How can other superheroes even compete?

How can other superheroes even compete?

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Sad knowing Superman will not get the movie he deserves. And faggot “muh he’s too powerful. Can’t relate.” Yet they’ll watch Thor who’s a fucking God or Captain Mary Sue

they don't know how to write him or what to do with him. superman is comic book jesus while thor is a guy with long hair and a hammer who talks funny

Mos and bvs were fucking cool. Shame wb got cold feet and killed that vision

Movies or shows where he is fucking? I know the Tudors has some. What else?

The Witcher (2019)

Superman was modeled after Moses and Samson by his too Jew creators. Golden Age Superman was fucking ruthless.

The whole Jesus thing happened when the comics got censored

Greatest superhero movie ever

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Superman is vulnerable to both magic and lightning/electricity

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They cant, that's why Superman doesn't work in an avengers/JL scenario. The "dude kryptonite device" undermines the material and is too goofy in a real film.
Subject matter on Supes should always revolve around hs relation to normal people and his alienation/confusion/frustration

That's one reason Man of Steel is a good movie and BvS is a wet shitty diaper

I fucking hate marvel trash but superman has been more famous than Thor for 50 years. Its fine that Thor is more famous/Commerfially strong. for the time being. Its not that crazy that the well done but generic movies do well. Also movies that are darker thematically (DC in general) simply don't make as.much money Factor in Snyder having a room temp IQ.andn youvengot Andrew goin baby

Superman shouldn’t be darker. That’s been whole problem with people handling Superman. They either don’t like the character or don’t understand him. He’s been handled by Batman fanboys. MOS just Superman getting the Batman Begins treatment.

MOS should’ve been more like Aquaman. That’s what makes Superman different from all other generic cape shit. He’s insanely powerful but a super nice guy

The whole problem is trying to ground a children's story filled with made-up shit.

A director and writer should make a new movie without ever reading any comics

*blocks your path*

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Exactly. Nobody wants to see a “edgy, gritty, realism” Superman. Edgy comic book heroes are a dime a dozen. Why Chris Reeve movies are still superior

They made a superhero movie for kids this year and the manchildren complained it was for kids

that's part of the problem with superman is that he's so iconic. it's easy to do whatever with thor since the average person doesn't have too much connection with that character. meanwhile superman has been around for like 80 years and is the prototypical superhero, so writers can't resist doing some serious epic with him. also viewers have their own ideas of what superman is and having a guy portray him on the screen is a bit strange in its own right. meanwhile people can live with thor being a cool viking guy or a funny fat guy or a snarky guy or a serious guy or whatever. same with antman, ironman, hulk, black widow, etc. wonderwoman and batman suffer from this too but to a lesser degree.

*suffer from this meaning suffer from being around for so long and having such a significant impact on culture

>also viewers have their own ideas of what superman is

Outside hardcore comic nerds most people view of Superman is a Big Blue Botscout. That is why all the destruction with fighting Zod caught so many people off guard

the MCU shat all over Spider-Man and the public still ate it up, so that theory is not that strong


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If you pretend Soi Wehdon JUST League dont exist then you can consider MoS and BvS as part 1 & part 2 of the same movie, telling you the story of Kal El (from his birth to his death).

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