Is he right? Did Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (in particular, the character Ramona Flowers) ruin a whole generation of women?
Is he right? Did Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (in particular...
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No, fatherless households ruined an entire generation in general.
that song sucks and I'd rather girls look like this than ghetto bitches or whatever
I doubt 90% of hair dyed tattooed ho bags you see on the street even know what this movie is or could understand the motivations of their characters.
women literally just mimic their environment. that's all they're hardwired to do
its actually an alright song
Why is this song being spammed on every board?
nah its one of those songs that uses lofi to hide its shit vocals
This, and abusive (albeit present) fathers
I don't think enough people watched Scott Pilgrim for it to be able to ruin a generation.
No, social media alone did. Nothing else has been as bad. And I don't care. Without social media I wouldn't have been able to see my oneitis' slutty pics.
Yeah, it reminds me of songs I used to listen to as a kid.
Shit vocals are the point and they're not hiding it at all. If anything, they're using lofi to make the shit vocals shittier.
You have to be delusional to believe that Scott Pilgrim was enough of a cultural heavy hitter to influence a whole generation of anything.
i said alright not good just alright
I've never seen it, but got recommended to watch it by the girl I'm trying to date. Quick, lads, give me talking points. What did I like there? What did I dislike?
you loved the song and now you want to shoot a school, for the motherland
>What did I like there?
>What did I dislike?
I'm someone who believes in most mental illnesses and suffer from some myself, but BPD really just seems like some made up bullshit for roasties to justify themselves being terrible human beings. none of the symptoms even make any sense and are extremely vague
just watch it. its a cute well done movie
>for the motherland
How did you know I'm Russian?
lies, russians dont date
I said I'm trying, doesn't mean I'm succeeding.
Anyone have that one slav song about how grandmas had 10 kids, grandpas had huge farms and now girls have no kids but 100 partners and men have nothing?
all yanks are mentally ill
Ricky I have told you twice already to stop shilling you videos here. You got like a thousand subs in a few days is that not enough? You keep shitting up the site with thinly veiled attempts at advertisement.
How a niche movie that bombed at cinemas could ruin an entire generation?
Why this movie so popular here?
Birth-control pills and favorable divorce rules for women.
we like the asian girl, she was top tier waifu
I spoke to this friend of mine a few months back who has BPD. Your typical liberal, millenial girl. Pink hair, tattoos, Bernie bumper sticker. She said she doesnt feel comfortable discussing how she feels to those who dont have it because she cant explain it thoroughly, but she tried with me anyway because these types of girls love talking about themselves, and all if what they do is for attention, dont let them fool you.
Basically, she said above all it's her "moods" and how they severely fluctuate. One second shes full of energy, everything's the greatest thing ever, then the next she crashes and everything sucks and is depressing. Then she said that this affects how she interacts with people somehow? I dont know how mood changes correlate with being manipulative and needy for attention, but that's basically what some people with BPD do apparently, use and abuse people.
Tl;Dr it is a load of crap. BPD sounds more like a carpet that they just sweep all kinds of shitty people with different shitty emotional/mental problems under and bury them with mind numbing pills that after years of just upping dosages make them retarded enough to not know what they had for breakfast.
women initiate most divorces so theyre to blame
>i feel happy, then later sad
So in other words, normal.
I mean yeah but I guess it more extreme for others? I don't know what they feel or if they're making big deals out of little things
>. One second shes full of energy, everything's the greatest thing ever, then the next she crashes and everything sucks and is depressing
then literally every yank I've ever met has BPD (which is in fact a quintessentially yank "illness")
>914 subscribers
>video views jump from 600 views to 100,000
How much did you pay hiroshimoot to shill here?
notice how all these women are white
why? because their men, white men, are pathetic, and are too busy being mass shooters and being virgins than satisfying them in bed
society needs widespread ritualistic psychedelic usage to be healed. the soul is corrupt and thus everything is
they are neurotic and really insecure so they assume people are thinking the worst of them because they are shit people in reality. its not a mental illness its a personality disorder
No, as a matter of fact I think the character of Ramona Flower was just a depiction of a specific type of woman that had already been fairly common at the time the comic was written.
