Why didn't he just pretend he wasn't going to spill the beans? Was he retarded?

Why didn't he just pretend he wasn't going to spill the beans? Was he retarded?

Attached: Rorschach.jpg (1280x694, 87K)

No you're retarded if he thought it would be okay to lie he wouldn't be so obsessed with telling the truth

Are you a woman, by any chance?

He was an incel

Alan Moore's retarded take on conservatism: after a lifetime of adhering to it, Rorshach couldn't take it any more and begged Manhattan to end it for him.



He had conviction.


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He's an ultra-right winger. They are all retarded.

>lie now and later tell the truth to everyone, where it really matters
>or fucking die
He basically betrayed himself.

You wouldn't understand.

No, he was an autist

he is a Kantian

Wow a leftist thinks honesty is wrong how shocking


No I'm center-right but I think both sides are utterly moronic and unable to see past their own personal biases.

No, it was just dumb pride.
If you understood the character you'd understand.

He's an anachist, they usually lean left.

He had severe depression brought on by crippling autism and solitude. He was begging for it. If you don't understand, you don't belong here.

Too much of an ideological purist to his beliefs that he couldn't lie. Whole point of his character is how ridiculous it can get.

>Rorschach is an anti-communist, anti-liberal, reactionary, strong nationalist and a far right-wing character.

Lying is a sin.

It's suppose to be >absolutism bad but rorschy is actually quite popular because of his beliefs.
He died true to his principles. If only most men could be so lucky.

I'm glad I'm not so deluded to make such a post with a straight face

You're utterly j-safe so your opinions are literally irrelevant. Enjoy your personal biases, or wait, let me guess, you don't have one because you're enlightened? *tip*

Finally an excuse to post this webm

Attached: Farscape - This nigga eatin beans.webm (1440x810, 2.73M)

>Never compromise.
>Not even in the face of Armageddon.
He literally blue screens because he understands what has been done, and how much more damage it would do by exposing it, but at the same time he can't compromise his integrity. The only option left is a mercy kill.

In his mind it always really matters.

Because he actually had a moral backbone, unlike 99% of us

lying would be out of character for him. and couldn't Manhattan read minds anyway?

blue penis was going to merc him anyways

He was autistic from all the abuse he had to go through.
Such a shit ending.

He DID spill the beans. He sent his personal journal to the press before he died, and they took it out of the "crank file", presumably they will read it and realize the whole thing was a fraud perpetrated by Ozymandias.

>lying against an all knowing god
also that was his way of exit. he can't compromise, he has to tell the truth. but he also knows that the truth will cause more harm. he suicided basically

He was also right wing and American.
Soifags and mcu capeshitters alike seethe

who's gonna believe it's a real rorchach's journal anyway and not just an elaborate prank/ruse by the paper to get more readers?

no he can only see his future
And he knows he's already blown up Rorshac.
The hand has already been played by Ozy and he knows what he said makes sense to achieve peace this was a necessary move.
Except he doesn't know that Rorshac turned his journal with knowledge of what Ozy's plans were.
But Mathattan will fuck off to mars

>the only two actual answers have no replies

They'll start asking questions, with all the info Roshac has put in their, they can ask a number of different former heroes or just follow the money since they know Ozy's company was involved.
The government will make a quick note of it and either play along with Ozy's plans or run a Coup for righteousness.
Guess this is what the show will expand on hopefully, unless they have some sort of agenda to show instead of expanding on the lore properly.

>was he retarded?
Yes, he was. Did you watch the movie? He’s a turbo-autist

My biggest gripe with this whole scenario is why would Manhattan think Rorschach would have any influence to speak on the matters? Everyone who knows him knows him as a fucking loon. Rorschach would just look like Alex Jones spouting a conspiracy theory. No one would believe him because afaik he had no proof. At the end of the day it would just look like one of the many theories that run amock today like false flags etc
Also couldn't Manhattan just erase his memory or do some other insanely omniscient shit?

The movie hammered you head with it but you still missed the point.
Maybe different capeshit threads are more your speed user.

