The Hunt, a movie about rich elites hunting trump supporters pulled after trump supporters demand it be banned.
What the fuck?
The Hunt, a movie about rich elites hunting trump supporters pulled after trump supporters demand it be banned.
What the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
The recent shootings had more to do about it. This isn't a first time a movie about shooting people is pulled from release after real life events.
>I'm one of the most tolerant people I know. I'm willing to put up with a lot of things, but censorship isn't one of them
haha yeah
What other movies were pulled?
it didn't even look like that great of a movie, but it's still weird that it got canned before it was probably even done editing.
>Be vilified in countless death game movies like Purge
>Do nothing about it, no cancelled films
>Finally the Purge directors decide its time to stir a different hornets nest
>Make deplorables the heroes of the film
>Suddenly "The Right" wants it banned
I've yet to see anybody actually complaining about the movie, just news media claiming that people were complaining.
That's too bad. I haven't seen a movie in over a year and I actually wanted to see this one.
Also, it's funny how it seems that Trump supporters are the ones hunting other people in real life.
The bigger question is why do people only go to see movies about shooting things? Is it any wonder we have a real life shooting problem? Maybe this should stop entirely right now.
I'm more confused about the premise. Which Elites would hunt Trumpers? The anti-gun leftists? Fellow Conservatives? Is this supposed to be some sort of deranged revenge fantasy or the cinematic manifestation of a victim complex?
huh? but judging from the trailers the heroes of the movie were your average joes
Something seems odd about this, i haven't seen anyone complainling
Maybe you should start using that soft pink organ between your ears before the one in your mouth.
It got cancelled because of the mass shootings, pretending it got cancelled by trump supporters is disingenuous
And before anyone says it, no I'm not laying the blame entirely at the feet of entertainment violence. I'm saying that BOTH the NRA and the entertainment industry should have their shit kicked in. Pull out all the stops. Do whatever it takes to change this stupid culture.
Brains are grey retard
I think they are pointing out how the rich lefties destroy peoples lives for posting things they don't like on twitter.
You're a fucking idiot shareblue
>>Do nothing about it, no cancelled films
IIRC one of those purge movies did get delayed about shooting but I don't care enough to google it
There have literally been threads here for the last week bitching about it but they get pruned fast because it obviously always devolves into /pol/shit
>Change the foundation of the country because terrorism scares you
This is as clear as day. But of course Fox News will say "we won" or something like that.
Me either, looks like the movie studio is lying to get more attention and then release it in a few months.
Like, I've seen no outrage at all.
Phone Booth was delayed because just when it was about to be released, there was a sniper terrorizing Washington area.
Collateral Damage was pushed back because of the 9/11 attacks.
The Interview was delayed because of there was a looming bombing threat over the movie thanks to hizzy fit from North Korea
Death Wish remake was delayed because of mass shootings.
No there haven't. I'm a loser on her 24/7 and I haven't see one until now.
>Killing dozens of people in the street
>Foundation of the country
Oh okay. Here I was under the impression that mass shootings were a problem that we wanted to solve. I guess this is a desirable state of affairs. Never mind. Carry on
Checking the archive, all I'm seeing are more articles claiming people are triggered by it, yet to see any anons actually triggered.
Here's an example of /pol/shit, look how much they hate the movie
ok this is based
This is because of mass shootings, i have never seen any right winger upset about this movie
Hollywood is 100% liberal and openly bash trump. You’re brainlet if you think they would ever portray themselves as the bad guys. The whites are villains in this movie, not the good guys
They aren't a problem, they're played up by the media for anti firearm social engineering.
The REAL reason it was pulled, was that near the end, the Trump Supporter turns the tables and starts killing off the Lefties one by one.
Trump supporter here.
This is high level social psyops.
Everyone whonis redpilled knows it's a fact you can't be triggered unless you're a liberal.
Jesus this place is so fucking reddit in every way possible, from uses lingo and memes all the way to extremely obnoxious insertion of politics into everything. FBI I beg you just fucking nuke this place already.
>""""""""trump supporters""""""""
yeah, sure
Maybe it isn't about who gets what comeuppance in the movie? Do we really need more inflamed tensions and pitted groups against each other in violent combat porn?
Because it's therapeutic to get it out of our system with video games and movies instead of in real life.
There's been something like maybe one or two studies which found that entertainment could increase violent tendencies. The rest agreed that it did no such thing. You are an idiot who swallows corporate media talking points whole.
That makes me terrified of my fellow human beings, that they have anything like that "to get out of their system" to begin with. In this sense, virtually anyone is a potential mass shooter. Not a pretty portrait of human nature
Only after they've been preserved you idiot.
