Any movies about rats?

Any movies about rats?

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the pianist

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why do white women fuck animals

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Willard, and Ben, but first post ruined the thread.

the rat movie

>"accidentally" push beautiful and noble species to the brink of extinction
>can't get rid of rats
humans suck

Based and Ratpilled

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Flushed Away
Those are the only ones I can think of. There should be more. Rats are kino animals.

white """""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""

I don’t get it

Mickey Mouse movies

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me neither. I think the joke is that rats can't play a piano?

Rats are based

The other day on Yea Forums I saw a couple of webms of rats getting tortured

haha thats pretty funny maybe its one of those memes

Yea Forums still has gore threads?

That's not a rat, tho

So I suppose you just let them scamper through your shit if you find one in your house?

He cute

I don't live in a shithole, so there aren't any rats around here.

>there aren't any rats around here
lol you must be in Antarctica then faggot

indeed and yet something like pic related passes for human

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Rat Race

>Thought about getting a pet rat
>They only live 2-3 years and have all sorts of health problems
So much for that idea

Willard (2003)

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>getting emotionally attached to a rat


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This is not cute or funny, that rat is in pain.

are they, dare I say it, our guys?



No he isn't.

Rats: Night of Terror (1984)

It's a recurring shitpost. He's covered in suds, so originally some animal rights retard/regular retard assumed the rat is panicking and wants to get it off of him. Now people most it for free (you)s.

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Rats are based, they catch and eat mice. Pic related, it's my boy wrecking a mouse.

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I remember there was a movie with a group of teens. At some point they go to a sex cinema and they see a movie starring a girl of their group doing hot stuff with a mouse. Can't remember the title.

Rat Movie: Mystery of the Mayan Treasure


the joke is that rats are jews and the pianist is a movie about jews getting there comeppauce

Domesticated Rats are like tiny Dogs, they’re affectionate and can be taught tricks and commands.

oh, I though the joke is that rats have small hands so they can't reach all the keys