>who's gonna believe it's a real rorchach's journal anyway
Motherfucker there are people who unironically believe the earth is flat because they saw a youtube video.

Did Rorschach have the technical nous to repair the owl ship and transport himself back to South America at the very least?

Go have another soi latte

He couldn't bear to stand with the rest of them and promise to keep quiet about it. It basically disgusted him that all his allies who were supposedly heroes would allow such a thing to happen, so he called them out and left immediately.

And yet you vote for liars and pedophiles

Dr. Manhattan would know. However, this way Dr. Manhattan was focused on Rorschach and completely missed the tape that Rorschach sent to the media. So Rorshach dies but he still got to tell everybody

now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

Attached: dr manhattan on traps.jpg (1261x3193, 887K)

Terrible font


Nice but in all honesty what is actually going on in that webm, it makes so little sense and the camera is swooping back and forth like its drunk.

Better to be an ultra honest and convicted right winger than an ultra devious scheming lying left winger.

>why didn't he lie to avoid the consequences of his actions
probably principle or something

best explanation

Just another day in the Uncharted Territories.
In that episode they have a vr game that links with their brain that's loosely based on the folk-lore that's built up around the protagonist. The guy who made it has a hate boner for him, and so when the Actual Crichton plays the Crichton RPG there's a back door program that traps him in the game. The more he tries to get out the weirder shit gets.
It's the second episode in the series written by Ben Browder aka John Crichton.

Attached: aeryn john quixtie farscape.webm (1440x810, 675K)

Oh no, who let the roundies in?

Die dumb fence shitter.

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Lying to the blue guy who can see the future

>muh horse-shoe theory

Raise it up higher, libertarians hate John McCain.

>(((center right)))


>surely, Dr. Manhattan would have foreseen this

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Alan Moore, despite being a liberal, was still touched by the Muse of Art when writing Watchmen, and having the infowars like journal speak about the truth is a stroke of genius.

It's Farscape, this kind of stuff happens a lot, a main theme is the main character getting progressively crazier as he adventures out in space

Attached: Farscape - Hospital.webm (432x320, 2.95M)

>the show
Fear not, the show will focus on the trials and tribulations of Superheros of Color (SoC) and the victimization of poor defenseless womyn at the hands of evil white men

the virgin centrist vs the chad Apolitical

i think he had Veidt´s personal belongings

Dying didn't prevent him from telling the truth.


Why didn't he just lay down?

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Moore is your typical lefty Eurocuck who was probably baffled and dismayed by Rorschach's popularity.

>Hey, why can't this guy be a hypocrite and lie once to expose these guys who lie?
Women logic.

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Could Marrata revive him?

Things women would never understand.

based and dutypilled post

this looks like a pretty good show

Goddamn I want to give her all of my seed.

>Lmao, why don't Batman just, um... KILL the Joker? xD

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this sounds great, gonna check it out

It wouldn't have worked anyway, Dr. Manhattan already knows if Rorschach would've lied or not. Coincidentally, he is definitely also aware of the journal.

He did nothing wrong

Attached: watchmen_06_-_21.0.jpg (908x946, 248K)

it is

>lol he got brain cancer hehe xD
Reddit-tier """"humor""""

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You are missing the point.

Dr Manhattan can see the past, the present and the future. He knows he won't compromise, he is aware of it all the moment he confronts him. He knows he will kill him.

But this doesn't make much sense. If hes aware of it all, as he said, why didn't he know about R's journal?

Attached: 1558417471923.jpg (1024x731, 104K)

manhattan, obv

He wanted to die

He is only aware of his own past, present, future and he decided to leave the galaxy at the end of the comic. What became of Earth was not part of his future

Manhattan was always going to blow him up.
Manhattan already knew everything that happened and was going to happen.

They both knew how it would end with 100% certainty.

Wouldn't have mattered. Dr.Manhattan would've known, even if his knowledge of the future was obscured that badly Rorschach's philosophy is obvious enough that he would've known.

Wouldn't have needed to use any time reference to know that's what Rorschach is like and will do.