People still believe the meme that old football was just a slow paced boring shit and the players didnt know how to kick a ball
That great clash between Kopa and Fontaine vs Pelé and Garrincha in the 1958 world cup semifinal shows football at the highest level, with unmatched class, technique, skill and fun.
For me this is 10x better than the memepress full sprint football we have today And today's players who only know how to run and have 0 IQ would never have been top level players back then.
Yes but they are afforded the time and space by very bad positional play. It's aggravating to watch because when a goal happens you pay more attention to the defender's mistake than the attacker's prowess.
Brandon Lewis
it was and pelé is overrated garbage.
Ethan Turner
the all look like fat midgets and the quality of defending is dire
Liam Ross
What was that? Sorry, you'll have to speak up, WClets.
Caleb Brown
watch the fuckin video first
Elijah Fisher
You can call it the memepress all you want but the fact is that everyone does it now at the highest level because it works. Those shitters would get destroyed by today's teams. Maybe that's why Brazil will never win another world cup again, your meme joga bonito is destroyed by the autist coach press
Caleb Garcia
who is more effective isnt the point, being boring and shit is
Dylan Fisher
What is more effective IS the point. That is the entire point of COMPETITIVE sports. It's not a competition otherwise.
When the deer gets eaten by the lion it doesn't bitch about how "boring" the chase was, it, or other members of its species learns to escape the lion or it gets fucking eaten. Then, the lion has to adapt to the deer or it will starve to death. Then, once it starts eating some deer again, the deer will have to adapt to the lion. etc. That is why football tactics go in and out of fashion, they are constantly figured out, the new tactics become dominant, until they are figured out and replaced with other tactics.
messi did this every week against people who could actually defend
Bentley Jenkins
If football is supposed to be competitive but shit and boring there would be no point in broadcasting , building stadiums and shit
Christian Myers
>chokes to Tiki Taka lol
Justin Cox
I did, not impressed at all
to even put him in the same bracket as messi is outrageous
Julian Thompson
Yes, against Eibar.
Nolan Peterson
Just look at the defending at from 0:07 in your webm. That's fucking horrendous stuff
Owen Wood
The excitement is the challenge, not necessarily the style of play.
Connor Barnes
replied exactly 46 seconds after the post with a 10 min video with the aborrent opinion that beating some shitters today is greater than beating world cup legends Brits are just braindead , theres no point in discussing anything with you because either your are a zoomer who despises everything from the past for no reason or is an obese alcoholic who can no longer remember his own name
Caleb Barnes
>mesifag talking shit about Pelé and Garrincha Lmao
Alexander Hall
can we take a minute to appreciate this world class defending pele was up against and also take a minute to remind ourselves that this clip made it to a compilation of pele's greatest *ever* dribbles
These times there wasnt cards and players didnt fall on the ground for being touched
So it was better to defend in an agressive way with lots of tackles
It was 100x harder to dribble past 3-4 people because today any touch from the defender gets him a punishment
Gavin Ward
Since youre a swede i accept your concession that you are an ignorant brainlet and cant recognize raw talent and winning mentality which is why Pelé and Garrincha are 2 tiers above the systembabby choker. No need to reply to me anymore.
Charles Hall
>I believe useless people are world class
okay bud
Charles Cruz
whats so wrong in this video? this wasnt even a zone of danger nor a fast paced movement , this happens all the time these days
Liam Rodriguez
Garrincha was indeed world class. Pele? He happened to play in 3 stacked brazil squads
From the moment that any touch from the defender is punished, they started to worry more about positioning and an aggressive form of defense was left aside. In those times the most important thing for the defender was timing, reflexes and technique because in those times they could touch and take down the attacker at will.
Luke Wood
Pelé and Garrincha are the all time best football duo , they never lost a game for brazil NT together with 40 games 36 wins 4 draws and 2 world cup trophies Pelé is the all time best g+a in world cups with 21 g+a in 14 games and Garrincha is the only player to be Champion,best player,top scorer and top assister of a single world cup edition
Anyway you can worship your media diva because after 20 years roiding he could change direction fast and do well placed shots
As nutriton and sports sciences evolved, players got stronger, quicker, more reflexes... it all contributed for the decrease of available playing space inside the pitch. players run more for longer periods, are strong enough to be always competing for the ball, quick enough to adapt to the situation and etc. that lead to a more physical football than ever, talented players literally lost space to play while they're sorrounded by 3 or 5, >1,85cm grunts. that's why football is leveled down to who can physically beat the other and also be in the right position at the same time. when yuro leagues relaxed their foreign influx and their teams turned into full laundering money machines, they bought the right to steal the all young talents from everywhere and turn them into robotical mindless, yet tall and strong bots. they buy them so young that many times they're naturalized and start playing for the national teams, to the point shameless nations like France have no more fucking french playing for them. Only Ngubus that eat only whey, glutamin and creatine and could perform on a fucking Cirque du Soleil show. Also that's why they pretend to have no calendary for intercontinental competitions anymore. On a federation and clubs level they don't want to give the stage for rivaling teams to get fame and start selling worldwide. That would be a source of precious money that could help leveling the game in favour of normal, not drug, mafia, dictatorship money laundering teams.
