Past a certain age, a male virgin can be a bad thing

>past a certain age, a male virgin can be a bad thing.

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and that age is 20.
suicide is the only escape from the shame.

black people are actually ok

Sex is a beautiful thing between a married man and woman and should not exist outside of that.

guys please... i used to come here for the memes and laugh a bit... but it aint so anymore. i dont know who it is that keeps posting this type of stuff. i dont want to be a virgin or an incel, i dont need to be reminded of it everyday...

>i dont want to be a virgin or an incel, i dont need to be reminded of it everyday...
then the solution is very simple: have seex

tfw lost it at 17


Please stop guys

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I lost it at 18, I guess if you don't by 19 the odds of you ever doing it drop off drastically.


>i dont want to be an involuntary celibate
yeah no fucking shit

who asked

>past a certain age, a male virgin forgets the hurt and/or his old shriveled balls and starts to enjoy life regardless.

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>tfw 28yo kissless touchless virgin

whats the point of these threads? what the fuck do you want from me OP?

Get in shape and buy hookers my lad

Wait, you guys have had sex before, right?

Who have I been posting with all these years?

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>lose virginity at 24
>was a complete mess, only half hard, didn't move, she did all the work
Needless to say she dumped me. I then got some more pratice, and my last ex thought I was some sort of sex god. It's never too late bros

>tfw 28
>tfw could absolutely get into a relationship with a decent woman if I wanted to
>tfw instead i'm intent on dying alone with no friends / gf

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Should've just fucked an escort beforehand

Why? Having friends and well-wishers is the only truly valuable currency in life.

>want to lose virginity
>realize this means I will 99% get herpes from it

This is my plan when I have the money, going to just 2 pump some whore in Vegas or Amsterdam.

Haha it's 27 right? I thought I remember him saying that in the show, I still have a year to do it.

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Is 32 past that certain age?

No. Not into that shit. I could have been a slayer when I was in my teens but I was too much of a sperg. I need to get back in shape
>tfw in my 30's but not balding
Thank god I'm still in the game


Past a certain soil PH a lawn without regular mowing can be a bad thing

I can hold down a job and look decently well adjusted but I'm also fucked in the head for reasons. I burned bridges by ghosting the two friends I made back in university.
I'm invited to go out a lot by young people my age where I work with, among those a non-insignificant portion of cute girls, but I just always say no.

I just fucking hate real life, always been the case. Being outside or with people makes me question the concept of alterity, the meaning of life, and generally enables my mind to fuck with me.

I'm not trying to sound smart, but my brain is some sort of stupid obsessed machine running on its own when I'm not playing games, shitposting or jerking off.

Also I'm afraid of loss and would rather never make connection again rather than be betrayed or lose people.


That's normal. Next patient.

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20 is already too late. 18 is the cutoff. If you can't lose your virginity when you're both legal age and still young enough to fuck 15-17 year olds you're not going to lose it unless it's with a pro.

I hope that age is 60.

I feel you. You’ve got to learn to let go sometimes. You can’t cheat yourself of fond memories for fear of leaving your shelter. You don’t remember the great shitposts, but you’ll remember stories made with others.

Put yourself out there a little more. I was in a similar place and made close friends in my late 20s with a few coworkers. Now I have the first legit friends I’ve made since college. At times I lapse back into shut in behavior, which is fine. But I at least make the effort and have fun more than I used to. And that makes me feel happy and less alone

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

Imo anyone who hasn't had sex after 20 is a fucking loser, male or female

I got my first kiss at 27

I lost my kiss virginity at 16, but never had sex. Considering an escort if things won't work out with the current girl I'm talking to.

>tfw havent had sex in 3 years
>tfw spent 4 hours with a girl yesterday going to lunch and a museum all on her suggestion only for her to tell me she has a bf
its ok. bout to reload the whole online dating thing. Had two relationships from okcupid, gonna try bumble. Anyone have exp with bumble?

