Any movies about rats?
Any movies about rats?
Other urls found in this thread:
the pianist
why do white women fuck animals
Willard, and Ben, but first post ruined the thread.
the rat movie
>"accidentally" push beautiful and noble species to the brink of extinction
>can't get rid of rats
humans suck
Based and Ratpilled
Flushed Away
Those are the only ones I can think of. There should be more. Rats are kino animals.
white """""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""
I don’t get it
Mickey Mouse movies
me neither. I think the joke is that rats can't play a piano?
Rats are based
The other day on Yea Forums I saw a couple of webms of rats getting tortured
haha thats pretty funny maybe its one of those memes
Yea Forums still has gore threads?
That's not a rat, tho
So I suppose you just let them scamper through your shit if you find one in your house?
He cute
I don't live in a shithole, so there aren't any rats around here.
>there aren't any rats around here
lol you must be in Antarctica then faggot
indeed and yet something like pic related passes for human
Rat Race
>Thought about getting a pet rat
>They only live 2-3 years and have all sorts of health problems
So much for that idea
Willard (2003)
>getting emotionally attached to a rat
This is not cute or funny, that rat is in pain.
are they, dare I say it, our guys?
No he isn't.
Rats: Night of Terror (1984)
It's a recurring shitpost. He's covered in suds, so originally some animal rights retard/regular retard assumed the rat is panicking and wants to get it off of him. Now people most it for free (you)s.
Rats are based, they catch and eat mice. Pic related, it's my boy wrecking a mouse.
I remember there was a movie with a group of teens. At some point they go to a sex cinema and they see a movie starring a girl of their group doing hot stuff with a mouse. Can't remember the title.
Rat Movie: Mystery of the Mayan Treasure
the joke is that rats are jews and the pianist is a movie about jews getting there comeppauce
Domesticated Rats are like tiny Dogs, they’re affectionate and can be taught tricks and commands.
oh, I though the joke is that rats have small hands so they can't reach all the keys