Lindsay Ellis’s Top Eleven Favorite Movies Of All Time
What an absolute embarrassment she is. Why does Reddit manginas act like this pleb is some expert cinephile? She's adult woman who seems to watch mainly children's movies.
Lindsay Ellis’s Top Eleven Favorite Movies Of All Time
What an absolute embarrassment she is. Why does Reddit manginas act like this pleb is some expert cinephile? She's adult woman who seems to watch mainly children's movies.
>being obsessed with reddit
This is a great list. I'd marry any woman with taste half this good.
It's an okay list.
>Eternal Sunshine
Every basic bitch ever loves this movie and they're all legitimately retarded for it.
Favorite doesn't mean best
Shit list desu
Kojima's favorites
>user so triggered by the last thread he had to make this one
Favorite shows person's inner world, from this list that ramona flowers song is about her as well
is it better than YMS?
>that ramona flowers song
Based list
>people like different things like me so their opinions don't matter
imagine being this retarded
s æ g e
move on
You know it's true, cope incel
Lidsayshills strike again
She wasn't part of Channel Awesome for nothing.
Post more lists
Lmao half of these are inoffensive cartoons for children. I guess this is your mind on 'everything is problematic' worldview
what ramona flowers song
>Alien, Dir. Ridley Scott - US (1979)
>Cameron's Aliens (1986) is a classic in its own right, but I prefer the first one. When I saw it when it was released, I was shaking in my seat with dread.
>this pleb tier list
Fuck off passnigger.
Also Mononoke-hime is the most overrated Ghibli film.
>She's adult woman who seems to watch mainly children's movies
You can just say millennial
>no films about killing your offspring for personal gain
Kinda surprising...
Why do you losers like this fucking whale so much?
I bet she doesn't even write her own YouTube content.
>I bought a jack and boots to copy De Niro's character from Taxi Driver
Woah, so Kojima could potentially commit a 'Joker' (2019) movie theatre shooting.
Mentally ill anons heavily focus on things that are a threat to them. Typical narcissism.
Never forget the incel creed:
>Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visited. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
>Why do you losers like this fucking whale so much?
Because we think she's ugly enough that she would stoop sufficiently low as to fuck us. A man needs dreams. Or cheap dreams.
Lindsay Ellis’s Top Eleven Favorite Movies Of All Time
From 2011
11. Blazing Saddles
10. Sita Sings the Blues
9. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
8. 25th Hour
7. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
6. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
5. The Iron Giant
4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Princess Monoke
2. Pan's Labyrinth
Don't forget how she killed a Precious Baby now, OP. Or do you *hate* Precious Babies?
>Lmao half of these are inoffensive cartoons for children
Idiot, that's exactly the problem. It's not shitty list because they are "problematic", it's shitty because they are all kids movies.
Where are filmmakers like Ford, Fellini, Renoir, Hitchcock, Welles, Ophuls etc? Nowhere on her list. Her whole list is like what typical what ignorant 13 year old might name and yet people praise her as some kind of expert
Sorry just realized that you actually criticised Ellis and not OP, so yeah I agree. What an embarrassment she is.
meanwhile we're constantly dropping the names of directors about whom we don't generally know much but where's our praise? typical sjw straight white male bashing
I'll share some thoughts on these. A good chunk of them are pretty childish movies, with some being from her childhood, while others she watched when she was outside the age demographic for them. This isn't really shocking given her entire schtick is talking about kiddie crap using big girl adult words (often while drinking or drunk or hungover). Blazing Saddles would be surprising now given her penchant for clutching her pearls over perceived slights against social justice, and if this list were written in 2019 during her perpetually state of umbrage taking, I doubt it'd make the list, but if you look at some of the jokes she used to make pre-Gamergate (like her infamous Rape Rap), it's not actually a surprise, either.
In fact, all of this is downright typical and exactly what one would expect of her. I don't even know why this has a thread. May as well make a thread to say that water is wet.
Lindsay has like 3 employees to do her videos for her, and always has. she doesn't have opinions, she's essentially a professional script reader
>Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visited. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
Not a bad list, not all that Reddit or pretentious.
>Why do you losers like this fucking whale so much?
It's so baffling. If she where at least cute one could understand waifu thinking but she is fat, ugly annoying sjw who seem to have absolute no knowledge of cinema beyond Disney tier. Like those films she review aren't even Reddit tier stuff like Tarantino, Fincher Nolan etc, but literally films made for children
>meanwhile we're constantly dropping the names of directors about whom we don't generally know much
Maybe you don't know about them, but that's definitely not the case with me.
Not bad, not bad....
>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Fuck this garbage movie.
havent seen
isn't Blazing Saddles a horribly racist film?
is she dare I say based and redpilled
>3 cartoon movies
>Iron Giant
Kill yourself, my dude.
