Will America dominate soccer in our lifetime?
Will America dominate soccer in our lifetime?
>22 minutes
what the fuck are you guys doing down there
Contrary to unpopular belief. Mexicans are not good at soccer.
american football teams are souless and they have no history
My favorite team would be the oldest in your country
Post more /american talents/ charts BTFOing mexico
Not if Gregg and SUM remain in charge
t. Never watched USL
1st - most brazilians U21 are still playing in the brazillian league because its the strongest league outside of europe and better than some european keagues likr the russian and the dutch league , with many teams with tradition, millions of supporters, competitiveness and visibility for NT and scouts from big European clubs
2nd - top U21 brazillian talents would not go for small european clubs in big leagues
João gomes wouldnt leave flamengo to play for clermont FC
Danilo wouldnt leave palmeiras to play for sassuolo
Matheuzinho wouldnt leave flamengo to play for cadiz
They aim big clubs like real madrid , juventus , barcelona , atletico de madrid etc , or medium sized clubs(like Roma,Lyon,Zenit) to get the attention of the big teams
Enzo Fernandez is better than any American in history
NFL chads rise up
Mexicans hate developing young players and expect them to be good from the get go
This, vini junior case is not the norm. They play here at least 19 or 20
>opinion on anything but hockey and syrup
>all of them are black
no wonder an absolute meme like ecuador surpasses countries like Argentina and Uruguay in that, the globohomo literally only buys pacey ngubus now, it would be extremely funny that even with their top class instalations for better training and development of their talent they would end up still sucking cock and being surpassed by Uruguay and Argentina
SUM is burger company, and the FEMEXFUT cucks are basically owned by them
All the molero matches Mexico plays in USA stadiums vs shitters like El Salvador and Bermuda Islands are arranged by SUM, that's how they grab all those pocholard dollars
>beats england, wales and iran
heh nothing personal
>opinion on anything related to sports
opinion discarded
In the past month, our U17 has beaten
And are still going at the Mondial Football Montaig, if you think any nation but Brazil and Uruguay will even close to us in the future you are extremly delusional
Pelé played for some American team bro
america is so soulless that team stopped existing and got rebranded, yes, rebranded, until 8 years ago again
Where's the american talentss thread?
Yep, I'm thinking I'm saving this image
/AmericanTalents/ only follows international soccer, which is off at the moment
I would hope so. Then American global hegemony will be complete.
what players do we have
all of them local players, argentinean football schools have been outplaying european ones for a while, there is a reason why the USA chooses argentina to play against in their u17 and u20 cathegories, it is in the senior level that argentina becomes absolute shit because of two reasons, the absolute mafias that rule the argentine teams that missmanage the institutions and also the shit stadiums, the miss-management is far more destructive to the teams than the insfraestructure, the unitedstatians may act like retards but theh aren't, their jews have a perfect follow-up of everything that happens in the entire wold meaning that they realize when a country is doing the things in the correct way and can end up affecting them, it not only happens with sports, it happens with everything, they try to have a control over everything
What a surprise
so are any of them... good?
JFC will you give it up already?
Gregg isn't the reason we suck
SUM isn't the reason we suck
SUM makes more money from the Mexican NT than they ever could from the US national team
I think the fire test is on saturday vs France, if they take that one I think they are officially elite
Our Montaigu youth team has ENDRICK , he scored 3 goals in his 2 games , 2 against Netherland and 1 against mexico
endrick is the top scorer
Plz shut up faggot
why else would there be more paquador players in top leagues in europe then?
luka romero the next messi
Piero Hincapié doesn't look black to me
el peruANO invading
Luka is alredy U20, our only true U17 star is Etcheverry
token one to not look suspicious, paquador is shit
keep your war waging and children killing money,we dont want them
Not like this...
>playing players out of position and doing literally nothing but long crosses and passing in from the wing isn’t the reason we’re bad
>never pressing isn’t the reason we’re bad
>passing backwards and dominating possession while achieving just 2 or 3 shots on goal against the POWERHOUSES of Panama, Honduras, and El Salvador isn’t a reason to think we’re bad
>having a back line that can’t fucking defend to save their lives isn’t a reason to think we’re bad
Shut the fuck up you mongoloid. If you watched any games at all without coping “buh buh buh it wasn’t our A team!!! Or “w’ll it’s an away game, El Salvador is of course a fortress” you’d see how much of a disaster class the team is run. Costa Rica literally started ZERO regular starters, all of their players minus the GK from their amateur leagues and guess what
tbf neither have most americans
Kill yourself
Too bad this generation will likely be wasted. Gregggggg is guaranteed to be coach through 2026 no matter what. Klinsmann bros not like this....
cope thirdie.
Where does all that money go?
Maintaining a global military presence with an overwhelming Navy and Air Force.
The main job of which is to protect global trade routes and our allies.
>vaccinated anons talking about "will x thing happen in your lifetime"
lmaooooooo. I hope you are talking about the next 2 years
Covid vaccine mandates will be remembered as some of the most cruel and illogical policies in human history. So many people were fired, barred from public life, and abandoned by friends and family. Their lives were destroyed over a shot that didn’t even stop transmission.
mexibro, if you only know how thing really bad are
Shut up, fuck iti
I keep hearing about these mythical American talents but they never seem to play. Are they saving themselves for the World Cup?