Was he the real chosen one?
Was he the real chosen one?
>inb4 incels will tell you he looks ugly because he doesnt match some lookism formula and his hairline isnt a straight line
He's still a facecel
They unironically don't seem to grasp can be sexual appealing even if the face isn't godly. The amount of times I've read a sperg out over Adam Driver cause he doesn't fit some autistic, narrow category... plus they dicklick weird gay cat alien looking fuckers like Jordan and still keep debating height vs. face as if it's an either/or thing.
*Jordan Barrett
Adam driver is legit ugly though.
It's amusing, actually. They cannot understand how attractiveness in men works at all. Their mistake is to assume that objective, measurable physical beauty = attractiveness when it comes to men. They spend so much time worrying over hairlines, angles of their eyebrows, jaw-width, shoulder-hip ratio and such. Meanwhile people like Jeff Goldblum and Adam Driver don't give a fuck. Even the Goose should be ugly according to them, yet he is considered one of the most attractive guys for many women. Ah right, I forgot, it's just because he's rich and famous. kek.
>Adam Driver
not really but pic related is attractive in a very unconventional way.
Weird as hell face but incels and lookism autists seem to get genuinely angry that he has sex appeal in spite of that.
Goose is a good example of a guy making himself attractive by doing the right things, having the right character, etc. He's unattractive as fuck in The Big Short with that hair and that oily, self-interested demanor. IRL he he is cause of him down to earth image and his hair, style, etc. is done in such a way that it compliments him.
He is fucking dead on normal. Hard 5.
Looks like a buzzfeed employee.
What's the matter, longbottom, cat got your tounge?
lol the cope is real
he's tall. That's all that really matters.
Coping with what?
Dude, they're ugly. Get over it
Yeah, he's about what I would expect a 30-something Malfoy would look like.
Projecting and seething.
>not posting nevils balding pictures as well
Jesus fuck, what happened to him?
Britbong genetics.
>duude he worked out omg so seeexy!!
>i-if we just work out our facial structure and genetics won't matter anymore!
keep coping guys, face is 90% of the attractiveness. someone with a qt handsome face will always look better (even as a skinnyfat) than a roided gymcel
>Adam Driver
whats your problem, fag
Male body hair really is beautiful.
>facial structure and genetics won't matter anymore!
I never argued this, you dumb faggot. No shit face is extremely important. It's largely how skinny as rake Leo got so big with Titanic. I only argued it's not the only faggot in making a man attractive, a man can be attractive in spite of his face, and people will have to do things to compliment what they got (like Goose). I'll add in that personality and charisma too matter too.
To be fair they intentionally made him uglier in the films. He had fake teeth, shit hair, and baggy clothes.
Then they couldn't be bothered to do that in Deathly Hallows and he suddenly got hot.
Everything matters.
He was never hot, not even remotely.
>another thread where a guy that isn't sexually attracted to men screeches that man A isn't hot even if when the opposite sex that do want to fuck men say he is
Based retard.
just shave that shit bro
>it’s amusing actually
>they cannot understand
Go back
He has no aura, his character was aspie in Deathly Hallows and he's utterly unremarkable facially. He wasn't hot at any part in any HP movie.
have sex mate
He was really lovely in King Kong.
It's called facial harmony.
I would unironically love if he were the next James Bond.
>deep powerful voice
>hench with great frame for it
>plays dark and moody byronic character in famous franchise
He has the means of transcending his ugliness while others do not
Bollocks he's a naturally good looking man, what the fuck is wrong with you.
This is what I lack. Each element of my face is incongruent with the rest of it
I'm an incel. And I'd suck his uncut British pp right now.
So this is the power of pureblood genetics...
It amuses me when people quibble over "tyis man ugly and why" when 90% it's some fucking movie star who is easily more attractive than the overwhelming majority of the population. Just go out in public and look at regular people and you'll quickly see that most of even the so-called "ugly" male movie stars are more attractive than the average guy, not even accounting for personality, wealth, etc.
He wouldn’t look that bad with a normal haircut
Doesn't stop hundred of thoudans of people fapping to him every day. Check out some of the fanfiction. It's fucking wild.
He looks fucking gross dude.
Holy shit facelets seething in this thread.
He looks good cause he does things to compliment his face. Look up his The Big Short character. He looks way worse than Goose in say, La La Land.
He's still good looking in The Big Short
Nowhere near good enough to be a sex symbol.
wow him having brutal mogging b4 but now him mogging no brutal, when happen
are you japanese or something?