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/copalib/- toto salvio edition
en todos lados decían que la había atropellado y aparentemente solo tiene un golpe en una pierna la mina, cantidad de humo
Asi es el feminismo champagne
eu to galudão, daqui pra amanhã eu pego uma puta
Periodismo antiboca you mean
Well, well, well, looks like the Medina Machine didn't lose yet again. The apology form must be filled until midnight.
looks like the janitor is monitoring copalib
why don't they just fire Medina already, this team is fucking awful lol
La medineta keeps delivering.
Allez Baie Mon Poutre
Bellintani OUT
Now that's just pathetic.
Because there are no options and Barcellos is desperate. Sincerely whatever he tried to implement failed hard, some kind of modern game and basing transfers on analytics. There are several good player in Serie B. I keep telling players like Edu, Alef Manga, Oyama would've been much better to the team than the shitters they bought from abroad.
this should be penalised with a redcard, not for cheating but because of the cringe it provokes
We need Diniz
fuck a.nal
It's funny how it's easy to identify a uruguyao or Chino from a Gaúcho even tho they're both white
Que lindo ser de river vegano y bidetero
I'm in gramado and there's a lot of uruguashos and argenchinos (actually mostly guashos judging by the car plates)
Que lindo ser de boca y desfalecido en el nueve de deciembro
whose dick tastes better?
my goal for this year is to pet an cow
>everyone is against US!!!1!
how do bocucks gain this mentality?
Sexo con Miko
it's 2055, cows are house pets in the new age of transveganism
It's literally sexta-feira santa and we had 2 sexual posts already
There's still time to redeem yourselves
Hope you take this day to reflect the sacrifice Jesus done for us, I'm off to sleep.
We need Jesus
Amém parça
Find God.
Alternatively listen to Ye's masterpiece Donda.
lads, why are women so beautiful?
not meat allowed today, folks, only fish
>salvio is followed by his crazy ex-wife
>tries to leave
>retard hurts herself
>media watches recording where this is evident
Yeah sure, mentality or whatever buddy
now post her without makeup
The new Botafogo mascot is going to make me act up
I'm only now realizing how many woman have fucked up hairline but they can cover it
Happy Holy Sex Day /copalib/bros
post their lipsticks
have grass
shit, I fucked it
Oh great, another draw that could've been a victory. I guess a point is a point.
Puskas award winner Erik Lamela
xavi viera ese cesped y estaria convulsionando mientras bota espuma por la boca
Sucks bro. Bragantino puts up a good fight.
Emelec chads we failed....
Red bull
its sexo day and im once again alone
>He doesn't know I wasn't talking about Velez boy.
More like Tachirachads we failed... Actually, both sides failed, that's how bad Venezuelan football is that makes both sides fail when we are involved.
>male doctor says it's just a bump
>male prosecutor says there's no crime
>male judge says Salvio is innocent
Poor girl never had a chance.
I honestly didn't know. Sorry brah
>believing fallocentric hetero normative propaganda
CANSADA estoy con esa justicia machista y patriarcal
>male video shows she's lying
such a mans world
Salvio was the player i always hired in FM17 so he didn't do anything wrong