Make me care about Star Wars right now! Why should I see TRoS opening weekend?

Make me care about Star Wars right now! Why should I see TRoS opening weekend?

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So you can spoil it for those in the janetty time zones, what more reason do you need? 'member telling people Snape killed Dumbledore, a fun time for all

It will probably be a good popcorn muncher. Why not watch it?

Watch a webcam rip and then join Yea Forums discussion threads on this garbage on fire of a movie for memes and shitposting.

If Force Awakens and Last Jedi are any indication, not really.

You shouldn't. Watch A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and the ending of Rogue One, and then pretend nothing else exists.

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The last two weren't even good popcorn munchers though.

You clearly don't wanna watch it then or alternatively and more likely you are just acting edgy. The last two Star Wars movies were pretty entertaining, taking them too seriously would kill the magic though and if you can't switch your brain off to enjoy a cool space fantasy movie then you are too old to be watching kids movies

It’s the final movie in the Skywalker saga for one. Might as well watch the last film. Maybe they’ll surprise us with that they pull off. JJ doesn’t feel like his hands are tied like with TFA (which, yes, is derivative and safe but still decent). Even if you hated TLJ, it’s obvious that they’re trying to at least course correct in some way. They could very well pull it off and give us a satisfying conclusion. Also, don’t listen to speculations and “leaks”. Just watch what’s put out and don’t get your expectations or hopes in a twist.

It will be funny
But wait for the camrip

Wait for the spoilers and then decide if it's worth it. I'll only watch it if Kylo lives.

No one's ever really gone, user.

Cause they are making Finn a Jedi! Aren't you excited? Ooga Booga invested money in TROS so that JJ and Iger make him a Jedi! he went down on his knees pleading Please make me a Jedi, I must be a Jedi, I'm unpopular, my toys don't sell, my movies bomb, I lost money on producing Pacific Rim 2, please please make me a Jedi, I'm gonna give you money to make me as Jedi. So they said, OK, and had him invest money in Jedi Finn toys in partnership with African toy giant Desmond Tutu Toys&Games Inc cause Hasbro flat out refused. The partnership will release toys in Africa under Jedi Tutu brand.

Why would I do that user? Let it go, let the past die. We were all angry with TLJ, then we started laughing at the hilarious incompetence of Disney.
Now I just don't care anymore.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting. given the losses from the streaming service and parks i dont think The Mouse can afford to pay off critics for this next feature length toy advertisement.

They spent two movies shitting on the Skywalker legacy. Now I'm supposed to care how they end it? Why? So their shill media can label me an a toxic fan, incel or manbaby again? Fuck that and fuck you for even suggesting it

We're all going to watch Jumanji 3 instead

popcorn costs like $10 on top of the $15 dollar ticket, i'm not going to go casually watch garbage just for the experience

Wait doesnt everyone already do this. Do people here actually give Disney money?

so JJ Abrams can be delusional in his directing abilities after killing both star wars and star trek as he goes off to for fill his contract with DC

They actually made Luke interesting but the super fans just threw a fit cause it wasn’t the shit they were used to. I swear to God it’s like there are Star Wars fans and then Luke Skywalker fanboys that don’t want him to have any flaws whatsoever. They didn’t shit on the Skywalker legacy. If you watched the end of The Last Jedi you’d see that. I’m a display of power we’d never seen before, he preserved his legendary status and is still revered all through the galaxy by future generations as a figure of goodness and hope. People falter and screw up in their life despite what beliefs and actions came before. It’s nature. Luke was handled just fine. Not to mention Kylo is also part of the Skywalker legacy and he’s the best of the new characters.

God Driver is criminally ugly

Get a load of this asshole. So making Luke "interesting" is totally got pfft "left field" (pun intended) just to subvert expectations? Years of character development thrown out to make him a child-murdering space bum? The same Luke that went to Cloud City on a fools run to help his friends knowing he wasn't ready? The same Luke that wanted to bring the biggest baddest former Jedi back into the light against incredible odds? Let me guess, you're a Rey fan to huh? How about that Leia Mary Poppins moment? You twerps make me sick

Nah you just have shit taste.

Do you honestly think that people stay the same after 30 years? Talk to literally anyone over the age of 50 and talk to them about how their ideals and beliefs changed through life experience. Like felt incredible pressure not to mimic the same problems as the Jedi order before him. Vader was created through the failings of the Jedi order. Luke didn’t want that to happen again because he knew how much suffering the galaxy endured because of it. He wasn’t just going to let his nephew who was already too far gone in the dark side to just commit horrible acts in hope that in the future he’d turn back to the light. Luke didn’t have that option with Vader. But he stopped it before it got worse. Also Luke going to Cloud City was out of complete naivety and ultimately a bad idea. I don’t think Rey is a bad character but she isn’t good either. She’s a basic fantasy protagonist that is just there to be the central story figure (much like Luke in the OT). The Leia Poppins effect was absolutely horrible. Not gonna deny that. I wish the only display of Leia using force abilities like that wasn’t botched.

I'm going to see Cats instead.

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Lol sorry this version of Luke was not interesting. Luke could lose that's fine, but he wouldn't fuck off and be a grumpy old fuck for no reason that matches with his character. So no. You are wrong.

why not just torrent a decent camrip on a private tracker

think I'll just do that rather than waiting for a BR rip so i can shit post about it on Yea Forums

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>Heroes journey
Ever heard of it? You nu wars apologist just tend to throw it out the window.
>Do you honestly think that people stay the same after 30 years?
You have got to be kidding me with this. He had a vision, then decided to murder the lad in his sleep. The lad forms a click and kills everyone at the academy. Now the eternal optimist Luke gives up and becomes a space bum. Yoda couldn't get through to him. Obi-Wan or Anakin couldn't get through to him. Han is made to be an absentee father. And all of this is character development for your lot? Incredible.

Is that a rat shills trap thread?

$25 isn't that much for a 3 hour experience. Tickets are only $10 maximum where I live and you can just take your own snacks if your fatass can't sit down for a while without eating junk

>Do you honestly think that people stay the same after 30 years?
you mean like how Han is still a smuggler and with chewie after 30 years? And how Leia is still leader of the Rebellion and fighting the empire instead of giving up after 30 years?

>Do you honestly think that people stay the same after 30 years? Talk to literally anyone over the age of 50 and talk to them about how their ideals and beliefs changed through life experience.
Star Wars is fantasy, fairy tale and mythology, disney subhuman, it's not about middle age crisis and divorce.

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Why do feminists talk about there periods like they aren’t gross and disgusting?

Then it gets stale and boring. I was so happy when TLJ came out cause it was fresh and new. TFA was so much of the same that I was scared the franchise would get old. Then we get a shakeup that was desperately needed and the fans hate it. They can’t win.

The prequels were different while in keeping with the themes of the original. The Last Jedi was a social commentary about gender and a rejection of Joseph Campbell.

And let's not forget that iron scene. Johnson dislikes Star Wars so much he had to make a postmodern spoof of a traditional space ship landing shot... That simple scene tells everything.

>it’s the final movie in the SKYWALKER saga
>something that literally never existed before the announcement of this movie
Disney should just hang itself

You'll get to see how JJ retcons Rian's retcon

Kylo and Rey get married have twins and name them Luke and Leia