is he right?
Is he right?
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Great animation and an LGBT message that fit seamlessly into the story. Most people hating it probably haven't seen it.
Pretty much. The special isn't about Rocko. It's 100% about transgenders and a minor character that didn't even appear until towards the end of the series. I think it's dumb to get too mad about this, but the move itself was stupid. It's disappointing Rocko's big special after coming back from over two decades of nothing has nothing to do with him.
Netflix didn't even own this shit until Nick's new management dumped it on them. Zim and this were written around 2014-15
It's literally all about rocko, he has the most screen time of any character in this special.
>It's literally all about rocko, he has the most screen time of any character in this special.
It literally isn't about Rocko at all. The main story is Ralph's/Rachel's. Then if you look at people talking about the special, all they talk about is Rachel and transgenders. Even most the fanart coming from this special is focused entirely on Rachel. May as well have called this shit "Rachel's Modern Life: I'm A Woman Now."
It was lowkey based in a way. We live in a media landscape where EVERYTHING is being remade and rebooted, originality in Hollywood is dead. Joe Murray purposely made this special a meta-commentary on manchildren. Rocko was the audience, not being able to go on without regressing back to a child-like state of watching reboots.
The tranny shit was forced but at the same time, it is a pretty "modern" idea so... it worked into the story, yet, I don't like Joe's take on it. But I'm in the minority because every-time I tell to people to be proud of their bodies and that tattoos, implants, plastic surgery and sex change operations are just shallow temporary cosmetic highs that will not change your life for the better but ultimately separate you further from your true identity and some idea of happiness, I am called a hateful bigot.
My point is, if the Winds of Change begin to hurt people we love, maybe we should question them.
If it were anything like that, it might be good. Instead it's just "oh wow things sure are different I wonder what happened to the bigheads oh ralph is a woman now I immediately accept that and am cool with that and have zero questions about it even though I'm supposed to be from the 90s when shit like chopping off your dick would have raised some eyebrows gee mr. bighead you should accept your daughter get with the times things change."
It's about getting the show back, there is barely any actual talk about Ralph being trans.
Rocko acted like a sociopath who literally didn't care about Ralph or Mr. Bighead's wellbeing at all, he just wanted to watch some Fathead kino.
None of you faggots talk about that amazing bighead song
You're so naive.
>yeah yeah you're trans that's nice now hurry up and make more kino
I don't want to see a cartoon about trannys
>"they didn't talk about it"
No because they just blindly accepted it. That doesn't change the fact that the main story is "Ralph is now Rachel." That's the main take away and the thing everyone (both supporters and detractors alike, as well as the media) are focusing on. That's where the spotlight is. Not on Rocko, but on Rachel.
Reminder that the creator's own 10-year-old daughter knew the Ralph thing was lame:
>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ”
definitely a highlight, I also liked the 3D fathead sketch.
The main story isn't Ralph is Rachel. The main story is rocko is back from space and can't accept change, there are more aspects of change than the Rachel shit, hell the plot about o town being fucked could be said more of the main plot than Ralph becoming Rachel.
Rachel isn't in the special until 26 minutes in user
It's hard to say the special isn't about Rachel when that's what everyone is focusing on, and the creator brought in LGBT "specialists" to make sure the special was okay and transtastic enough, and like , that's the first thing his own 10 year old daughter talked about when watching the special. Rocko is a minor character in all this, a mere vehicle to get to the main attraction which is Rachel the Tranny. So you can keep trying to lie but I'm going to slap you on your ass with the truth every single time.
keep politics out of cartoons, tranny
>george costanza in a skirt with a BLM shirt
this person isn't trans or even a trap, just an attention whore
It’s a children’s cartoon
>the real world
>men playing pretend
>his avatar looks like a stereotypical soiboi
so it's true lmao, alt-right drumpftcels look exactly like the soibois they criticize
guess that new meme is right. people who criticize soi are soi.
And Luke isn't in the first Star Wars until nearly 20 minutes in. So what? Is anyone anywhere talking about anything other than Rachel when it comes to Static Cling? No. That's the main focus. That's the main topic.
Old bad
New Good
We care about kids as opposed to rich hollywood childless liberals who make up these stories.
Imagine giving a shit about a childs cartoon.
