has anyone here ever done this
I have, right now
fuck work it sucks
has anyone here ever done this
I have, right now
fuck work it sucks
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no but i've started just calling out whenever i fucking feel like it
i can get another min wage job closer to home if they decide to eventually fire me
how do you pay for stuff
i sometimes go to work and just not do work. eventually just before people figure it out I do some work.
whats your job?
i'm a single guy with no car and no girlfriend or kids and I live in a shantytown. my expenses aren't exactly overwhelming. the people complaining about the cost of living these days have two kids to support or they waste their money on memehouses and cars
taxi cab
hopefully a democrat wins in 2020 so none of us have to work
>has anyone here ever done this
Yeah, I had a part time job as an electronics salesman in a massive store when I was in college. It was fucking terrible. It was overstaffed to hell, way too quiet so half the time you'd be standing around doing nothing, and commission made every one competitive as hell so when someone did come in the store they basically fought amongst each other for the person's attention.
I made it a month and just didn't show up. I got a call and just ignored it. Like 3 months later I got a letter in the mail telling me they considered our relationship terminated and all I thought was, "duh".
Only job I've ever had where I just couldn't force myself to tolerate it, I just hated it.
Unironically this. Robot-powered communism now!
>tfw actually a really good driver
>but they just make me drive back and forth between airports and hotels and I never get to show my powerlevel
Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries
haha yeah i hope they open the borders and give everyone universal basic income
this is a realistic scenario and it won't fail
I did. They stopped calling after 3 weeks.
A long time ago i did. It was actually pretty stressful.
I was what is called a "stationary engineer". Its actually a very good job and I would recomend it to any college dropouts. I was hired right after dropping out by one of the leading property management companies in the world. And at first I loved it. But eventually I got bored. So I stopped requesting operator shifts (manning the chillers, using a computer to monitor the air handling units, ect.) and requesting the dirty work of preventative maintenance. Where I would quite literally just lock myself inside an air handling room for 6 hours and sleep, then fill out the paperwork saying I cleaned 10 air handlers that day.
I was certain everyone knew exactly what I was doing, but I was never caught and left that company to go back to college with glowing reviews from my entire management team.
Bernie said years ago he doesn't want open borders though...
nice fucking blog dude I didn't read it
Walked out last Friday. No regrets yet.
don't you have to fill some paperwork to inform your pension fund or something?
Concerning to know the guy who drives me to the airport hotel is animeposting while I flag him down
You said it, not me nigger.
NEET life is the best life.
It's all a fucking massive waste of time anyway, better to just skip it & be poor instead of selling 3/4ths of your life's limited time just to still fucking be poor anyway.
How does NEETing work in other countries? In Germany you have to regularly meet with your unemployment handler and write applications, otherwise they cut your money to starvation levels.
yes lol
well i have read that ZOOMERS are GHOSTING their jobs
not 100% what that means
In the US you show up once every 3-6 months, check a couple little boxes that say "no changes", they stamp it & you leave.
They don't even interview you anymore. Blacks come in wearing $900 outfits & playing with cellphones nearly as expensive. Nobody cares.
Same, but my job is a little better
I did it for three months at Walmart and then came back and just punched in. Nobody said shit.
I very much doubt this. I tried to apply for food stamps once. But they literally asked me about my 401k and IRA accounts.
in Sweden it really depends on your circumstances. If you're a normal person you basically have to keep applying for jobs all the time and also tell your employment handler which jobs you've applied for. However if you're a person with mental problems that basically make you unable to work or just manage to convince the government of that, you can "retire" and live off the government retirement plan. This can include any number of problems. Like one guy I knew basically had his life ruined by a girlfriend. They were both into BDSM and were active in the community. So one day the girlfriend tells everyone that he's actually this superinsane sadist and everyone buys the story and he loses most of his friends and basically gets harassed by strangers when he goes out in public. Shrink gave him some anti-axienty pills and the guy just retired after that, he was around 25 at the time and basically just sits at home playing video games all day.
and he also doesn't want to enforce border laws either. have cake and eat it too.
>having 401k & IRA
>trying to apply for foodstamps
There's your problem right there.
