Why are there so many stoner comedies but no meth head comedies?

Why are there so many stoner comedies but no meth head comedies?

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Heaven Knows What was pretty good

Describe how drugs feel in the most detail you can for a good boy.

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There's nothing funny about a crippling and debilitating addiction.

is perception of dopamine levels linear or logarithmic?

Pot feels like your drunk and sleepy, thats it, but millennial faggots brag about smoking weed so in the inverse way it's kinda made it uncool to do now (if it ever was "cool" in the first place)

I don't even know what sex feels like and you're asking me about substances?

stimulants are like ultra coffee

How about comedies about people who have sex 12 times?

spun by jonas akerlund starring mickey rourke and mena suvari

cannabis feels jittery, like you are always on the verge of a anxiety attack.
alcohol feels like you are in that transition between sleep and awake.
benzos feels like everything there is to worry about melts away and you are on a pink cloud.
Stimulants feels like you are more awake than wake and you are able to get ideas and creativity through a greater filter.

Stoners are just a nuisance, methheads are fucking dangerous.
t. live in Pocatello

pot is a harmless substance that actually offers plethora of benefits to the user while meth is a life ruining drug
what a stupid question

Came to say this.

This. Also, smoking meth is not so much an activity, it’s a lifestyle. A strange, disturbing lifestyle where you stay awake for days and are always obsessing over something to fill the time. It’s not really humorous for the most part.

Cocaine is less mind altering than pot and should be legal.

>alcohol feels like you are in that transition between sleep and awake
Also, and just like in a dream, you do shit you wouldn't do normally. Like crying in public if you are sad, grab a girl's butt when she walks in front of you, or accepting going places you wouldn't go.

lol. this would be disastrous for various reasons.

Imagine what would happen to the baby laxative industry and community trap houses if we could get nice pure shit at the Coke Depot.

snorting it has similar reactions

Because methheads are too busy trying to score some meth to watch shitty TV shows and films.

MDMA feels like mainlining joy and well being into your brain
LSD is an awakening of the senses. Your pattern recognition is turned up to 11. It also allows you to feel weird sensations that can’t really be explained. Everything about the trip feels very novel.
Benzos don’t feel like anything, except maybe relieving if you have anxiety. But there is no “high”. You may be walking around and talking, but you’re not actually there. You’re just on autopilot.

Coke is really fun. Only time I ever truly feel alive is when I have a bag.

The same could be said about heroine and all other drugs really.
Good luck convincing the NPCs of that though

That’s really sad I like cocaine too but there’s definitely something else that’s causing you to feel that way

>tfw mushrooms are considered Class A in the UK even though they're almost completely harmless

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>It’s not really humorous for the most part
>mowing the lawn at 3:00am
>not humorous
C'mon user

Probably because when I'm not on coke I'm either working a 12 hour shift or getting plastered alone at home. When I'm on coke I feel actually awake and sociable.

so I should do meth instead of have sex

Aren't you guys scared of ruining your health?

I don't have any friends or family. Why would I fear death when I am essentially just waiting for it to take me. Might as well enjoy myself while I'm waiting.

I guarantee that if you start doing meth you will have sex. It just might not be the kind of sex you want.

This guy gets it

Weed is usually just a general feeling of euphoria/excitement mixed with some light visuals and mental slowness. Acid is a slow build up into a two hour long burst of euphoria both mental and physical and then slipping into an 8 hour mental trip/depersonalization. I don’t usually get too many visuals on it.

Can’t say for anything else because I’ve only done acid and weed.

because methheads are a much smaller market

>Pot feels like your drunk and sleepy, thats it
What kind of fucking garbage have you been smoking?

Shooting heroin is like an orgasm turned up to 11. But boy, does it fuck up your life when you come down.

MDMA makes you feel happier than you've probably ever been in your life. Any social anxiety will be removed from your thoughts until you come down, I was only in a nightclub smoking area but I was having a really long and deep conversation with my friends and it's hard to explain but because the amount of serotonin in your head, you feel really close to the people you're around so if you're with friends it's great. Everyone was hugging and shit, also you'd probably feel like you could drop and do 50 push ups or hear a pin drop.

Cocaine was very underwhelming for me. Felt nice, confident headspace and again you could chat shit to someone for a while about random stuff but it wasn't as strong as I was expecting from what I'd heard and seen in film and TV.

Weed is pretty strong at first but after a while of regular use it becomes less impairing and you can just enjoy the high and still be relatively active if that's your thing.

That's not what pot is like at all...

LSD is by far my favourite drug. I started with 100ug and it was amazing. Once your come up, every colour looks so vibrant, as though someone turned up the hue on your vision. If you focus on say a pillow that's arms length away, it'll look like it's slowly breathing in and out and your senses will feel sort of heightened and the pillow will feel really soft. Depending on the amount you take, you can have trails on objects and light. Imagine a long exposure shot but in real time, i was sat for a while staring at my hand and waving it around as it had a trail in vision. Music sounds fucking amazing. Your thought process is almost childlike, and your hometown can look like a different place, albeit familiar looking and you'll know your way around. It can be very impairing and you can become imobile from simply zoning out but it's an extremely unique feeling and experience and you'll remember well. Mushrooms are very similar to LSD but I prefer acid overall.

DMT is very hard to explain. A few tokes on the pipe made it feel like I was on something like 500ug+ LSD almost straight away. Visuals covered entire surfaces of geometric shapes and colours. I also felt a sort of presence in my room, no voices no communication just a feeling. I never broke through but got on the borderline and decided to not smoke any more. It only lasts about 10 minutes but I know breaking through feels much much longer and is extremely intense. I will one day but I have no interest currently.

I should also add that MDMA gives you a come down. I personally never took it regularly enough or in high enough amounts to experience a bad one. There is a noticeable difference in headspace when it wears off and you come down, however I never considered myself to be depressed or really that sad. I was just heading home and reflecting on the night and then went to bed and felt hungover the next day because MDMA makes you thirsty and I was only drinking alchol and no water. Not saying you may not experience it differently.

I also forgot heroin. I only sniffed it but it felt like my whole body was warm. I described it to my friends as a warm hug. I never took enough to start nodding out, some of my friends did, however it makes you pretty imobile as you're just very comfortable there. I also only tried it a couple of times, never injected so I don't have an interest to try it ever again.