GLAAD's direct involvement in Static Cling should tell anyone with any intellectually honesty that this was about an agenda, not comedy.
>Nick Adams, GLAAD’s director of transgender representation who consulted on Static Cling, tells EW over email how important it is to show LGBTQ people existing in the world. “Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling tells a beautiful — and hilarious — story about accepting change,” he writes. “The younger characters accept Rachel immediately; recognizing she’s still their friend. And while Rachel’s father is slow to accept change within his own family, even he realizes that loving your child should be unconditional. This story of inclusion and acceptance is so needed in our current climate.”
If you want I could post every line in the special not about rachel (there's a lot)
his smug face always cracks me up.
>the real world
>0.001% of the population
You know one of the things I hate most about trans men is how none of them know how to dress. You don't have to be fashionista but jesus fucking christ he and all his kind seem to dress up like a four year olds idea of what an adult woman wears. t. femanon
Go nuts, but it'd prove nothing because, ultimately, it's her show. She's the one everyone is focused on, from the audience to the haters to the creators themselves. Like points out, that tranny shit is the reason they made this shit. That was the whole fucking point all along, you dishonest, lying piece of shit.
>Tranny shit
>children's show
>tranny shit
>aimed at children
And you wonder why it's becoming illegal to deny boys the right to reassign their own genders at three years old if they say they're a girl
if trannies really are that rare then why do you people seethe so much over them?
It says a lot that even Nickelodeon thought Static Cling was garbage and refused to air it.
Stfu tranny
Because they shouldn’t be rare, they should be nonexistent
Because, like atheists who are like 0.06% of the population, they're a very loud and vocal minority.
Maybe because the mainstream media doesn't shut up about them?
What other demographic that makes up 0.3% of the U.S. population gets daily coverage on CNN, The New York Times, etc.?
Ralph is voiced by and is a self insert of the creator. He literally turned his self insert into a tranny LOL
rocko fucking sucked if you liked this cartoon as a kid you're mentally ill but i understand his hate for netflix fuck netflix fuck trannies fuck discord trannies fuck niggers women kids your mom your dad fuck everybody
transmen are women trying to be men, transwomen are men trying to be women
Not user but you are actually retarded, this is clearly about rocko wanting to get his TV show back and that's the main plot, the fatheads show itself is a bigger aspect than rachel, you let like 2 scenes get to you
Because Star wars is a movie, this is a 45 minute special.
>LGBT message that fit seamlessly into the story
>What other demographic that makes up 0.3% of the U.S. population gets daily coverage on CNN, The New York Times, etc.?
Are we counting the anchors as coverage?
The left cant meme
Trying way too hard
At least post some better bait
Y'all need to start using your guns on these sick pedo fucks
Probably because they're a loud, vocal minority who currently dominate modern political discussion despite being largely irrelevant, pushing out political topics that actually matter, while also encouraging child abuse by parents who think being "open minded" means chopping their kids' dicks off because they played with a Barbie. I'd be pissed, too, if I had any emotions to spare.
because they set a bad example for easily influenced people
If you really think that they're corrupting the minds of our youth by switching the genders of an animated cane toad then you're either a genuine retard or a manchild who probably doesn't have a job. either way i feel sorry for you
Because you're actively trying to make more of them by shoving shit like this in kids faces. An actual malicious cancer on society
Are they even that many?
>"it's about rocko guys"
>everyone focuses only on the tranny shit, even the people who made it
So sick of trannies shoving their shit into everything. There's like maybe 10 million of them in the entire world but you hear more about their stupid bullshit than people dying in civil wars in africa. Literally kill yourselves.
No they are trans men because they are men dressing up as women, faggot.
>The libtards ruined my favorite childhood cartoon
>t-the minds of our youth aren't being corrupted, you conspiracy theorist! get a job reeeeee
2% actually!
you guys ever seen a tranny outside
I'd like to see you attempt to formulate an argument for how they aren't corrupting the minds of our youth by switching the genders. Here's mine: They're normalizing it and that's exactly what they call it straight from their own playbook. Make kids think it's normal to have a mental disorder, cut your dick vertically and turn it inside out and call it a vagina. Jeez guys, just because they made Homer and Bart have a legitimate homosexual incest relationship doesn't mean they're trying to do anything, gosh. Hope you get eye cancer
that's why I prefer crossdressers
it's all about the clothes
>REEEEEE why won't these bigots let me fuck children
please share your experience with the class
Thankfully only a few times. And I'm in a supposedly very LGBT friendly citiy. I see plenty of gay couples though but I don't mind gays.
