/stg/ smug contempt edition

/stg/ smug contempt edition

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Fuck I need a Vulcan gf so bad bros

what do Vulcan pussies look like?

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We all want one.

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A perfect innie with a tiny black bush in the shape of a triangle. They also smell minty and when they get wet they turn a slight shade of green

>vulcan oral sex

The perfect woman.


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do you think Vulcan farts/poop smells bad?
I would think their 100% vegetarian diets and alien digestive system would make for some bizarre but not unpleasant smelling excrement. Vulcans have exceptionally sensitive smell receptors so I'd imagine their waste wouldn't even have much smell either. Would it still be brown or some other color? Thoughts?

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Poop is brown because of the dead blood cells, and Vulcans have green blood so their poop would most likely be a dark green. Vulcans don't fart because they see holding it in as part of their need to always maintain control.

It’s /StaTre/


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They're going to fix this before it airs


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>tfw hooking up with an ex who loves cosplay and has a set of pointy latex ears
>willing to do anything and dress up as anything for me
having a vulcan love slave feels good man ngl

emotionless sex? sounds good.

Can you fix a actor from having a fat face?

>wearing costumes and roleplaying is emotionless
you're just jealous you don't get to do star trek stuff irl

...emotionless sex is my fetish, user.
and yes I'm jealous

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Did you forget what a Vulcan is?

I thought user was implying the sex was emotionless and objectifying
It is, but only because we allow it to be so

The sex is logical.

QUESTION: Is it logical to shave your pubic hair?

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is this the new general? I would like to join, what are the rules?

post about vulcan pusy

I like how they remembered to cover up her disease rat butthole bellybutton.

prudent move

That only became an issue later, as she cut.

Vulcans don't cut. Self harm is illogical.

"I couldn't play Data now, it would look fucking ridiculous."
-Brent Bartholomew Spiner

Cut is /fit/ talk for loosing weight.

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I like trek but not the threads. Picard is my fav. capt.

kek I call it not eating for a week so I can pay rent

they say the poor are more cunning and resourceful.

did he?

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Seriously, are the lips natural? They seem artificial.

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Why would they? They're just updating Data's look like they did with the Klingons. He was always fat.

Do Vulcans get UTIs real bad?

No and that's a good thing.

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80s Trek > Zoomer Trek

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>Chekov's outfit

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Blalock has outright said she got a boob job when she was 17.
It's as if she has a self-bimbofication fetish.


Why are Scotty and Uhura the only ones in uniform.

Scotty was reassigned to the Excelsior and Uhura took a post at a Transporter station. The rest were on extended shore leave in the aftermath of the Genesis incident

Shran had sex with real women at least twice. What is your excuse, Geordi?

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Pleb bimbofication is a patrician fetish.

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What rank is Uhura at that point? Isn't she above doing Transporter duty?

in this picture you can really tell her nipples point in wildly different directions
her left nipple points upward to the left and her right nipple points center forward

She's wearing a Commander's rank. It's a safe assumption that the entire TOS crew were assigned to Starfleet Academy as instructors and part of Admiral Kirk's staff. Sulu was set to take command of the Excelsior per deleted scenes in WoK, but delayed the posting for "one last time" to fly the Enterprise. Uhura specifically volunteered for the duty station to get Kirk and crew access to the Enterprise.

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haven't you even seen the film? c'mon man.

Hey pal, this is /stg/, we're not meanies around here like the tripfags in /trek/

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Not in almost 15 years that's why i am asking.

sorry gang :-( I've just watched the TOS movies recently, they were really fun :-) for the most part.

fuck off

I hated this fetish until seeing this photo, nice work user.

I still hate it


They could just say that he's a jesuit clone so he isn't Data.

>scratch 'n sniff report card
Imagine the smell

Praise be empress Gail!

data ageing is canon

Where the fuck did his lips go?


No lips
Old Data

Not really sure why this list is important
Feel free to expand it

New McCoy

No lips
Old Data

It's supposed to be /trek/.