Then stop talking to Californians? Idk
Is this fucking redditor still shilling his garbage meme video?
You liked how Scott started off as a bad person but, despite her own flaws Ramona helped him become a better person, particularly highlighted in the scene where Scott's about to crush a little kid (who's also trying to impress a girl) at a streetfighter knockoff at the arcade and Ramona makes Scott throw the game, making the two kids really happy which was better than the win. This is made better by the fact it's a set up for how to defeat one of the ex boyfriends later.
Perhaps it was just a different time but you didn't really like the amount of times homosexuality was used as a punchline, like all the stuff with brie larson's character but also a lot between Scott and most of the male cast, it didn't really make much sense in the narrative outside of a laugh that wouldn't really land by today's standards.
Fake news
> [From 2015 to 2016] The rate increased from 2.6 to 2.9 (11.5%) for non-Hispanic whites
Hmm, So hwite burgers are on the level of Rwanda and Egypt? Nice
It's feminine nature turned up to 11, the female equivalent to autism.
>look mom I posted it again!
> How did you know I'm Russian?
The smell.
Stop shilling your shit here you retarded gook
Give me one actual reason to ever watch this movie. What is so fucking good about that I have to hear about it all the fucking time? Why do people say it's "underrated" and "a cult classic" when that couldn't be further from the case? It's like 10 years old and people still talk of it constantly.
girlfriend simulator
that's interesting actually. are there any brain scans on it?
I'm going with no because nobody watched this movie
Guy on the right looks just like a turkish doctor I work with. It's uncanny.
>implying enough people watched it for it to have an effect
you're too cynical and jaded to get it. it's a product of a more innocent time
Don't watch it. It's trash.
How fucking corrupt do you think everyone became in less than 9 years? Name one thing more innocent about 2010.
people were largely apolitical and didn't care about world events as much. social media hadn't latched it's tendrils into everyone's pre frontal cortex. video games were better, music was better , post irony wasn't a thing
i think the interpretation i take away from it is that the idea of the character ruined women insofar as their individuality. before the modern world, most women fit into a certain social box in the sense that they married early, adhered to authority, maintained their appearance and had many children. then following the advent of the sexual revolution, a lot of women strived to be "different" by shaping their personalities to the inverse of what formerly characterised women in order to be unique. so much so in fact, that their "uniqueness" has become bipartisan amongst all women and whereas the common nature that enveloped women before suited a purpose in society, the only purpose of woman's common nature today is to rack up a higher body count than an Afghanistan vet and commit suicide faster than one as well. Ramona Flowers is merely the representation of the false idea of individuality which destroyed womankind.
check out my fuckin video
Yes he has made at least three threads in the last few days on Yea Forums and a few on /r9k/ shilling his channel.
I dont hate his stuff but the shilling is too much
shut up nigger
Ricky please stop
Nice wasted digits, homo. Refute any lyric or image in that video.
I knew I could rely on you, based Yea Forums broanon
>people were largely apolitical and didn't care about world events
Beyond fiction and extremely revisionist. You want to believe this because perhaps you met this criteria at the time? Now you've grown and become slightly less ignorant and don't want to accept that you were ever ignorant in the past.
>social media
It was already pretty far along in taking over the internet and centralizing shit. Not quite everyone was on it yet but the people that were were already addicted.
>video games were better
Oh yes, the explosion of garbage annual sequels, shovelware, crap liscened games was amazing. Video games were just as shit as they are now.
>music was better
You have to actually be retarded.
>post irony wasn't a thing
Another fictional lie.
Barely any of this can be correlated with "innocene" and nearly all of it mistruth. I'm assuming you were just really young and/or ignorant back then. Not much has changed.