And people freaked out about a 1 second scene with a gay couple in finding dory, people overreact
I actually know quite a few transsexuals and the funny thing is this pisses them off too. It seems like the big problem are the 'all too eager allies' that do this shit.
civil wars in africa imply black people have problems aside from white people. of course that's never talked about.
My wife's sister is engaged to a F2M tranny. "He" doesn't do anything to look or act like a man, either.
I used to have a ftm fuckbuddy who was pretty hot and still let me touch their tits n puss and shit because they only identified as a boy due to some trauma in life. Was a pretty nice person so I don't have a problem with trans people
>stop being a snowflake if you dont like it dont watch it
Yes I went to a wedding for one (Friend of a friend of a friend), he looked like a fucking ghoul, like some kind swamp witch. I had a real hard time keeping a straight face when the witch was walking down the isle with his fat husband to be who'd likely be in a cooking pot by the end of the night.
colonization cased many of those wars
>if you don't like it, don't watch it
>but you're a bigot if you don't let your kids watch it
If it were just the audience focusing on it, maybe. Again, as pointed out, the creators focused on Rachel being a tranny when they were making it. They focused on it as well, with the creator flat out saying it was his intention to tell a story about a tranny and accepting trannies.
this is how hitler got elected *dabs*
same gays are ok they can somewhat take banter
I don't have a problem with trans people but the idea that it's healthy they should "switch genders", it would just make their life harder. Just be gay, damn.
Why would they talk about issues in random shitholes that are a daily occurrence there instead of local issues that actually affect you?
Imagine actually caring about this shit.
Ftms are honestly based though. They act like dudebros while mtf act like an anime girl and/or their mom because its the only female contact they've ever had.
Children don't have the emotional complexity of a full grown adult you fucking mong. If a kid sees a transgender person on TV they will literally think nothing of it, all they'll think is "That boy looks like a girl" and then they'll go play with lego and completely forget they even saw it. I dont think that anyone under the age of 18 should have the right to a gender reassignment surgery but at the same time I think a 9yo boy dressing up as a girl isn't anything more than him just fucking around. He isn't expressing his sexuality because he's a fucking child and he has no grasp on that concept.
Alas, at the end of the day I guess I can't change the minds of retards who think that everything in the media is a personal attack against them cause they have a tonne of problems of their own.
gender and sexuality are two different things
We won't get anywhere with this so let's just stop here because we're both already repeating the same things
ftms act like dudebros until you ask them to help do some heavy lifting like you would a real man.
rockos modern life was complete shit
My ftm fuckbuddy was stronger than me desu
It's also almost never real ftm trannies who pitch a shit and freak out over bathrooms and people not waxing their privates and gay dudes not having sex with them. Plus, they actually put effort into looking like men. Hell, I don't even include them in my head when I talk shit about trannies. To me, a tranny is a deranged dude who thinks he can be a woman by chopping off his dick.
I wish I lived in your world, but alas, I live in the real world.
If you're tired of trying to lie and not getting away with it because I'll keep pointing to the facts that prove your dumbass wrong, alright, I accept your concession of defeat. Now get the fuck out of this thread, faggot.
We could just fight each other sometimes for fun for clarity
>Rocko disappears from society from 20 years
>Literally drops in from the sky
>the frogs have turned gay
This is some meta level shitposting
that probably says more about you and your supposedly male puberty than the fuckbuddy
The writer has basically done fuck all since Rocko. It's not really in the least surprising he's going back to that old chestnut but now feature his self-insert.
sorry your a 5'5" twink ask to use some of her test
Gender isn't real. There are 2 sexes and you can't change the one you're born with.
not user but cringe i was hoping to see you peacefully exit as well, you were both repeating things and it would've been wholesome
>cucks arguing against incels
Pretty entertaining
Eat shit. I don't have to be nice to a fucking liar.
Camp Lazlo was based
>Children don't have the emotional complexity of a full grown adult you fucking mong. If a kid sees a transgender person on TV they will literally think nothing of it, all they'll think is "That boy looks like a girl" and then they'll go play with lego and completely forget they even saw it.