Are you a misogynist like many on Yea Forums?

Women can sense that

Bumble is pretty good.

Most of my matches never said anything so it get deleted at 24 hours.

same brother

ah ok. so they have to message you within 24 hours or the match is lost?

>all on her suggestion only for her to tell me she has a bf
lol she got those betabux out of you like a pro

Yea, unless spend money on coins to extend the match. You get one free extend a day though.

she actually paid for everything so its not too much of a loss besides my time.

To get (You)s.

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same. it's hard when you're 5'2 and look like a goblin. impossible mode, honestly.

thats not too bad. Just gotta hope they move fast I guess.

Ok, let’s settke this shit once and for all.
Everyone, get in here

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What was Bundy thinking

>Past a certain age, a middle-aged white man getting angry because of another man mowing his lawn can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?

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Where is Sam Hyde?


Don’t feel too bad, I’m 6’3, been called handsome many times, 8” dick and I’m still a 28 virgin who shys away from women. I’m just fucked in the head for some reason.

reminder that women showing interest online are likely playing with you for some ulterior motive

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>tfw mine is exactly like Dylann's

Yea, around the age of 12, I'd say.

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>pretending to be a virgin online
I don't get this meme

I’m starting to think anti-natalists are right but for the wrong reasons

pervert creep

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if you lurk that site for a while it's a real eye opener, don't do it if you're depressed though because it may just make you want to blow your brains out

single mother?

>because it may just make you want to blow your brains out

lol i made this mistake once, i will never set foot on that chan again

Predict titles for romcoms in 50 years time, me first:
>13 year old virgin

No, did have a weird relationship with her. Total mommas boy, but she didn’t baby me, tried to push me to be more extroverted. She would be very open about sex even when I was young as fuck. Bought me the Playboy video (like a sims rip off where you play as Hugh Hefner) when I was 13. Took me to Titanic when I was like 8 or 9 and when I looked away from the nudity scene she said it was ok to look and appreciate female beauty. She got really sick of cancer in my teens and died when I was 17. She was a total ball buster to my father though.

What chan is this?

>there are men on this board that have never had a woman run up to them and jump into their arms and hug them
>there are men on this board that have never felt the soft touch of a woman's hand together with theirs
>there are men on this board who have never kissed a woman
>there are men on this board who have never felt the feeling of cumming inside a woman without a condom on
Imagine thinking yourself a man when you've never experienced these things.

Lol there was a thread of them once on Yea Forums. Really made me contemplate what kind of thoughts and ideals people can have across the world

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is it anxiety? Are you just afraid of being vulnerable or something?

leave you fucking normalfag this is not facebook you fucking faggot

crystal cafe

>4channel is my secret virgin hangout

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I REALLY doubt this is a woman, but if it is that's one of the most based things I've ever seen.

imagine thinking any women except the one who sired you can make you into a man


imagine misrepresenting someones argument just to cope with your virginity

what did you mean by this?

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I skeeted in this girl that is on the patch a couple days ago. I had a severe panic attack and coughed up my bagel and cream cheese when I articulated that I might have knocked her up.

Casual sex is so fucking lame I hate that normies like it so much

I'm 33 and it's hopeless

reporting because of the faggot humblebragging 6'2 chad ITT that thinks he knows what a feel is

Why do you have to be in shape to buy hookers

Just be in shape regardless hookers have nothing to do with it


I wish women would just get the IUD like grownups. If I could jam an IUD up my ass and not have to worry about getting girls pregnant I would get my needlenose out of my fishing stuff and go to town

what age did you realize that it was over

Because they´re fucking terrified of ya.

And they should be.

why do manlets have to ruin everything?

