For me, it's Phil Foden.
For me, it's Phil Foden
Show his hairline
manlet wigger cringe boosted by a shitload of money and that is what you get
>Gucci cake
How much did that shite cost?
I hate anglos so much bros.
fucking megakek
we all do hrvatska
holy cringe
you're not alone dont worry
how is this real? dude is a fucking millionaire many times over
>fish is 30cm long
he just is /ourguy/
just because you're wearing a full gucci tracksuit and beats by Dre headphones doesn't mean you can't enjoy a chippy
Is he the king chav of footballers?
Foden isn't a Deano he's a chav
look in her eyes, she does not wan't him, she is there ffor the money.
but english slags are pretty useless anyway
my point was not the chippy, rather his outfit. he surely could hire some fashion consultant and not act and dress like a fucking retard
Mate he's a millionaire. Why would he give a fuck what some Sweed thinks about him on a Mongolian basket weaving website?
because he is a manlet and manlets care what real men think.
Phil's done an absolute number on your head lad
you really don't think that cake was made by gucci do you?
>be scrawny manchester lad
>eat chips for breakfast with 3 intact teeth
>go to the benefits office
>buy cider
>come back home and defend foden in the intrawebs
Thogden genes
You seem a bit obsessed. Did he shag your girl or something?
>*makes madrileƱos seethe*
no you are the one obsessed, I'm just pissing down wind bud
Kek. Rent. Free.
w2c those shorts?
manlet fucking rage/cope
good luck with that little man
looks like the perfect mix to me
manlets from all over the anglosphere are seething
>Phil is 5'7
At least he has money.
If he was called Felipe Fodinho everyone would love his tacky Gucci ways
The guys a chav but you're being silly if you deny his insane talent
why is he taking a pic in front of that abandoned house?
nah Deano is lower-middle class dresses smart-casual wants people to think he's wealthy but only because he's smart/business savvy and hardworking
chavs are lower or even under class and don't give a fuck and wrap themselves in as many designer brands and chains as possible so you know he's rich
Deano is also a lot more obsessed with being well-groomed has a 24/7 fresh trim, fake tan, whitened teeth Grealish is a much better example of a Deano footballer
fucking melt would get ironed out
>posted up under the kids meals
>be scrawny manchester lad
>eat chips for breakfast with 3 intact teeth
>go to the benefits office
>buy cider
>go to training with your team and pep guardiola calls you over, "Phil you're in for the next game"
but pfodz wears tacky gucci , balmain , yves sain laurant items etc.. also eats gucci cakes with sugar money as a topping. but i get what you mean, i myself think he has the humble , spontaneous soul of a true chav. he just happens to like deano shit, which is even funnier.
Arsenal fans said the same about Jack Wilshere because he had a good game against Barcelona. The reality is that a 17 year old Wayne Rooney was far more talented than Foden will ever be. It's a genuine shame what Fergushit did to him.
He seems like a cool guy, I dont get the hate
Jealous spaniards and Yanited costumers probably.
>Anglos idolize this /thing/
Pfffft loooooool
Literally a bonobo
t. manlet
1 Qatar 22 golden ball please
why do british girls want to be black?
seems like a good lad, desu. He aint a bad player either
So why are incels seething over this guy so much?