that about 6-7 years ago when I was sort of interested in british rags due to my studies I'd have placed independent somewhat on the right, in comparison with your guardians or bbcs obviously
Independent's british you dumb fucking gypsy.
That and always wanting to be the victims despite taking part of 2 of the most historic hooliganism fuckups is why they are cringe
It's funny how they still believe that nuleft = real left and their votes push their kids to the main cities lom
Now I know, why always kinda liked Atletico Madrid.
Aren't you now demonstrating your inability to separate politics and your personal life?
>"that penis is leaning to the right direction and leftists are telling me not to suck it, I will suck it just to own the libs and the hecking leftards!!!"
>BREAKING: Adolf "Der Fuhrer" Hitler has signed for the Germany National Team as their Head Manager for the 1939 World Cup and onwards.
>The Austrian-born man said in an interview, "I expect my players to do the opposite of the opponents; Instead of kneeling, I told them to raise their right hand up in an angle. It is for me a show of strength."
>Known for his radical ideas, such as rapid and tenacious attacks in the early minutes of the game (known as the "Blitzkrieg" by fans and critics alike), he hope for a new Germany that can, in his own words, "conquer not only Europe, but also the world". "I said to my players, even if the opponent fields six million players, we should crush them all. We should left them gassed after they play with us," said the former painter, while laughing.
How the fuck is symmachiarii apolitical but ultra boys far right?
>center football
>Man city
Ownership and play style aside, it seems like all the Lib Dem voters in Manchester are also City fans
Would LCIM be classified as right-wing or left-wing? Clearly he's on the right but he always cuts to the left and shoots with his left
the uk is an american vassal state(america is an israeli vassal state)
Every country is a US vassal state
Lib Dems = centre
Conservative Party = centre-right
Labour = centre-left
many are vassal states of China these days, perhaps even Russia will end up like that
kind of weird to bring this up when menotti was left wing, he was probably just making a joke
Greece is a German vassal state (who are an American vassal state)
Said son of KGB agent is a member of the House of Lords. Bojob was warned about him by his own spy agencies and listened to it graven faced and still let him in
>Conservative Party = centre-right
They’re a bizarre mix of libertarian politics mixed with authoritarianism under Johnson. There’s nothing centrist about them
I always liked Atletico due to Torrente.
United definitely left-wing, was literally formed by railway workers, always been strongly related to the working class.
The Independent was the newspaper Tony Blair hated the most.
>Tony Blair used one of his final speeches as prime minister today to launch an attack against the media, accusing it of hunting like a "feral beast tearing people and reputations to bits".
>And he singled out the Independent for particular criticism, saying it was a "metaphor" for how modern journalism had degenerated.
What is manchester united?
"Right wing" in the western poltical democracies doesnt mena right wing in the sense, that normal people understand it. Its just another side of the jewish scam. People shouldnt be so naive.
Racism is now the worst crime on the planet. I'm not even joking.