Editors of Yea Forums, what is your preferred software?

editors of Yea Forums, what is your preferred software?

Attached: DaVinci-Resolve-16-Color[1].jpg (5120x2790, 1.17M)

DESU sony vegas. After effects is too hard to learn for me

Windows movie maker 2004 (vista)



For me, its Premiere.

DaVinci is still behind as an editing software, but its getting better every update, i might give it a try one of these days.

I prefer Sony Vegas, but vegas really fucks up framerate when your trying to edit clips of movies.

Davinci is great but I'm forced to use Premiere and I fucking hate it

is premiere what the big studios use?

For me, it's the youtube editor

DaVinci, because I'm a stingy fuck. But it gets the job done just fine.

Big studios use shit like Final Cut or DaVinci. Premiere is for the indies who either don't wanna associate with YTP creators or need the 2 extra features that lack from Vegas.

my brain hurts just trying to figure out what all that shit does so im not even going to bother torrenting it

I switched to resolve like 6 months ago. Still have some teething problems but it works a charm. Need to figure out when to upgrade to v16 though since apparently it will fuck with any edits you're currently working on

This is my big problem with Vegas. It's also very picky about what it'll import and sometimes you have a 50/50 chance of a clip going in properly.

use both Premiere and Resolve

>torrenting it

Attached: laughing daddario.jpg (640x609, 54K)

I've had some experience in Final Cut, but I'm more comfortable with Premiere.

stop laughing you demonic whore its all I can do

>Sony Vegas
I thought that died

Avidfag here. Though I'm not from the US. Always surprised about how Vegas is popular there. Why are people so afraid of Avid?

Attached: www.png (409x123, 8K)

>he doesn't know

Attached: happy daddarios.jpg (947x947, 77K)

This is the patrician choice
Not going down without a fight
Avid is complete shit only used out of tradition

I'll tell you a secret

Changing your input's pixel format to yuv420p and re-encoding the audio as aac fixes the importing problem 97% of the time

well tell me what youre talking about slut

used sony vegas for a while until I had to configure like 20 settings on my PC each boot up to have it run

>go through this ridiculous process on every clip to not even fully solve the issue that shouldn't exist in the first place

blender on a $200 2nd hand laptop

Vegas is faster than resolve and easier to work with than premiere.

Ah, a fellow kinographer I see

Not every clip, only those that produce errors. What's the source of your clips? Literally any video file downloaded from youtube, twitter etc. gets imported without a problem. If they're files from your camcorder maybe check the settings for an obscure output format?

as a professional editor, i use movavi video converter and webm for retards.

Premiere and AfterEffects

Vegas is ok too


Adobe Premiere Pro CC for raw editing
DaVinci for color correction
After effects for basic 3d shit

Used to work only with DaVinci when I had my first Blackmagic Camera.

Attached: 9yp4i1mk7pf31.jpg (1072x1440, 115K)

Premiere. Used a cracked version of Vegas for 2-3 years, then wanted to do more. Switched to Premiere and haven't looked back.

I hear a lot about DaVinci, but it's almost all the same shit I was told in 2012 about Vegas. A lot of "it can do all the same things and ISN'T Adobe." But in my mind, why get something that 'can do all the same things' when you just have the original product? Plus Adobe is nice for actual media work because everyone understands it and team projects/swapping projects around is possible.

If you're doing freelance work, use whatever works, but in an office/team environment with coworkers and bosses, having everyone on the same page is mandatory.

been doing video editing freelance for about a year now. Premiere is by far the most intuitive and easy to learn. Had literally no training or experience before I started it freelance.

Attached: premiere.png (1892x996, 306K)

Despite crashing more than a drunken car driver, Vegas remains my favorite. It's simple, to the point and easy to use.

Premiere and After Effects. I'd like to try out DaVinci eventually.

How do you find freelance work?

good luck on the shad witcher trailer

you use the internet


Frenchfag using Avid here its the industry choice but only because of nexis

I had to switch because cs6 is outdated and can't read mjpgs. But if adobe had a realistic price creative cloud, I'd probably use it

Premiere feels as natural as breathing.
Currently learning Nuke.

I got lucky and became mates with a YouTuber. Other than that, maybe try making some mock movie trailers and marketing yourself on reddit and shit. Send messages to youtubers that are around the 100k-400k sub mark and offer editing services for around $100-$200 per video. But yeah, in my case I got VERY lucky.

>redditors of Yea Forums, what is your preferred s o i ware?


I used sony vegas for 3 years but now I'm learning premier pro
it's ok so far

Does Premiere have a proper batch render now?
I'm talking about making a render queue of different project files, not editing 10 videos on the same project (I absolutely hate working with 100 GB worth of videos simultaneously).

>t. trying to import DeeJayAhmed's Endgame encode

Premiere Pro for editing
After Effects for... effects and graphics

pinky for the stinky