Was Space Jam responsible for the furry epidemic? Was it even a good movie?

Was Space Jam responsible for the furry epidemic? Was it even a good movie?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Was Rugrats responsible for the diaper epidemic? Was it even a good show?

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It's widly agreed that Disney's Robin Hood was probably the original source, and probably at least laud down the groundwork, but all the anthro animals and shit in the 80's and 90's is what really sparked it, with the Sonic fandom finally being the final thing that let it snowball so bad.

Furries go back to the 80s

no those weirdos been around way longer

MLP existed in the early 90's, so it's been around forever.

Furries go back hundreds of years

Lola Bunny ruined an entire generation of men

No, but it made a new generation of them.

Every couple of years some new property come along to bring new blood into the furry community. Zootopia being the latest.

what are some early examples?

japan had furry shit for decades before the west and they are far less fucked. white people are just disgusting

If only I had one cent for every Neytiri is... thread.
Not to mention the whole Yea Forums board and their spawns (no, we're not all weeaboo).

Yes, instead they want to fuck little girls.


I kind of seriously doubt that, at least not as a thing unto its own. There was a lot of anthro animal cartoon content made in the 90s, you can't single out Sonic as more influential than stuff like the Lion King.

Ant to answer the OP question: there is no one singular piece of content responsible for creating all furries. Rather, there are different pieces of content every so often that spawn a new generation - from Robin Hood to Zootopia and everything in-between.

Who doesn't?

not just space jam, but warner bros. entirety. tiny toons had fifi, animaniacs had minerva, and lola.

since the dawn of time man has drawn animals they would like to fuck. you see it in cave paintings.

the real question is, which ones are low key kino. for me its bolt.

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i was onto the bunbuns before Lola m8

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Anthro bolt tho

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You need to go back a lot farther?

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Has anybody ever noticed a weird correlation between either active or ex members of the military being furrys ?
I've seen so many furry bio's mentioning the fact they were in the army at some point.

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My theory is that it's because they give no fucks, they tell their family and friends that they wanna fuck animal-people. Why should they care if they got shot?

Furries grew out of the sexually charged funny animals community that was fostered by the underground comics scene from the late 50s onward

There's only one rabbit I want to fuck.

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Lola is for fags who don't want to admit Bugs is the shit so they go with the rule 63 version

For me, it was Coco.

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Beep beep, best kino husbando coming through

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Zootopia was mediocre and not Oscar worthy.
But I’m glad the characters make you happy user

Lola wishes she could pull that off

Why is she so perfect?

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I'm more of a mouse person.

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for me its Bambi

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No, TMNT was

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Oh yeah no the storyline was uninspired and the twist villain was unfulfilling - I really think Gideon should've had a more prominent role given he gives Judy the revelation that black peo- I mean predators don't conform to stereotypes

Ronno is superior.

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The Great Chad Detective brings out the best in everything

>Zootopia was mediocre and not Oscar worthy

Get a load of this guy.

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Are wings bad?


>Was Space Jam responsible for the furry epidemic?
No, Rescue Rangers was. But Lola definitely kept the fire burning.

>Was it even a good movie?
It was a fucking awesome movie.

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Oh Tinkerbell, you silly fairy. You got nothing to worry about.

>tit bounce

I would imagine the Chipettes started it for some

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They don't count. Just like the Goofs, they are just regular people with weird noses.

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The scene where she was worried about Bugs' well being after he gets squashed by that fat Monstar's ass managed to actually make me feel something sort of like intense attraction for Lola when I was a kid.

The only other time I can clearly recollect having an emotional response like that was during the scene in An American Tail where that rat chick starts giggling romantically at Fievel's friend.

I gotta say, the power animation has to move children is pretty amazing.

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Space Jam was fucking based

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Why did Bugs Bunny go stiff like a board like that mommy? Cartoons are silly!

>they didn't need Michael's Secret Stuff
>but they used it anyway

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Were not the thundercats the responsable of the furry shit?

I want one of those puppy cat things.

What about Buster?

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Theres something about baggy overalls that drives me fucking crazy.

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Not even a furry and this is giving me a hard-on

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>all these webm dumps
At least discuss the show your awful taste in furbait is in, you plebs

I remember being somewhat crazy about coco as a young boy. Never became a furry, but I can tolerate anthro Coco porn.

>Not even a furry
I have some bad news for you.

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This movie was perfect in every conceivable way

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That striptease in the movie was surprisingly risque for a kids movie. The old Disney did odd decisions at times.

Kids weren't as coddled.

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>Was Space Jam responsible for the furry epidemic?
No. The correct answer is Disney's Robin Hood.
>Was it even a good movie?

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Those degenerate animators really went into overdrive with the Chipmunks movie.

10s of thousands of years, you mean

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>and they are far less fucked

Yeah, that's why they have so much media talking about incest.

I watched more Digimon as a kid.

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you may be sporting quads but half of what you posted is false

Furries can be traced at least back to Bakshi who really picked it up from Crumb.