Yeah, I think anxiety is big part. Not sure about fear of rejection. I’ve had a few woman throw themselves at me and I just spill my spaghetti. I had a hot chick aggressively rub her leg against mine at a bar one night, and I couldn’t even look her in the eyes and she left me alone after 5 mins of trying. Another chick on tinder straight up asked me if I wanted to hook up and my heart started racing and I unmatched her.


why do idiot jocks who have everything going for them in life feel the need to humblebrag on a site made specifically for anime-loving outcasts?

i lost my virginity at 21

100% a dude pretending to be a girl

stop fapping 5 times a day bro

Consider benzos. It's not a long-term solution, but at least you could have sex.

I tried that. I get super horny and literally pre cum in my underwear all day.

it's not a humblebrag just because you're insecure. I'm 6'3'' but probably worse off than you are.

fuck off and go see a shrink or something you cunt, clearly you have no real problems if those things happened to you

>I'm 6'3'' but probably worse off than you are.
isn't there somewhere better for you to jerk yourself off?

What about woman? asking for myself

I have pectus excavatum so at least I have a physical reason for my virginity, but providing you don't look like the hunchback of notre dame you are actually more than able to find a partner user.

I would if I had the money. But instead I drink cheap alcohol and blog at you fa/tv/irgins

chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman

Trannis still qualify as man, I'm asking about woman idiot

what, don't you mean "I'm 6'3 and drink cheap alcohol" lmao

you dumb, retarded faggot. shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's true, though.

Not at all. Probably 22 or 24 for real, when you finish college.

well then your post is pretty contradictory

imagine how many walls are getting punched at this guy's parents house

In your autistic perception

Have sex.

Tfw managed to get my first kiss at 22
Guess theres some hope left

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Grats bro, we will make it eventually.

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you are a fucking chad

>smart but lazy
i hope you realize you are not as capable as you think you are

imagine losing your virginity past 20 to some roastie who has a body count of 30+

absolutely, I turned 20 and even my parents are starting to give me shit, my dad calls me "cherry boy" my little brother lost it at 15 I think

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I don't know why they would, if anything it shows their terrible parenting if their son can't get a gf its because they didn't raise you right or try to set you up with someone

>my dad calls me "cherry boy"

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based dad

it's my fault entirely, my brother turned out a decent human bean

>older than 11
>still a virgin

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It’s not ideal for sure, but it’s the reality of the world we live in. Shit, I did no fap for 2 months and got so horny I thought about fucking a gay guy who said he would dress like a girl and let me fuck his ass to practice. I’d gladly fuck a roasty at this point.

>tfw parents still think im a virgin because Ive never brought a girl home but Ive had two six month relationships.
really just want to avoid that whole conversation until I have my own place, but it makes serious relationships impossible for the time being.

avoid what conversation?
>hey mom, hey dad, i'm seeing a girl.
it's not like they can force answers out of you, just take charge of whatever conversation might follow and do it at your own pace.

don't listen to him. buying hookers is absolutely last thing you wanna do. its like doing drugs to cover obvious mental and emotional issues. they're good for the short term but bad for the long term.
if i killed myself at 20 i'd never had sex at 22. dont give up lads. take chances and stay strong.

is it worth trying to have sex if you're obese or should you become in shape first?

its their fundamental christian values that make me feel like I have to hide almost every aspect of my life. your words are encouraging though, guess its not as bad as it is in my head.

As a 33 years old wizard, I feel you bros, since my 25 year birthday, I pay escorts every month, always one different, and 80% from Europe...I never have sex, not a single time, I feel horny, but I feel disgusted by women everytime, they act like snakes everytime...

Keep you money and magic

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>had a chance with a somehwat attractive girl in college
>didn't go for it because i got super nervous and self-conscious
i hate my life. i have now graduated college and have just as much experience with girls as before.

I'd probably do the same if I managed to get a relationship, normally whenever I mention I'm going to do something or whatever the plan gets cancelled and I feel I jinx it so I never really talk about myself, if I said I had a gf she'd probably dump me the next day for no reason

fuck you i'm 25

>guess its not as bad as it is in my head
it never is user

>I pay escorts every month, always one different, and 80% from Europe...I never have sex


How are the wizard powers user? cast any spells on normies?

