Are there any movies about female hygiene?

are there any movies about female hygiene?

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>Blue Waffle (2021)

When will they let my grandma out of the mental hospital so that she doesn't try to throw my dogs from the window because they were whispering to her to kill her family?



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How is this not classified as mental illness?

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thought that said bleeding from the wound for second

every time

Why are they like that?

No wonder Jews get holocausted every century

Another great on-topic thread that the mods will let stay up.
God bless Yea Forums.


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>do not flush anything other than toilet tissue
So do I have to fish my turds out?


Am I bad for wanting these "people" to be wiped off the face of the earth?


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>like bleeding needs to be sanitized or cleaned
so should people just not wear pads and bleed all over their pants?

Op posting twitter tweets he is obsessed with because he loves how it triggers him. I’m not sure either.

>Like bleeding form the womb every month needs to be sanitized or cleaned.
Yes, it does. Blood carries pathogens that can easily pass along to other human beings and make them ill. This isn't a matter of magic make-believe where you can say you don't identify as sick and instantly become healthy.

Absolutely not. They're the evil ones.

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Yeah, it's called freebleeding. Quit being a bigot and eat period blood.

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The only person thats mentally ill is you for not recognizing that some women dont have vaginas

You might be joking but some years back there was a "free bleeder" movement.

I thought that was just a meme to mess with people

Really people seem to treat menstrual blood really weirdly for no good reason. It should just be treated like any other blood; stop it from getting everywhere, and dispose of it.


Why is it always some disgusting, wobbly-hair Jewish hag that propagates this shit?

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They literally make living of that.

lel this is the same woman who complained about a FUCKING WHITE MALE offering to help her while she was struggling to lift luggage, and got absolutely BTFO'd in the comments.

Liberals cant meme

For fuck's sake. What does this have to do with television or film?!

The moderation here is beyond pathetic.

It's weird, I'm so used to off-topic threads on Yea Forums I didn't even think about this one. Just accepted it.


Only redditor-tourists like complain about lack of moderation.

That means if you use those MANLYwipes, baby wipes for men who don't get enough fiber(TM) you can just flush em I guess.

>toilet tissue

No Chang I don't hate women

t. bleeding female

Yet here you are, replying to it and bumping it.

If I remember right, Yea Forums promoted free bleeding as a troll ages ago, but it was a thing that existed before that, and is something weirdos really support these days. I mean, is it really that out there for people who chop their dicks off and pay drag kids to dance for them?

He asked which movies, it's fair

I guess you're right, there must be a few wackjobs who really believe in it

Your raids suck and accomplish nothing

>like bleeding from the womb every month needs to be sanitized and cleaned
yes it does, you stupid cunt

It is full fine by me, if they start calling the pussy rags and dirty sticks.

based dogs

There was this one weird German or Swedish movie from a decade ago, about some semen demon teenage tramp that starts with her deliberately using a dirty public restroom cause she's a rebel and catching a desease there or something. There was also a scene where a guy shaves her and some romanting subplot with a beta male nurse she deals with while in a hospital. Good luck finding it.

>stop noticing patterns

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Fuck off and die slow commie.

yes that is an unnaturally hostile reaction to something that doesnt affect you. you are most likely suffering in your personal life and that makes you aggressive and irritable. I suggest you see a therapist.

or just kill yourself.

No I won't stop noticing your raids
No retard your agitation threads being called out doesn't mean I'm a communist

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