Itt: shows you had to stop watching after the first ten minutes

pic v. related
>divorced veteran
>muh ptsd
>calling muslim terrorists "asian" for some reason
>police need to announce they are authorized to carry guns lmao
>train guard is a woman
>impromptu babysitter is a black woman
>suicide bomber is a woman
>head of ct unit is a black woman
>head sniper is a woman
>head bomb disposal is a woman
why did Yea Forums lie to me and say this was worth watching?

Attached: Bodyguard.jpg (650x400, 241K)

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Not the whole show, but House of Cards season 6 was unbearable.
Couldn’t even finish the first episode.
Kevin Spacey really made that show

It is worth watching if you're a middle-aged woman looking for wank fodder. You're just a retard who's fried their brain with too much YouTube SJW's getting owned compilations.

sorry i have eyes that work.

Yeah Bodyguard was fucking terrible I had to drop it before the end of the first episode.
>muh ptsd
I also hate this trope. Thousands went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq and the vast majority just went back to civilian life happily, but on TV the vet always has to be a muh ptsd, fuck the war person. It's like TV writers have never actually met the average squaddie.

mass media isn't for white people

mr robot is easily the most unwatchable show ever. less than ten minutes.

>babysitter is a black woman
does the baby die from neglect or abuse?

Past season 2 you only have yourself to blame.

Van Helsing
Couldn't even watch the first scene where that bitch wakes up and fights those three vampires or whatever they were.
Cringed and turned it off.

Yeah, wait until you finish the thing. I started fast-forwarding it at some point, and boy, is it not worth the time investment.

too dumb for me

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>calling muslim terrorists "asian" for some reason

That just is a polite way of saying shitskin in the UK
They call east asian people orientals

>calling muslim terrorists "asian" for some reason

I'm french and found this utterly retarded too.
How the fuck is algeria / turkey / pakistan asia?

Its a bongistan thing.

Pakistan is right in the fucking middle of Asia. Asia isn't just anime-land.

the middle east is part of asia, stupid fucks. muslim is not an ethnicity.

The brits were just looking for a way to avoid saying "arab", stop trying to justify this retarded shit. The notion you can call people coming from literal north africa "asian" is laughable.

Algeria isn't.
Turkey and Pakistan are literally in Asia.

In american english asian was used for east asians, since east asians built their railroads.
In british english asian was used for west and south asians more because they took more of it and brought those people back with them.

Well, at least one of the villians did end up actually being the woman muslim on the trrain in the first epsiodes.

I don't know why but brits call Muslims Asian for some reason. And the gun laws are so fucked in the UK they have to call for special officers who are allowed to carry guns.

Guys, I’ve never seen «Yellowstone» being discussed on this board. Has anyone seen it?
I thought it was going to be on par with Justified, or be at least a good manly show about horses, cowboys and feuds about land.

Turns out it’s just a glorified soap opera with bad in-show continuity, awful characterization and horrendous logic. It’s basically a testosterone version of Gossip Girls. Has anyone, like me at first, fallen for the bait that is this show?

I watched the first season. I liked it well enough. Dunno if I’ll watch the second. Is it bad?

2nd is really bad.
But season 1’s second half is real bad too. It’s only «deus ex machina» things happen - the show. It’s only created for the cliffhangers. Take for instance the moment when whatshisface accidentally kills two asian tourists in the middle of nowhere (probability of occurence: 0%) THEN out of nowhere a grizzly happens!
It’s done in order to put this whatshisface character in a bad situation (will the authorities wrongly believe he killed those people?). Then... nothing happens. It’s thrown under the carpet. It was just built for filler and tension, and back to useless family drama.

Yeah, that is true. Like I said, I doubt I’ll bother with the 2nd season.

excuse me, Mr Robot is great