>automation takes over
>none of us have to work soul crushing jobs anymore
>we're all free to pursue our passions
find a flaw
>>we're all free to pursue our passions
you'll just stay home and jerk off all day.
My friend has done this to five jobs in the last 2 years. Absolute autism.
He's so lucky his father it's wealthy or he'd be done.
I was quite literally just fired from my job and had negative income. Isn't that exaclty what food stamps are designed for?
But the food stamps questionnaire form literally asks about investment income. And I did not want to lie.
i did. they kept jerking me around about a transfer of position. i didn't care that it made less money and i would have less hours, i just wanted out, i put in 4 more months and even worked at the new bigger store where i was supposed to be given my transfer. i brought it up two more times before i just left. they actually called a few times and policy is "on no call no show is termination" and on the third week they asked "please come back everyone is leaving"
>NEET life is the best life
I tried and after two years of it it got boring and i hardly could buy anything i wanted.
>Isn't that exaclty what food stamps are designed for?
Technically it's supposed to be used when you have literally nothing else. Investment income counts as "something else".
I didn't have any sort of investments or anything, neither do the niggers who also game the system. 100% pure liquid assets.
i make six figures and sometimes i "work from home" and just be an anxious lazy mess who browses bullshit websites for a day to unwind
Yeah, my entire last two years in the army. I sometimes went weeks without showing up for work and this went entirely unnoticed.
I once did this and just lived off of savings as a NEET for about a year.
My brother does this at least once a week. He's got his chats and charts up but he just plays video games all day until there's any problem.
I hate niggers and women
I enjoyed it while I was one but the money that comes with a decent paying job is well worth it, wouldn't go back
He's lying or was in the most incompetent unit ever. Even when I was in my last 60 days, when army regulation says you can do whatever the fuck you want, I still showed up to salute the flag most days.
Yes, i work for the government, and it gets to the point where they can't fire you and you just don't care about your work and you can do whatever you want. I love the government.
Yeah, but eventually they will fire you
I read it.
w-what kind of stuff were they into?
I was assigned to my branch's personnel management department at the Pentagon. Most of it is officers manually reviewing other officers' evals and deciding whether to promote them based primarily on whether they like them or not. I was one of maybe five NCOs who were meant to handle enlisted promotions but like 85% of those were just automatic and being a staff sergeant I had no say in who made sergeant major or not. So those four crusty SGMs would sit around and gossip and decide who was going to make it and who wasn't, which basically left all enlisted artillery branch promotions from E1 to E7 up to MILPERS computer systems and their minder, which was me.
So mostly I moved reams of paper around and looked at a computer screen for no reason. I discovered I could edit, misplace or even destroy records, so I took full advantage of that to fuck over as many of my enemies as I could. And when all that shit got boring, I hung a sign on my office door that said I was at an appointment. I started just leaving the building early on Fridays and within a few months I was talking vacations out of state. No one ever called my cell or said shit to me, so I guess they just never noticed.
>free to pursue our passions
NEETs prove this premise wrong
Ooh, a PV4 quoting non-existent regs and calling others liars.
>implying there are any competent units in the army
They took your faggot-ass, didn't they?
Double edged sword, when I'm neet I'm depressed and anxious and I can't bring myself to do anything but sit on my ass and consume media.
When I'm working I have the money to do pretty much whatever I want, but I'm always tired and sore so I end up just laying around waiting for the next day of work.
IDK what the right answer is, I just know that either way I'm unhappy
A friend of mine bought a game during lunch. Decided he would rather play the game than go back to work, so he just went home.
>"""work""" from home
Everyone does this. It's like an open secret.
My boss has apparently.
When you are a tenured professor you can literally do this with a $150K salary and no one bats an eye
Bullshit. Enlisted pentagon jobs last gor 18 months. And enlisted promotions are 100% a computer algorithm that cuts off at the promotion points needed to feed the MOS. Promotion boards are the true gatekeepers for e5 and e6.
If your story is true, im sure you clocked out early a few fridays. But you didnt just not show up for 2 years.
And lol you fucking stupid beurocrat. Every combat private in the army plays playstation most days. Because thats just what combat guys do.