Universal more than likely didn't want to release the movie because the test audience thought it was shit. and they decided to market their hesitation as activism.
You've never studied any human history in your life, have you?
i havent heard of anyone asking this to get banned
is this movie even real
Now this is what I call a victim complex.
>I've yet to see anybody actually complaining about the movie, just news media claiming that people were complaining.
This is the same with everything, I've not heard anybody irl moan about Captain Marvel, black Bond, black Ariel, lady Thor, Black Panther, Gillette adverts or any of the things the media keeps saying we're all furious about
Except that's not a corporate talking point but a Republican talking point. I was just trying to be a bit conciliatory to the 2nd amendmentarians that infest this part of the internet. I don't actually think that's the main problem. Just that if they think it's so unfair to target them, maybe someone on the other side might need to take the fall too. But hey, I'm just thinking out loud. It's not like it's not all shitposts and brain farts here
based. if the movie was about hunting l*ftists the movie would have never been greenlit in the first place.
Why can't Americans handle seeing people getting shot on television? They see that stuff on the news all the time
Purge: Election Day
Columbine massacre delayed the release of idle hands.
tsk, just more leftist censorship. so much for free speech.
Yea Forums had week long meltdowns over cm, bp and ariel
All I hear is complaints about media astroturfing. Well if media astroturfing is what led to this recent historical anomaly of relative internal peace in industrialized countries, then fuck, maybe you all should just shut the fuck up about it.
Yeah, that's why we have always gone to war, we've always have criminals and psychopaths.
It's in our fucking nature to fight people for food or power or land or pride because our ancestors evolved from the strongest that could and did.
I bet you're one of the retards who thinks walmart should be praised for removing all their video games while keeping their guns up for sale lmao.
Nah just the freemarket
Do you have to work hard to be this retarded?
The difference is that we have too many guns.
The media has literally been blaming this latest round of shootings on video games.
zoomie doesn't remember righties being massively pro cencorship for literal decades apparently
>The media
No, it's the republican politicians on Fox News claiming that after being too scared to go on other channels
We don't have enough guns. Sure there are 400 million in ownership but only about 1/3 of Americans actually own a gun. We need at least 75% ownership nationwide.
It's time to transcend that nature. We're not swinging from trees anymore.
Well, yeah, we'll get there eventually, but evolution takes a God damn fucking long time, especially when it's so hard to ignore our human nature.
The media is blaming guns. You're thinking of Republicans
boondock saints
>corporate propaganda is good for you
The media have been drinking up conflict for ratings since the beginning and continue to do so today. A fucking newspaper started the Spanish American War. And, no, nukes plus the fuckhuge American military are the reasons for relative peace, because they make large scale wars a very bad idea.
>Republicans are pro censorship for decades
>Nobody has yet posted ONE (1) republican who wanted the movie banned
>this is your brain on NRA
>dozens of threads made by you claiming complaints
>no actual threads containing complaints
>>Republicans are pro censorship for decades
Republicans have been anti-degeneracy, thats far different than pro-censorship.
It's on the other major networks too. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Are you ok?
>No arguments
Thats not the point retard
Why didnt conservatives argue and try to ban the purge fuckhead
>co-written by Damon Lindelof
so, where are those lindelofags that say he was based because of "muh leftovers" and that watchmen is gonna be hella epic?
Too bad we haven't changed in a biological capacity since the Bronze Age.
No I'm not okay.
The reason why I'm an incel is because all women are whores.
How is
>guns gud
an argument?
All delayed; not canceled.
>wanting beaners and niggers to own firearms
zoom zoom zoomie
Interview was cancelled I believe, it didn't show in cinemas, but you could still watch it by pirating it.
Degeneracy is subjective, everyone thinks the other side is being degenerate.
>>this is your brain on NRA
Funny, but to date not one NRA member has ever been a suspect in a mass shooting. Strange, eh?
Gives cops excuses to shoot them
I was thinking of something more transhuman-y. Taking evolution into our own hands rather than sitting around waiting for it it happen.
Degeneracy is not subjective, there are absolutes. Its just the jewish social idea of "Critical Theory" that pushes the concept that morality has no bounds, but society instead defines what is moral or not.
That means in their twisted logic that raping children is OK if society says it is.
I keep hearing about accelerationism but it doesn’t seem fat enough, how do we get the nukes to start flying? I want off this rock one way or another
The NRA helps to get guns into the hands of mass shooters simply by ensuring that they are so easily available through lobbying efforts. Every Republican is in their pocket. This has become so painfully clear in the week after this most recent shooting. They all parrot the same NRA talking points as if they were part of some gun-addled hivemind.