I want you to suffer for your sins

Idc if they bad for your long term mental health, I’m going to stick my dick in a pussy before I fucking die, and I have to pay for it then so be it. I’m too much of a pussy to rape a girl and can’t talk to them, so hookers seem like my only bet.

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>says the fornicator

Holy fuck get over yourself you pretentious fag

Don't do it, I did and while it was cash money at the time I wish I didnt do it now, so take it from me, also don't rape anyone either

>sex bad

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based retard


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not the same user but why hookers are bad for men on a long term?

That post from Yea Forums retard. Crystal cafe doesn't look like that

Yep, I only talk with them...sometimes they dance or talk, nothing more
You look younger, people believe I am 23 or 25 years old, you can keep more money, and get promote quickly, If you married, you brain will be fucked, or even have a girlfriend is like be a slave

That's a man baby!

Guess you probably shouldn't have cut your dick off then.

but surely it's worth it just to gain the confidence that you've lost your virginity/had sex? right? that's the only reason i would do it, plus i get to have sex with an attractive tall girl who wouldn't have sex with me otherwise, as i am short and ugly

it's like crack except you fuck it, it's nothing like a real relationship and your social skills don't develop like they would if you were doing one-night stands

That's one fucked up dad then. If he thinks shaming you into it is going to work or be a good thing then he's fucking retarded.

>and that age is 20.
18 actually.


its a shit solution when normies get to fucking enjoy sex without paying for shit. sex is also better when both parties are actually into it. paying someone to compliment and fuck you feels like shit afterwards.

22 and i think ive said a total of one sentence to one girl

I’m going to do it. I tied online dating and failed miserably (pic related). I need to fuck a woman. This seems like my only path.

And obviously I won’t rape a girl, I feel bad when My sister makes me kill a cockroach in our house, doubt I have the heart for rape.

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What said, also you still feel in limbo and when other people talk about sex you still feel excluded from it all as they had normal sex rather than paying for it and if they ask who you did it with you cant say

maybe in 1990. men today have regressed so much that most men in their 20s still live with their parents, playing video games and working retail jobs out of college.

>a real relationship
>if you were doing one-night stands
as if either of those things are even remotely a fucking option lmao

Never having sex also feel like shit. I’ve contemplated suicide a lot, I’m sure post hooker sex shame pales in comparison.

Looks like that lady could rape you

you may get addicted and lose all your money. it is addicting i tried it. its better to try to improve yourself instead of taking the easy way out.

>Yep, I only talk with them...sometimes they dance or talk, nothing more

did they ever told you why you were so weird or something like that? i mean do they express revulsion towards you? i´m just asking this because i want to know how women think about freaks like me and you

Why is real relationship a problem?

Is you are a virgin by the age of 10 still then you really really need to reevaluate your life choices.
>virgin at 12 plus
The only exit is a gun.

Right if I can't dissuade you then I'll give you one final bit of advice, make sure the escort you see is legit, has english as a first language (assuming thats your first language) so you can actually have a conversation with her too, you'll feel better treating it like a date with sex rather than just fucking some silent girl who shows you the door as soon as you nut, good luck

If only, I’d be her snu snu victim anyday.

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Hooker had a dick or something?

You are in a truman show situation, all the people you have ever met are on it, we all know you are a virgin but you are so boring that we are hoping that by telling you it might spice things up or else you will be terminated.


>six years old
>haven't even been molested by a weird uncle
Wow. How do you even have self esteem?

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Ask me anything, I don't have much experience dating guys but will help in the terms of female point of view

>past a certain point a meme from true detective can be a bad thing

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how far down the rabbit hole are you user?

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go dilate tranny

Idk, I’m a turbo autist and have hard time connecting with people. I feel I’d prefer the hooker treats it purely as a business deal and not try to pretend to be a date or try to talk to me, I think it would feel to vapid.

