What was this look meant to convey?

What was this look meant to convey?

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Attached: Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks [].webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

Attached: Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks [].webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Torgo Nudho is angry!

The Dragon farted again.

Kek power corrupts the blonde Germany woman with dragons (blitzkrieg)
T. Jewish media

Attached: 35603670.jpg (1200x1346, 581K)

Attached: Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks [].webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

she's one of those actresses who seems nice as a person from everything we know about her, but damn she's such a shit actor

Is there any actress in the industry who acts as hard as Emilia?

Attached: main-qimg-2bb30f6b2997931484b095b32e1c843b.png (798x626, 791K)

>Fuck me, Jon, or the peasants get it!

Attached: 1562816057070.jpg (659x658, 338K)

black cock lust

Dany was SUPPOSED to spiral down over time from idealist to plain evil. The only thing she did was get fat. A true actress would have gone to the gym and go all Linda Hamilton. I'm sure even the dragon muttered to himself "Bitch, you gettin' fat I can't carry your ass around all day like this"

Attached: Game of Thrones S08E05 The Bells [09.18.266-09.31.571].webm (1500x1080, 2.93M)


Attached: Game of Thrones S08E05 The Bells [16.41.000-17.10.570].webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Attached: Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks 00.14.52.jpg (1920x1080, 456K)


Attached: 1565379059412.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)


Attached: Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks 00.16.34.jpg (1920x1080, 579K)

What was this look meant to convey?

Attached: 1526002690182.png (620x592, 508K)

Attached: Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks 00.17.09.jpg (1250x1080, 257K)

>a million people die because Jon doesn't know how to communicate

Attached: 1564523355721.jpg (1280x720, 188K)