I hate how bpd can mean both boarderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder on the internet
Case in point
I like they showing Trump as if they have huge influence in Hollywood.
young Anna Kendrick.
>"I was a little kid 9 years ago so I didn't pay attention to politics and stuff then and am nostalgic for the crappy games and music from that time."
You sound fucking gay. Not the person you’re responding to, by the way.
Not the guy you replied to but you're a colossal faggot.
Okay but I can watch Pitch Perfect or Twilight for that.
Why do I sound gay? How can you hear me? By the way you don't need to point out that you're a different person. I can see your IP, you're cool.
>Brie Larsen
Just great, now the film is ruined for me.
They're all circumcised at birth, which destroys your psyche. It's no surprise they're all psychos.
garlic shooter is qt
It's a pretty hot look, I don't care.
But Scott Pilgrim? Really? Was it that big of a cultural phenomenon at the time? I'm pretty sure this shit was around before that movie.
What the fuck are you talking about? Social media was already huge and 9/11 had turned every happening into global events. Goddamn zoomers, I swear.
Most of the views are coming from Facebook and twitter and one of the girls in the video personally asked me to remove it. Just told her to fuck off rofl.
Jesus Christ stop shilling your fucking video
Fuck off roast xD
No more than Dead Poets Society ruin a whole generation of teachers.
Are you an incel?
At the moment, yea.
hey r7cky! i just want to say.....
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you're mom is a gays
How many times do you think that people you know in real life have called you a freak?
When I read text it’s like I get a voice in my head based on how it’s written. I don’t know, yours just sounds faggy and snarky. And thanks, I know I’m cool.
The pure irony of this post is delicious.
>How many times do you think that people you know in real life have called you a freak?
Ehhh. Depends on the context. Like a creep? Many times.
Pic related is the girl at 1:53 who even got her bf to ask me to take down the video. Fucking lmao.
no one cares about your probleem with that girl knucklehead. he's just asking one question
The voice I get from you sounds obese. Am I right?
Hmm. I've been called a freak about 20+ times in my life so far to answer the question.
I can't wait until little creatures like you go back to middle school in a couple of weeks.
This is quite possibly the most embarrassing repetitive thread this board has ever had
Man your inner voice is way off. Good luck to you though. I think you’d like reddit more, by the by. They give out points for comments like yours. They’ve got these gold coins too.
it was a flop which very few people saw, I don't see how it could make any impact whatsoever
It’s the guy who made the video posting it over and over.
This is now a Riley Thread
god I wish I wasn't born with social anxiety so I could have a girlfriend
cute girls in it
I don't even make these anymore.
This movie bombed when it came out. No way it had any influence on anyone. Most normies probably still haven't heard of it, let alone seen it.
Honestly, Eternal Sunshine probably did way more in refining the art hoe than Scott Piligrim could've hoped to.
Quite based but stop posting about your video here now.
I cant help but like you Ricky but the shilling has got to stop, this board is bad enough as it is
How did they ask you? Phone call or email? I want to see what they looked like begging for you to take it down before it goes viral
Bruh. Yeah it's me, bruh, you better take down the video.
I'm not the one shilling it dude.
who's this fatass?
>BPD sounds more like a carpet that they just sweep all kinds of shitty people with different shitty emotional/mental problems
Sounds about right. If that's BPD, then I have BPD.
This is like the people who don't like public speaking, so they label themselves as suffering from "anxiety syndrome".
Or the lazy college students that self-diagnoze as depressive. Etc...
>young Anna Kendrick.
She still looks like a squirrel even at a young age
he looks like he drinks s*y
If only you knew how many girls in my high school got away with doing their speech in a small room alone with the teacher because of "anxiety"
who the fuck keeps posting this same thread every day?
Stop shilling your shitty video, incel.