Guinan has lips

That'll be $99.99

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New McCoy

No lips
Old Data

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Why is Weyoun so fucking charming?

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Because he's subtly gay which amuses incels and makes them feel comfy and not threatened.


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picard is my fav captain. who is urs? I want knowledge.

Friendly reminder that the Dyson's Sphere is technically feasible.

I found their arc interesting.

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they're not cool gay like zulu

watching std gave me a std

you'll watch it all.

That's Lore. Data died.


It's Data in nucard

She is so pretty, I wish she could act.

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We'll see, piggy. We'll see when the troth gets filled.

Compared to Brooks, she's a regular Artie Feldman.

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is she a quadroon?

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She's Jamaican-American.

Lucky bastard

i like the new look

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Do you have friends?

I talk about trek, not tripfags

I can admire a man for living the dream

Can't be. Data died. Was 'sploded

I'll take that as a no.



is the mirror one still alive?

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Why didn't they just use the weapons from Arsenal of Freedom to defeat the Borg?

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You type like a roastie


ad hominem.
do better.

>Data jumps the distance between the two ships with a personal transporter to get Picard back to the Enterprise and then sacrifices himself when he fires his phaser at the thalaron generator, destroying the Scimitar. The crew mourn Data,

Why are you even posting here if you haven't seen TNG?

If you have materials gathered from numerous star systems, then yes.
If you built one too small, the materials would melt, and would be destroyed/dispersed. You would also have to vent any unused energy, or heat would fuck it up. Mankind is not yet capable of this.

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You type like a seething* roastie

i'm sure it's explained in picard (2019)

>sexy voice
>numerous interesting hobbies
>everyone loves him even though he's gay

How is Sulu so based?

Can't be. He's dead. Dee Eee Aye Dee. Ded.

>The Echo Papa 607 was an advanced weapon system developed by the arms dealers of Minos.
>Intended to be a complete weapon of war, the Echo Papa 607 was able to automatically send out small drones to gather intelligence, take prisoners, and mount attacks. The main advantage of the system was its progressive adaptability; data on enemy equipment and tactics was returned to the parent system each time a drone was destroyed, and a new drone was manufactured which improved on the previous model, countering the enemy's abilities. The process of analyzing each encounter and replacing a drone took only twelve minutes and through this method the drones quickly became impossible to stop.
>The drones were able to monitor and disrupt enemy communications, as well as project interactive holographic illusions of individuals familiar to its enemy in order to gather intelligence. To capture prisoners for interrogation, a drone could encase a target in a force field that kept it in stasis. The drones were armed with directed energy weapons and could be modified to include deflector shields for protection, and cloaking devices for stealth. They were able to attack both ground troops and starships. A single cloaked drone was able to cause heavy damage to the USS Enterprise-D.
You could headcanon that the perimeter defense drones in Best of Both Worlds represent a Federation version of this technology

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remember when DDNR was top of the thread for 13 months straight?
good ol days

are toys canon?

Only Marauder Moe

>collecting models to painstakingly paint


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Let's settle this once and for all which Trek Actress aged the best?

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Yes and so is Troi.

holy shit those asymmetrical eyes

I don't get it.

Roxy no doubt

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it's lame

It looks like the left side of her face is melting.

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>Iole i'm still sexy at 60 rite guise?!?

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maybe a bit too bogpilled, but I mean she kinda is

>only talks about trek when it relates to waifufaggotry
>waifus are an autistic retard with manface and a bitchy cunt with warts all over her face
>criticizes jeri Ryan
oh god lmaaaoooo

Is this the Vulcan edition? youtube.com/watch?v=2vNBA8mHFf8

thirsty incels unite!

Honestly, movies 1 to 7 weren't THAT bad. They were completely unwarranted tho. Nutrek made me appreciate them for what they are.

Underated choice also it's kinda weird she is directing religious movies now.