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She will do most of the work socially and you'll click, if you do this you'll always remember this moment, do you want to look back and remember at least you had a nice convo with her after the act or just walked out in silence

I'd kind of like to have sex, but that's assuming I met someone who I liked, who's company I didn't find stressful, overwhelming, or boring. And that's a big if. 28 and counting.

i just want a girl to cuddle me in bed so i can grind my dick against her soft butt. i want to feel her hair. i want to taste her moist lips. i want to slam my cock inside her.

no wonder you're a virgin

I just want a mommy gf more than anything

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I'm 26 years old and still a virgin.
Im also not that bad looking and I'm 6'4 and not fat
I also dont hate women I just think that sex is too much trouble for what you get.

Set your mind to a greater purpose and your desires will eventually come true.

I could be wrong satan, but I don’t think I would care. I’m a 28 year old virgin who has resolved to get a hooker. Don’t really have much confidence to lose if the hooker isn’t as nice to me as a girlfriend would be and gives me a silent treatment. I appreciate you genuine concern for my mental health user, you seem like a nice guy.


Thanks, and good luck to you user

Why are you all so fixated on trannies?

hooker is the way to go. fuck all the people saying you'd regret it. i already have tons of regrets. i haven't had any romantic experience at 24, it's not going to magically happen unless i get some experience through an escort and know whether it's something i want in real life to work towards or not.

What about getting sugar baby?

Sex is so overrated, right guys?

Who wants that?
It's so boring and monotonous haha.

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it's same for a girls too, I turned 24 recently and completely understand all your point

lol how exactly are you going to swing that as anything but a millionaire? besides that basically exactly the same as hiring a hooker just way more expensive

Just get a girlfriend and you will do all of that.

If you will be successful and have money they will appear on their own

>Just get a girlfriend
damn why didn't I think of this before.

maybe I'll just become an astronaut too.

Such is life my friend. Having intimate relationships with people is messy and takes work. Your mother and father, your grandmother and grandfather, your great grandmother and grandfather, and so on did it, so why can't you?

I’m open to that. I’m about to start a career where I could easily bring in 80 to 100k a year. I’d throw some of that at some young girl who lets me use her body.

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Do you even want it? or are you asexual?

I see beginning of romance?

a relationship based solely on money is doomed for failure. it's guaranteed that she will cheat as soon as she can get away with it. If all you have is a lot of money you're way better off getting hookers

Not really, there are some lazy sluts out there who would gladly whore themselves out for a place to stay and a couple hundred bucks spending money. Seems feasible.

What about finding virgin girl as you so you can evolve together?

Fuck off tranny

It's not hard getting a girlfriend, friend.
Get in shape, train in the gym for a year (and learn to enjoy it, make it your hobby) and that will increase your attraction to women without you having to do anything else. You will have an edge over most guys.

>did they ever told you why you were so weird or something like that?
Only one girl from Swiss, she is absolute QT, blue eyes, skin like milk, and funny...You nevel believe she is a scort fucking tacos, but she is...All women are whores user.
She said is weid that we never fuck, she tell me something like "Maybe you can´t separate body and mind, so you can´t enjoy fuck, knowing who women mind are", but she is a professional, always talk like she is my girlfriend and never say something bad.

because it's illegal for a 24 year old man to chase 15 year old girls

might as well just win the lottery

Trannies are not really women

>year of our lord 2019
>Finding a virgin woman who not ugly as fuck or totally mentally insane

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>virgin girl
>in 2019
do you seriously think that's going to happen?

You still have to make the first move. A feat I seem incapable of doing for whatever mental short comings.

I already did that. It didn't help. Any more tired ass lies to spread?