>doing their speech in a small room alone with the teacher
Can you show me examples of this exact same thread (not just threads about the same Youtube song, but the exact same OP word for word, same image and everything) posted? Just curious.
that's literally every thot in existence.
on a side note, does she regret her tattoos? since they're permanent and all
Blocked them both then she posted this on her story
Why would I shill a shitty vid I made that took an hour to make rofl
Haha geeze, as if that weren't the fucking point of the assignment. People have all these normal behaviors like getting shivers if they speak on a stage, or being sad on some days, or having mood swings but instead they tack it on having anxiety disorder, or depression, etc...
All in an effort to have that super speshul disorder.
top notch summary user
They get nuked dimwit.
this is pretty much it, no joke
In other words, you have no proof, no evidence.
Well, I'm the actual OP. I typed all of that up. I saw the song elsewhere, and it's the sort of song that sticks in your head (at least it did for me), and it's actually Yea Forums related, so I decided to make a thread here. I don't know why that upsets you, this song and this thread, but I can take a guess if you'd humor me.
Scott Pilgrim was a comic about mid-00's hipsters.
I wasn't making the initial claim, somebody else did. I just jumped in to tell you why he couldn't give you proof
Well I'm telling you "somebody else" is wrong.
this desu
People should have never been granted 24/7 access to the internet, it's obvious that we can't handle it
I disliked public speaking too but did it anyway, and at the last year of school I was much better at it and not as scared as i was on the first day. It's not that hard.
No, Ramona is based off those types of women, not the other way around.
What to do when I'm actually attracted to girls like this?
Keep in mind I'm a khv
i don't have any problem with public speaking but cant handle any convo without being a total loser
this, how do people miss this?
Orbit them and do the "white people face" when Chad fucks her at a party.
>He had a oneitis before actually knowing that she's a ho
Sorry you're a dumbfuck
>suck and fuck
i dont think anybody who browses this board should look down on other people
this shit is like the npc meme, its perpetuated by outcasts who believe they are more interesting and individual than they really are
Feeling better about yourself by thinking others are worse than you is literally one of the most common coping mechanics people use in general, normies included.
I'm sure you're not as much of a loser you imagine yourself to be. It's all about confidence my man
Ehh, I don't think the video itself is solely shitting on women. If you go to the comments, it's literally people with absolute garbage taste in music going "b-but death grips and neutral milk hotel is good :("
I disagree
Every woman I've ever known with blue/red/green/orange/purple hair has been a mental head case.
He should have just gone with the cute asian girl
Wasn´t the movie a massive a massive flop? how can it ruin an entire generation with such limited reach?
MAYBE it ruined "geeky" and "nerdy" girls, but you should be avoiding them anyway.
maybe about 56%
The song itself is a parody of a tweet by some pink haired leftie that said Scott Pilgrim made an entire generation of men undateable. It's just this socially dysfunctional generation flinging shit at each other without realizing the other side is just as miserable and fucked up as them.
You have autism.
I love Scott Pilgrim in all it's forms but this is definitely giving it way more cultural significance than it really has.
Not enough people watched Scott Pilgrim for it to ruin an entire generation even if I have autism.
Women were trying to act like Ramona way before Scott Pilgrim. The weird-and-quirky, "not like other girls" trope existed for ages, peaking with Dalia in the 90's.
Just as the comic the movie glorified being a shit of person and a maniac pixie slut
Too popular among
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in 2004. But yeah all of those before 2010.
Riot grrrl movement and Tank Girl as well.
Before that the new wave movement.
I'm 34. Every person I know whose parents are still together is better off than those whose parents were divorced or whose father died when they were young.
dad left my mom at the perfect time to ruin all our lives except his own.
yea pretty much that age 17-18
It's not one particular piece of media, but a collection of consistent narratives within a much broader selection of media.
And it's reinforced. Over and over again it's reinforced.
Again, I hate to bring up Star Wars, but Rey makes perfect sense if you're Disney. It's the continuation of the pretty princess archetype, but now SHE DON'T NEED NO MAN.
Look at all of Disney's child stars from the 00s. They are all totally fucked in the head. You think this media is just innocent time sinks? No way.
