How will Amazon fuck it up?

How will Amazon fuck it up?

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Blacks, women, faggots.

Entire cast will be trans

Yeah, not looking forward to that

>Entire cast will be trans
I misread trans as trains. Now I want a Thomas the Tank Engine reboot set in space.

have you actually read any Culture books?

>Current year
>No one adapting this

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Half the characters in the culture books are trans, you moron

why do they do this?

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It's not that great. Society turning gay was the only interesting part.

This book series is about how great it is to be black, a woman, a fag or trans while computers provide everything they need.

I wish

Sounds a bit boring desu

I did. Actually pretty boring when not talking about really large scale stuff. I couldn't give less of a shit about the characters. I suppose that's the price you pay when you go really fantastical with your sci fi. Your character drama suffers since it's hard to identify with them.

No need to, really. Half the shit people have tizzy fits about today are normal in culture - transitioning can be done over couple of weeks with hormonal therapy and most spend time as man AND woman during their life. In fact, it's odd to stubbornly cling to just one. If only SJWs actually read books they might like the series.

>I couldn't give less of a shit about the characters.

you'll change your mind once you get past puberty.

An awful lot of sci-fi is more about the big concepts than the characters anyway, but the Culture novels are generally quite good. Netflix will still ruin it somehow.

I'm 33. The books arnt great. Sci fi books rarely are good literature. They are generally pulp. Now I'm not saying you cant enjoy pulp but dont pretend pulp isnt pulp.

The iridian war was cool. They actually seemed like the good guys despite being overtly speciest and religious. Their planetary computer being replaced with an AI that replaced their government seemed like a sad fate. They lost their agency. They just became pets.

based 16 year old who thinks he is smarter than he is

>If only SJWs actually read books they might like the series.
SJWs in general seem allergic to SF for some reason.

How would the Culture fair against the IOM?

Have you ever been to one of the hardcore SF cons? They're all SJWs. The last Eastercon I went to (quite a few years ago) I went to a panel where two women were 'explaining' that men writing female characters was the equivalent of rape. Feminism and diversity are constant topics, and people wander around with buttons whose colour indicates whether they feel too delicate to speak to strangers because neurodiversity.

I think that was the point. They're not really into SF but rather agenda pushing and virtue signaling.

Would absolutely rape their bumholes.

Don't confuse my point, i'm not a culture-cock sucking faggot.

A space marine in a one-on-one with a culture/special circumstances operative would be close. See the Alien fighting at the end in Consider Phlebas.

But as society vs society the Culture would wipe the floor with the Imperium. Ships able to travel at thousands of times the speed of light dumping trillions of computing bits of maleware fuckery per millisecond into clockwork Turing machine banks while teleporting balls of plasma into every torpedo and munition the IOM sends into space around them.

Would be stupid one-sided. The Imperial Navy wouldn't even see what was fucking them unless the culture wanted.

So like in the books?

The Culture humans are hedonistic assholes only living for pleasure while super AI rules the society and basically treats them as pets.

They switch bodies and do crazy shit in VR 24/7. Even the most leftist director won't be able to put everything from the books on screen.

which is exactly why there have been so few quality science fiction releases in the past 5 years. the awards were never the best place to get recs but they weren't bad. Now, it's just trash. The broken earth trilogy went from good to ehh to trash and all three won the hugo because the author is an outspoken activist. Fuck em.

Literally one Culture system ship could clean the entire 40k universe of life. It would be like XV century humans vs modern military.

>gets instantly corrupted by the warp
Any series that deals with the paranormal beats any series that doesn't

this, mediocre sci-fi for brainlets, the entire culture series is far better than anything Haldeman ever wrote

There are trains in this book has anyone in this thread actually read this?

Culture has paranormal and ascended races though.

>didn't understand the culture

Quantum physics are literally magic anyways.

Do we even have release date for this?

As we emerge from falling into that brainlet trap, the way Amazon would fuck it up would primarily be by remarking on any of that stuff or making any overt reference to it.
It would over relatively quickly. They wouldn't even need to use gridfire or any of the exotic weapons, the ships would tear the imperial units apart with normal effectors while devoting 60% effort to arguing about poetry on email.

What would really hurt would not be the violence, it would be the pity and concern the Culture feels for them the whole time its going on.

People will think it rips off Halo, when the reverse is true.

>tfw your favorite book/book series simply can't be adapted for TV screen and is way too obscure for Jewfags in United Kikes of American to ever notice

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that's why most people kill themselves after 300-400 years of hedonistic degeneracy the books are about the redpilled individuals who fight to protect the clueless degenerates from outside danger.

>Society turning gay was the only interesting part.
that was the first thing that ridley scott dropped when he was working on it. I hope if they do it now they somehow find a way to keep it. the reaction of the MC when he finds out his mom is now a lesbian was hilarious.