Jew and a black kid are opening scene

>jew and a black kid are opening scene
>strong woman basically fucks truck completely
>mixed race couple
>first bad guys are pure white, bad boss is pure white
im noticing a trend with this garbage.

Its like that angel show that had god as a woman and adam and eve as african americans.

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have sex.

You're an idiot.

Well duh, of course it's reddit bullshit for the RLM crowd that wants to feel special and so much better than the DCU/MCU pleb.

Well yeah, that's Western media now. I enjoyed Shazam but all the social workers where non-white when non-white social workers are a minority. When the woman was being attacked and before you could see the attacker I knew the mugger would be white.

>white man and STRONG WOMYN OF COLOR having an argument about something
>white man must be wrong and simultaneously humiliated while YASS QUEEN saves the day with her African Wakandan Wisdom

100% of the time. Brown characters can no longer be flawed in any way. No weakness, no stupidity, no selfishness, no mistakes, no being bad guys either, 100% perfect mary sue characters or you are a bigot.

>>jew and a black kid are opening scene
Yeah it’s not like there are black people In America...

Turn Ur brain off mate holy fuck the show is actually redpilled

they say themselves that its bluepilled. literally just sprouting ( memes

>black guy kills main characters girlfriend

How? Homelander and the deep atrain and butcher where great hell even Gary stu and the French guy where fantastic.
The show makes everyone in it look and feel like absolute shit it doesn't just shit on men how insecure are you?

>mixed race couple are both shitty drug addicts

really makes you think

Based nigger killing mixed race ugly mutt and trolling jewey stu
This show is literally satirical fantasy

Dont forget they literally switched the skin colour of The Deep and A train so they didn't have a black guy as the rapist and to include a black man and white woman couple.

Literally the first thing the black guy does is murder somebody, he's also a drug addict whose power is running really fast and keeps trying to kill white people. If anything it's sort of unironically racist.

>the skin colour of The Deep and A train so they didn't have a black guy as the rapist
What? In the comics Starlight is raped by A-Train, Homelander, and Noir, all white guys. The Deep isn't involved.

Stfu you sjw fucking faggot

its blm woke

>Dont forget they literally switched the skin colour of The Deep and A train so they didn't have a black guy as the rapist
They changed the rapist too, it was homelander with several others in the comic.
Comic: Blonde+gang gets their dicks sucked
Show: Brunette gets his dick sucked

Hey guys, make sure to watch The Boys™ exclusively made for Netflix™ subscribers so you can talk with all the web about the new amazing show that everyone else is talking about!
Only $20 a month to see a made for tv movie cut up into 13 parts and served to you all at once without ads !
What a great deal!

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That's not what happened, don't make shit up. The Deep wasn't even the rapist in the comic.

On the bright side we are witnessing in real time how soviet propaganda felt like back then for citizens of the USSR

The proletarian worker mary sues just have been switched out for browns now

Have sex

>get btfo
>revert to your 8 channel ways

Are you baiting or are you actually this fucking stupid?
10 minutes in the black super hero is shown to be an asshole who just kills the main characters girlfriend and he doesn't even care. He's a moron, asshole and a drug addict.

Reddit: The Show

Have sex, it is the same thing. Why was A train not involved in the rape?

Fuck this show but I disagree with you on one point. I'm glad the deep is white since he's gonna have a great redemption arc

Who knows. Maybe they felt like The Deep didn't have anything else of significance to do (he literally doesn't do anything else significant and just works as comic relief for the rest of the show).

>>jew and a black kid are opening scene
>>strong woman basically fucks truck completely
>>mixed race couple
>>first bad guys are pure white, bad boss is pure white
Wow, who gives a shit? Go watch Reservoir Dogs or 12 Angry Men if anything without a white cock triggers you so much.

>Every true bad guy is white
>only bad black guy gets "redemption" wity more to come
>Both rapists are white
>All the good superheroes are women

>if the deep was black
>"I kinda had a crush on you"
>fucking jews making all american blonde girl lust for bbc jesus fucking christ the propaganda

>when the deep isn't black
>fucking jews why wasn't the black guy responsible for the rape, god damn propaganda

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Bordering mental illness.

The left can't meme

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goblinos need not apply

Damn, Gender Studies teaching assistants out in force today.
This show must be total garbage.

>african americans
there was no america yet

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This is true for every movie and tv show now. Whites can no longer be protagonists, only antagonists and secondary characters.