Holy fuck you're completely scientifically illiterate.
Do you even know what fetishes are?
They form in childhood due to strange things(usually sexual) in childhood.
Exposing kids to these things at a young age fucks them up.
Funnily, the whole "turning the freaking frogs" gay thing was about male frogs turning into female frogs due to pesticides.
you're literally lying lol, rachel is not the center point of the special at all
Why should I give a shit about a bunch of people who are a tiny minority, and whose problems can be summarised as inconveniences, when there's billions of people around the world living in poverty and despair?
Netflix is a combination of money laundering and propaganda, I know that.
But it's still weird watching them slowly crushing down.
I didn't even know what a fetish was when I was a kid. Maybe you just have shitty parents. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is what really irks me. 20 years ago, trannies were still, rightfully, seen as freaks of society. Rocko and the gang wouldn't just "accept" it the moment they saw Ralph in a dress and high heels. If anything, they've have just as hard a time accepting it as Mr. Bighead did.
He wrote like nine of those, over ten years ago.
Why would kids be interested in the sexual preferences of a cartoon character, and what does it have to do with the story?
I grew up with early 90's cartoons and never did I ask myself "hmm, maybe Robin is gay for Batman and would like to be a woman".
It's just another media company putting a token character in a show in a desperate attempt to make money off the twitter degenerates.
Fucking white people responsible for everything
Best reaction would be Phil a bit confused, Heffer completely fine cause his brother is a crossdresser and Rocko wouldn't give a shit cause he'd want his show back
Name one other thing about the special anyone is talking about.
"They got new O-Phones! Such satire!
It's always the mother
>I didn't even know what a fetish was when I was a kid.
Me neither.
Didn't stop me from developing weird fetishes however.
Just admit you're wrong and your way of thinking is actively harming children.
You dilate, wash your hands.
See >GLAAD's direct involvement in Static Cling should tell anyone with any intellectually honesty that this was about an agenda, not comedy.
>Nick Adams, GLAAD’s director of transgender representation who consulted on Static Cling, tells EW over email how important it is to show LGBTQ people existing in the world. “Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling tells a beautiful — and hilarious — story about accepting change,” he writes. “The younger characters accept Rachel immediately; recognizing she’s still their friend. And while Rachel’s father is slow to accept change within his own family, even he realizes that loving your child should be unconditional. This story of inclusion and acceptance is so needed in our current climate.”
Yeah, "not user" my fucking ass. You said you were leaving, so just get the fuck out.
>le middle ground man
fucking kys
Ralph is just the mcguffin, hes barely in it. The story is primarily Rocko and Mr Bighead learning to "move on". I thought the special was absolute shit but the tranny stuff is like 2 minutes
>The look on the father's face
Every time.
>Maybe you just have shitty parents.
you mean shitty parents that expose their kids to transgenderism at a young age, confusing them and giving them strange fetishes?
There was that scene where the tranny sold ice cream. And that scene where they seek out the tranny. OH, and that scene where the dad has to accept the tranny. Plus the tranny makes a thing. TAKE THAT, TRUMPTARD.
rocko should've thought he was cute until realizing its not a girl and let it go from there
Fuck man iam of his opinion but that guy looks like such a retard, i think from his profile alone i can see what an insufferable person that is
I watched Rocko when I was a innocent child. It's filled with great memories of better times. What was the need to turn it into a political tool? Can you globalists just create a new cartoon to sell your agenda? Why rape the corpse of a great cartoon?
He did Camp Lazlo, some show on PBS and wrote a book. I was looking forward to this special and now I'll avoid it. Frogs getting confused about their sexuality is due to pesticides, not because he was "born that way". What a letdown.
Rocko wants the show back, O-Town being in complete ruins if rocko doesn't get the show back among many others about rocko and change. If you said the fatheads was the main focus I'd agree, but saying Rachel as a whole isn't true at all.
Ralph isn't in it at all. It's Rachel, you bigot. IT'S MA'AM!
The story is about learning to move on... by accepting a tranny faggot's chopped dick as a vagina. Very progressive, very brave. I love 90's nostalgia like dilating and respecting pronouns!