Have you ever bought a gun?
Because they're addressing the ridiculous notion that it's the video games. They aren't claiming it's games that are at fault.
>Taking evolution into our own hands rather than sitting around waiting for it it happen.
Because that hasn't gone poorly every time we tried it.
Exactly. Whenever a leftist accuses a Trump supporter of being "triggered", it's just projection and it's actually them that's triggered.
It's guns, games, and Trump. That's the current narrative. Because apparently Dems are morons too.
Lets say you ban guns
How do you stop the illegal sale of big guns from gangs and cartels
Drugs are illegal right? Cocaine? Heroin?
Illegal. Very illegal
How come the cartels are able to sell drugs on every state in america?
Couldn't the cartels just start a gun business? An illegal gun business?
What then?
The gov cant stop the sell of heroin. How are you planning to stop cartels from bringing guns in?
>th-the nra!
stop embarrassing yourself nogunz
>The NRA helps to get guns into the hands of mass shooters simply by ensuring that they are so easily available through lobbying efforts.
Firearms are readily available in America due to an en explicit political wish - that liberty be forever preserved by an ever-vigilant, well armed and well trained citizenry - expressed by the founders of the country, you fucking moron. The law of the land is what keeps Americans armed, and rightly so.
>The NRA helps to get guns into the hands of mass shooters
Most mass shooters are actually minorities, and thus are liberals and lefties. When you cherrypick and find the few rightwing thinking incels who decide to shoot up a place because a talking dog told them to do it, then you might actually start thinking the NRA is responsible.
That leftist attitude is the same one that blames McDonalds for making people fat, and pharma for hooking people on narcotics.
The world had fat people before mcdonalds and addicts long before pharmaceuticals became a business model.
Shut the fuck up gamergater
Games did 9/11 and the holocaust
Too bad.
If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. This is the only secret to success.
Games = violence
Remember kids, correlation isn't causation.
Adolf hitler loved bread, doesn't mean bread make you want to invade Poland.
If your shooter that targeted latinos released a manifesto that echoes the same racist talking points the president has been regurgitating for two years, then yes, you can actually put some blame on him and his hateful racist rhetoric. And considering how in 30 seconds a shooter was able to kill several people before the cops arrived, you can blame guns fir making mass murder be so easy. You cannot say the same thing about video games because no other country in the world has similar issues and no studies show that they directly inspire shootings.
Sounds like fake controversy to get people to watch it like the north Korea movie with James franco
I'm talking about Eugenics you ahistorical retard.
>the same racist talking points
"racist" doesn't mean anything. not an argument
It's almost like common sense dies in the face of corporate sensationalism.
>and pharma for hooking people on narcotics.
If you create a highly addictive opiate based pain killer, lobby doctors to oversubscribe it for years while actively downplaying the addictive nature of the drug, then yes, you can blame big pharma for creating the current opioid crisis.
What if he's an antifa and targets a Trump supporting bar?
mass shootings bad! mass shooting against rich people good!
I know what you're talking about. I am NOT talking Eugenics. Just because that failed does not mean something else can't succeed.
>dude why don't you support a film where my demographic hunt your demographic down like dogs? fucking triggered snowflakes lmao
What you're talking about is both science fiction and just as retarded because every attempt to improve ourselves invariably has some crackpot with a God complex at the helm.
Fatalism never solved anything. Technological progress proceeds in fits and starts. It can take a very long time. We've experienced a lot of change in the past few decades, but that was because we were living IN the most recent technological revolution. It seems to be petering out now. The next one may not come for a very long time.
>i only want to watch movies where good stuff happens and the everyone lives happily forever
Good bye leftypol
>You cannot say the same thing about video games because no other country in the world has similar issues
Usa is 28th in gun violence
>It seems to be petering out now.
Are you fucking high? Scientific and technological progress has never been faster and it's still picking up speed. And it's not fatalism, it's called learning from history. Something you're clearly unfamiliar with.
>every attempt to improve ourselves invariably has some crackpot with a God complex at the helm.
Doesn't sound like learning from history. More like learning from B-movies
>left complains about mass shootings
>makes movie that encourages mass shootings of right wingers
And nothing of value was lost.
Why don't you go ahead and show me an exception then? Go on, do it.
By having right wingers be the victims being kidnapped and killed and who will triumph in the end?
>Disprove my notion
That's not how it works, retard.
>Al Gore's cocksleeve is a "rightie"
Actually it is. You can't prove anything, only disprove. So go on. I'm wrong, right? I made a pretty broad statement. This shouldn't be hard for you.