This desu. Right wingers are the biggest snowflakes of them all.

Ah, yes. Remember the Boys? I know, it was a long time ago since we talked about it but bear with me.

The two 'good guys' as well as Butcher (Karl Urban in the leading role of the series) are both white, so not sure what you're saying applies to something as old as the Boys.

well its actually 7$

it was all well. since niggers didn't do anything involved in making movies they didn't get cast in movies. whites wrote scripts and directed movies and edited them with computers (that whites invented) because all of that was white interests. blacks only interest is getting a handout for existing and then claiming it's racist when they don't get that hand out.

user you need to do something about those voices in your head

>niggers didn't do anything involved in making movies they didn't get cast in movies
Wait a second, you're telling me that a black man couldn't walk into Warner Brothers headquarters in 1940 and demand a directorial or acting debut from Jack Warner in a major motion picture? Damn, but how could that be! Society was perfectly equal then in America and racism didn't even exist!

Why are niggers so lazy LUL they didn't just get into the entertainment industry in its golden age WOW

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The Deep is getting the best redemption arc

How is the black guy being a druggie better than that exactly?

Overall edginess is what's ruining shows with potential like this. Homelander, for example, an indestructible being, is perceived as being a "saint". Wouldn't it have been more interesting if he was? What if instead of attaching sleazy, psychopathic traits to his character, he was really just a dumb, naive country boy like Superman?



This thread is off-message. Fellow MAGAbros, the Discord has determined that negative posts about The Boys are more likely to turn Yea Forums against our movement than to turn them against the show. Posts like this are actually hurting our message.

Coordinate on the Discord for details
>muh secrecy
Thread'll be deleted, don't worry about it

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>jews run hollywood
>whites run hollywood
>jews are white
>jews aren't white
I love how all of these are interchangeable depending on which narrative the rightard is trying to control. True achievers in the sport of mental gymnastics, they are.

>the Discord
How many fucking channels are actively planning against this website and why Yea Forums of all places? There's nothing here of worth? Stormfront, Resertra, reddit, fox news, scientology what is so special?

>im noticing a trend with this garbage.
That's what happens when you're preoccupied with being and seeing everything through a lens of identitarian politics. I could do the same in the other side of the spectrum
>black characters are amoral pieces of shit
>all women except Starlight are evil cunts
>Starlight suck and fuck then uses #MeToo to further her career showing that all women are thot
>enviromentalist hero is an idiot
>blonde superhero creates a nuclear family
Is this show, dare I say it /ourshow/? tl;dr clean your room.

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why do you fags keep watching capeshit and then crying about it? i thought you boners had high IQ or whatever you like to drone on about.


it's Amazon Prime Video.

i hate how every second lines a joke. and also how the shots are like they dumbed down citizen kane

Read the comics then.

Did they ever think to try?

So I watched first two episodes and looks like male superheroes are incapable of being good. all pervert and evil. Is this what the show about?

The protagonists of this show are all white

All the superheroes are evil or amoral except for Starlight

Totally-not-wonder-woman as well?

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If we take OPs post as the gospel truth then I think it's pretty fucking based

>jews and blacks get killed on a whim
>nobody cares
>white men are basically gods.
>women are whores who suck cock for promotions.
>black men sell drugs and take drugs to compete against white men

shit show is pretty fucking based and redpilled imo

This thread has more disinfo than I’ve ever seen. Mouse and WB shills teaming up, literally shaking. Stronger together.

Why is the show called “The Boys” instead of “The Seven”?

Nah, even the toned-down/whitewashed version of Maeve in the tv show is still an alcoholic complicit in Homelander's crimes and Vought's crimes in general. Her trying to randomly save two people on that plane doesn't change that.

Also, I love how the show took away her ability to fly so that her moral decision on the plane is reduced entirely to begging Homelander to save people. She doesn't have to actually face the choice between risking her life to save people or just thinking of herself, the showrunners and Homelander make that decision for her.

the meme I assume

Sup future mass shooting of a wal mart.

the boys are trying to kill the seven.

>implying that’s a bad thing

>Only $20 a month to see a made for tv movie cut up into 13 parts
>paying for tv and movies in the current year

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>>Both rapists are white
If you're referring to the deep, then it wasn't rape, and whether chadlander raped butcher's wife is up in the air

>forcing fellatio isn't rape
Look, I'm sorry about what your dad did to you.

Serious question, who is your dealer because that's some strong shit you're on buddy.