Please dont shoot up a school over a cartoon you fucking wacko
James is a mommys boy how coincidental
You sound hysterical
Why would you put see (insert post here) and then quote it anyways
Ah, you worthless shitposter. What's the point of your bait? Get a life, loser.
>u mad?
>Murray: Yeah, I’m curious. I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ” I mean, I can’t … whatever people say, there’s going to be those who … I’m assuming we’re going to get people who are purists, who don’t like the change. It was going to be the people like Rocko was in the episode, that we changed it too much. And you can’t do anything about that. There’s always going to be those people. But I feel like we came from a good place in our hearts when we were doing it, and if people are going to feel that way, you know, it’s up to them. But I feel good about it.
Kids aren't buying it. Who is?
Because I knew that faggot would ignore it, because that faggot ignored it multiple times already because it's inconvenient to that faggot's lies.
>learning to move on
I am so FUCKING sick of cartoon shows (and shows in general, I suppose) being rebooted for the sake of telling some faux mature story about moving on or whatever. Just continue the show where it left off if you're going to tell the story. It's also fine to just leave things as they are.
Literally everyone is talking about "Rachel," that includes Static Cling's supporters, detractors, the media, etc.
It was sadly a gimmick that worked. This thing would already have been forgotten otherwise.
Hollow millennials who want to be sold empty revolution packaged by Netflix
>dude it's in the past let it go
>unless it's prior transgressions against an oppressed class then you're hearing about it forever
>For me, it's in the past, don't hold it against me
>For thee, it's with you forever bucko
why would anyone want to watch a cartoon they bring back? you're not 12 anymore, get some taste
I mean that's what Zim is doing.
>why would people blame mass shootings and violence on the media thats ridiculous
It's not like he was a lead character or anything, who cares.
Zim was always shit.
based terfs
Those are plot points but no-one is talking about them.
These men are the worst. How can they let their women do this shit? Shit only happens because they let it happen.
That's not the only time that's happened.
I love how these pretentious twats think that it's some insightful message when they're all doing the same thing. Remarkable.
Gotta give it props for doing what user said they wished what continuations should be though
what did you mean by this? how is being trans linked to being a sex offended and not just linked to being a shitty person?
They targeted gamers
cancer is rare too, still not a fan of it
a lot of shitty people that are trans and story tellers I guess weird
What's Zim doing that's pretentious? I was saying it was good it was actually continuing the show instead of being about change or whatever.
They were defending the drag queens from a bunch of fat, white, middle-aged Facebooking mommies who also happened to be liberals, funnily enough. There was also a counter protest to them there. And then Facebook removed their group's page for "transphobia."
You try to joke yet the truth winds up being way funnier than what you make up.
If you want a good insight into this check this out, also check the date hue
Because society would bun the fathers as heretics for daring to suggest the kids - and mothers - don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
In the UK, transgender women sexually offender more than biological males.
>A long-term follow-up Swedish study (2011) of ‘transsexuals’ after Sex Reassignment surgery suggests that transwomen (without male genitalia = after sex-reassignment surgery) had the same pattern of criminality as the bio-logically male control.
it is the entire plot, the end goal, the purpose of creating the special and makes up a majority of the run time, if you believe otherwise you're retarded, and not funny haha insult retarded but actual double digit IQ retarded
Looks like it was animated by youtube animators. We've come full circle.
but he had the best episode in the series.
Are all the Muslims now trannies in the UK?
The main plot is rocko getting his show back because of bigheads fuck up. Rachel is a mcguffin who isn't really in the film at all.
Nah the story was shoehorned
That said most of the humor was pretty based
forgot pic
You know he fucked up when the creator's own daughter is having mixed feelings about it.
No, the trannies are committing more sexual offenses per capita than the muslims. Which is impressive really.
Its this:
A big chunk of it covers that transitioning does nothing in terms of reducing sexual offences, and that ftm to have around the same rates as regular women. Hmm... if treatments for transgenderism don't reduce sexual criminality, I wonder what else it doesn't help with.
Dude let the past die, bury it if you have to.
Nevermind we're going to be using the past to milk cheap nostalgia bucks from you rubes, but it's YOU who need to move on! But still buy our shit!
>No, the trannies are committing more sexual offenses per capita than the muslims. Which is impressive really.
Yeah, it really is. Goddamn hahaha.