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The Voyager cast is woke

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>tits are wrinkled and have liver spots all over them
gross senpai do NOT want to motorboat

>doesn't want to lick mommy spots
fag a tron 5000

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Is Jeriatric Ryan going to be in the new Picard series?

Yeah but she also said this recently.

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>posts 20yo pics
oh no no no no NO NO



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Radical feminist creationist Christians are literally the worst.

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She looks fucking great

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>attacks women out of insecurity
>too much of a coward to post a selfie

Is that motherfucking Xena?

She looks like if you used Gollum in faceapp

>voyager sucked
>sucked so bad even trek nerds were dropping the show
>producer stuck the titty monster who was sucking his dick in the show
>trek nerds so thirsty this boosted ratings and kept the show on the air
>and now thanks to internet porn they've never been able to keep another trek series on the air
>stick elderly titty monster in new series
Not predicting profit with this strategy, my Nostradamus.

I mean it got a pop from the some of the older fans but yeah i don't see how adding her would get any new fan intrested.

Ensign Pretty (Christie Haydon).

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A lot of militant lesbians want to fuck Jeri

and you're one of them no doubt

Valley Flat seething


Wow a ratings BONANZA right there numbers UNHEARD of incoming lmao

she looks old af senpai

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/stg/ gave me an std

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>mfw valley fag is a chestlet

Looks like spoiled milk

Jesus he's fucking ugly

Thought it was Marty's mom in the thumbnail

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Is the top of its skull wider than normal?

>faceblind user can't into perspective
You're officially visually handicapped

That's a cute Audrey.

lmao is this bashir now

BF is never going to fuck you, VF

I like STD Klingons too. A great rendition of Klingons in an otherwise mediocre show.


BF stalker is confirmed BF, right?

Who fucking cares? This fucking general...

same, shame about std


It matters if she's insane. It affects how seriously I should take her in the future and how much to pity/not pity her. If this is all a larp then she's proven she's irredeemably ill and should seek professional help.

So, the age old question- Janice, Deanna or Seven of Nine?

Jadzia will always be my queen.

You forgot to include that whatever their equivalent of hemoglobin is, is dictated by being copper rather than iron-based and that's basically impossible because it doesn't really get along that well with oxygen in the same way.

You don't know everything about aliens and blood.

What is the best Star Trek movie to riff?

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Voyage Home

Why do Klingons have pink blood?

It's only pink in a microgravity environment
Reminder that the director's cut is non-canon.

Klingon bodies do what they want

She aged really well. Shame she doesn't act anymore, maybe we would've had some milf kino. Also, she seems kinda right-wing, by Hollywood standards... Christian, salute to the troops etc.

I'd fuck her

>tfw a lot of DS9 was shot widescreen ready
>16.9 bd never

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the virgin vulcan pusy vs the chad klingon arsehole

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Fun Fact: Jonathan West was the director of photography on TNG season 6-7. After TNG ended, he became the director of photography on DS9 season 3-7. Under his guidance, DS9 was shot with widescreen framing for seasons 3-7, making those seasons easily convertible into a widescreen release.

However, DS9 seasons 1-2 are still NOT ready to be converted into widescreen. And I suspect that none of Voyager is ready.

there was one episode that said data can age
then a dozen others that says he doesn't


Data ages as long as you can't beam through the shields

>big nostriled negro Klingon
what did they mean by this

Is it kino?

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You only want to have sex once every seven years?

I want a Vulcan GF too.

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so fucking creepy.


Typical ignorant casual. Every 7 years they must mate, but there is no rule against mating even more between the pon farrs.

It's more than what I've been pulling, so sure

The footage in the doc was great

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Frakes should always wear black.

Does Pogo post in /trek/?

No one serious has any issue with 1-7. Only soiboi bandwagoneers have a problem with Generations.

There's smooth, there's android's bottom smooth, and then there's Riker smooth.

