Can ASMR channels be kino? Which ASMR performer do you like the most Yea Forums?

Can ASMR channels be kino? Which ASMR performer do you like the most Yea Forums?

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Excuse for Asian actress posting? Don't mind if I do.

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No, it’s cringe and easy betabux for women. Stop orbiting ASMR’s

You don't have to send them monies. You can use an adblock too.

Goodnight Moon

I only watch ASMR when I'm trying to sleep and I've no weed

Let's be honest, that's why we're here
I'm lonely, so I like to listen to cute asian women whispering, doing mouth sounds etc. I even managed to achieve orgasm once from the sound alone

Yes, pretty kino for when I'm commuting to work so it feels like I'm with someone, Gibi is one of my favourites

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might as well post in reverse and start with indos

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blue's latest video i rarely do this but i watched the whole thing in one go, just couldn't get off

I wish this was me

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Goodnight Moon
Creative Calm

fastasmr is my absolute fave.

there's a new channel too. she's awesome
nazo asmr

this is one of my favorite videos, listened to it for weeks on end haha
I'm in love lads

I can't listen to any ASMR videos that are very long. It's stupid. My limit is 35 minutes and that's pushing it. Most of the time, I listen to 15-20 minute videos.

>Stop orbiting ASMR’s
the only reason why asmr went from interesting videos to girlfriend simulator is because of fags like OP
Lonely, virgin, white men. who spend their money on these sluts. it's pathetic. but it's the world we're living now.

does the chick who shoves her face into bread (breadfacegirl) count as ASMR or do you have to hear the bread/pastry crumbling for it to count?

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asmr is just a load of BS and women found out its a good way to attention whore so its profitable

you don't have to spend anything, you know? and it isn't only men. there's plenty of women who listen to women content creators. it's all for relaxation.

>she's not real, she is fictional and we will never be together

oh fuck oh god oh fuck oh god

>but it's the world we're living now.
This has literally never not been the case, the internet has just made it easier than ever for women to get money out of men. Guys are lonely and girls are valuable, this is how it's always been

>experience ASMR from buzzcuts and doctors since childhood
>experienced it the first few times from vids when it became a thing, happy I could experience it at home
>lost ability to get ASMR even after breaks
It's actually very upsetting, I want to get it back.

you fuckers made frivvy cry again. NOT COOL.

>Can ASMR channels be kino?
Oh yeah
>Which ASMR performer do you like the most Yea Forums?
French mommy

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exactly. the phrase "the oldest profession" exists for a reason. modernity just makes whoring yourself out easier and more lucrative.

I was thinking about ASMRs today. Are they unique as dramatic performances that aren't meant to be actively paid attention to? Theres a lot of potential there for something more artful than what currently exists.

Goodnight moon is so cute it hurts

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>favourite ASMR channel hasn't uploaded in 2 months
why so asmrshits just drop off the map bros? Are they all an heroing?

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It's a little bit more enjoyable when porn exists

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>pel keeps going and coming back when the betabux start to run dry
>val went full thot and became unwatchable
Silly girls chasing the short term views instead of looking at longterm growth