>Watch the trailer
>Liberal rich people are portrayed as psychopaths.
>Conservatives are the good guys and clearly turn the tables on the evil rich liberals.
Why are people mad about this again?
What do you go by? His social media? What social media? I didn't see no social media. What does his twitter have to do with his shootings. Have you seen what the El Paso favorited on social media? Maybe we should shut down 8ch.
>"This lady had a wrong think against gays. Let me hunt her like game."
Have you seen the trailer?
The conservatives are the good guys.
Complete cumbrain
>Make retarded statement with no evidence
>"Disprove me tho"
So it's just projection and perpetual victim card playing.
>The Hunt
Oh fuck off.
>Tinfoil hat /pol/ shit
Wow epic argument.
>the surfs are over throwing their masters
Oi Va Voi ! shut it down!
Well, yes, that is what the villains of the film think, your point?
Hollywood being liberal isn’t tinfoil shit you retard
Is that your justification? "Well the left actually gets their comeuppance."
But assuming that every movie out of hollywood has a hidden librul agenda, even if the opposite is clearly the case? That's tinfoil hat shit.
Despite what /pol/ tells you, Hollywood is *very* bipartisan. Their goal isn't to change things, but to radicalize it so people will flock to it. They don't give a shit who believes in what. What it *does* give a wet shit about is how easily they can manipulate using those beliefs. Kath Kennedy wants you to be upset that "The Force is Female" , They want you to be upset about a Trump joke, and Marvel wants you to be upset about diversity. The real goal creating definitive marketing targets
you know what i meant prick.
Assuming every writer is 100% on board with the party line is a bit silly. You have to look at the previous work of the writers and director.
His justification is that the bad guys of the film do bad things, and then at the end they get their comeupance.
Yes. That's how films have worked for the past 100 years. I'm sorry that this is Yea Forums, where people can't even understand basic plot structure anymore.
Why the right? Isn't this basically their fantasy? Defending themselves against the evil liberal illuminati that literally wants to kill them with their guns and shit?
>they don’t give a shit who believes in what
Obvious lie, just look at the reactions of actors when trump got elected. There was genuine anger. Billy crystal and Michael Shannon called all white males to die. Why is it so hard for you to believe that their views are genuine
>Liberal elites hunting poor rust belt conservatives
>waaah it's oppressing me as a right winger by having me be the victim/hero of the story!
>Conservatives hunting down woke liberals
>waaah it's oppressing me by painting me as a bad guy because I am a right winger!
You literally just want to cry how everybody is so mean to you under every possible circumstance.
Because they actually have nothing to lose when Trump is president. They're white and more importantly, rich. If anything they should be glad because it means they have to pay less taxes. And I refuse to believe that the rich have morals outside of personal convenience.
My evidence is the entire history of eugenics, which I know is still going to be a tough nut for you to crack considering the extent of your knowledge on that front is Hitler + gas chambers.
Look at this thread.
People are either too stupid or too paranoid to bother with details like who's the bad guy and who's the hero of the film.
>My evidence is out there, I swear!
Sure thing bud
They probably canceled it because it was utter garbage.
Afterall it's written by fucking Lindelof.
Horseshoe theory in practice.
Okay then. Explain to me how exactly I can prove my point to you in a capacity you would accept. No more beating around the bush.
Give examples you retard, that's proving a point 101
Do you honestly think Hollywood would allow for a sympathetic character likely being hunted for homophobic beliefs be seen in a positive light and not be added to the head count to fulfill some violent combat revenge porn?
What part of normal people don't want to hurt other people for having a different opinion from them are you not getting exactly? That just maybe a movie initially titled "Red State vs. Blue State" is probably not the best time. Legacy Media already does enough stoking fear in either side about one wanting to kill the other as it is. I hate libs, but I don't have fantasies of gunning them down you glow in the dark nigger.
Hitler and the Nazis for one, with their pseudoscientific Aryan bullshit. The American academia which pioneered the idea that sterilizing the unfit would improve society as a whole, for another. And of course there's every modern proponent of eugenics who all have different ideas of which groups to cultivate or breed out, what traits to select for, and what methods to use. The communist regimes and their attempts to alter humans on a social level by getting rid of their problem individuals. Pol Pot slaughtering academics (aka anyone wearing glasses), Mao's and Lenin's purges. Every ethnic cleansing atrocity under the sun. Any pre-planned template for an "improved" humanity invariably falls short because it's based on some personal idealization of what ought to be rather than reality.
>Do you honestly think Hollywood would allow for a sympathetic character likely being hunted for homophobic beliefs be seen in a positive light and not be added to the head count to fulfill some violent combat revenge porn?