Honestly, I have a hard time thinking of any credible ways to get Kirk and Picard to meet, which is the same problem Braga and Moore faced.

who the hell hasn't always at least liked the even numbered ones? that's news to me. the only one of the old ones I specifically disliked was 5. 1 was great and 3 was fine

What about O'Brien? Can they afford Coln Meaney? He can't be that expensive now.
/r/ing the "they always shit themselves, you know. In the end" IRA-O'Brien pic.

Search for Spock is great, idk why people shit on it

5 has a lot of wasted potential. Too much shitting about on the ship, and wasted opportunities to give the secondary cast in particular scotty something to do.

The whole premise is based on a plot hole. Kirk and his friends have no reason to go to Genesis, because they don't know that Spock's body is alive. Even Spock's katra doesn't know that the body is alive, so it doesn't know that it's possible for katra and body to be reunited.

And while the sequence where they escape the Excelsior is amazing, the whole thing falls flat after that.

while t'pol was hot, it was mostly her constantly annoyed vulcan demeanor and athletic body shape but the human actress who plays her is some how not as hot when dressed like a normal human.

meanwhile based empress hoshi sato is asian and will be hot forever.

enterprise had best everything, from waifus, to sets, to captain, to everything

enterprise >>>> the original series >>>>>>>>> voyager >>>>>> deep space nine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the next generation = discovery

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The highlights of the otherwise dull ST:Insurrection was Riker and Troi getting back together, shaving the beard and the battle with the Son'a. I was actually pissed when the first photo for Nemesis came out and I seen that Riker re-grew the beard. It seemed out of character that he would re-grow it as he'd gotten back with Deanna and they were harking back to their youth. Sure, his beard is a trademark, but it's such a novelty to see him without it and with age he was a little less baby-faced, which had required the beard a decade before.

Needless to say, I was also pissed that there was never a Star Trek: Titan show with a Captain Riker after the TNG movie series tanked, thanks to Stewart and Spiner's story interference and wage demands. While I doubt ST:P will be what we're hoping for (TNG, Part II), it'll be great to see Riker and Troi again. It's just a shame that Frakes never had a bigger career in TV, as he has a great screen presence and is a pretty efficient film and TV director.

They know because the move is called Search for Spock

>he has a great screen presence
He takes up an entire screen.

No, no. They were only going back to Genesis to re-claim Spock's corpse and take it to Vulcan. They never expected to find him rejuventated. It was a total fluke that it even happened and the katra was transferred back into Spock. Admittedly, they should have made things clearer.

Riker seems like the kind of chad who can play the leading star but has more fun behind the scenes directing and making sure the snack table stays stocked

>No, no. They were only going back to Genesis to re-claim Spock's corpse and take it to Vulcan.
For what purpose? What is the urgency which causes them to go now, right now, must be now, can't be later, gotta go now?

If they need the body and katra to be reunited for a proper funeral... then why did Spock separate them in the first place?

Passively rewatching Voyager. I think we've all beaten into the ground how hard it disappoints conceptually over the long term, but in terms of just looking at the character stuff in the pilot episode I am struck by how much of it feels off from a writing perspective.

Like, the characters almost seem mixed up from where they should be. Tom Paris for example, the "hotshot rebel who's a damn good pilot but doesn't believe in Starfleet" is introduced as being in a "prison" where he's apparently being made to do manual labor? But also the conditions seem nice? It's bizarre. Why not make him the Maquis ship pilot? It fits his background to have joined the Maquis, and we can quickly see his piloting in action eluding the Cardassians in the intro.

Why is Tuvok undercover? It's played like a character twist, except it's the first time we've ever seen him or Chakotey so there is zero weight to his deception. Him being a deep cover spy does absolutely nothing to advance the plot, since the Maquis could be captured handily without his help when they beam over to Voyager. Later episodes don't show any friction or leverage any backstory between him and the Maquis. Literally nobody holds a grudge.

Janeway is the biggest missed opportunity. So the premise is the ship gets hurled across space and half the crew is dead. Janeway needs to step up and be a leader. Aight. Why is she the Captain from the beginning? Why not make her a Commander or Lt. Commander who has to take charge when the Captain gets killed off? I actually remembered this being the case before the rewatch, but it's not. Having her have to step up a rank or two above her grade would have given her some oopfh, and would have made it easier to introduce elements of private self doubt later in the series.