It's sucks but money and power in man attracts woman more than man's looks. Girl may like you as a person and your looks but don't give you chance because you don't seem like a "provider" who can keep her safe, it's like a basic instinct

None of that matters when you're socially stunted, women pick up on that shit quickly

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oh yeah, i jerk off

well i can but I guess im too romantic and just looking for a good girl to settle down with.
im not interested in fucking around to find myself
I also need to finish my uni and make decent money.

It's a tism problem. Not much can be done about it. I just don't have a connection with the vast majority of people. I could probably force it and just go and have sex with the first hole available, but I don't see what good that would do.

If you only have money though they will never actually love you, just use you for that cash

>just imitate your parents.
Probably not the best advice for everyone. Just saying.

Post your training history. I very much doubt you.
Dude, there's plenty of socially awkward women and women who will appreciate that.

>he thinks all marriages are intimate and weren't done out of neccessity

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lmao same as always, like clockwork
>just hit the gym bro
>ok now what
>you're just a liar you fag

so tiresome

I'm one, and guys do find me attractive, I just don't think about having a relationship yet, and don't plan to do it out of one. I'm sure there are plenty around you they just don't walk with a sign on their head

I’ve dated 8 women now, I’ve told 6 I was a virgin. And every time they would get obviously disinterested and treat me like a kid/retard so I doubt the validity of your statement.

sounds like I’m about to hit the wall then

Not everyone likes gym rats who can only talk about calories and right way of working out.

>guys do find me attractive
pics or it didn't happen

I do too but I don't want anyone in particular, thats why I think maybe I'm asexual

Sure there may be some, but the vast majority will not tolerate social autism, most women don't care about looks as much as men do but they aren't going to want to show a socially awkward guy as their bf to their social circle as they want to have good status

>tfw had sex a few times in life but so fucked in head all I can do is exchange pleasantries and small talk now and wait for death

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Your probably fucked mentally like I am. Everyone I tell I’m a virgin doesn’t believe me because I look like a Chad. It’s not just about looks.

tits or gtfo

Exactly, whats the point of being vulnerable with someone I don't plan to be with

You can have a good personality, even if you don't like your looks, girl may still see you attractive.

yeah because having a woman be attracted to you is hard. Even as a total autist, as long as you can fake it, you can make it. That's how your mouthbreather dad got to piss inside your mother's asshole four months, allowing you to be born 4 months later with webbed fingers.

yeah but how do you develop a good personality? Some people are just unbearable to be around

No girl in right mind will post their photo here, so no thanks

I'd fuck you. I'd fuck you hard.

translation: im a larping faggot

>doesn't want to be a whore

what kind of good personality can you really expect someone who has been rejected their entire life to have? they're certainly not going to be an assertive chad type and probably have tons of mental issues, see: this thread

Have sex

Not user your talking too, but holy shit my guy, I’ve never seen such a seething Yea Forums post in my life. This is coming from a hopeless suicidal virgin.

have sex.

>sex in 3 years
I went ten and was so disappointed with it I've stopped entirely.

thanks I tried.

And no, I won't have sex. But I could if I wanted to, because women have shit taste.

In my case I don't see point of being intimate with someone I don't want a relationship with, right now I have different priorities. What's different in your case?

Plenty of people go to the gym for years and make no progress and get no results. Tell me what your training was like.

If in clothes then ok

cmon man you get them at the expense of making fun of me. its not fun to be adult male virgin.

I don't pretend it, I live that life.
I'm 28 never even seen a naked tit IRL

why? I'm harmless.

thats not possible

why? what have I done?
aren't the sex havers the sinners? or what religion do you follow?

if things continue the way they are I will terminate myself lmao.

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Weird. When I was a virgin and told girls they respected it and were interested in being my first. Are you American?

yes with timestamp

You can train with weights, enjoy it, and build muscle and get stroonger without having to talk about it or press it onto others. I think you've built up a strawman in your mind. But I generally understand where you are coming from, there is a sort of culture associated with it, which can be quite cringe and annoying.

He's probably american desu. In my country there's a lot of subpar dudes getting nice gfs because women actually value personality.