Maybe? Probably? I would've told you to wait for the movie before deciding to hate it but you triggered snowflakes got it shelved.
>What part of normal people don't want to hurt other people for having a different opinion from them are you not getting exactly?
What part of you does not understand the movie is clearly saying that killing people for being different is wrong?
Studios don't give a fuck about right wing's opinions.
They canceled the movie because it's a stinker.
>watch the trailer
>the rich elites doing the dirty job themselves
Wouldn't it be more believable if they have hired goons to do it? I think they'll rather let glowniggers or niggers do the hunting and just watch it while sipping their rich shit stuff.
I'll take back my smugposting, those are good points. Eugenics as a science will never be perfect since its about what people want rather than what is the best option.
However, the notion that all attempts at human improvement are god complex crackpots isn't all that true anymore. Politically fueled eugenics and scientific eugenics (gene editing, cloning, artificial birth, all things currently being studied and developed) are two very different things, and I think that's the kind of advancement beyond evolution that humanity can expect. Melding with machines is less likely, but still possible.
>"Why are you right-wingers so triggered by our big screen murder fantasies? Sit down and let us subtly threaten your lives, crybabies."
considering hollywood's track record w/ satire (see: starship troopers) I'm not surprised
It probably would have been porn for commie LARPers, with a bunch of hillbilly stereotypes being executed by cartoonishly evil moustache twirling libs, with the only "good guys" being RINOs/blue dog dems
It's just a movie, nobody will care except people who look too deep into things.
So now you object all violent movies?
>muh freeze peach
>the main strame meteor
Holy cringeola, the left can't memeola
Not him, but since leftard niggers want to censor us so much why are they allowed to go on their murderous faggot fantasies unimpended? Get fucked.
yes if all games are bad then all movies are as well its logic dumb dumb
murder fantasies where they're painted as the bad guy?
Cringe. You can stop with the pitiful attempt of trying to reappropriate "snowflake" and "triggered" anytime now. It's...It's just not really happening.
Nobody watches The Purge for the moral lesson that killing is wrong.
>From Jason Blum, the producer of Get Out and The Purge series, and Damon Lindelof, co-creator of the TV series The Leftovers and Lost, comes a new mysterious social thriller.
americans love the bad guys
Why they take Betty Gilpen's tits away from my?
Go watch Glow if you want to see her bare titties
So you think people just like Purge movies because they want to see rich people getting murdered?
villains since the last century are always glorified
People are mostly the "wow cool robot" kind of viewer, yes. I just find it weird that leftists are mad about right wingers for not cooing head over heels for a film what they view as "right wing populist propaganda" all just so you can have some excuse to call people triggered snowflakes.
>children getting shot in school isn't a problem
So people are stupid, but they're not stupid enough to like one movie that literally caters to their beliefs so this means it's the libs that are the ones triggered ones because they were not the ones outraged and demanding the movie to be banned? How the fuck does that make any sense at all?
Trump has been trying to ban video games ever since he took office.
Big Trouble was scheduled to open on 9.11 and featured a plane getting blown up with a bomb
your "solution" to the problem is to violate people's rights and steal their property
not an argument nogunz
>and thus are liberals and lefties
Not how politics works retard
When is Dave Barry making his comeback?
>your "solution" to the problem is to violate people's rights and steal their property
Even conservative legal scholars have said that the 2nd amendment doesn't grant unlimited rights.
what does that mean?
I thought socialists stuck up for the small poor guy against the rich elite, but this movie seem like the opposite?
they edited Lilo and Stitch because the big scene with a 747 flying right next to a big tower even though there in Hawaii lol they jsut made it the aliens ship in final release problem solved
The 2nd amendment doesn't mean there can't be any laws regarding firearm sales or ownership.
there are already many such laws
KEEP and bear arms
Yeah and adding more isn't necessarily illegal.
And those legal scholars can suck a cock like anyone else that wants ANY restrictions.
nor is it justifiable or necessary
never claimed liberals made sense.
It might be, considering the seriousness of the problem.
Look at the numbers instead of overhyped news reports. It's statistically irrelevant.
>the seriousness of the problem.
So, not serious at all?
it's not. and the problem is not especially serious, and there are other ways to address it besides human rights violations and theft
They're rare but so horrible that it's hardly irrelevant.
Holy shit. This is the first time in a while our side got something banned. Feels good bros.
Hopefully it's not the last.
what makes school shootings more horrible than the countless other shootings that happen every day?
...the fact that they're children massacred in the middle of the school day?
as opposed to children massacred outside of school. do you have an actual argument or just emotional nonsense?