Neelix is actually kind of a badass in the pilot episode. No really, he's great. He's part hard bargainer, part wild west gunslinger. The choice to make him comic relief is criminal. He should have been a full-

Its the one from Nemesis you nincompoop!!!

Arguably, the best way was to still have Kirk 'lost' in the Ent-B prologue and either not show him again, just implying he made it into the Nexus; or have Picard meet him in the Nexus, but Kirk stays behind happy that he can have Carol and David back and is basically getting his eternal retirement in a living heaven.

Nice job copy pasting

-bridge crew member. Really, put away your bias due to how he was turned into a clown and look at his original intro only. Could have been great.

Harry Kim was mediocre as became his habit. He existed to be a wide eyed naive character to bounce Tom off of. I dunno. He needed another pass and to have some kind of driving purpose in the ensemble.

Robert Picardo was pitch perfect as always and his curt character intro worked. No notes for him.


Sarek wanted the body back so they could use/preserve the katra in the Hall of Ancient Thought. The novel fleshes it out a lot. Supposedly, Spock had wanted a space burial as he never thought the Vulcans would accept him as a half-breed. The film is built more on a misunderstanding than an actual plot-hole. Of course, it's further complicated by the Klingons and Genesis being quarantined by the Federation, hence Kirk and co stealing the Enterprise to go back there. Obviously Admiral Morrow never knew that there was a lifesign on Genesis and evidently Captain Esteban's reports on that never made it back to Earth before the Grissom was destroyed by Kruge.


1 has some missteps, but everything about the Vger itself is this great slow burn mystery oozing with ominus atmosphere. I know it's a TV pilot adapted to a movie, which makes it extra slow but some of the visuals are haunting. Yes I sound like a fag. ST3 is unimpressive but fine. Feels like a twoparter episode or something.

>you have to read the novel in order to explain away the movie's plot holes
Yikes, no thank you.

Either III is dumb because they never establish a reason to retrieve the body, or II gets fucked over because Spock doesn't tell them to keep the body even though the body is actually super-important.

Spare us from your half assed observations, vf

3 is kinda dumb but everybody accepts it because it gives us back Spock. Taking a whole movie for it to happen makes it feel less cheap and preserve his sacrifice moment in ST2.

I won't actively defend the need for supplemental novels because it is a flaw to rely on them, but I already accept the movie and the extra side info is optionally helpful if you choose to accept it.

Selar/Ro buddy movie when?

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1 was drawn out and dull. Very cinematic, but too '2001' and not Star Trek.

3 was very good in places, but gets too talky in other parts. I still like it a lot though.

5 had some heart, but was damaged by the 'God' story and Paramount fucking over Shatner's SFX budget because he held out for more money for ST4.

7 was good in places, but they killed Kirk and made Picard look like a bitch, hence Stewart's obsession with making Picard an action hero after that.

9 was based on a bullshit premise. While the Dominion War is going on, let's keep these 600 people here while the whole fucking planet can be used as a very necessary hospital-world. The only highlight was Riker battling the Son'a.

Fine. Spock was buried on Genesis. Sarek wanted the body back on Vulcan. End of story.

user was only defending up to 7, you don't need to smack 9 around. We all know the full blood TNG movies are all trash.

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2 for $30. And you come to my birthday party.

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Oh yes, Ensign Ro, the only Bajoran who doesn't irrate the fuck out of me.

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I'm pretty sure if angels are real they look like that

Eh, First Contact was good, even it it did sow the seeds of the franchise's destruction with endless 'origins' stories. Even ActionHeroPicard made some sense, under the circumstances. It was almost TWoK in reverse, with Picard wanting revenge and losing his cool.

Nemesis killed the TNG movies, broke up the crew and killed Data; but it was cinematic, had some legitimate danger and some good battle scenes.

