You get to pitch an original movie with a substantial, if not necessarily Marvel-tier, budget. Let's say $50 to $100 million. The catch is that all the primary actors/actresses must have the same first name. Variations on spelling are acceptable. What's your pitch?
You get to pitch an original movie with a substantial, if not necessarily Marvel-tier, budget...
All three Emmas
Me as main male lead
I’m married to Emma Stone and have sex with her in the movie before going to ‘work’.
In reality I am going to Emma Roberts apartment. Emma Watson is lying on the bed nude with a bag covering her face so I don’t accidentally look at it. Roberts sits in the corner smoking a cigarette, verbally humiliating me and giving me directions as I have sex with Watson.
The movie is 2 hours long, chronologically takes place across two days, each one hour. The same thing happens both days, but I just have sex with Roberts the second day, then she beats me a whole bunch and then I cum all over the camera from it and the movie ends.
What about Dumont?
maybe if she gets a better career ill consider casting her
if I did it would be another hour of me worshipping her legs
Tom Hardy, Hiddleston and Holland - one has to protect the twink from the other one, the twink gets roughly fucked by both. Perverted? Yes. 10/10 kino? Also yes.
>chris movie
>they're a gay lover quadrangle
>discover homosexual sex passes on a curse and the only way to cure it is to detonate a nuke inside the pyramid of giza where the ancient mummy is controlling them from
Chrislander, or the Chrisening.
Pratt wakes up and doesn't know who he is, but Christopher Walken tells him he must kill or run from the other Chris'. Evans is trying to find a way to unlift the Chris Curse while being hunted by Pine. Hemsworth is accidentally killed in an unrelated scene by Chris Rock.
Evans and Pratt team up halfway but Pratt is vaporized by a plasma gun Hemsworth brought back from the future.
The twist is that Hemsworth wasn't a Chris, but his twin brother Liam was murdered in 2101 by the famous Cyber-Chrises, two cyborg twins who went mad and killed strangers.
Walken was from the future too, and was a detective assigned to the case. He was accidentally drawn into Hemsworth's time machine and super-aged due to his non-cyborg organs. He's actually 24 years old.
At the finale, Evans takes some futuroids and fights Hemsworth. He ends up crucifying Hemsworth but out falls a picture from Hemsworth's pocket. It's a picture of the two murderous twins - they're Chris Evans.
b a s e d
why does no one like my movie
Which one's the twink?
I would go see it
Thank you fren
A Chris orgy with Pratt guilty masturbating
>with a bag covering her face so I don't accidentally look at it
my sides
>pratt is gay pretending to be straight
>hemsworth and pine are straight pretending to be gay for ulterior motives
>evans is an openly gay serial rapist and cannibal, but none of the others know this
A movie about the bitter rivalry between the Jessica's (Alba, Biel, Simpson, Pare, etc) and the Kates (Upton, Beckinsale, Winslet ,Dennings, Perry) as competing farmers
Further clarification: you can have one set of actors with the same name and one set of actresses in the same movie.
do they have the sex?
No, but they tell you to.
I don't think Chris and Liam are twins.
They aren't.
Li Bingbing vs Fan Bingbing in a heist artists duel. Chinese people love that shit.
Fan is a billionaire and a thief and Li is a police and they both want a diamond.
Wasn’t one of the Bingbings killed for tax evasion?
A gangster exploitation movie
Starring Kaneshiro Takeshi, Kitano Takeshi, Miike Takeshi
No, she just disappeared for a while and then came back very apologetic. More valuable to the Chinese government as a repentant former wrongdoer than a murdered citizen.
She was only divorced by it
I don't think she is valuable to the government anymore...they want her out of the biz