write a scene with these characters.
Write a scene with these characters
sheldon is just an autist, the rest are actually smart.
Doesnt sheldon have some prestigious degrees in some tough science? Also, who are the two animes?
Sneeds Feed and Seed
i only know the loli and its shinonome hakase from nichijou, the other one looks gay
Actually it would probably be more like my drunk junkie friend with an overinflated ego that thinks he’s smarter than 98% of the population calling me while he’s hammered to talk about paradoxes and quantum physics as if he went to college. Times 6.
fucking weebster
Who are those 2 animes
>"Jimmy Neutron?" That sounds like boy genius from a cancelled children's show
>oh aww geez rick you shouldn't be so cynical oh jeez you know people could make cheap meta jokes at your expense you know
>buuuurp it's not like we're characters on a TV cartoon show morty
>laugh track
>bazinga it is my sister deedee here to foil my plans in a carefree manner
>sheldon enters (right to left)
>Dr.Stone and Dexter stop having a mental arm wrestle and look up
>Who are you? (They say in unison)
>I asked first, said Dexter
>But I said PRIMARILY (Dr.Stone grins)
>Grrr says Dexter
>Anime girl Rides in on Jimmy's back (left to right)
>Wow thanks for the lift mr Newtron
>Call me Jimmy, anime girl
>Hey you two, who's that old flesh guy? they ask in unison
>I asked first, said Jimmy
>But I said PRIMARILY (anime girl grins)
That's what we asked! (Dr.Stone and Dexter say in unison)
>I asked first, said Dexter
>But I said PRIMARILY (Dr.Stone grins)
>BAZINGA (Sheldon blows them all away)
>Rick enters (bottom to top)
To be continued....
anime and weeabo webforum
Stop acting like watching anime makes up for your lack of a personality, you cartoon worshipping goblin
stay mad
This is better
Lol get fucked
Yep I'm thinking it's based. I don't watch weebshit so I have absolutely no idea what their catchphrase is.
>no loud house
Replace clown pepe with The Mask
They all annoy the hell out of Dexter while he's building some giant fighting robot. Rick says something snide about the pointlessness of giant robots. Dexter destroys them all for invading his la-bor-a-tory
Rick would just pull out his portal gun and forcibly transport the other 5 to the ass dimension
no, it is not
That's eight
We need Bane
*Bateman walks in and points his finger to the post number* Check it out.
Senku would just leave immediately to do something more productive
>I can't think of anything as cucked as having a daughter
>Why yes, I do have two daughters, how could you tell?
>Well la-di-da Mr. Park Avenue Manicure
>Your daughters will get with niggers
>Activate TYR0N-3 and D4-QU4N
Eh not the greatest but at least you tried unlike most in this thread
Stay mad
>im gay
>me too
>me too
>me too
>me too
>me too
Here it is and it's so freaking epic!
>All 6 are around a table
>Jimmy Neutron from Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius™: sodium chloride not salt haha
>Le anime bloke: I AM A ANIME. GET IT??? LOOOOLLL
>Dexter: Omelette du fromage
>anime girl: haha i am anime and also waifu lol
>Shednod: Bamzooki
End Scene
Jimmy's dad walks in
>hey Jimbo did you know that the holocaust is a lie
Jimmy responds
>what are you talking about dad there's tons of evidence and witness testimonies it can't be fake
Rick burps into the scene
>and I thought you were the boy genius Your fathers right jimmy the holocaust is a lie
Dexter enters
>Hmm I have to say I don't know who's right or wrong but don't know how to prove it happened
Dr Stone chims in
oh but we can with science!
Sheldon comes in
Laugh track begins ear rapes the audience