What 10 year old girl talks like this? I don't know if i had stunted growth or was it lack of internet but i was complete retard compared to these 8 year olds you hear about on twitter.
He's probably paraphrasing what she actually said. And yes, a 10 year old knows when they're being pandered to.
>>“You’re going to get some flak for this.
”“That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.”
what part is to weird for a 10 year old?
He's obviously paraphrasing.
You realise that children are very VERY susceptible to influence right? So pushing on young minds can influence them making a wrong decision. Let kids be kids ffs. My view is fine what you want but dont come and say to me you are repressed or a minority when everyone bends over for you in fear of reprisals. Also there is no need for "prides" in civilised countries that accept the "community" (by your logic about Africa why should we care about the other countries that dont..right?) . Your sexual preference does not define you as a person...but being a pushy obnoxious cunt demanding it being shoved into media,education does. And it aint a positive thing.
Had a gut feeling to not care about this and I’m glad I don’t. Watching the original is good enough.
With Zim I know for a fact the creator is liberal but he’s also always been the master of edg3 so I think Zim is far out enough to where modern politics just wouldn’t apply.
less important than the fact he's a whiny twat and therefore /ourguy/, OP
He’s so proud to look like this.
It’s actu horrifying how acceptable this BS is.
Never thought I’d be praying for an emp to just knock everything out
>I'm rachel
>Great can you ,make a fatheads special
Also I enjoy how everyone losing their shit over this is acting exactly like Rocko did when they introduced the baby to the Fatheads.
this Seinfeld remake is looking good
>so rare
>has entire month dedicated to them
Even Murray's 10y old daughter called him out on the agenda after the test screening
Well if the child was already over 18, it's hard for me to fault them too much.
If his child is like 10 years old and he's allowing his wife take the kid to the doctor for puberty blockers, then yeah, he's a terrible father.
>long awaited sequel to the Mad Max series releases
>Max isn't even the main character
I hope this doesn't become a regular event
This is good. I had friends (comfy middle class) who had a daughter...first they pushed higher fuctioning Autism (the current trendy disability) on her. I predicted to my missus that they will make her trans next...and just recently they proudly proclaim she is gender neutral (after attending prides for the last couple of years). Its always middle class fuckers waning to look like theyre doing some kind of progressive thing or protest just to look special because they have had no "hardships" for others to feel sorry for them. Fucking predictable narcissism. I call it child abuse.
Considering the trans plot was completely humorless because they were desperately trying not to offend LGBT, It felt incredibly forced and gimmicky
It's a throwback special for 90s kids, retard.
Considering Static Cling is 45min, that's more than halfway through the plot before the humorless preaching begins.
>it takes them almost half the run time to reach the main attraction and the whole reason this special exists
Okay. And?
I hear boomer comics are funny too sista
Read this lesbian anti-trans comic it's really funny:
Thought it was a bit redpilled because Rocko and Heffer thought Ralph was still Ralph until he said he was rachel, goes to show even with a titjob and hair extensions a man still looks like a man
Too obvious
this confirms outrage marketing is superior to traditional marketing in every way. Way make a faithful, run of the mill Rocko? It faills in the water, no kikeposting on Yea Forums. Add a tranny? Watch all faggots come out the woodwork to rage watch and share their disgust.
Everything before the tranny shit is irrelevant and serves only to get to the tranny shit.
why do retards think nostalgia baiting shit is for anybody but 37-year-old beardos who watched the thing as a kid
Yep, pretty much.
It's like a Simpsons or Family Guy episode where the first five minutes is completely irrelevant until it gets to the point of the episode.
It makes sense. Gays 'reproduce' by molesting minors, which means they need to commit a lot of sexually assault to keep their numbers up
Ralph was hinted at being transgender from the very start. When Ed told Ralph "I have no son," Ralph said "You're right. You don't."
the animation was really good. I am pretty happy with that. After seeing the castlevania show I didn't know what to expect quality wise because it's such trash
Max has been a side character in every Mad Max movie besides the original
kek, good job user. You made like 15 people seethe.
that's a good comic I heard it cast idris elba
lol 1 in 50 people is definitely not
I hope everyone in here has a good day and a peaceful sleep tonight.
Have a hot dog.