I want Wepwawet and Anubis to double team me

What are the odds of him having an expanded role in the sequel?

That is because of Star Wars and Back to the Future.

Someone post the webm of Babs kissing him at the end of an episode.

zoophilia, bestiality is as old as man itself

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It opens with Gideon and Nick having a gay romp for a single 10 minute shot

Perfect blowjob height

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I want to fuck that mink

She's not bad.

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If that were the case then how come most furries larp as wolves and foxes?

That dog is hilarious.

I'm unironically expecting him to open up a bakery in the city and then hilarity ensues, maybe it could be the ZPD's go-to place for donuts.

Fuck Renamon, I wanted to pound LadyDevimon
...still do

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For me it was Jenna from Balto.

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bland roasty dog doesn't even pull a sled
gimme balto's mom

Buster is just as good and just as much of a fag

I prefer them a little older...

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To keep things Yea Forums related rather than Yea Forums or /trash related - what do you furfriends think of Cats (2019? Does it catch your interest?

user, good taste.

Hello Nurse? My dick is as hard as a diamond. Is that normal?

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I'm kind of creeped out by that film. More unsettling then the lion king

Dragonheart caused my awakening

Titty bear

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Kind of freaky but a Swift cat is fine too.

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We've always been a weird species.

>sigma x

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Wtf, you are right.

Wish it would've been the other version they had planned

He's high quality.

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I would put money on them being other than honorable discharges

Sauce nao

for me it was the lion king

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Sigma X, Donkey Kong just said it are you blind?

Very mommy-tier character designs in Digimon.

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>cunny threads get deleted
>feet threads get deleted
>furfaggotry stays


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We're talking about movies user.
This is more on-topic than the /pol/spam that makes up half the threads here

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>muh pol
eat shit

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No, R. Crumb was

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(On the left, of course)

FluffKevlar is a national treasure.

I legitimately don't know why people think it's some recent 30-year old phenomenon for humans to be sex-crazed fucking fanatics. The entire story of Pasiphae is about a woman who longs for giant dick so much, she gets inside a fake bull to get fucked by a male and then gives birth to the first Minotaur. There used to be some plant that was a natural birth control in the BC era, but humans drove it to extinction because we couldn't stop having sex.

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Funny. I dont remember the shirt ripping apart

The first fursuiter ever.

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She wasn't that bland.

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the Sonic the Hedgehog movie is gonna have a scene where Sonic struggles to take off his shoes and socks because his feet are sweaty - har har played for laughs

Thousands and thousands of furries are gonna jack off to it


Is she really that size in space jam? Assuming average male height


different generations of furries:
Disney The Sword in the Stone in the '60s
Disney Robin Hood in the '70s
Rescue Ranger's Gadget and The Great Mouse Detective in the '80s
Lola Bunny in the '90s
Zootopia in the '10s

which one for the '00s?


Furry porn.

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Krystal in Star Fox Adventures


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was that the scene with the naked slut at the window?

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Tiny Toons and early Animaniacs got away with some shit, lemme tell you

Miles-DF is one of those artists that steadily got worse as time went on. I miss his old stuff.

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Yeah his new stuff is lifeless. Everything looks like its made from plastic

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for me it's captain amelia

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>no spoilers
Also Krystal > Marian

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>tfw going to a con in a few weeks and going to get to fuck so many thirsty whores in their costumes
feels good man

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>that one guy on e6 that comments on every other picture and has a redraw of this as his profile picture

the effect is lessened when everybody looks fucking weird in that movie


try not to get aids user

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>no spoilers
I forgot. Fem Wolf >Krystal

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I'm covered.

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One day mousegirls will be real, brother.

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she cute

God, i want to fast forward to the 30th century where genetic engineering allows furries to exist in real life

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Furries were around since the 80’s.

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Even if they ever exist, conservatives will make it illegal to fuck them.

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why is everyone posting porn?

First day on Yea Forums?

Why are you NOT posting porn?

Don't ask unimportant questions

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We're discussing television and film.

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Furry Robin hood and early shows like Rescue Rangers, Swat Cats and such were the one who made it big. Space jams is pretty new in comparison

Femcel core

Shamans dancing around in animal pelts were basically wearing fursuits so yeah


You mean liberals? Women's rights + animal rights = extreme sjw hotbed.

reboot fucking never

>never looked at furry porn in my life
>this is making me diamonds
Uh, lads...

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Welcome aboard

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>no u
Nice rebuttal. Conservatives oppose gay marriages, appose interracial, apposed marrying outside your clan. They'll oppose interspecies. Until they die off, which is how progress is made.

guys we got another one

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Which one?

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we gottem

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>tfw no catgirl gf to snuggle and make love to

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the absolute state of the furfag mods that this thread is still up

You will enjoy the game called 'Legend of Krystal Rebirth"

>OP finally gets his furry thread

It took a long time, but you did it, OP. God bless.

