Tfw you'll never have a cute petite girl with a goddess' voice helping you to become a functional member of society

>tfw you'll never have a cute petite girl with a goddess' voice helping you to become a functional member of society

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Shit adaptation.

>Missing the point in her character that hard

what anime is this

For real. The whole story is about how codependency is bad and she is really a bad person. I don't know how somebody can miss that.

go back to your containment shithole freak

You mean
>tfw no manipulative gf who uses you to feel better about yourself

Probably for the best, id end up raping her

couldn't pass episode 2 of this creepy wish fullfiment rubbish.

>The whole story is about how codependency is bad
>and she is really a bad person.

Imagine missing the fucking point this bad. Did you even read the fucking manga dickhead?

Yeah she is

>codependency is bad
No it's not.

human independence is a relatively recent phenomenon only enabled through modern society
Humans were designed by evolution to rely on each other for survival. Fucking chimps and gorillas all live in packs.

Humans are sociel creatures
Codependency is hardwired in our brains

If that ever happened to you, that girl would be an agent trying to brainwash you into embracing society.

Show would have been a million times better if that bitch wasnt in it and it was just about 2 bros trying to make a porn game and falling in love with eachother

>a functional member of society
Massively fucking overrated.

>Don't be shy, user! I know it's your first date with a girl but I promise to give you a good time. Try not to look at the coffee and talk to me!

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cute ! cute ! CUTE !

Yeah no.
The only girl that ever looked at me like that was my friend's gf.

Codependency is not socially cooperation and social bonds.

It's when mentally-ill people form unhealthy bonds where their worst traits are allowed to continue harming themselves and their partner.

Misaki was a BPD waif.

No she wasn't.

It isn't conveyed as well in the anime because she's really not that bad there. She's still manipulative and selfish, but she doesn't act on those things in a way that's really harmful to Satou, it's easy to look passed those parts of her and just see the helpful cute girl because in practice that's all she is, the only negative thing about her is her reasoning for what she's doing which isn't going to bother everyone anyway.

if you haven't read the manga or LN you have no idea what the story is actually like
dumb animeonlys

This, literal brainlets who fantasise over shit they havent even understood properly.

It's actually not considered an LN in Japan. It was released by a legit publisher. LNs are released by otaku-focused companies.

But yeah, in the manga she is spiteful and vindictive and in the book she's more or a straight BPD case.

Manga is better.

I just want my own Misaki bros...

NHK is the Scott Pilgrim of anime and both are shit
>baawwww I need a pretty girl to fix my life

Anime is a form of television

Anime website. Deal with it. Bump

>tfw you'll never have a suicidal self hating girl help you become a member of society because it's the only way she can keep her self hatred from reaching dangerous levels

yeah, im good man

Thats what every girl you date does

Ah I hate when girls are BDP. Why cant they be more MPG?

Yeah...she was supposed to be seen as a bad person. She's manipulative and only attempts to help Sato because it boosts her own ego. She literally says this multiple times and yet you retards keep willingly ignoring a crucial plot point.

Shut the fuck up you idiot. Read the god damn manga.

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should i watch this?

Test cumbr4in cumbrain

If you want to feel extremely depressed, sure.

It's not an anime website. Sorry I had to be the one to inform you.

it´s anime pussy

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Whats the source of this