Recommend me some kinos set in the Victorian era

Recommend me some kinos set in the Victorian era.

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>set in a time before toilet paper
Yeah no I'll pass

Imagine the smell

The Favourite. It's by Lanthimos so you know you're in for some kino of the highest order. Experimental cinematography, amazing acting and a compelling plot.

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Some leaves are better than toilet paper.

That's early 18th century, Victorian era is 1837-1901. You're like 130 years off. Like mixing up Napoleon and Hitler.


The Victorian era is literally named after queen Victoria. Tell me, was the queen in that movie called Victoria?

Sorry guys, I see the error of my ways. Still a good movie though.

quite pungent my dear

From hell

Brotherhood of the Wolf

Now that is a corpse that I wouldn’t leave well alone

Nomsayin Yea Forums?

From Hell is shit.

Yeah, and OP's girl is wearing a 1600s hat and gloves.

He obviously just wants thots in sexy historic costumes.

you are shit faggot


Also not Victorian, that movie is set in the 18th century.

shanghai knights

Toilet paper is disgusting. Prior to it's invention people were forced to actually wash their asses after they shat. Now people wipe their ass with some paper like that's enough to clean it and walk around with dry shit on their ass all day. How did we get to the point where we act like this is normal, acceptable behavior? Think about it; if you had shit anywhere else on your body, would you be okay just wiping it off with some paper?

No user, they used corn cobs and magazine pages.

>Oh I know very well how the secrets beckon so sweetly

holyshit you're right it is kinda disgusting

this is either really weak bait or you’re a massive retard. are you not familiar with wet wipes ya dingus

>read an article about outhouses in the old west once and thinks he's an expert on global bathroom habits before the invention of TP
No, midwit. Europeans washed their asses after snapping one off.

>are you not familiar with wet wipes
They aren't toilet paper and most people don't use them. Wipe then paper is the patrician combo.

Right, so if you had shit on your hand you'd feel clean after wiping it off with a wet wipe? Oh, it's so much better than regular toiler paper because it's DAMP. Wow. Fuck off, buddy. When I take a shit I head straight for the shower and clean myself properly. I'm not a goddamn animal.

You already know what it is

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Any gentleman knows you must either shit at home or carry your wet wipes with you in the event of a public shitting. I've been using flushable wet wipes post shit for a decade and everybody I've ever told about it has laughed at first and then almost immediately begun doing the same after they tried it once.

No, it's paper first to get rid of any large shit debris, then wipes to do the thorough cleaning, then a single paper again to test for any lingering shit residue

Same. I thought I was the only one. I also take my shirt off when I shit for some strange reason. It just goes better....

>public shitting
I'd die before I let this happen.

>large shit debris
get checked

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You're a gentleman and a scholar, user.

Its more like hear stories from my boomer mother about her grandfather, living in the deep south.

Also what did the use in europe when they pooped to wash? all the running water they had?

I'd be happy to schedule an appoint with you to investigate at your convenience

>he doesnt have a bidet




There were always pre-digital incel anons there to clean it with their tongues

Woman detected.

In men, the combination of strong glutes and a hairy asshole catches shit like a venus fly trap.

fucking reddit ass comment drink bleach

>desperate insecure cringe culture bullshit
Honest question: Can you even pick up a phone and order a pizza without having a panic attack?


That or you're just fat and retarded.

>he doesn't have basically free unlimited water supplies so he has to spray a squirt bottle at his asshole instead of just taking a glorious 30 minute hot shower.

Yeah Haha fuck Americans.

>a corpse should be left well alone

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Fat people don't use toilets at all they just shit themselves at Walmart.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

>Literally advocating for the destruction of the sewage system
Based retard





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>in the event of a public shitting.

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lady maria, I'm CIA

He's Indian

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What happened to this girl? she literally stopped posting on 2018 and she's MIA since then.

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For sheer eye candy, The Age Of Innocence and the version of Anna Karenina made around the same time. In general:

The Great Train Robbery
Young Sherlock Holmes
Wild Wild West
Around The World In 80 Days
Dracula (1979)
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Most of the Hammer classic monster movies
Anything Charles Dickens.

>so historically illiterate he thinks people walked around with crusted shit on their anus because the magical invention of dry paper hadnt been invented yet
Feces removal has existed since at least the egyptian period, but thats only that ive personally seen. Could go even further.

vidya kino, you say?

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you're completely right. i feel like im one of the only people in the world who is actually mindful of this. crazy to think when i was a kid it didnt bother me, i was so unconscious.


>he doesn't wipe with paper and then sit in his sink after to clean out his ass with a bar of soap
shiggy diggy

This isn't the Victorian era, but holy hell is that woman hot.

How did people use to remove feces from their anus?

Communal sponge on a stick. Not even joking. Fucking Roman degenerates.

Black Butler

>Prior to it's invention people were forced to actually wash their asses after they shat
No nigger. Prior to its invention most people in the west didn't wipe or wash after at all. Except nobles, barely even then depending on the time period. You just walked around with dingleberries until it was time for your weekly/monthly/annual bath depending on the time period.

Toilet paper is fucking retarded. The only true way is the bidet. I don't understand how it's fucking widespread only in Italy. Toilet paper is retarde as cleaning your shit in the fucking shower

from top of my head

from hell
sweenie todd
the portrait of dorian gray
the limehouse golem
the woman in black
crimson peak

Yeah enjoy your shit water in the shower. So fucking barbaric. Bidets should be made mandatory

>I also take my shirt off when I shit for some strange reason. It just goes better
unironically this

Can anyone recommend Victorian era porn


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>Something I like should be made mandatory.
Good thing you don't run the world then, Hitler.

Anyone got the lady maria poop pants pasta where she's sitting in the chair for decades waiting to poop but can't and then she shits herself?

Bloodborne film when

They are already making it.

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Shitcan that gay shit, here's some Georgian kino right in your eyeholes
>era named after a literal girl
that's some pansy ass fag shit OP

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Ok, guess you'll have to enjoy your shit water until that day, SHITler

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They used slaves or those chairs with spikes

How come she looks like an android or an alien? Plastic surgery?

Even (((flushable))) wet wipes fuck up the septic system.
Also, I haven’t taken a shit outside my house in decades. Get on my level.

I don't live in India or Mexico, so my water is completely fine you fucking moron. Learn to wash your ass, dumbfuck.

i thought i was the only one. shirtless shitting is superior

Still would tho

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> Think about it; if you had shit anywhere else on your body, would you be okay just wiping it off with some paper?
That's like saying if you get food in your mouth would you wash it off? Different body parts require different treatment.

cosplayers use all sorts of trickery to change eye shapes, like tape that pulls back the skin etc

>Not shitting exclusively during working hours

You wash your shit ass and the shit drips down you and your shower. You shower in shit water. Enjoy showering with shit on shit