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Even as an amazonian Klingon; HNNG!


She was completely unreasonable towards Rom when they were getting ready to get married. He was bending over backwards for her to follow every Bajoran tradition, yet she couldn't even make a token effort to do anything for his culture. Even as simple as Rom giving her half his assets was rejected even though we all know it was almost certainly a symbolic gesture. The lack of any cultural leeway given to the Ferengi in the show is grating, given that every other weirdo culture gets its whims catered to.

I was such an awkward-looking child, I've no idea what happened. I didn't have a good childhood because I never could get along with other kids. I was the child that sat in the corner eating lunch by herself. I worked in the library at lunchtime because I had no real friends. I read a lot and educated myself a different way because me and school didn't get along. Even boys were never interested in me. I remember playing kiss-chase in the first and second grade. I would run but no one would ever chase me.
—Jolene Blalock

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"I'm really close to her butt right now how come she never asks if I wants to try her hasperat maybe I'll mention it later"

It's a well made movie that clips along, but it's completely retarded. More than just making Picard an action hero, it shifts everything aspect of Trek into a dumber shell of itself. I only enjoy it on the same level I enjoy Robot Holocaust or Mandroid. Which is I get tipsy and laugh at it with friends.

>watching Gargoyles
>basically all of the TNG cast doing voices

My headcanon is that Gargoyles is happening on the Holodeck and the TNG cast is just having fun on their off time.

My headcanon is one of the TNG characters is having an hallucination and is learning a valuable lesson about racism with the backdrop of the early 1990's voiceover recording studios.

As the most mainstream of the TNG movies, evidently it had to cater to the popcorn mainstream movie crowds. Just look at all the sacrilegious shit put out since 2009 - Apparently anyone can play Kirk now and the (((producers))) can fan-wank all manner of alternate timelines, so they can use and re-use the names of the TOS characters. My Star Trek died in 2001. While they fuck around with prequels and reboots, I was waiting for a credible post-DS9/VOY show. I doubt ST:P will cut the mustard, given Stewart's obsession with changing Picard's character.

Even if a show wasn't brave enough to move post VOY, I'd be happy for a show set in TOS times or between TOS-TNG. There's a lot of material to mine there, especially if you got away from the standard formula. Maybe a show set around colonists on the very frontier, away from Starfleet help and resources or something. I'd actually really love a show that tried to keep the TOS aesthetic and style but with more modern effects. I don't know why it's so fucking hard for reviewers to understand when people complain about the aesthetics of STD that it's the designs that suck, not the updated effects.

>tfw no Hoshi gf to impregnate

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I hate you

There's literally nothing wrong with using TOS aesthetics in a modern series. This is the USS Shenzhou from STD but with TOS style nacelles and hull colors. It doesn't look "goofy" or "outdated" to me. Why Bryan Fuller wanted everything to look like it belonged in the late TNG era for a 23rd century show is beyond me.

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I love you

I don't know about that. Trek was supposed to be about progress, but they are now obsessed with the TOS era and before. They don't realize or care that they are making TOS' cheap 1960s sets look even more ridiculous by comparison. Leave the damn era alone. I wanted to like ENT, but it undermined TOS' credibility and undercut the canon.

Sure, a show in the 'Lost Era' between ST6 and TNG would be interesting. There was talk in the 90s of a Captain Sulu show. I wouldn't mind seeing a show about Harriman on the Enterprise-B. But I still want something in c.2399 like ST:P, but without all the SJWfag shit that has invaded nu-Trek. An occupied Cardassia had a lot of story potential with another Cold War brewing between the Federation, Klingons and Romulans. Did Sisko come back from the Prophets? How did all the Borg technology and information about the Delta Quadrant affect Starfleet when Voyager got home? We might at least get an answer to that one from ST:P. I'd love to see a crossover show.

If they don't want the baggage and actors from the 90s Treks, then they should have some balls and set something in 2430-90 and have something totally new. All this revisionism and prequel shit will only divide the canon and fanbase further.