I'm sure it will have ABSOLUTELY no affect on the children
>avoid waving banners
>at a socialist conference
Fuck me
Imagine caring what other people do with their bodies. Literally who gives a shit. And you guys with the whole oh they're only 0.001% of the population and have a 50% suicide rate. Shouldn't that fact reassure you somehow? I mean, shouldn't you guys celebrate that transgender people are largely both RARE and MENTALLY UNSTABLE? Isn't that a win for you faggots?
Well, you sure as fuck wouldn't know it with as much as you queers post about this shit. Again, less than 0.001% of the population, right? Isn't that what you fags say constantly? How lovely of you to give such a disgustingly small minority real estate in your head to rent for free.
The sad thing is, I bet some of you guys get so worked up over this shit that you get pissed off enough for it to ruin your entire day. Imagine that: wasting part of your finite time on Earth because you're mad about something that is roughly equivalent to an endangered species existing. It's sad, really.
Get your shit together and stop getting distracted by twitter screencaps and posts that are the equivalent of clickbait headlines from b-tier news outlets.
sorry to hear about your childhood user
>an LGBT message that fit seamlessly into the story
The show is supposed to be about Rocko dealing with "modern life" and yet the focus of this special is on a minor character being a tranny and everyone just deals with it with no actual meaningful dialogue. It's absolute trite.
they're normalfags, user. Just leave them to their philistine myopia.
This trend is making me so worried about Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. I need it to be good, I need it to bring back those feelings.
Jim's dead, user. It'll never be the same. Not even close.
cute snek
thanks for admitting you lost the argument and I was correct
>prematurely claiming victory in an internet debate
ah, the last refuge of a defeated man
their 10 year old daughter never had that conversation with them
Almost 64% of all trannyes kill theyselves...
The special is about 43 min, SW is 2.5 hours...
I hated this cartoon
horrible weird animation with scribble like aesthetic and avant garde proportions
annoying characters, and stupid australian accent
>society as a whole doesnt degenerate if a growing group of people degenerate further and further especially when they convince children it is normal through school visits and cartoons
Oh hi user!, what about my people?
Ask your mom lol
>prematurely claiming victory in an internet debate
ah, the last refuge of a defeated man
>no u
ah the last refuge of an utterly destroyed and buttflustered man
>implying I'm even him
you should update your samefag detector script
just thought it was funny how you did the exact same thing you complained about
>implying I even made that implication
based retard
absolutely bluepilled post, you have literally no clue how sociodynamics work
The oligarchs want you to be gay and trans, and will do anything they can to brainwash your children
the problem is exactly that it's aimed at little kids
absolutely based, if true
What did Chris-Chan mean by this?
that poor man
dad is dead inside
please no not zim too have mercy netflix
Dubs of truth
Poor man...My blood line perdure wars, plagues, revolutions, contrarevolutions, migrations around the world, fascism, communim, capitalism, from the botton to the top...and my bloodline end here
my ancestor would wonder why I'm not leading the armies of the King against the Irish
Back to your psychiatric ward.
i dont care
>>prematurely claiming victory
you admitted you were wrong though
You're literally denying BASIC neuroscience, psychology, childhood development etc.
Fetishes develop when kids are younger, it's an evolutionary instinct.
Why do you leftists absolutely HATE science with a passion?
As a 5 year old i was playing doctor with other kids in kindergarden
I didnt understand what i was doing but i still liked doing it
You have no idea about kids
Can you please give me the same text but with less words?
I mean it seems like he has stopped being a tranny
He doesnt refer to himself as christine anymore
>t. has no childhood memories
Fucking retard.
What a fucking child. Just watch the old episodes you loser.
who orchestrated that webm? it looks like everyone is uncomfortable, as if there is a gun being pointed at them off camera
t. Tranny
Who was in the wrong here?
>Cameron's (2006) hypothesis that gay and lesbian parents would be more likely to have gay, lesbian, bisexual or unsure (of sexual orientation) sons and daughters was confirmed
>Daughters of lesbian mothers were most likely (33% to 57%
No, he is not. Your childhood is over, put away your toys.
the gun is society
thats deep bro
I mean yeah no shit
Are you actually surprised by this? Sexuality develops in people they dont get born like that despite what retards will tell you
I know I was just using science retard
It all depends on your expectations. If you're gonna hate anything that even vaguely can be read as an allegory for current politics there is a chance you'll usually be disappointed. But if you can get over it as long as it's not too obnoxious than Dark Crystal/Zim will probably be fine.
