Was Batman v Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

Was Batman v Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

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it's no suicide squad that's for sure

yes, Snyder was too much for the disgusting humanity.
In 2030 this movie will be remembered as we remember Mozart, a genius that the stupid people couldn't understand

zack sneeder

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No, Mozart was very popular in his time.

Yes, it went way over plebs' heads.

No he was hated, then he died and had success.
This will happen to Snyder

Mozart was recognized during his lifetime. You're better off comparing Snyder to Vincent Van Gogh or any other artist who gained recognition posthumously.

It's far from perfect but it's definitely a pleb filter.

>Mozart was recognized during his lifetime. You're better off comparing Snyder to Vincent Van Gogh or any other artist who gained recognition posthumously.
Zack Snyder is the retelling of Van Gogh, an artist that was insulted by the disgusting humanity and it was just our fault, (I mean your fault more than anything, but still)

No, it's just painfully average. Plebs think it's shit because it doesn't fill the modern capeshit bill. And Snyderbros think it's the second coming of Christ because Zack actually aimed for something meaningful (but utterly botched it). It's a good-looking half-assed 200M auteur take on a property which both audiences and the studio wanted to be leaner.

Yes much like Blade Runner

This will be heralded as peak cape shit

nah it wasn't any deep. the audience is just brainfucked with the constant endorphin dose of muh ebyn jokes from marvel shit.
there's also a small portion of viewer who cry and bitch about Batman using guns in a vision, i mean some of them have a point but completely shit on the movie for that reason is just as bad.

>super hero movies

For the marvel capesheet audience anything would be too deep

Nothings average about it. It's all remarkable and th visuals alone are miles above marvel level stuff

It's less that it was too deep, and more that audiences went into this film with every intention of hating it. By 2016, it had become popular to make fun of MoS, and every time news was released about BvS everyone online would throw a shitfit and complain about it. People wanted a Marvel movie, featuring Donner's Superman and Nolan's Batman.

This is why Justice League, despite being a nearly unwatchable, disastrous mess, received better critical reception than BvS.

The only difference between bvs batman and tdkr batman is that he didn't wink to the audience saying "rubber bullets lol"


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TDKR Batman also shoots a Mutant in the head and kills the Joker.

yeah the dnc had been practicing their bot algorithims all through out the 2016, by then disney hired the same npc scripts to shit on the movie in every article and social media platform.
They all respond the same and come out the wood work with the same responses

difference is mozart was good and snyder is bad

>*pees in a jar and puts it in the capitol*
>HMMMM HAHA YUP OH HAHA no what was I saying
>"save my mommy she has the same name as your mommy who is dead"
>*feeds jolly rancher to a senator*
>*50 minutes of zack snyder jerking off with slomo*
>oh by the way, lex knows their secret identities already just deal with it
haha yes, a masterpiece

>a literal idiot loves bvs

>know Superman and Batman's identities, somehow, with no explanation
>also this is great because Batman hates Superman right now (cough MAN OF STEEL cough)
>now get Superman's gf to go to Nairomi with Jimmy Olsen and interview a rebel general. oh yeah, make sure to hide a tracker in the camera so that Lois gets in trouble and Superman can save the day
>now bomb the village and kill countless people
>maybe the public won't believe Superman did it, so better make one of the villagers lie to Congress
>this will make Congress demand a testimony from Superman
>while I'm at it, let's research metahumans
>okay now I'll ask the Kentucky senator for a license to import some kryptonite (talk about a jar of pee)
>I'll just say it's to protect from other threats, but also I want Zod's fingerprints
>oh that's right, I know that I'll need his fingerprints, also I know where his ship is
>(if the senator won't agree with me, find a Congressman and push a cherry Jolly Rancher into his mouth. this is the foolproof backup plan)
>get the kryptonite, make a scalpel, remove Zod's fingerprints
>make sure to keep the kryptonite somewhere so that Batman can easily steal it
>oh that's right, Batman somehow has to know about the metahumans and the kryptonite, it will all fall into place magically
>now make a couple of prisoners brand other prisoners with a Bat-brand
>find out about crippled WayneCorp employee, take his disability checks and write mad shit on them
>do the same with some newspaper clippings
>send them to Batman and Superman
>now invite both of them and introduce them to each other
>btw they'll know each other's identities as well, which is great
>also invite Diana
>she'll steal my metahuman research and share it with Bruce, then he'll decrypt it, also he'll have a bad dream where Superman kills him and then somebody from the future will give him crucial info

>(don't worry, it'll happen)
>help out the crippled WayneCorp guy and give him a wheelchair (LINE IT WITH LEAD AND PUT A BOMB IN IT)
>Superman will be pissed off already when he goes to testify at Congress. because he wouldn't cover the football blowout and chose to cover the Bat-brandings, lol
>also, that villager probably blabbed to Finch about what I did, so the bombing is perfect timing
>just to make sure, have my man throw the villager under a train
>be invited to the testimony, drink a lot of fluids and then piss in a jar, leave it on Finch's desk, don't actually attend (oh yeah this might screw me over later)
>the crippled WayneCorp guy will be there too
>the bomb will go off right after she sees the pee jar
>Superman will get blamed for the bombing even though he will save some people
>Batman will get pissed off for sure
>good news, he stole my kryptonite lol
>take fingerprints to Zod's ship, override the controls, merge my DNA with his and create super-Zod, or something
>now kidnap Superman's mom and Lois as well
>use Lois's screams to lure Superman here (he won't hear his mother, though, lol)
>assume Superman won't kill me
>show him polaroids of his mother in captivity
>tell him to fight Batman
>Batman will kill Superman
>in case there happens to be a chance mention of their mommy's names that totally stops the fight, Doomsday will kill Superman
>if Doomsday gets out, the world will end
>also while I'm at it, create or meet a new villain in case Superman survives, or gets revived, or some bullshit

Yes. And the fact that they’d been pre-conditioned by years of near-brainless shit sure as fuck didn’t help.