Gay Arthur episode was banned in some red states. Kathy Griffin was banned from television because one of her jokes made Trump's autistic son cry.
That's not emotional nonsense, and you know it. You're just nitpicking to try and find reasons to ignore anything that doesn't play nicely with your gun fetishism.
Here's a (you) for more emotional nonsense
haha epikly meme'd MAGA
it is. why is a 16 year old black male shooting and killing another 16 year old black male (or several) over a petty disagreement, which happens all the time, not an issue; but a school shooting, which happens extremely rarely, the worst thing ever?
>your gun fetishism
and the leftist pathologising starts. did you know fear of inanimate objects is a mental disorder?
trump is not known for supporting gun rights. rent free
this will get released a bit further down the line right?
Disputes that occur between people who know each other and escalate into gun violence are tragic, but school shootings are more tragic because they're generally unexpected and have more victims.
>we should take people's guns away
>statistically there's no reason for it
>but children
That is 100% emotional.
spider-man 4
except those "disputes" kill thousands of more people than school shootings do
>Make deplorables the heroes of the film
Not true. The conservatives were never confirmed to be the heroes.
>emotional nonsense
Edgy and teenpilled.
Remember kid, anger and hate are feelings too! They're powerful feelings. That's why manchildren who can't control their feelings shoot other people.
But I'll humour you. Children aren't massmurdered outside of school. Massmurder is comparable to terrorism which is of course different of individual cases of killings. Those are sad too (that's a feeling, feelings have been beneficial in evolution and are beneficial for staying alive, they're beneficial for societies, they're beneficial for learning what is right and wrong, they're beneficial for caring for other people like families, etc.), but shooting up in schools is NOT the same. Because they're of course different because they consists of different things, like the terror part in terrorism. You think you're intelligent but can't even differentiate between different concepts.
At most they would be Blue-dogs or Rinos.
That's definitely not emotional. School shootings aren't the only manifestations of gun violence. Many deaths from guns are suicides, since guns are by far the simplest and most lethal means of suicide. Those are by no means uncommon.
based post
"edgy" and "you're a teen!" is not an argument
lobbying efforts, like the second amendment right?
That is a whole lot of words for a whole lot of nothing.
>School shootings bad!
No shit, but I've got one better for you
>Shall not be infringed
You want to help the kids? Invest in mental health initiatives.
and what, you think there'd be fewer suicides if there were fewer guns?
>You want to help the kids? Invest in mental health initiatives.
pumping kids with SSRIs isn't a solution
.01% of the population(I even used the "deaths" number which includes suicides). What is your non-emotional reason for why we should strip people's rights over .01%?
gun violence meaning what. please don't include suicides and "gun cleaning accidents" in the statistics that is lying
I agree, but there's more than big pharma out there, and fixing the mental health crisis would solve more than just mass shootings.
>fixing the mental health crisis
transphobe bigot
They realized the movie was shit and gonna bomb and be a waste of releasing (anything that isn’t the MCU or a Disney Live-Action remake does). So they used recent events to quietly cancel the movie.
even the movie about killing dubya, with a glowing review by Ebert and pretty much calling for his actual assassination, actually premiered.
is that ike barinholtz? kek
Oh great this is going to be this year's "The Interview", isn't it?
So you wouldn't object if somebody directed a film where red hat wearing Southerners hunt city-types?
>Even conservative legal scholars have said that the 2nd amendment doesn't grant unlimited rights
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
>Make movie targeting political opposition
>Someone claiming to be said opposition voices critique
>Pretend critique of some nobody is somehow akin to word of god and has any kind of legal power behind it
>Cry victim as you chose to censor yourself
And thanks to liberal logic this is now my fault and I should be punished for it. Fuck off.
Fucking based. Get fucked liberals
You mean
>Purge series
>American Horror Story: Cult
>Hills have Eyes
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Wrong Turn series
While most of these aren't political, the "backwater southerner savage" trope has been going strong for decades. Many of them make for good movies.
the movie is clearly about a strong independent woman killing the rich elite patriarchy
That image is older than the current gun control movement, let alone President Cheetoh.
>fixing the mental health crisis
FYI when you hear people say this it is their way of saying that they
1) want free health care for all bums (right now only working people who make over 9k a year get free health care/subsidized).
2) want to label their political enemies mentally ill and have the power to detain them in mental institutions indefinitely.
Based Governor Reagan saw through their bullshit and the joke psychiatry was in the Soviet Union so he let all the nonviolent loonies out on the path.
no, it means not ignoring the signs of mental ill health and fostering environments in which it manifests
one of these days the trans will realize they've been the prey of the biggest profit scam by big pharma while the leftist are oblivious morons who are doing the bidding of corporations. If these people really believe their bodies don't match their mind or spirit, what the fuck should it matter that they can change their bodies? Even with the most expensive technology today, we simply cannot change someone's gender. It's a fucking waste of money. Rejecting your physical form is nothing new. It is a belief predating Christianity.