Of course, and everyone who disagrees with him is a seething incel.
It was an unnecessary addition to the show.
>when desperate for the restroom George uses the women’s as the men’s is full, he is seen by women leaving the toilet and pretends to be transgender to avoid criticism. Meanwhile Kramer tries to sell patents for fictional genders
Formerly male.
Chris is autistic and really bad at reading social cues and determining tone and context. .
The alt-right loves Idris Elba, you idiot. He's "one of the good ones".
He was pretty good in Hobbs And Shaw.
>"good ones"
stfu libtard
Literally who?
Imagine if first world society were made up entirely of people like this
I thought the dad had a cigarette for a minute
Zim was never animated that well desu
Today I sat alone in the train listening to my obscure esoteric ritual ambient music, then two conventionally attractive females joined me in my solitude, they sat in front of me and started having a mundane conversation, it caught my interest how they kept talking and laughing about trivial normie topics instead of contemplating the true essence of life and searching for a purpose within. We make eye contact for a split second but I break it immediately as she carried on the conversation with her friend, she probably thought she made eye contact with a normal awkward nerdy guy listening to his music in peace but in reality she's beholding a man that is enduring the metaphysical struggle of his race, a man with an aristocratic and adventurous spirit that yearns for celestial freedom as his mind is experiencing levitation towards a complete transcendence despite only weighing 120 pounds.
I indirectly gazed upon the females with an eye of revulsion, repulsed by their moral disintegration and degenerate lifestyle, then in complete and utter disgust I thought to myself "if only they knew how much of a wise Magian I am?" They would've given themselves to me, to fullfil my carnal desires, to plant my seed and give a chance to my offspring to exist and flourish. But of course they won't as I'm very sure they have decided to pursue this puny empty life, to have sex with the so-called CHAD. It truly is a difficult time for an intellectual like me to exist, it truly is the KALI YUGA.
People need to stop pretending Rocko's Modern Life was ever so innocent. It had a lot of degenerate shit, including ROCKO WORKING FOR A FUCKING SEX LINE
Its hilarious because you are implying if there were more of them this would be a problem. No different than supremely blue pilled faggots saying muslims and somalians moving into first world countries ISNT A PROBLEM BECAUSE THERE ARENT EVEN THAT MANY JEEZ WHITE REPLACEMENT LOL NOT EVEN A THING BECAUSE LOOK HOW FEW THERE ARE
Almost as if you are admitting if the issue kept going it would BECOME an actual problem
Some of us dont want to wait for things to get 10x worse idiot
The story still focuses on Rocko. The Ralph story was only a sub plot that lasted 5 minutes.
So it doesn't serve the plot and is only there for someones agenda?
I'll bet this cunt mother and this deluded mentally ill transfaggot can't even perceive how horrendously uncomfortable the man they're forcing to do this is.
>People need to stop pretending Rocko's Modern Life was ever so innocent. It had a lot of degenerate shit, including ROCKO WORKING FOR A FUCKING SEX LINE
Was that plot resolved as "sex lines are socially acceptable, and children should be encouraged to use and operate them"?
>Formerly male.
He's still male. Now he just has a gaping, unhealing seeping wound in his groin.
What can a father do in this situation when the entire judiciary system is heavily biased towards women?
who are you? why would you make this post?
i refuse to believe a real user would come to make fun of "us" while netflix trannnied another tv show.
whats your fucking agenda?
do they pay you?\
whats the end goal?
Empty the bank accounts, take anything of value and run off to some remote redneck place and work under the table for the rest of his life.
Yes, they are .0001 percent of society. So why in the FUCK ARE THEY TRYING TO SHOVE THEM IN 75 PERCENT OF TV AND MOVIES
Kill yourself you disgusting mentally ill freak
>implying the powers-that-be wouldn't chase him to the lowest of hells in order to get some alimony cheddar for the f*male
It wasn't codemned at all. It was basically just a job that Rocko had, so I would say it condoned it.
Movie was based and litty at the same time.
The only cringey part was Reddit Reynolds.
Well, considering it’s a children cartoon...
You’re a retard
He had funny moments. So did Kevin Hart.