You should probably have sex
>She's adult woman who seems to watch mainly children's movies.
yes? everyone involved with channel awesome were adult children
Kojima reviews are based
she's insane
>Saw Captain Marvel
I will never be able to take him seriously again after he attended lindsay's wedding with her dog as his plus one. He also stayed with her when she broke up with him in the same apartment, which means he was hearing her fucking other guys all the time. Pathetic.
the inclusion of blazing saddles kind of contradicts that though, no?
You're based, that movie sucks ass.
>Saw Captain Marvel
I disagree with Wall-E but she's got some good ones on there. Pretty good list.
I don't know how or understand why a "youtube personality" provides any semblance of entertainment value or why you guys are so obsessed with this bitch but for the record I would rawdog her for hours.
t. gramps
She is completely right here. Not saying you cannot do this in fiction, but the motivation behind it is fucked up.
what the fuck
its probably tacked on to give her geek credit, It's not even the best mel movie, just one of the better known ones.
I mean now that I think of it Ive never once seen the "Logan stabs Jean" trope with a chick doing it to a guy.
She aborted Spoony's baby. She has some taste after all.
I was gonna make an ironic post that said basically this. You know, "Women are fake geeks and liars," and all that incel horseshit.
Thanks for covering for me. Looks sincere, too.
completely bearable
would pound that fat ass
Other guys fucked her while she was dating him and he was in the room.
jenny, jenny
you're the girl for me
i want to raw dawg
while you eat linds's pussy
I mean, maybe he's just a cuck?
not my cup of tea but to each his own
that just means lindsey's a cumslut. all I want to do is fuck her, so that works out
Lindsay Ellis is cool though, a party animal too
Her SJW schtick is damn annoying, but we've all got our faults. At the very least she isn't a vapid and boring femoid, those are the worst.
Yeah, Todd in the Shadows is a cuckold. She got bored with him, dumped him, he lived in her basement for a while, and then she got married and invited him to the wedding (and he took her dog as his plus one).
who is this bitch and why should i care about her?
I tried thinking of examples and came up blank, honestly
a slut that talks about pop culture on youtube.
she became a trope video reviewer on Channel Awesome back in the day and most people here just like her feminine features and want to stick their dicks in her
let's post rarer Lindseyss
She looks like the Final Girl in an 80's horror movie
she looks like a girl I'd have wanted to bang in high school
>basic bitch whose entire career is talking about pop culture has plebian taste
Neo/tv/ is filled with plebs. It is a reddit/tumblr colony. The indigenous patricians are few in number.
I have this theory that woketards label canonical literature/film/music as problematic and white because it is a better excuse than just admitting it's something outside of your understanding and/or attention span. She is no exception.
love my woman but I sometimes see this. she's very bright but some great stuff is simply lost on her
soul vs souless
one for the footfags
I hope she never gets so far I won't want to bang her
probably still let her suck my dick
Buffy stabs Angel.
Ugly feminist aging like milk who scrambled her unborn child and had its remains sold for profit and now wears that as a badge of honour.
Yea Forums is obsessed with every pathetic fuckwit from TGWTG.
>who scrambled her unborn child and had its remains sold for profit
lindsey strikes me as being really into cuckqueen stuff.
dude, I just finished fapping. come on!
She's that typical drama club nerd in small town America who wants to be more cultured than the "hicks" around her, so she gets into theater. At least Lindsay actually got out of her hillbilly hometown and kind of "made it big." I knew a couple girls like her and none of them became anything. Hell, there was this one I knew who was a real piece of shit to me. Anyways, that pic reminded me of her, so I looked her up and holy shit has she gotten fucking fat. Doesn't seem to have married, either. Just gave up on her dreams and apparently teaches at our shitty state college (that she used to mock relentlessly).
Karma, brah
What did she mean by this?
the world may never know
What did she mean by this??
Why so many kid films?
Basic as fuck.
Imagine waiting for her back at the room with an erection and Les Misrabelesles playing to get her wet
she is the favorite cool wine aunt for left wing tumblr & reddit incels
Bitch looks like the mom from waterboy
Nearly exhausted my Lindsey folder :(
Cameron is the world's most successful hack
at least she got fat in all of the right ways
Well we gave the thread a nice burst at least
This is for the footfags:
anons, hook me up with more slutty lindseys
>"15 pictures were removed from this gallery."
you know, a while back some user shared a massive Jenny archive on here. wish I could find it again
Try kiwifarms.
>blazing saddles
There's no fucking way Lindsay likes that movie
Pic related is without a doubt the best photo that has ever been taken of her imo.
Look at some of her old humor because she used to be edgy.
thanks for the photoshop, brah. that ginger was irritating me
kino taste