Why the fuck was flash doing naruto poses in justice league?

why the fuck was flash doing naruto poses in justice league?

Attached: flash.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

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homosexual flamboyancy

>millions of innocents are dying at this moment while Superman uses his super speed for an irrelevant race
Wow, just wow

He was finna hit boyscout with the light speed DAB.

Because he’s gay

>we were almost given the greatest superhero trilogy of all-time - deconstructing while also building it up as something larger and better than it's ever been
>all it took was one man and his ginger pubes to fuck the entire dream

Attached: whedon trachtenberg.jpg (450x349, 34K)

why would supes even want to race flash?
they both know from the outset flash is obviously faster, and further more what benefit would it have to find out that superman was faster?
"Oh good I'm the strongest and the fastest..."
Unless supes ever got into a fight with Flash, being faster would legitimately be irrelevant.
Supes isn't going to tell flash "no, no you can't run down and save that person in the nick of time. I'm faster so I should be the one to do it"
And it's not like he spends time competing with the other Justice League members, he's never tries to out-detective Bruce or out-tit Wonder Woman.

I feel like these retarded races are just to try and reassure audiences that Flash isn't just a jobber, which he absolutely is.

Because he loves anime

Attached: flash-flashpoint-movie-release-date.jpg (1440x960, 235K)

Also K-pop: youtube.com/watch?v=ZBgip0iZd3g

Cuz he's 1000 times more based than any marsoy character

Flash is autistic. The rest of the team needs to make him feel welcome or else he'll spaz out.

Why are you bringing up marvel?

no thickness increase?

superman has never worked like that, he's got a side job and personal life

What did you mean by this

miller is genuinely mentally ill and doesn't know how to run, I wouldn't be surprised if he's never physically exerted himself in his life

Attached: 1565545247700.jpg (1440x960, 421K)

Man that's some attention to detail user

>miller is genuinely mentally ill and doesn't know how to run

Snyder made zero good movies.

it's the only legible thing in the shot so it just stood out to me

>help superman i am dying in a fire
>”sorry but i’m on a wank break”

Shouldn't Superman be running instead of flying?

is that really the Nazi punching scene from rick and morty?

he doesn't even leave Metropolis unless it's a major disaster

every once in awhile, Superman forgets that Flash lets him keep up

Attached: flash vs superman.jpg (640x1000, 369K)

yeah, and then most times Flash gets fucking punched by some ape man and gets conveniently knocked out.

How about now?

Attached: JL-03976cc (2).jpg (5000x3334, 3.83M)


shit you can even read the monitors in the background

Attached: sr.png (1918x1078, 2.42M)

Flash fags cling on to this page because it's one of the few times where Flash has been that fast. The rest of the time they're port

Attached: main-qimg-8c211f9ed0fcc39949c43a50819f8e43.jpg (602x912, 289K)

If Superman was as fast as Flash, wouldn't that make Flash completely redundant? Like Superman could do everything he could do, AND more
(like Shazam but separate problem)

how do DCEU fags cope with the fact that their Flash is a huge fag?

Attached: images (2).jpg (197x256, 8K)

DCEU fags do not exist.
DC fans hate it and just watch animated shit.
Movie goers gave up at BvS.
Literally no one defends it anymore.

It's a JoJo pose you fucking poser

DC fans aren't 17 year old losers who judge movie characters for something going on in an actor's personal lives.