/heem/ - #9 P4P Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
let's go tony
nocco > anything else
>yes Colby, take the fight you can totally beat this guy.
*disrespects canada*
Most high profile? Usman
is drinking all day everyday the worst base for mma?
>jorge giving colby a story win in exchange for ppv points
let's go tony
Tate bros...
i'm at a spot in elden ring that soivenia never got to, his toaster isn't optimized enough to come here.
pornographerbros not like this
Cola nocco on best
post rarely-shown heems/semi-heems
>starts warming up for thread
Crazy to think that Charles left that fight mentally broken.
How did they even get rich? Camgirls? I doubt whatever irrelevant organization they fought in paid them much
Yeah I’m a jacked Taiwanese boy whatup
I'm Sorry To Report That Andrew "Cobra" Tate Has "All Of The Sex" With Jordan Petersons Daughter While You Have None And Watch Star Wars Like A Onions Boy
Hey strong Chinese guy!
doing dirty work for the romanian mob
Casinos, onlyfans managers, online courses, probably sketchy shit as well
Ohnonono WarRoombros... our leader has fallen
Yeah for a while I got into him, he put out a good amount of info about what has gotten him money. Yes, basically recruiting & housing webcam hoes and taking a cut of their earnings
>I founded tateposting on /heem/
Feels good
oh wow he banged a jew sounds hard
based non-thinking ymh viewer
>seething over your E daddys whore daughters sex slaver getting arrested
this aint it b
Miesha's pussy has been posted hundreds of times, you didn't found shit
Whoa there bud, you almost stepped into my Zone of Death™. Try to be careful next time, okay?
>when she sucks for too long and wants head too
anyone have the khabib conor knockdown
he legit had worse cardio than a HW even in his prime
he's talking about THE jordan peterson. You're cruisin for a heeming
found it
let's go tony
Nurmagobrenda Schaubmonov
pure cringe
Khabrendan Nurschaubgomedov
>Khabib lands one shot
Started a fun side thread would love for the Heembros to stop by and chat it up
In the modern HW landscape Schaub is the #1 Contender
>Flash knockdown
>Goes for an autistic flying knee
>Conor dodges and lands his own knee
>Dodges panic overhand
Beautiful recovery by Conor.
How awesome would an Nganou KO over Schaub have been? Imagine the way Brenda would crumble to the floor and fight the invisible man as a gorilla hammerfists his face a solid 3 times before the ref comes in *sips* ahhh good thoughts
What are we thinking? Set up?
Faces of heem?
pretty gay
prime schaub would heem ngannou is the widely accepted theory regarding that fight
Yancel status?
Hold on brother this a fag free zone.
And when Schaub takes him down?
Choke yourself to death
Peter Yan was never my friend
Meals of heem?
asian women are ugly as fuck kill yourself loser
thats a thai ladyboy stupid virgin
pretty racist, i happen to think all women are beautiful
That is fruit and fruit is a snack not a meal.
Sex with Amanda "The lioness" Nunes
What do Paki women look like?
Nice try but us Colbychads will be ducking Khamzat
Just check under your desk!
ive gotten more pussy in a day than you have your entire life little insect
3oz of oats, 7oz of fruit, 3oz of sweet potato, 3.5oz greek yogurt. sounds like a meal to me
Am I the only one who thinks pajeetas are cute as hell?