Mental health crisis, social rot, (((their influence))), the fucking kali yuga, whatever you call it, it's real.
People in the 60s didn't shoot up schools, and kids had far more access to firearms back then.
>Based Governor Reagan saw through their bullshit and the joke psychiatry was in the Soviet Union so he let all the nonviolent loonies out on the path.
Based? Based??? My parents is fucking dead because of Regan letting those loonies out into civilized society. A lunatic jumped off of a building and crushed both my parents and I spent 8 years in an orphanage where they made us do manual labor all day long
you dirty rat fuck!
The wording of any law is irrelevant to the context in which that law is applied in reality. even Columbia vs Heller which was a 'win' for gun nuts still confirmed that the right to bear arms is not unlimited.
some simple examples, is that despite "shall not be infringed", felons can be legally banned from possessing weapons, that the government can ban weapons from certain places and that various types of carry of weapons can be banned or require licensing, among others.
If they were able of this revelations they wouldn,t cut their dick, at least those who have reached adulthood before they castrated themselves.
For the cases where a child get branwashed and put on hormones then the only solution is public execution of the parents who put their own progeny through this fucking predicament.
>after trump supporters demand it be banned
nope, never happened. it was an effective tool being used to fund the gop for 2020, and stupid libshits are now just delaying it so it cant be used as political talking point (elite bluestates gonna hunt sum of dem rednecked republicans!) it will come out eventually, but not looking so good after some antifa wacko went and shot up a bar
"the hunt" is not officially cancelled. it will come out, stop buying fake news bruh
I bet you have actual proof of this too, right?...
people act like they forgot about The Interview
>Blumhouse decides to release The Hunt to not cave to demands from the Right
>that echoes the same racist talking points the president has been regurgitating for two years, then yes, you can actually put some blame on him and his hateful racist rhetoric
holy shit, you sound like a literal npc robot
>I dislike latinos illegally crossing border
get a fucking grip
I remember when the media and leftards in the uk were outraged because a group of posh nobs made a short film about hunting a chav as if he was a fox.
I hope so. republicans have been sharing this around on social media saying "this is what happens if the left gets power". very effective marketing, for the right.
I too have noticed that republitards often take satire at face value.
All good jokes have truth to them
The fucking trailer came out, which means that they'd sunk enough money for them to put some sort of product out. It'll get quietly dumped on a streaming service, you guys are retarded
More likely they don't want their movie to get Death Wished with negative scores because they're seen as dancing on the graves of ElPaso and Dayton. Better to make a tactical retreat
Nope, sounds like a typical exploitation survival horror movie to me.
> Make a films that's more than likely to bomb.
> Piss off elites so they'll pay you more than it would've made in theaters.
I've heard dumber ideas than this. In the future I expect they'll just stop after making a trailer.
There definitely would be. I know multiple people who have survived suicide attempts. If they had used guns they almost certainly wouldn't be alive today.
>le emotions XDD
You're obviously just an edgy teenager or adult with a teenager's mindset, and you're clearly not interested in honest discussion.
When you call it an invasion, make claims every single person crossing over is a racist, gang member, terrorist in disguise, call it a national emergency, fear monger on the issue for two years straight despite before coming to office the numbers were going actively down and we had much bigger numbers in the 90s, that is racist rhetoric. And when you have a mass shooter directly echo those same fiery sentiments that the president has publicly been stoking non-stop in their manifesto, it is fair to criticize the people his speeches inspire.
Doesn't sound like an argument to me chief
>Utilitarianism isn't valid cause I say so!
You're the opposite of utilitarian.
>greatest happiness for the greatest number
Firearm suicides have far higher fatality rate.
Yeah it's something like 98-99%. Other methods are not only less lethal but take more time to prepare.
Greatest liberty for the greatest number
>Less than 1000 deaths per year to mass shootings
>300+ million people with the right to self preservation
You don't have to confiscate everyone's guns. And you're misrepresenting utilitarianism again.
What, you get your definition from wikipedia?
No I learned about it in college
ok. take australia, probably the most fanatically antigun country on earth; it currently has an epidemic of male suicide that the government doesn't know to deal with, and there's not a gun in sight. japan and south korea are also gun free yet suicide is rampant. you don't have any data to back up your view
>probably the most fanatically antigun country on earth
That award probably goes to Singapore. Gun trafficking there can get the death penalty.
