what the fuck does he do all day?
What the fuck does he do all day?
Probably off fucking catwoman
leads his second double-life as a mild-mannered family man or something.
If they're sticking to the comics, literally eating babies and raping corpses
fuck with homelander
He's supposed to be like Snake Eyes right?
Defying physics by drinking a straw through his face mask
I thought the twist was going to be that Simon Pegg was that guy
Why was Pegg even in this show for? Such a shit role they gave him
because hughie is based on him in the comics but he's too old now
The comics were created with Simon Pegg in mind as the main character
>Defying physics by drinking a straw through his face mask
wut?? he clearly used the straw to drink a liquid.. how would the other thing even make sense?
>He's supposed to be like Snake Eyes right?
My head-canon is that he's a pasty scrawny ginger who LARPd his way into being a superhero
Pretending to be the weakest member of the group while probably being the most powerful.
In the comics he also gets the "darkest storylines in the worst parts of the city", but it's never really shown the specifics. He is a mystery until the reveal at the very, very end - something that I hope the series won't copy 1:1.
why are all their superhero names retarded?
He fights the asian girl hand to hand and wins pretty easily though, so he's got super-speed/strength at the very least.
hnnnhhh he does things
All superhero names are retarded
>He's a superman, we'll call him Superman
Based show cucks bitching about giving the boys compound V. If you cunts even read the point of compound V. EVERYONE is on it for the most point in the comics. And since the G-Men are canon in the show. I mean yeah powerscaling in the comics was quite simple. Basically the early your body as in from fetus level to adulthood depending would determine how powerful you are.
Also compound V is like a billion per shot in the comics. Yeah the boys massacre everyone in the comics but it's a steady climb up to the homelander but the way the show is lmfao I have NO IDEA what they're doing. Compound V is being treated as some weird steroid sex drug thing. Which it IS in the comics but that's only an impure version literal hookers use to be able to handle super hero cock. Yeah it all sounds fucking retarded. More of a edged hyper sexual comment on the comics industry which has transformed into the MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE industry. Which is the show now. Not a big fan of homelander costume tho. But I get it