It's on-topic

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still better than incels

gfdi i hate you guys

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God damn it I fucked it up agian

Once you go down this rabbit hole, there's no going back.
If you're a furfag who's just fishing for new porn, nice strategy.

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>also blue board

Yea Forums is dead

Don't resist it

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Not a furry but goddamn I'd love a handjob from her soft white gloved hands

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formerly alive

God I just want to shove my face in there and take a big SNIFFFFFF

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pretty sure that was the furriest thing ever aired on television.

>i'm not a furry but goddamn do I want to fap to these furry pictures that are being posted

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Imagine attaching a label to yourself just because you fap to something.

Reminder that furry is a based and redpilled fetish and is immune to lefty corruption.

Keep it Yea Forums related

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>wojak poster is a newfag
Who would've guessed?

not a furry...


This thread is fucking based.

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2D is a lost art my friends.

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95 posters and 225

4 of you have been samefagging for 131 posts saying you are not a furry to furry porn

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It sure is

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Hello, newfag.

is that fucking Splinter?

im jerking off now

I'm not a furry tho.

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hello cripplechan refugee


Yeah it's Splinter.

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I made a rule34.xxx account. Y'all have ruined my life.

All the cool kids post on e621 now.

e621 is better

I just thought t was some meme or something idk desu

I think I might be a furry guys.

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I was on the baltosource RP board when I was 10

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It's not so bad. And if mods are still watching, this is a stuffed roo with no genitals and so is SFW.

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Welcome to the yiff

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>mfw reading this thread and Robin Hood was my favorite Disney movie growing up
>didn't turn out to be a furfag
Lmao get on my level freaks

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>list of the animal movie characters i want to fuck
(in order)

1. lola
2. ms frisby
3. mink from animaniacs
4. judy hopps
5. adult nala
6. maid marian
7. Jenna from Balto
8. Scar (except i would be getting fucked)
9. Bianca
10. Gadget Hackwrench

Whats your list bros?

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>2. ms frisby
Brisby, if we're talking about the movie. She was Frisby in the book.

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Oh definitely.

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thats right they changed it in the movie. but yeah her

not a movie character but ok.

haha that's a fucking retarded looking dog


Yes, and yes.

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for me, it was carmelita (and sly as a result)

absolutely kino take

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The animators where hardcore furries, they had to be.

Oh, this thread is still here? Based.

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>Mods ban me for posting on-topic content
Aren't there some BLACKED threads you can fap to?

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God I wish that were me

Everyone ITT

You, you and YOU; ESPECIALLY you!

Yiff in hell, motherfuckers! youtube.com/watch?v=h67JpMyrOVE

Holy fuck bros

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Have sex, like we do.

Imagine the smell

can't wait to get knotted by my bf ;3

you can exterminatus my tailhole if you catch my drift

she's too crazy for me.

>all this spoiler'd yiff

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1. Jenna
2. Dixie from F&H2
3. Maid Marian
4. Lola
5. Gadget
6. Hopps
7. Adult Kiara
8. Adult Vitani
9. Stripper mouse from Basil
10: Frisby

Anyone got some vore?

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my fucking nigga

Shut up, normalfag

This is by far the most based and redpilled thread on Yea Forums and 4channel

congrats Yea Forums, congrats

check co for a lion king thread you'll find some based advice and tips

Ready Player One was neat

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link it, fag

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And jannies turned out to be huge furfags.

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This thread has made my penis the big penis

This thread is so fucking vanilla dear god you guys are gay

Only second thought I'm deleting the image along with this post so one more yiff image can be posted in its place

Jesus tapdancing christ.

For me, it’s high tail hall


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And suddenly I remember that fox.

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how many years has it been since i last saw this masterpiece?

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You know remember the zebra

And then the cheetah

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This Yea Forums thread changed my life. Fuck you all.

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don't mind me, just dropping this here

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Fuck me

What do you think you're doing?

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No specific order.

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bitch needs her asshole bleached

Did this character have a name? And who voiced her?

I’d have rather she joined the boys on their adventure

My first crossdressing fap.

>artist is now a tranny

Ms. Kitty Mouse.

how did they get away with it bros?

>not liking the contrast of dark asshole on white fur
Get out


They don't always get away with it

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goddamn warner brother jews.

For example

Can someone start a second thread?


pls daddy

Furries started in the 60's and 70's with the underground comix scene, specifically the "funny animals" genre. Also seems like the vast majority of modern furries are gay so I don't think Lola would do much for them.

haven't you had enough?

Well we did it. This thread is still up damn

New thread

Is Pokemon porn considered furry porn? Please say no.

You're welcome.

based youtube

it's too asian. furries are a western thing.

It's bestiality.

Greedy, should have ended on a good note.

My first trap ever.

>he doesn't know kemono

>Yea Forums is so bad a furry porn dump is left alone and welcomed by everyone

>a furry porn dump is left alone and welcomed by everyone
Get out, normie

are there any that are more animal looking? they all just look like anime girls with ears/tails

the original webpage is still available:

I would prefer a furry porn DISCUSSION, thank you very much.