The good thing is that we can knowlingly reject this for our own children if we so choose. Kids don't know what year it is. If you push classic stories from the 19th and early 20th century while they grow up, and stop showing them animation after 1980 or so, they'll never get the programming.
I hate the right wing contrarion faggots who watch character assassination videos more then any quirky woman because at least they don't shit up my hobbies.
this, single mothers are the bane of humanity
>100% American
>suck and fuck
for you
>video games were better,
Bullshit, it was the post-2008 dark age of brown and bloom muh realism. Vidya actually became good again in the middle of the decade.
And you know what caused fatherless households? World War 2. Which we got into... BECAUSE OF JEWS!
Post a pic of yourself bobby
Social media has saved a generation of men from becoming beta bux by showing them the true nature of women.
watch the flick you dumb cunt
>I'm making a team
I love how he tried to to the "youtuber exposes person in a long drawn out in depth informative video" thing but it just came off as him being asshurt over sam
>they are neurotic and really insecure
That's hot
No, that's the joke mate.
People screeching about social media are ignore-is-bliss faggots.
Social media has done very little to deep seated aspirations. It merely brought them on display.
Ehhh, I'll admit it wasn't that informative but I'm going to make a followup video with more evidence btw.
I've been messaged by nearly every woman in the video along with two former employees. Sam is a fucking weirdo.
>sam was the one running a cult all along
It's like the shooter thing where they existed, but bringing them to light caused more copycats.
>Have a 7 month old
>Am dying
Fuck it
The only thing the 2010s have proven is that idealists are scum and democracy was a mistake.
based Straffo
No, I can assure you almost none of those women have ever watched that movie.
Millennials were born fucked, and I don't feel any pity for them, they deserve to suffer and die.
based psychoanalyst
is this what blue haired thots think they look like?
That would make sense if people actually saw the movie
>Suck and Fuck
>tfw this describes my little sister
I wish I could’ve saved her bros. She became this way when she started hanging out with a depressed art hoe. Keep your loved females away from these people
This is what happens when a woman is denied her feeding and seeding.
Uh Hahah no, that is not normal
This. The retarded chink that made this shitty song is likely a zoomer
Mine stayed normal, all she's done is getting drunk once in a while like I did.
We still watch movies together all the time, so we keep getting along.
You're probably a millennial yourself, you fucking idiot.
>Keep your loved females away from these people
How do you do this without making them resent you/do the opposite out of spite? Forbidden fruit and all that.
>Is he right? Did Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (in particular, the character Ramona Flowers) ruin a whole generation of women?
Yes and no.
Yes he's 100% right about this brand of roasties and roasties in general.
But no, it wasn't because of Ramona. It existed before and SP didn't have much of a cultural impact anyway especially with roasties it was more of a white nerd male fantasy, she just symbolizes the MPDG trend.
Also: puta
Easy, I threaten my imouto with the pistol I bought her.
>retards uber mad at women like this
>a big % of them will be single and desperate in their 40s
you guys act as if they will have a nice and cozy life forever, be patient but specially work on yourselves.
They do it on their own when they have strong masculine figures in their life.
That's why how the father behaves towards a girl is what matters most, and brothers too, if they have them.
If a girl has a decent father who loves her, she'll get a decent man that will love her.
If her father is scum, she'll become a whore who gets laid with scum in an attempt to get from them the affection they didn't get as kids.
Same happens with men, except the male equialent of art hoes are incels.
Pump and dump. Don't feel bad about it either because that's what she's there for.
i don't think enough people saw it to influence anybody. women are just entitled shits by nature, they just used to be ignored or beaten. now it's sexist to hold them to any standard and it's illegal to treat them as equally as you would treat another human.
>work on yourself while she's getting railed by guys who sell coke in bar bathrooms
>all so that you can give her half of your money when she's no longer hot
Are you implying all women are art hoes?
The fuck are you smoking?