Just try to be a person you would not be annoyed with

not him but in britain you would be mocked if you told a girl you were a virgin in your 20s

>telling girls you are a virgin
I never had to say it out loud but they all somehow still knew I was.
and no I don't look like some typical neckbeard, no different from any other average joe out there but woman still know I'm a virgin, its like they can smell it.

Daily reminder that you dont actually NEED to workout to get a gf

I'd love to get married but I have high standards in a woman's looks despite the fact that I'm worth not very much

Suppose I'm content to be alone but my dad wishes he had grandkids

Personality they enjoy in a first place, you shouldn't change yourself just to be liked by someone, the most important person in you life is you, be someone you like and you authenticity will be attractive to outside world

I was a virgin until 20 in the UK (out of choice) and I had girls in my bed from 18 onward wanting to get fucked, but I didn't do it.

Every gym rat guy I know brings it to any conversation and it's fucking annoying

>but I didn't do it.
based celibate chad

This is a man but its still true. If you are a beta you are being used. If she's strung you along, you are a backup plan if guys 1-50 on the list before you dont pan out, and only then you are a temporary solution.

"Gym rats" are guys that take steroids or do stupid training routines to try and look bigger. Join a powerlifting or olympic weightlifting club.

When I find a woman attractive I get very shy and nervous and sweaty and get to scared to talk and open up so they think I’m not interested. Rinse repeat

Yes I’m American. And yeah they all treated me weird afterwards, like I was damaged ( can’t blame them to much I guess) the only one who was ok with it was my first kiss, let me finger her and suck on her nips. But she would always be patronizing to me and always say shit like “your not losing your virginity tonight” the 3 nights I shared a bed with her. And then we had a terrible date that I didn’t have money for so she paid and seemed pissy about having to pay. Yelled at me like she was my mom, called me a bully when I told her about this guy I go to school with and fuck with because he a raging dumbass. So I got super nervous about seeing her again so I told her I wanted to be alone.

Jeez, Re reading this, I’m a fucking nut case.

they wouldn't like such a person in the first place, that's my point. the incels are hateful and bitter for a reason, it's because they've been shit on their entire life, they didn't come out of the womb as hateful cunts. someone who has been treated that way will more than likely have a negative personality even if they don't go as far as actual incels with it

reminds me of that saint who lay in bed with prostitutes to toughen up

Yeah, how is that? A girl who used to get me stoned all the time when we were in high school said she knew I was a virgin and I asked how. She said she could tell by my walk.

Yeah body language is something people pick up on, it's why a few years ago I practised proper posture and how to walk a lot etc and still make an effort to always maintain that these days to appear normal

how do you walk?

Not a new one sorry

Attached: Снимок экрана 2019-08-12 в 0.16.50.png (211x100, 36K)

based retard

Yeah bro, sounds like you have been around some pretty bad people.

A 17 year old Puerto Rican girl pegged me as a virgin on Tinder within the first 6 messages. She said it was because I was the only guy who didn’t just come out and ask to hook up.

what does it mean when a woman compliments how "clean" you are?
If it helps some late 20s milf said it to me.
I didn't get it
like what did she mean by this? clean like what Mr Clean? I look nothing like that guy
I'm not a slob so it wasn't sarcastic.

t. late 20s virgin

Attached: hu7HTUH7_400x400.jpg (400x400, 20K)

>tfw still a virgin
>tfw not radicalized by /pol/
>tfw not a supremacist
>tfw don't want to buy a gun and shoot people

Attached: last ned.jpg (222x227, 10K)

One guy is a engineer whose "hobby" is gym, he can be really annoying about it

with a limp

you are still on a watchlist. there is always something fucked with male virgins.

God damn there's this cute Chinese girl in my class and I want to eat her pussy

дa пpoвaливaй yжe

Just improve yourself, friend
Being bitter and whining all the time won't help