Nope on everything you said, huge faggot who never served, and I never said I didn't show up for two years, you fucking nigger retard. Nope on the promotion boards (they don't decide whether anyone gets promoted, they just send the packet to branch). Nope on any algo in MILPERS. And I got that assignment after nearly eight years on the line in a combat arms branch, so you and every other CoD kiddie with an opinion about it can climb on top of your mother's boyfriend's broad nigger shoulders and lick the crack of my ass until I tell you to stop.
Wanna know how much I made those last two years?
I don't speak spic, Juan
they ask you about any finances you have for anything user for the first application.
The answer is to be born a rich silver spoon faggot, but with spending limits.
So it was literally you deciding wther the e6 tanker cut off was 680 or 690? Not a computer lookimg at how many e5 tankers existed with 2 years+ on their contracts? And you did this not just for tankers and infantry and sappers, but for the 200 jobs across the army? And you just didnt show up for weeks at a time, even though the army times published new points every week?
>7 hour shift today
Less than 24 hours til it's back to work...
thats why we have picture books
Sundays make me smile. While the wagies are clinging onto their dying moments of freedom, to me it's just another day. Every day is a Saturday to me. Every night is a Friday night. No worries about waking up early. No stress about tomorrow's tasks. No existential dread while slaving away for 8+ hours straight and a job you hate.
I am truly free. Your shitty lifestyles will continue to pay for my wonderful existence, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
tfw actually mental illness and have none of this
Building operators are the plebs and brainlets of the power engineer class
Only 40 more years and they can join us, if they put enough in their retirement plan that is!
8 hours 15 minutes for me. Except I drive 30 minutes to and 30 minutes from work. And then it's 1 hour of break where I'm still trapped there because it's in the middle of nowhere. And of course I have to wake up a 5:45 if I want to be there on time at 7 and rush the eating and showering. 10 hours of stolen time every day for shit money. I want to fucking kill myself.
neets don't get shit in america
no one does unless you're an illegal or nigger
It basically says
basically propaganda from a state that gets most of their stuff imported and will crash the second said importer decides to let up
Why not be an ascended Neet and work at a high paying job that works you less at quadruple to pay of a wagie
>You've been missing a lot of work lately Peter
>Well, I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it...
I did. I managed a pharmacy and just noticeably got burnt out and just stopped trying. Told my DM everything about how I'm not going to work more than a normal workweek, I'm not going to be "on call" or even answer my phone on off hours. I'm not going to pester people about compliance training they should know to do as grown ups. I'm not going to be giving people infinite strikes and I'm not going to hire muzzies or niggers who can't work just because the image would look good for us.
This was a good 10 years ago. Still have the job and life is great, mostly.
It only worked because the DM at the time knew the level I worked at when at my best and knew my not-best was still better than most. Then he moved on and the newer DMs only knew me from my lazy ass era and it was still more competent than everyone else.
I do hire nogs now, but not the various indiscriminate swarthy races.
Older guy at my cousin's job did. They only found out when they were going to issue him a reward for longstanding service.
>been enjoying my comfy skip day in my den drinking bourbon
>I've ran out
wtf how could this happen. the only option is to go to the liquor store but that means I'll have to venture outside.
>taxi driver
>on Yea Forums
Based and scorsesepilled
They replace everyone with robots. Then stop paying everyone. People just assume that's not going to happen.
What's your power level? If you're my driver and I want to be in a high speed cop chase would you be able to lose them after the ghetto bird shows up?
This is probably the worst thing. All your time off is just spent anxiously preparing for that return to work.
There is no time off.
Don't do it. It's not worth it.
No. People assume that the Government is going to pay them a million bucks when in reality they just give them a month's salary of someone working at 9.50/hr
still bretty gud
Cops are known for not engaging in high speed pursuits where I live, they got a regulation against it and everyone fucking knows that.
As for the helicopter, there's rules against how close they can fly to airports. Just make it to the airport, the helicopter will lose sight of you and that's all it takes.
>work as an apprentice in the building/construction trades
>make decent money for my age/area/where I'm at in my career, get benefits (even if they suck/I cant benefit from any of them until I retire)
>get weekends off, usually dont have to work nights
>dont have to deal with office-politics-drama most of the time
>most of the boomers I work with are satisfied/impressed with my work ethic
>first job ive had where I don't dread going to work in the morning when I wake up
>in spite of all this I just want to stay home all day fixing up the house, gardening, woodworking, working out, and mixing house music
>get weekends off, usually dont have to work nights
If you say "building trades" but don't specify, you're a fucking plumber. Literally any nigger can glue pvc.
