Why are jannies autosaging /f1/? What exactly did we do this time?
Why are jannies autosaging /f1/? What exactly did we do this time?
cause driving is not a sport. I drive to and from work every day and that does not make me an athlete.
the car is doing the fucking work, change to /anime/
can you drive to work using very hihg speed ? huh no ? fuck off then.
Cars are athletes you idiot.
the jannies have slurped their last gulps of semen and are calling it a day forever
petitioning to have this post made into the new Yea Forums banner
I could just press the pedal if I wanted to, does that make me an athlete?
i shot the ball during school lunch break every day. Did that make me an athlete?
frenchies aren't white.......................
This thread is getting bumped despite having /f1/ in the op.
i think so, yes
i think we should have a general on Yea Forums about you and your life
Baserad, tack
Test it out real quick. Those last 2 thread have been made by 2 SEA's anons try on that wasnt made by someone from SEA maybe it will get bumped
FPBP. An car is not an athlete
I think I'm going to make a thread with a different general name. But then again just barely got unbanned for posting motorsport news in /f1/ last week.
yes. in order to be an athlete, enjoy racism and racing in general you have to press it but you will pussy out at speed limit.
I can enjoy racism without breaking the law you fool
>What exactly did we do this time?
/f1/ has nothing to do with F1. It's animeposting, thotposting, tranny flips posting gore, scat and porn. German degenerates discussing their cuck fantasies, etc. The thread has existed too long and has basically become a cesspool of 41%s. I'm glad it's fucking gone.
PS. Fuck Ferrari
make the thread
>Häkkinen poster is based
Is this going to piss off WAGlad's autistic ass system off thread watching? At this point I don't care.
>/f1/fags are so unbearable even jannies have had enough and pulled the plug
we're in an emergency situation bro
its time to throw the rules out the window
proxy off you traitorous cunt
LAP #4221
Previous thread:
Why are Yea Forums jannies such faggots compared to the rest of the site?
Nope they saged it
But i dont understand ... why would they want f1 thread to disappear ? I mean , this sub is the fastest traffic generator that Yea Forums has . Why to chop it ?
This is the official /f1/ refugee thread
>Previous Thread
Hello fellow redditor
its so fucking over bros
I am running to my workplace everyday, am i now an athlete?
I play kickball in my garden after partyevening, am i athlete?
I once played dart in a pub, am i a athlete?
See? None is a sport. PeriodT.
This thread doesn't count
Simple as
trips has to be checked.
yes you are an athlete because you are actually doing something.
QRD on why the jannies have their panties in a bunch
Minimum of 2 nations count in laps
Tried the superfast juice guys and went jogging, can confirm my lap times have gotten faster
So, whats the solution ?? Im kinda new to all this
I will not relent.
If you don't want us /f1/ chads ruling this board than give us our own motorsport board
rangeban third world countries from Yea Forums
how did you get into italy mohammed?
refugee boat?
Apparently they've been underpaid this month
If being retarded was a sport you'd be a 7 time world champion.
I think I found out why the threads have been autosaged
Fucking Indog put Homo and Cunnycedes in the standings
>WDC Standings:
LEC: 71 (+26)
RUS: 37 (+15)
SAI: 33 (+0)
PER: 30 (+18)
>Homo : 28 (+12)
>WCC Standings:
Ferrari: 104 (+26)
>Cunnycedes: 65 (+27)
Red Bull: 55 (+18)
McLaren: 24 (+18)
Alpine: 22 (+6)
>WEC Standings:
>Homo : 168.00 (+61.56)
LAT: 149.63 (+48.49)
RIC: 139.54 (+17.09)
>lived long enough to see /f1/ being aborted by a literal shit poster sea monkey and a JAVPNspammer
/o/ is an option ?
kek i didn't even notice
Its the OP having banned words like Cunny on it
Worth a try
A motorsport board is the only option
True !!! HAHAHA
That fucking retard
This is it there have been similar cases in the past. One cunny edition thread was saged as well. Someone make new
Ohhhhhh jesus christ man. I feel like an idiot.
Is it gone? I hope so, it has quickly become the worst general on the whole website. Even with lockdown refugees in 2020 it was more bearable than it is now.
can someone from the 1st world bake an actual thread
Stop spamming
why nobody baking new without the c word in op