Read this book, right fucking now

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Reading, on tv subreddit lol. Summer get out.

Give me a rundown

We sleep because we are tired.

>They Live
>We Sleep

I prefer Michel Gondry's version.

Holy based

>in 2019
You're so 19th century.

is this the book that thom yorke’s been going on about recently?

>self improvement!
>bio hacking!
>supplement stacks!
>Joe Rogan!

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Nice bait.

Where can I get a pdf for free?

>be tired
>go to bed and sleep
>be no longer tired

>some retard felt like its necessary to write a popsci book on this apparently confusing subject

These replies really show the IQ here. Holy shit, stop watching mindless trash and read a book for once. Stupid niggers.

>the only reason we sleep is to not feel tired

But you don’t understand bro! The ancient man used to do it like that, and now we do it like this because society is fucked, man! We need to be more like cavemen, man! It’s science, brah! I’ve been feeling SO much better ever since I started eating my own shit, it’s like night and day bro. Anxiety? GONE. Depression? GONE. It’s thesefucking desk jobs man, when we were cavemen we used to eat our own shit, we were way healthier back then!

Why were you tired in the first place?

because I was active

read this book, right fucking now

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I'm currently reading the Unfreedom of the press.

Its sanctimonious garbage mostly. But also fuck the media.

>Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when we don't sleep.
LMAO are americans actually retarded?

Because unlike your worthless neet ass I have a day job

normal people go to sleep because they are tired
white virgins, aka the Yea Forums demographic sleep because they are tired of living. they are depressed, fucked up. both mentally and physically.

It’s written by a Britbonger

We stay up late because there's nothing to look forward to tomorrow.