Then point out whats wrong with prioritizing the well being of the majority over the suffering of a fraction of a minority, from a utilitarian standpoint.
you'd want to die too if you were a jap or a chon
(or an australian)
irrelevant. usa is 34th in suicides, well behind countries where gun ownership is rare or forbidden
I was referring to the situation in the US. The situation of suicide in different countries is obviously different because it tends to involve different factors and methods. In the US, where suicide rates have risen 33% since 1999, the majority of suicides are committed with guns. While lower gun ownership wouldn't be guaranteed to eliminate the problem, it would make it harder to commit suicide.
The ownership of guns, particularly military-grade weapons like those used in mass shootings, is by no means essential or instrumental to the wellbeing of the majority of the population.
>Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visited. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
>I was referring to the situation in the US
so am i
>In the US, where suicide rates have risen 33% since 1999, the majority of suicides are committed with guns
because guns are more available than they are in other countries. that doesn't mean guns are the cause of the suicides
>While lower gun ownership wouldn't be guaranteed to eliminate the problem, it would make it harder to commit suicide
except i've demonstrated that suicide is more common in countries where guns aren't readily available. again showing that guns aren't the issue
>"military-grade weapons like those used in mass shootings"
that hasn't happened
Liberty is absolutely essential.
Taking it in pieces doesn't change the fact that you're taking it.
>Just the automatics
>Just the high capacities
>Just the "military-grade" weapons
>Just the rifles
>Fuck it, you don't have that right anyway
>except i've demonstrated that suicide is more common in countries where guns aren't readily available. again showing that guns aren't the issue
Suicide is the product of multiple factors. In the USA, gun ownership seems to be one of them, though it doesn't seem to be one in South Korea or Japan (which BTW have completely different attitudes to suicide since they're Eastern cultures).
>muh slippery slope
millions of people entering a country illegally and settling illegally can be categorised as an invasion
doesn't mean anything. not an argument
>seems to be
Where is the
>In the USA, gun ownership seems to be one of them
no it doesn't
>though it doesn't seem to be one in South Korea or Japan (which BTW have completely different attitudes to suicide since they're Eastern cultures).
a good attempt at moving the goalposts, but not good enough
You can deny it all you want, but the dissenting opinions in Heller v. DC show it clear as day.
There is NO point at which gun control advocates will be satisfied.
No surprise. Trump supporters are the dumbest people on this planet.
I'm through arguing with the tinfoil hat wearing gun fetishists in this thread. My blood pressure is too high for this.
concession accepted. next time have actual data and things might go better for you
That's the point. It fuels this deluded conspiracy that far-right terrorists are somehow oppressed victims. Very dangerous and irresponsible.
>nogunz SEETHING cause his arguments aint shit
Try actually buying a gun, you'll realize a lot of the shit you peddle just isn't true.
There is zero chance Lindelof wrote something that depicts trump supporters as heroes and liberals as evil.
The film was pulled because of the shootings, because it was probably poor, and to make (((false))) claims of victimization.
what else has he done? the name sounds too familiar, did he adapt scripts for game of thrones or something?
Illegal immigration is a problem and he will continue to bring attention to it until it gets fixed. It's not "Racist fear-mongering" when everything he says is true. He has never claimed that every single individual crossing the border is a gang member or a terrorist, but that a disproportionate number of them are - which is 100% true. If a mass shooter mirrored these sentiments then it only means that the shooter happened to be correct about something. Stop listening to the media.
I just read the sypnopsis.
Why the fuck are you pulling a death game movie? Might as well ban Hunger Games.
>him claiming one mexican crossing the border is a rapist would be racist
>when he says all of them are such, it's not
>all of them
Since you seem fresh out of college let me let you in on something they don't tell you there: calling something racist is not the end of an argument. A lot of times, facts are racist. It's a meaningless word that has become overused by your handlers to divert opposing opinions. And like I said, Trump has never said being mexican automatically means you're a rapist/gang member. The fact is that the people coming over our border from mexico are disproportionately criminal, and these people cause far-reaching negative effects to our society both economically and socially.
The only real correlation between guns and violence is the number of niggers your country has. More nigs, more gun violence. Even if they have butter knives they will just sharpen them and go a stabbin'
>disproportionately criminal
he said rapists and drug dealers. they're all criminal by definition because they're illegal you fucking dingus
Yeah that goes without saying but I'm arguing with a naive college student whose every second word is "racist" so obviously this kid isn't going to consider illegal immigration a real crime, when I say "disproportionately criminal" I mean in terms of dealing drugs, violent crime, theft, etc
apology accepted, retard.