Why do you fags hate this guy so much
Why do you fags hate this guy so much
I don’t. I’m a big fan.
Reminds me of an old roommate I had. Same ugly mug.
I'm now suing him.
I don't think he's very funny, but he was pretty good in Justified.
I'm genuinely unsure if he enjoyed BOTW
He ruined King of Queens.
He's an annoying pretentious shithead
He is funny. He has slowly turned into a pretentious little cunt. That has soured the brand.
>incels are this jealous of him because he had a sex scene with Charlize Theron and they didn’t
More like why do you guys hate this fag so much.
>Charlize Theron
you mean that mentally ill black-baby thief that literally can't find a man willing to date her?
Next you'll say he falsified evidence. Some how switched stuff around
He made a career out of being offensive and then back pedaled away from things like tape jokes. Also, he’s 4 feet tall, killed his wife, and then married her twin a year later.
He takes me out of every single program or sketch he's in because I just know he's that guy who murdered his wife and got away with it.
I used to because he was a preachy sjw
But I now think he’s based for murdering his wife and getting away with it
Because he is every blue checkmark stereotype rolled into one snobbish hack. Dude made fun of the James Rolf over a Ghostbusters movie that ended up failing.
Wife killing, pedophilia, and political retardation aside, there is a reason that any rational person looks at this guy and hates him.
He's a 5'3, obese, flaccid man. He literally is incapable of producing anything of value. Your brain subconsciously views him as a parasitic waste and you want to eliminate him for the good of the group.
TL;DR you want to bully him because he's a pussy
Literally who?
>kills his wife
>then plays a killer in a show that kills the protagonists husband
absolutely based
I watched that last night and couldn't help but feel I had already seen it.
I loved his wife
He told them to have sex
>tape jokes
Hmm sounds intriguing. The brands of tape perhaps? Fascinating.
it was about some video tapes he had to return.
that were stored beneath his floorboards
He had some great episodes in King of Queens. The one where he catfished Doug is one of the best episodes. Don't like him though even though he's from my hometown
I hate Felicia Day THAT much that I normal-hate anyone around her. Like a hate scattergun that unfortunately catches others in the spread.
he's a racist wife murderer
Killed his wife and acts like a moral authority.
I dont hate him at all. I think some of his stand up is damned funny, he was great in Blade, and I'm blasè about his wife, whatever er happened there.
What was the story behind that pic again?
He triggers the incel
NIck B. aka A. Wyatt Mann invented the hand rubbing merchant cartoon that we've all memed.
Jim Goad is also a huge piece of shit degenerate.
Why would I hate him? I just know not to listen to his cookie cutter political opinions.
He said bad things about Trump. That's literally it.
isn't nick bougas the real name of ben garrison?
because he diddles kids and is a jew
Nick Bougas has actual artistic talent.
brian posehn should have all his fame and roles, at least posehn doesn't get away with murder
He makes fun of the kind of retarded childish hicks who frequent /pol/ and /pol/ election tourists come to this board because TV and capeshit are hobbies with very low barriers to entry in terms of skill or intelligence.
Woah. Speaking truth to power. How brave
post the webm
He reached his peak with Reno 911 and has only been doing halfass shit since then. Fuck this boring, lazy, fat faggot.
Retarded, pretentious cunt kike who's killing comedy just as he murdered his poor wife
He killed his fucking wife!
He's a Twitter obsessed, self righteous, repugnant goblin. Also he killed his wife and isn't funny
He didn't he just desperately wants to be the hip actor who appears in youtube videos so people can post on reddit how down to earth this famous actor actually is
does this guy have Down Syndrome?
he said mean things about Orange Man. Orange Man Good!
The guy obviously killed his wife and got away with it. Fuck him.
some of his early standup is great, although ironically he started off being TOO edgy and tryhard, but he has some really good standup all the way up until like 2014. Finest hour in 2011 was really funny. But then he took a nosedive and went full BLUMPF and just let his political lefty signaling overshadow everything else
Why is everyone saying he killed his wife? Seems like she just overdosed on your typical millennial cocktail of uppers and downers
he's a liberal and I said do
So yes?
I hate him because he's 4 foot pretentious manlet who bangs women that are out of his league and are only interested in him for shekels but he acts like he's a fucking stud even tho in primitive times a genetic abomination like him would be cannon fodder and won't ever be able to reproduce
this is correct. he was funny as fuck in his prime. he's just in super lefty hollywood circles. i think he's still pretty funny but i cant say im on board for all of his material these days.
I hate to tell you this but if your first instinct isn't to give this melvin a wedgie and a swirly upon viewing his face then you're not a real man. You don't have to go through with it mind you but the impulse is mandatory for testicle possession.
he went to my middle school, he's an inspiration
Mostly because its funny
The highlight of his career was telling anecdotes from the set of Blade 3.
>tfw i kind of look like him and am short
no wonder i ca'nt get girls lmao
Fucking pretentious douchebag desperate to stay relevant. Embodiment of leftist hypocrisy. Unwilling to admit fault or that the "other side" is ever right. Unironically wore a trayvon martin shirt. Should kill himself.
>i could have blown my head off listening to that song
he should have
I dont hate him. Man vs Food was awesome.
He married a titcow right after.
Hey I've never hated him either.
He's sorta funny sometimes.
Believe them until they start saying "you're hurting me, Patton"
Classic shlomo
Because I don't know who he is.
you hate everybody you don't know?
>all these posts about Patton Oswalt getting away with murder
I thought she just died of cancer or something. Explain
prove it
t. Patton Oswalt
Hey is that Bill?
Bill Cosby?
>Dude made fun of the James Rolf
Only WE can make fun of our boy James
He's a left wing culture warrior so us right wing culture warriors hate him.
I couldn't bear myself to watch it. Same with the Mac episodes
Because his life seems to revolve around entry-level nerd shit and basic bitch liberal politics and he looks like a troll doll, so basically I would never willingly associate with someone like him.
Smug liberal, SJW, shitty "le so witty wink wink" comedian, avid women supporter and also a murderer. What's not to love?
You're suing him for being ugly?
he revels in his own hedonism and killed his wife because she wanted out
The guy on the left is the author of all the A. Wyatt Mann comics (like ) and the guy on the right is the publisher. Patton is good friends with both of them and when they get together they take pictures. This is one of them.
nailed it.
Her name is Autumn Briggs. Don't google her though, she literally only filmed three videos. OP's pic, a threesome, and a footjob.
pics of titcow
Yes, incel
he was with her at the time and helped her od
Patton Oswalt is a moral authority.
well i’m a black baby so i think my chances are pretty good
I liked him up till and including his special Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time, sure he was a lefty, but I liked his style of comedy and most of his bits.
But then he went full retard, I even remembered when it happened, I was gonna watch one of his newer specials, and he starts it with fucking pre-apologizing if he missuses some pronouns or some shit and I just knew he had gone full crazy.
This is the guy who talked about turning his unborn child's rib cage into a cheese grader.
As soon as he got into Ratatouille he had his entire brand go to shit.
Much of his standup involved him talking about his life and his life got boring when he went to Hollywood. He used to enjoy all sorts of offensive humor as evidenced by which he now would decry anyone doing. He began moralizing way too often making him obnoxious and boring.
he slipped a fentanyl patch on his wife in her sleep, killing her
Guarantee he's on Epstein's guest list.
Just a reminder: Patton Oswald murdered his wife.
He was always a lefty faggot, but at least his early specials used to have couple of funny bits in them. Now he's just preaching regressive propaganda and making hacky "Orange man bad" jokes. FUCK HIM.
I love him and his politics
>a white trash responsible for murdering of her own father and hater of her own race