What I'm in for?

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A 10/10 film. It'll make you realize how before the internet was mainstream being a conspiracy theorist meant you had to be fairly well read.

Why does everyone act autistic and weird?

This movie is great. Never gets old. My favorite part is when he meets the Scottish teenagers.

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It's possible the protagonist could have aspergers or adhd. He's a strange guy

Why Brazilians don't understand grammar?

best film about mental illness

Didn't know professor Lupin had a life like that.


the funniest rape scene ever shot

I love that part that where he speaks about the evolution of species and how comunication came from amphibius kick starting it for all of life in this planet. Puts so much into perspective and how little humans are compared to the marvels that this planet created. It's a wonderful movie for philosophical stuff with a witty dark and cinical view on the British society of the 90s.

can someone explain to me the sociopathic landlord subplot? what the fuck was his purpose to the film? he just comes in, harasses the girls, acts like a mentally-ill freak and then fucks off

Why does he fuck like that?

this flick is entirely run by its great dialogue, which is amazing. and it's not just regular chit chat, there's some thinking shit in there too

need more kinos like this

He's good contrast to Johny. Johny doesn't seem irredeemably bad. The landlord does.


His purpose in the film is to show that all of the major characters have been the victims of abuse at some point in their life and are significantly traumatized by it. As such, every single major and minor character in the film is either a victim or an abuser, barring the girl that Johnny follows home.

London is a beautiful place.

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Do people really let you enter in their places like that? Do you just need to be tall, witty and darkly humoristic?

idk about your country but big cities at night (1am to 5am) are full of friendly weird people

>tfw lit, witty and darkly humoristic but manlet