I showed up to work for the last two days but before that I was banging around doing random shit for seven days. I'm thinking about calling up work and telling them that I won't be returning indefinitely. They won't give a fuck, I mean, they will, but there's nothing they can do about it. I live in a small town prairie town and they have a hard time attracting workers in the first place, so they can either accept that I'm fucking off to do whatever I want for a while until I decide to come back to work, or they can accept my resignation and I'll just never come back.
I live in the small town slums, so my rent is only 375 dollars a month and it's honestly a joke, I could probably come up with that much money a month just collecting bottles from trash cans, given that it seems that is my neighbour's occupation. On a good day of work, I could make my whole month's rent in a single day. But I never bother working that hard.
I'm thinking imma go to edmonton and have a bit of an impromptu holiday, go to the horse racing track, ride via rail to get there, spend time in a swanky hotel and I think they got a cool waterpark there so that will be fun. It's been so long since I've been on a waterslide.
so that's what I'm doing.
The jobs I worked prior to this had me working odd/uneven hours where I'd be working 12-8 and then I'd get something like wednesday and sunday off. With this current job I have had to work nights but maybe for one month out of the past year.
IBEW district 7
This reads like a failed first draft for the sequel to Catcher in the Rye.
Is it just me or does it seem more "aesthetic"/appealing to live in working-class-poverty in canada compared to the USA
Oh a union guy? So a white man who made a conscious choice to become a nigger.
You say that but every other neet is learning Japanese, cooking and drawing. I know I am. Useless activities, yes, but it's what we like to do.
I wouldnt have had to go union if the (((non-union contractors))) would stop conducting business in such a semitic fashion. The $30/mo I pay in dues all goes towards my two retirement plans, that's literally 1% of my current monthly income.
Why does the existence of trade unions make you heebs seethe so much anyway, when you saturate most of the labor market with your underpaid underskilled (usually illegal immigrant) labor? You're winning, why whine when you're paying Paco and Juan $6.50/hr to attempt to do a good job bending pipe, you charge the client $70/hr for Paco and Juan's time, and you pocket the difference
In every test of basic income, there's only two groups that see a significant drop in employment: expecting/new mothers, and high school teenagers. These two groups are the ones you WANT to be working less, because they're focused on more important things. Everyone else still works, because basic income is just that: basic. People still want to buy fancy shit, and you need extra money for that. Only now, they don't have to worry about basic needs in the process. This creates a healthier and more efficient workforce as well as a better consumer economy.
I quit in April.
I start a new job Monday and thank God for that, I was going crazy being a neet after like a month.
I have done this to a lot of jobs, feels good man. I have done this to jobs that pay $70k a year and that spent months training me, there is literally nothing they can do about it.
Companies feel like they own people who get indebted through mortgages and bills and become trapped into their jobs. They don't understand that not everything makes poor, damning economic decisions and that some of us have enough liquid assets that we can fuck off at will once they start treating you like a machine or cattle.
25 year old NEET here, never worked a day in my life, left school when I was 15 and getting NEETBUX since 17, got a call 3 days ago saying I am being given a brand new 2 bedroom house, I go to the gym 3 days a week and watch movies/shows and play games every other day, hang out with my nieces and nephews every day too. Life is good, dont waste it toiling away doing something you hate.
Not all of us can be born into rich families, Chaim
Reality sets in
My family was poor when I was growing up, now still working class. I get disability from the government
What country do you live in that they just give autistic NEETs on disability free houses
Not all of us can be born disabled, Chaim
Not autistic, I have reynauds phenomenon in my hands that could develop into rheumatoid arthritis. I live in Ireland, you sign onto the council list for social housing if you can't afford your own, I was on the list 4 years.
