This fuck just sat there on his phone the entire time...

This fuck just sat there on his phone the entire time. Say what you will about any of the other guests at least they watched the movies and attempted a rapport with RLM

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The guy who was with Culkin did exactly the same thing but no one cared then, and he did it far more often with worse interjections

I also found that guy annoying as fuck.

These are the only people who should be on RLM: Jack, Josh, Jay, Jesse, Rich, and Mike. And maybe the Canadians once in awhile if there's a connection (they worked on it, it was filmed in Canada, etc)

How many years is it now?

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We last heard her voice four years ago, on Episode #29
we last saw her watching a video five years ago, Wheel of the Worst #7
we last saw her on the panel five years ago, BOTW Episode #25 (Halloween)
I mourn every day

This episode I dropped 15 minutes in.
I don't know if I want to watch RLM anymore and it's this guys's fault

The Canadians should be on more often. Jim is based

i dropped it as soon as i saw patton oswald’s face. why did they think it was a good idea? do they know the guy, or did they just think getting a celebrity would bring in more views? it seems like being on RLM in any of their formats requires an established rapport before shooting, so having some random guy on doesn’t seem like the best idea.

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Patton had a small role in Space Cop

>Giving two shits about RLM

I like to imagine Patton tried to get on an episode of AVGN. But before James agrees, MFM reminds him about Patton shitting on him over not seeing the Ghostbusters reboot. And James just hangs up on him. So he calls RLM and Mike says "Yeah. Sure. Whatever."

he was one of the orginal celebs that tweeted about the plinkett reviews along with simon pegg

>I like to imagine Patton tried to get on an episode of AVGN.
Patton's an actual celebrity. Why the fuck would he ever want to do that?

She got let go for embezzlement. Probably not someone you want to keep around.

Elaborate on this


Patton is an unfunny fat goblin
also a woman killer
how much you want to bet he sat on twitter the entire time whining about drumpf


>makes an outlandish post with no explanation

Jesse is probably dead

Guests like this only prove that RLM are literally 'nerd crew' for boomers. Obfuscated by layers of irony but still Disney shills nonetheless.

They're probably the Milwaukee pedo branch too.

Most likely she just dumped Mike

The best BOTW lineup here:

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This. They were clearly dating early on. Some of the shorts they made together in film school had both of them in it. And in the early episodes of RLM they were lovydovy. The fact that she just dropped off the face of the earth one day indicates they broke up.

Could they really get sued for shitting on Ratatoing? It looked much more interesting than the other shit they watched

Because the Culk makes up for it.

and or cheated with someone on the show

Say whatever you want but no Mike episodes are the comfiest.

When the actual famous "comedian" is the least funny person in the video. The only thing he did was make cringy film references trying to look smart in front of Jay

No. Patton was too much of a lameass to actually sit through a bad movie that wasnt a "le epic 80s action b movie." Culkin actually watched the entirety of the shitty home alone movie with them

Rumor is she cheated with Rich. Remember the episode where he said that even he had sex once so the people watching had no excuse?

No. I can't honestly say that. Some of my favorite and most comfy have him in it. Rem Lazar episode, many of the wheel episodes.

How rude, he was probably fighting to impeach Trump on twitter.

>leaving Mike for Rich Evans

who can blame her

it really is bad manners.

if im out with me mates and one of them spends too much time on the phone, we pinch his phone, tak a dick pic and send it to his mum/gran/wife/gf/boss etc

simple as

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You niggas know that she was on previously recorded like a year or two ago?

I love how he got visibly angry that the movies were bad. Nigga wtf were you expecting? Citizen Kane?
And he was off his face on xanax
She's still around, just not on camera because cunts on the internet got all creepy about her. You can hear her laughing in the background now and then.

He's a real big shot, what did you expect?