Sure, people shit on TNG when it started, but it was still recognisably Star Trek and brought about the greatest era for Trek on television. This shit we have now feels like endless knock-offs shows with the Trek name and ultra-flashiness.



What elements are not negotiable for a Star Trek series? Does it have to be set in the Federation? What if there was no starship and they explored with an Iconian gateway?

>What if there was no starship and they explored with an Iconian gateway?
That's what Stargate is for.

I’m all for a post-VOY era show. I’m just pointing out that I’d be happy with a lost era show if it was done right.

I think it’s a matter of scale and focus. A show that showed more restraint on the special effects and fan service front, and which retained a tone more about problem solving would go a long way to keep it from dating itself or making past shows look dated in comparison.

Picture a show set between TOS and TNG centered on one of the many colonies we often see in one-off episodes. The colony maybe mines some kind of special resource. You’ve got your colony leader, head of security, doctor, lead miner, etc.

The good thing about reducing the scale is that you can do more with less. By having the colony be weaker militarily than the fight a Starfleet ship could put up, you can have antagonists who are powerful enough to be threat without them being a major galactic scale threat. In this way the show can build its own internal mythology without having have to rely on Klingons or Romulans showing up. You can make an original conflict and it doesn’t really affect the wider canon because it’s not like every small fry colony conflict has galactic implications.

You can have your morality plays, your action, your problem solving episodes. I think moving forward can be done with interesting characters and plots and doesn’t need to move the larger galaxywide timeline forward.

Literally SG-1. That show was basically Star Trek scripts early on, except replace all the “aliens have infiltrated the Enterprise” episodes with “aliens have infiltrated the SGC” episodes.

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It would be like having sex with a pocket pussy.

>screencap from last year
that explains it

These guys are literally just elves with bows and arrows and shit

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The God story in 5 could have been very good with a few more rewrites. It's an interesting idea. You finally meet the actual God of the Israelites and he's just some asshole with a small agenda. It ties in to ideas of maturity and seeing your parents as people rather than your parents.

>Kirk stays behind happy that he can have Carol and David back and is basically getting his eternal retirement in a living heaven.
Shatner would never have agreed to this. He wanted a heroic death.

"Star Trek Red Squad"

>Post Voy show
>Follow a full cast through academy like starship troopers all first season (make each season 1 full year in universe). Start some overarching drama here Make the show like DS9 with mostly serialized but also have stand alone shows too.
>Second season split all the characters up, but continue the main story and follow the characters to their first assignments. 3 different branches/locations for the show. On earth at the academy (maybe have a couple that failed to graduate and had to redo the last year, have a couple interning with professors/admirals for political positions or teaching postilions.) After deciding how many/which stay on earth, have a couple be sent to a space station like DS9 and a couple be sent to an actual ship to be ensigns.
>End the second season with an over arching story cliffhanger, kill a couple of the main cast that no one expect to die. No action, make it mundane reasons like a transporter accident or an accident dealing with their everyday jobs.
>3rd season show everyone getting communications about their dead friends and having to do their jobs normally. Tie off the cliffhanger of the over arching story. Keep everyone involved in the story dealing with the threat at their locations (earth academy, space station and on an actual starship). End season 3 with another cliff hanger where more people die but this time it can be senior officers at all 3 locations, this time they can die to action. Like a large scale battle. (first actual battle with ships in the show) Make it slow, make the captains exhaust all options, and be attacked first before they decide to attack the enemy).
>Season 4 tie off the battle, Promote the ensigns/interns through the ranks of the dead officers. Now they have some experience and know what they are doing. Now they exude confidence on the screen with their positions.

incels living rent free inside that rainbow colored head of yours


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Cokey smurf was the daughter. The premise of that show, proves the federation is a bunch of racists. They sit their in their mountain hidden behind holo emitters watching the locals and ensuring their culture is "human" enough to make first contact. Federations a bunch of racists.