Yeah I hit the jackpot, my disability is really minor too, my hands get sore if i wash dishes for a while or do stuff like that, I occasionally get tiny chill blaines and my hands are always cold and discoloured. Not bad really.
i just did that with a 90k job. i hated it. it was downtown in a major city and i had to ride the train to get there. it was in a fancy high rise - very famous building in this town. the job was a management position, but they hired me through an agency and not directly, which pissed me off. there were beggars all over the street, then last week i went out for lunch and cops had everything blocked off. someone got stabbed to death in broad daylight. i had to wait an hour to leave the building for lunch, then i just went home and didn't go back all week. when they called me the second day i just told them i wasn't coming in anymore.
Get a load of this corporatist kike. You don't think workers should have rights? lol
I don't mind work, I just don't want to HAVE to wear a suit
This. Death to wagies
fucking asshole, you're the reason people get called in on THEIR day off to pick up your slack
I most definitely think every worker should have rights. Based on the work of that worker. Joining what is essentially a gang in order to force owners into dealing with the shittiest of all workers is literally a kike idea and only supported by leftist scum. The same mother fuckers electing democrats that import mexicans. But they arent afraid because mexicans can fool e-verify, but they wont fool the unions.
Just think long and hard about having to jlin a gang and pay money every month to some guido fuck just to have the privilege to work. In America for fucks sake, the country that was founded on the idea that we are born equal and our works make us outstanding.
Unironically agree.
I employee hundreds of undocumented mexicans and pay them shit and shitpost in my spare time which is all of my time deal with it
>not turning off your phone on your day off
So you have no car of your own but you drive taxis for a living? Isnt that a bit strange?
yeah for the last few months, but I need to go back to work because I'm running out of money.
As opposed to the gangs of (((contractors))) and (((job creators))) who vote democrat so they can continue to hire illegal immigrant labor to keep overhead down and profit margins high? As opposed to paying a "gang" a whole 1% of your income that goes towards a retirement plan (because the hebraic contrators and job creators you defend so vitriolically won't offer one and will enable their illegal immigrant labor force to deplete Social Security by 2023)? Whoa...based...and...redpilled...
who the hell has to wear suits to work these days?
Thanks for stopping by to let us know you have zero clue what you're talking about
My shitty boomer dad took money out of his 401k to pay for a summer house and now constantly bitches about not having enough money to retire comfortably. Its crazy how profoundly little foresight some people have. He also talked me out of taking a full ride scholarship to a state school in favor of over $100,000 in student debt to go to business school. Easily the worst decision i have ever made in my life
>In every test of basic income
all 0 of them?
>in order to force owners into dealing with the shittiest of all workers
Also this is a regurgitated jewish lie. Just this past quarter we pinkslipped a guy who got hired (off the books/from the hall) to the contractor I work for. and the guy has "muh nepotism connections" in the local union. His brother works for the national office and he used to hold office in the local. He still got shitcanned by my (union) contractor for being a terrible worker. Most of the "I know about unions, theyre bad and here'z why" talking points regurgitated by you good-goy-drones are usually not rooted in fact and basically the equivalent of "here's what my boss mr goldberg told me to say and think about unions"
When you're ferrying people do you have different speeds?
This nigger had to use 20 5 dollar words just to show how proud he is that his boss fired someone. All to defend his gang that he pays dues to just so he can work. And he has the audacity to call me, a man who goes out and earns based on his reputation, a kike.
yall faggots ITT should take the mailpill. its not a bad gig
The only clothes better than a suit to wear at work are loose shirts and shorts i.e. lying on the beach while the money rolls in
>tfw mom and dads money runs out and I have no money, no skills or work experience and no place to live and no food to eat
I don't like driving, I just do it because it's what I'm good at. I don't really give a fuck what job I have.
>3 more days of work till my 14 days off
im going in tomorrow with a smile, lads
>y-you use big words! ha u dumb I smart!
Not an argument. My local still operates the same way, only we pay dues that go towards our retirement plans (as in more than one). There's plenty of people in my district/local who work for union contractors without being members of the union. You're just seething because your jewish leash-holders' NPC programming is short circuiting and you cant fathom real life working outside of the pre-programmed lies your masters inured you with.
>be me
>have a seriously hard time figuring out what the union does for me besides tell me how great they are
I've read the union manual, any "benefits" of this position are just stuff that any employee in the country gets. Like bereavement leave, they pretend they negotiated it for us, but if you read the labour code, literally everyone gets free days off if someone dies.