>head crushing aint a thing

We've head this thread already just a couple of hours ago, user

Hollywood femitards and those people who call themselves “minorities” despite being the common brown of 90% of the globe have trashed Western standards beyond repair so they can fit in here.

1% and 12% of the population respectively so yeah it’s toooootalllyyy realistic how they’re vastly over represented and pandered to in the West.

Tbh this was a great show. Politics aside, it's hard not to love all the characters in this show. Homelander, Frenchie and Butcher are fantastic. Also, if you are gonna mention politics, this is actually the only show out there that does feminism right. It's very subtle and isn't part of the main plot like they've done in so many ruined franchises before. If you want to see feminism and SJW politics, go watch doctor who or star wars. Furthermore, the good guys are also white. A-train is black and he is a bad guy. There's also non-mixed race couples, what's your point?

Take it up with the other guy. All I did was apologize that he doesn't know his dad's been raping his mouth, throat and gut for years now.


why didn't they make their own shit back in africa

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>this is actually the only show out there that does feminism right. It's very subtle and isn't part of the main plot
starlight - strong powerful coerced into something she doesnt want to do
empowers little girl
saves rape victim
gets cat called

other chick - powerful but bows down to captain america
in bathroom scene clearly knows somethings up with starlight.
knows invisible man is there

capt - stares at breast pumping through the wall
clearly has power fantasies
ignores speech until he finds out that other guy wrote it

nick fury - breast pumping at work, has kid at work etc

dude its not subtle at all.

It’s almost like Africa doesn’t exist or that it’s not 2019 for you. Bringing up 1940 like it means you don’t have to work for every subsequent year, lmfao

I seriously have no idea why people dislike this show.

I'm quite conservative with my views and lean more right than most people, but I found this to be one show that got diversity right. Most of the time it's just diversity taking over, ruining the entire show and focusing on social politics, but with this show it started off diverse and didn't really pay much attention to it. All the characters are great, no matter what their background.

If you want to see social politics done wrong, go watch star wars. doctor who or marvel. This is the one show that didn't make me feel like liberals were taking over to serve their own agenda. Feminism is done right in this show, it's subtle and doesn't play a huge part in the plot. I'm no Liberal but I think people are trying to see social politics in this show where there is none. If you like the actors then enjoy the show, if it's done right diversity can be a good thing.

All women in this show is some kind of victim. Minus head of vought. I haven't watched full season yet but I am sure show will try to make her less evil. Perhaps Homelander will betray her?

Wait, what? That was a rape scene? Starlight gave consent.

There is nothing wrong with sending a good message for women empowerment, The problem is when they try to blame their lack of empowerment on men. This show doesn't do that. Homelander is supposed to be evil, he isn't evil because he's a man. He's just evil. What's wrong with saving a rape victim? I don't get it. What did you expect? her to save a cat falling from a tree? the whole rape victim thing is more gruesome, which is what makes it more entertaining. The social hierarchy here is formed from power, not gender. Homelander is the most powerful so therefore he is feared and treated with respect. You're reading too much into what isn't there. Go watch doctor who, star wars or captain marvel if you want to see feminism done wrong.

>it is very subtle
>Starlight: "I am getting paid 70c for every $ Homelander gets!"
subtle indeed

>given power, all white men are rapist and perverts.
nice message there

>Womyn and black people r ruining my tb show

Dude, shut the fuck up. Who cares and you're mentally ill if it bothers you. Seek help.

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>the good guys are also white
>one is black
>one is french
>one looks like ahmed
yea, the wimpy one is white

no. no goalpost moving. you said it was subtle


>/pol/ seething

/tvpol/ can't concentrate on shows through their autistic rage.

>B-b-b-b-bu-but-but-but NIGGERS AND WOMEN!!!!!!

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I wanna see how they play this out, probably wont happen til like season 3

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do you think homelander has a shrink ray?

>so they didn't have a black guy as the rapist
dude in the comic all the dudes had their pants down they could have written it however

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Yeah, you're an idiot. Also stop making these racist threads. You diminishing decades of hard work my people have committed to bring homogeny and equality to the world.

Is there enough material for 2 more seasons?

plenty of material and plenty of arcs to go but the writing is really bad in the comics

I mean if it turned out Becky cheated on him that be kind of awkward. Unless he just kills both of them and theb his wife's son

Pretty sure that means it's going to stray very far from the source material

They just need to read carefully . I like arcs like Super Duper and Tek Knight but wouldn't mind if they rewrote them