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You can have this one for free CBS. Make it without adding a bunch of retarded SJW bullshit or stronk female characters that are unbelievable (I am ok with strong female characters but make them believable please! I loved alien, terminator etc)

Still hotter than Michael and the fat ginger.

just gotta get back to those southern jungles on bajor

Michelle Forbes is ugly and around Laren is a shit character that no one cares about despite her betrayal of Picard

Supposedly the original story was that they actually met the real God.

Well they could have had him die saving the Enterprise-B, instead of falling of off a collapsing bridge.

She was supposed to be in DS9, but Forbes wasn't interested. Hence they made Kira Nerys instead.

Good, Visitor is a better actress, better looking and Kira is a better character.

Based Forbes
The Bajoran working under Sisko had to be subservient to him and Forbes would have overpowered him and made scenes where she yields to Sisko seem fake
Imagine Forbes dilly-dallying like a dumb bitch in Duet. You can't because Ro would have ripped the cardie's throat out.
Forbes passing on DS9 left room for a weaker female to be cast so basically DS9 owes it's entire series to Forbes knowing Ro shouldn't be part of it

>Federations a bunch of racists
Yeah no shit who do you think won the eugenics war?

Visitor looks like a squirrel when she stands at a weird angle. Every time she looks up she has a nervous rodent vibe.

Desperate Rofag

No, their pubes should look like their pointy sideburns
t. vulcan pussy expert

oh god just thinking about those southern jungles on bajor
heart is racing like I'm running with the leopards
squeezing my shoulders and chest skin is getting hot and sticky running my fingers in circles around my erect little nipples
can't tell anyone about the things I saw in those jungles things I did
close my eyes and I'm right back there in those jungles I hear the bajoran bats flapping their giant leathery wings through the air the distant roar of a bajoran gorilla followed by a crash as it throws a barrel at someone climbing up a hill I can hear the bajoran snakes trading secrets about how to look like vines danger everywhere
The fever has me I can't keep going on like this
I have to get back to those southern jungles

Nerys has a great ass and would give great blowjob eyes.

Die in the intro?
Shatner's idea was for him to take command of the Ent-D while everyone else is evacuated, and die in battle with the Klingons, while Picard deals with Soran.

>Die in the intro?
Subvert expectations. Give Kirk a send-off on the Enterprise-B, which was the only chance left to see that ship anyway.

>Shatner's idea was for him to take command of the Ent-D while everyone else is evacuated, and die in battle with the Klingons, while Picard deals with Soran.
Now that sounds cool.

The greatest love story ever told

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Best /trek/ post I've seen in months. And concise as well.

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how to make a woman unattractive

Now that truly is an incredible "find" in terms of likenesses. I always thought Trip looked like George W. Bush.

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The Borg would quickly find the power source of whatever the fuck was generating these drones and nuke it from orbit with the quickness of a two second transport. And as cool as all that sounds, it also comes across as a major security risk if the system somehow misinterprets one of its own as the enemy. Wasn't that part of the plot?

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>old af
I think she looks much older than in Voyager but "old af"? Not even close, nigger.

>It matters if she's insane.
I think you have to, at minimum, be borderline insane to be a legit tranny. Only some sort of ironic comedian who is a tranny can be held as anything approaching sane.

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>the insane look of a pedo contrasted by the fighting back of pulling away by it's victim
C'mon, Rick Berman knew exactly what this character's role was for.

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Why are there 2 generals?

shit model pls go

Why is DS9 so purrrfect?

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it had a serious lack of obriens cat tho

Has trek gone out of style? Has its time come and gone?

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miles never had a cato


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OP is retarded

>he doesn't remember chester

You're getting stuck on detail. Miles was never a true catperson.

Trek (as we know it) is a purely 90s phenomenon.

Yet the threads continue to generate content. Why is that?

The 21st century has been a flop so far so we're stuck in a holding pattern of nostalgia.

I think it's mostly because people are lonely and want someone to talk to. Whether it's about star trek or babylon 4 or star wars. People need a sense of connection.