Retirement plans, and you don't get paid Paco-and-Juan-tier wages. That's about it. I'm not super pro-union, but I'm anti-kosher-business.
You literally pay your masters. They arent just some shadowy jew conspiracy, they are some fat guido fuck at a building you pay for. And you have the audacity to say I bow to my masters. When you literally bow to yours every single fucking month.
don't got a retirement plan
There is a guy in here who literally believes the union he is part of is giving him a retirement plan for 30 dollars a month.
I think i pay Charles Schwab 25 dollars a month just to manage my 401k.
I have a 6 years journeyman ironworker that can't hold a drill straight, can't weld, can't rig without putting someone's life in danger, cuts himself with grinder discs almost monthly, and literally shit himself yesterday while working. The other guy in the crew is a 15-year apprentice meth burnout who literally can't tell the difference between 5 and 6 inches while using a tape measure.
Unions as we know them are fucking dead. They shit out warm bodies to make money, no interest in development or growth or quality.
The answer is going back to the peasant system where they had literal months of vacation time mandated by the church to keep the peasantry happy and not-revolting.
That is why we need to proactively put UBI into action so that when the time comes that robots replace everybody we just increase the UBI
all the unions i ever had in my life just sat around and collected money. every time you'd have a problem they'd just go "i'll get back to you" while protecting the most incompetent of workers. my current job has no union and it's heaven.
Wrong. I pay towards my retirement plans. Moreover, I pay less in dues per month than your jewish masters take out of my check to pay for their (((bailouts))) and the (((food stamps))) that go towards your illegal coworkers (gotta keep that profit margin up, so we hired Juan and Paco to work for $5.50/hr under the table!). You're simply just regurgitating jewish NPC programming at this point. Please update your subroutines.
They literally do, what they do with the money they receive is a matter of public record and those expenditures are accessible every quarter, jewslave. I get two (2) retirement plans for $5 more than what you pay Mr (((Schwab))).
I live and worked in a "right to work" state and I'd rather work somewhere that at least will pretend to look out for me than work somewhere that can terminate me because "yeah uhhh Suzy from HR says she just doesnt like you so uhh you're banned from the premises. sorry bro"
Wasn’t even long bro
I suspect you can’t reas though
you can probably sue for unlawful termination. you're probably american so you can sue for anything.
>you can probably sue for unlawful termination.
Not in a right to work state, and not if the reason for termination was "[manager/supervisor] doesn't like you". If they said "[manager/supervisor] doesn't like you because of your [race/religion/gender/"sexual orientation"]", then you can sue for unlawful termination. But it's a literal "right" in "right to work" states that businesses can fire you at-will for anything other than race/religion/gender/orientation.
>hands get sore if i wash dishes for a while or do stuff like that, I occasionally get tiny chill blaines and my hands are always cold and discoloured
Sounds like a heart condition
I hope one of them cuts off your face. Everyone caught hiring an illegal should be in prison.
I explained what it is, I went to hospital and they diagnosed it as reynauds phenomenon. I am pretty fit and my heart is in fine shape.
You talking TO ME?
>is on fucking disability for reynaud's disease
are you fucking shitting me? you're weak
Not weak just lazy and prefer to do what I want all day instead of slaving away for someone else, calm down wagie.
My job is decent , pay could be better but eh. People there are friendly , tolerate my autistic self a few friends invited me to do stuff. Its not that bad.
Every fucking geriatric democrat boomer is on record saying immigrants should fuck off and fags shouldn't marry. Yet here we are. Go back far enough and they were lynching niggers.
These people don't let their own convictions stand in the way of their career, user.
Automation will only occur on a capitalist basis for the next decades. It will be synonymous with people being thrown into poverty and unemployment, and people accepting shit payment in order to keep their jobs. Only when it's an accomplished fact and unemployment is high will a political solution be sought and things like UBI become an actual possibility. Basically, shit will get a lot worse before it gets better.
I disagree. Humans are social beings and some degree of status is necessary to live a good life. When you NEET (and I have plenty of experience doing that) you feel worthless and people treat you like you're worthless. Being a drone is awful but at least you get the social benefits of "having your shit together", particularly if you're a guy.
Based I miss being a neet
Currently at work dying to go home, smoke, eat and watch kino