This , calling this shitshow "football" is heretic
Nicholas Kelly
If u watched this video and you still have guts to call these players "farmers" you literally know nothing about football
Henry Jackson
Garrincha's biography is a good read. Some little retarded jungle monkey that literally fucks goats, comes out of nowhere to turn up at Botafogo and start dabbing on everyone. All this while being a raging alcoholic and having 14 kids by 5 different women.
couldn't have hacked it in the conference let alone the premier league
Daniel Lopez
yet, he alone, have twice the number of World titles you have.
Carson Moore
i don't have any world titles other than my victory in the dabbing on deluded brazilians gold medal
Ayden Martin
What's aggressive about the lad that decides to run slowly backwards towards his corner flag?
Kevin Cox
How did you reach that conlucsion? Garrincha had excellent physicality he always cut it to the right and outpaced everyone
John Jackson
>3 defenders against 1 forwards If the defenders are compacted and close together, it is more difficult for an attacker to pass.
Landon Baker
Didn't seem too difficult for Pele. Literally just running the ball directly toward them and changing direction when they lunge off their feet like idiots. It's garbage
Cooper Young
>the meme that old football was just a slow paced boring shit and the players didnt know how to kick a ball People who say this have never played football in their life
Ryan Scott
they watch grainy videos from when the field was wet from rain, the ball absorbed water to the point of weighting 1kg, and players had their thick clothes soaked... and take it as an argument against the players.
Nicholas Watson
those pants are bretty based. would wear/10
David Lopez
Garrincha was better than any player that has ever set foot on a premier league pitch
It's impossible to compare the game then to the game now. The gringos are right about defense. It really was shit. Defense only starts to become truly important in the 60's with great defenders like Bobby Moore and Beckenbauer, then Italian football starts to develop more in that direction. Still, the ball weighted a lot more and there were a lot more fouls. So Pelé also had certain disadvantages. It is a very different game, not at all the same. Impossible to compare.
A more interesting question is: WHEN did football become modern? Was it around 1974? Was it in 1982 when Brazilian magic finally lost to Italian efficiency? Was Brazil 1970 the last great "pre-modern" team?
We can compare Cruyff to Maradona. And we can compare Maradona to Zidane. But can we compare Cruyff to Zidane?
When is it that the game becomes that which we knows today? This is a much more interesting question, I think. It can even help to explain why, for instance, players like Pelé would last 15 years at the very highest level while Maradona and Platini only had a few years: the game was changing precisely during their time. Nowadays it looks more stabilized and we see guys like Ronaldo and Ibra playing at high level for many years again, although the rise of high pressing seems to be changing this trend already, and the great players of today who cannot adapt will soon see their careers plunge.
Gavin Rogers
>This level of cherry picking Why are people disgustingly dishonest about Pelé?
Pelé running 100m - 10.6s Bolt running 100m - 9.58s 50 fucking years ago Pelé was running only 1 second slower than the most roided racing Ngubu of all times. fatlards still say he wasn't fit like modern players
Literally fully watched red star matches in their european cup winning run in the '91. It honestly isn't the same sport. Put them on a modern hybrid grass football pitch and lower division team from spain or england would destroy 5-0 easily. But on a freshly plowed field pitch in the 80s zoomers would have no chance.
Luke Hall
Based retard
Austin Gonzalez
>Literally fully watched red star matches in their european cup winning run in the '91 Until the 90s european football wasnt a money laundering scheme that could buy any player in the world
If you wish i can show you Brazil 82 who was exactly what would i want football to be , without this full physicality bullshit
There's an alternate universe were the Hungarian revolution never happens and Hungary are the European footballing goats
Lincoln Cooper
I'm yet to see a swede or englishman do anything that at least resembles this. Pele is obviously one of the best ever. Anyone who disagrees is plain stupid or a contrarian. Just because the game evolved doesn't mean they'd be shit today, if Pele had today's players training he would be as good as he was during his age
Liam Bell
and other were Yugoslavia wasn't killed by westerners and it is the greatest yuro champion.
Christopher Phillips
I'm just saying it's like comparing apples and oranges before the bosman rule and modern training and infrastructure, i'm not saying pele or maradona sucked they obviously were elite back in the day.
Nathaniel Scott
Football had it's golden age in the 60s and 70s
Dylan Cooper
just sayin Yugos had a great future till the 2000's no one was growing like them.
Leo Anderson
Pele and maradona were just gods if maradona wasn't such a drug addict I'd consider him to be top 5 but guys like Cruyff eusebio and Pele could make it in today's game since it's all about pace now which all three had
Cameron Cruz
What would a modern day Yugoslavia team look like I think they'd win the euros but fall short at the world cup
William Long
it was 12 goals and 9 assists
englishmen are specially dishonest and full of mockery with pelé, its disgusting
depends on which Yugo, i guess... Croatia alone reached a final, Serbia had some great teams...
Matthew Brown
its beyond me how people can watch these videos and go on to claim that the defending was anything other than dogshit.
Josiah Gutierrez
i bet you could say the same after watching Messi and Ronaldo best moments videos... even more if it contains footage of their goals against La Liga farmers