What do you think about Ben Affleck playing the role of Batman?
What do you think about Ben Affleck playing the role of Batman?
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I actually thought he was pretty good.
He's gonna be in a Batman movie?
He did well.
nearly as good a casting choice as cavill as superman
Batfleck is kino, so is Cavill.
way better than Bale's bat. just compare the voices, i just watched some clips from Nolans work and cringed whenever i heard Bale's batman impression. holy fuck i didn't remember it so bad but it is.
tho story wise the Nolan flicks, especially Dark Knight, was in a complete other league
he was very good in BvS but sucked fucking ass in just league
Im glad DC has the balls to to tackle mental health unlike Marvel's popcorn shit
He was fucking cool as Bruce Wayne and batman. Sorry to upset nerds but I think it was my favourite version. But Nolan's batman got the most development
Bale was a shit Batman and Bruce Wayne. Batman Begins was Nolan's only great take on capeshit. TDK's ONLY saving grace was Heath's performance. Take his performance out and the movie turns into a badly edited, framed and timed MTV music video. Something that would have been left on David Finsher's cutting floor completely.
TDKR is proof of that.
Batfleck was great, too bad the movie was such an irredeemable piece of shit.
>Batman begins the best
>Bvs bad
Nice bait
He's the best live action Batman we've ever gotten by a wide margin. I hate that we're not getting a solo movie with him.
this. great in their roles, perfect for the characters, just stuck in bad frankenstein cuts of bad movies.
DC should have never tried to be avengers, they should have stuck to the more down to earth angles of local terrorists and inner city politics level shit like nolan did with the dark knight trilogy. tell a smaller scale story with less focus on the fistfights and more focus on the characters interactions and personal drama and motivations
>story wise the Nolan flicks, especially Dark Knight, was in a complete other league
They really aren't. The story and dialogue in Nolan's trilogy are average at best, and terrible at worst. The whole trilogy, especially TDK, is really elevated almost solely by the phenomenal supporting cast, all of whom gave great performances.
>bad movies
Great Batman in movies he didn't get to live up to his potential
Affleck works just so well being both Bruce Wayne and Batman.
It's easy to see him philandering with women as well as wearing the cape being and being some mentally scarred superhero.
It's such a waste that we'll probably never see him in that role again.
the mcu with all it's films combined doesn't even come close to the amount of testosterone in this scene alone
Bane's dialogue in TDKR was excellent.
He was a fantastic batman and bruce wayne in some truly horrible movies. Even so there are a few scenes where you can see the greatness that might have been.
That scene where he climbs the stairs in the batcave with the cape trailing behind him and mask off is pure kino, straight out of BTAS
For you
Maybe that is why soibois hate Snyder and DC so much
IDK why people are so into him, I mean Afflecks a great actor, and he's professional so he's always gonna maintain a degree of quality, but it feels like he just doesn't really wanna be there. Especially in Justice League, he sounds like he's already written his suicide note every time he opens his mouth.
He also channels the underlying rage and insecurity of Batman in a way no other actor has before.
For you.
it's mainly the supporting cast and choice to go practical and realism that made it really stand out. Never has their been that much quality and effort to go into a cape movie, at least not till snyder got a go at it.
Memes aside the stadium scene was perfect.
I liked him
Best bats. Big, strong, imposing as bruce, mauls criminals, quipless in BvS. Absolute antisoy cape.
Why did they have to make lex such a twitchy sperg?
well you get that vibe in JOSStice league because those are mostly all re shoots of most of the casts performance.
Affleck months of what was supposed to be post, ends up gaining weight, divorce, kids, knowing that his hard work going down the drain with the reshoots, Yeah you're going to notice he doesn't want to be there.
Imagine you had to be a certain weight to be in that suit somewhat comfortably, now he's probably how many more pounds heftier and he's reshooting in the end of summer, probably bloated from drinking aswell.
The character was written for Eisenberg to give that jew a job.
forget which version of lex it's based on, but the character is spot on to the version the chose.
Also his development would make much more sense if we got the snyder cut of justice league, his motivation would really stand out.
Ben Affleck was a great choice and is literally my favorite movie of batman
But the move sucks and is incompetent as evidenced by this scene. Affleck looks good in it but its just fucking retarded. Compare this scene to Bales training scenes in Batman Begins and you just cant defend Snyders direction
IDK either. He was decent in the movie but I prefer they had someone like in MoS
Nolan's first 2 Batmans are thematically more masculine and visually grittier and everyone loves them. Its not some cultural issue that most people recognize how poorly made BvS was on a technical level
nothing wrong with use of a wordless montage and imo snyder's stuff is far more entertaining than nolan's gimmicky direction
couldn't care less if anyone disagrees as mainstream criticism is fucking retarded nowadays
batman begins, he needs to be strong and agile and to mind his surroundings.
He's only human, in a grounded reality and just starting out as the bat.
Battfleck is training to be able to withstand the suit he's about to put on. Idk if it does affect his heart or body, but in the comic tdk returns the suit he uses to fight supes, Strains his heart, so he doesn't have long to be in it.
So where im going with, this is a bat 20 years in his career I'm sure he minds his surroundings by now and knows how agile he must be to take down criminals. By this point of the movie he's blinded by rage as foreshadowed by alfred
Kino casting.
Too bad the movies were shit.
It's a mix of Birthright and Secret Origins. Also, his motivation is perfectly clear in BvS.
Probably the best Batman we'll ever have, which is unfortunate. Wish he stuck around a bit longer.
I thought he was fucking amazing. That’s my sleep-deprived, borderline psychotic, over-the-edge, end-arc Batman. He was literally perfect.
Holy contrarian redditor, Batman!
Batman as a whole is total cringe I hope it doesn't get another movie again
>Talks in throat cancer voice : uum duh buhhhmannnngg!!
>Rides borderlands 2 car
>Muh jokeyy babeyyyy gamers rise up XD
DC need proper superheroes like ironman or cool characters like Deadpool imho
Bad idea. He is an over the hill alcoholic with a new England accent.
well what i mean is how people were raging on how Lex had these logos setup for Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Flash, and Aquaman because his original plan was for to have those individuals be part of his own meta human League.
He did not plan on Batman or Superman to be part of it, because they were supposed to die, in either scenario of whomever wins he had a plan and a backup plan, but that all foiled up.
The best and most accurate batman and Bruce Wayne ever
In BvS
Justice league is a sin
Agreed on both counts.
this is your brain as a zoomer growing up with marvel products.
Imagine being able to watch memepool more than once without cringing
Major Yikes dude
nigga you can't be dumb enough to swallow that bait
Just watch Justice League you massive faggot.
Oh, yeah. You're completely right about that.
I believe Lex is wired into Task Force X. I think Project A.R.G.U.S. is his baby. In mythology, Argus is a giant with a hundred eyes, and that’s a perfect metaphor for Alex in BvS: the corporate “giant” who sees all and knows all. I believe one of his scenarios envisioned Superman on the government’s leash as a member of the Squad, probably even the *sole* member.
Because he already had one blind superhero role?
I'm 32 but sure, zoom zoom
Batman is the kind of character that seems cool when you're a kid then it's abysmal when you grow up, just saying
I don't agree with it so it's b8 ohnoeees