Why the fuck would you get in a relationship with a girl like this in the first place?
These women are for pump and dump.
>getting anal destroyed at thots from the future
that's sad
they're whatever their last boyfriend wanted them to be
Millennials men are pretty much women at this point, and in sight of something that they associate midly with a topic, they sperg out like a teenager on her period.
Avoid contact with millennials, they are all subhumans, simply laugh at them.
Are incels sourgraping because they can't get laid with girls like these or because they want to be sluts and fuck a bunch of men like them?
Because women chose to fuck men who didnt love them then got all surprised when he didnt turn into the father of her kids
>Why the fuck would you get in a relationship with a girl like this in the first place?
>These women are for pump and dump.
Nigga, what options do you think you're gonna have at age 40?
Did you fall for the "men age like wine" meme? Do you really think 22 year olds are gonna line up to date you when you are the same age as their dad in some cases?
pretty sure this entire site is full of latent faggots
a bunch of feminized men who do nothing but whine and complain and cry
Why would you wait to the age of 40 to find a woman?
>Do you really think 22 year olds are gonna line up to date you when you are the same age as their dad in some cases?
they will if you're rich, and they will if they have daddy issues
This is the thread where Yea Forums, the most autistic people on the internet, pretends to understand society.
Yea Forums has become a safespace where people pat each other in the back over speculations of how social life and normalfags are, which is why I wouldn't have a problem with shutting Yea Forums down.
The website has run it's course and is completely different from what it used to be.
Instead of being a place completely different from the rest, now Yea Forums is simply autistic people reacting to real life.
Bringing real life shit to Yea Forums all the time, along with not permanently rangebanning any and all people who have ever posted crap from social media is what's killed Yea Forums.
And Yea Forums, like all safespaces, deserves to be shut down.
Millennials don't deserve a place of comfort for their autism.
On top of the fact that they need to grow up, since they are already in their 30s, all the harm they have caused means they deserve to suffer.
>Are incels sourgraping because they can't get laid with girls like these
It's kinda this but more pure rage at how women can still succeed sexually and socially despite being shallow vacuum people devoid of any personality. Just by virtue of being female, decent looking, and available the average woman in america lives lives on par with celebrities 30 years ago.
>dating a woman with daddy issues
lmfao good luck nigger
If only we lived in a perfect world where women had that alt look but not the personality
Belle Delphine and every dumb twitch whore would like a word with you
I think you're terrified because you realize the gig is up. We got you dead to rights. Everything we are saying is 100% true and you thought you did a good job of hiding it but you read it here, plain as day and you see yourself for what you really are. And that scares the shit out of you because you had a gameplan. You were gonna manipulate some poor dude who was tricked into enabling a system designed to eat him and you're fucking terrified we're gonna convince him to act in his own self-interest.
>he says that when we live in the age of patreon whores
Unless you're a middle-aged man or teen, shut the fuck up retard.
Another millennial behaviour is shown here, which I tend to call "illuminatism", this feeling a millennial creature gets of having some kind of control over the world, even though millennials are all purple haired whores or balding manchildren, all in their 30s who are lately losing their minds because they are in the age when people tend to form families, and millennials are still behaving like 5 year olds.
You are on the internet, and the Internet is where millennials try to seek refuge, while real life moves on.
By the way, the only "women" who visit Yea Forums have penises and, by the time they are as old as you, they will already have killed themselves.
>satisfying women
literally why?
What's your birth year, pussy?
why is this board so easily manipulated by shills & bots? fuck off
seeting roast
What's yours, 1990?
Any luck trying to be the lay number 300 of some wrinkled and piercing filled, blue haired whore, also known as "millennial women"?
>noticing social trends and documenting observable human behaviors is just like believing in the Illuminati
kys roastie
insecure baby dick
>it's a "22 year old boomer posting" episode
Lol, little zoomer faggot trying to act hot. Drink bleach, nigger.
I dated a girl who was Borderline, run as far away as you possibly can.