This is the intellect of people who hate this movie. They can’t even understand the shit that’s explicitly happening on-screen.

If you think this was deep you are retarded.
This movie is trash.

You didn't pay much attention, did ya, champ?

lex knows their secret identities already
Well yeah I would expect him to know them already, he is one of the smartest minds on earth
and with batman being around for over 20 years I wouldn't expect anything less from Lex, He's smart and billionaire so I expect him to pick up on Lois's news articles about the mysterious hero helping people across america and also got into a fight in one of his buildings being built up.
So yeah I would expect that
Also slomo meme, The only slowmo I remember is when batman turns the corner and see's superman upclose for the first time, which was pure kino and used correctly.
You disney shills get overtime on the $0.10 you earn?

>how Lex knew their secret identities
>how Lex knows that Superman knows when Lois is in danger, but not when his adopted mother is, so that she would make the perfect bait
>how Lex knows he needs Zod’s fingerprints
>how Lex knows Batman will get his hands on his metahuman research
>how Lex knew merging his DNA with Zod’s would make Doomsday
>how Lex knew the ship would allow him to make this happen
>how Lex overrode the ship’s control
>how Lex knew that Batman would steal the kryptonite later
>how Lex knew that Clark would become disgruntled by Perry ordering him to write about football and not the Gotham Bat
>how Lex knew that Superman couldn’t see through lead

It's never been deep and you either don't know that and fell shitposts, or are baiting.

That's literally not true you fucking pseud. Read a book. You are confusing him with other composers who died poor.

In the actual film, his batmobile shoots literal missiles.

Not too deep, but misunderstood and unecessarily maligned

if you remove wonder woman and doomsday from the film it actually works

Nobody misunderstood it.

You clearly did

You won't get an answer

Lol I did now?

Literally THE WORST high-budget movie EVER made.

That's not Waterworld

The only thing that could make this piece of shit so called ‘film’ worse is knowing its Trumps favourite cape shit

Rent free

>Literally THE WORST high-budget movie EVER made.

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How often do you cry about liberals off-topic? Just a guesstimate.

Never because I'm not a huge faggot who drags politics into everything

Justice league

I loved BvS but JS was crappy toilet paper quality tho.

>is on Yea Forums

Stop projecting

I would bet money that you've done some /pol/tardy thing in as recent as the last week. What's your PayPal?

>I loved BvS

>dox yourself
No thank you

>resolving the central conflict between Batman and Superman with MARTHA
You are right, I didn't understand it. Didn't they read the script and said "Damn, this sucks"?

Even if you think the execution was terrible (because it fucking was) the idea is a fine one.


But just like blade runner it will be mediocre at best

What was the idea though? Batman realising Superman has a mom and that she shares her name with Batman's mom? How would that change anything?
Keep in mind, this is the Batman that uses miniguns on people. He's more like the Punisher than Batman

I liked the movie but it's pretty clear that "Save martha" was supposed to be "Save my mother" and was changed for some inexplicable reason

The idea that Batman would be redeemed and stop fighting Superman by remembering why he's doing it in the first place.
i.e. He couldn't save his own mother but he could save Superman's, the need to prevent that kind of tragedy is why he's a superhero.
Like says, if this was portrayed in any other way it would have been clever.

>your PayPal is in your real name
Pathetic, you don't even know how to setup a safe account.

I know how to into opsec, I just didn't bother for paypal, I only use it for normie-tier shit

The point is, that's how his dad died in the very opening scene. Batman realizes that he's not that different from the guy that shot his parents. That, and how BvS's Batman is post-9/11 America.

What does that matter? We aren't watching the idea of the movie, we are watching the movie. And the idea itself is entry-level philosophy that doesn't really have much to say besides "Superman like Jesus"

Imagine being a Warner Brother's executive cursed with the knowledge that if you didn't hire Zack fucking Snyder, you could have had a string of billion dollar blockbusters instead of being the laughing stock of hollywood franchises.

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>much normies reeee!
You're scared of losing a bet ;)

Dude, I don't care about the bet

Bruce isn't a fucking retard, you mean to tell me that he never once considered that Supes had parents? He's a humanoid alien who has a human alias. It's stupid

I agree with you completely there. I'm just saying that the concept here was not the problem. I hate seeing a good idea squandered.

>I now realised I am just as bad as the guy who shot my parents
>Now excuse me, I have to unload these miniguns on a couple of parked cars so they can't drive away
>Did I mention that my parents got shot by guns by the way?


The entire DCU needs to be scrubbed and redone. Keep Batfleck and Cavil, replace Ezra with CW Flash and make it about something people are familiar with like Brainiac or idk...Legion of Doom and make the theme the "end of the golden age of classic superheroes" and you can still transition into darker material and tone which will allow you to "borrow" from Miller's novels.

Imagine being the Executive who thought you couldn't fuck up a Batman/Superman cage match movie with two of the most recognizable comic characters in American media. He probably bought a boat....

Imagine thinking anything Snyder has done is deep or even good. For fucks sakes 300 came with a pre done storyboard and full studio restraints and he still managed to fuck it up.
Snyder is a hack. Christcucks keep him in business.

What did he fuck up about 300? t. ignorant