Leave Thanos to me

Leave Thanos to me

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Doomsday is nowhere close to Thanos's level.

>who would win
>x capeshit character is more powerful than y capeshit

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>Doomsday is nowhere close to Thanos's level.
Well, Superman is. Look at Captain Marvel, she was strong as Superman.
And Doomsday killed Superman, so.....

>>who would win
>>x capeshit character is more powerful than y capeshit
These are Fan-Death-Battles so.....

Superman's powers wouldn't be much use against Thanos, but maybe combined with his experience, intellect, and courage he could overcome Thanos the way other heroes have.

>Superman's powers wouldn't be much use against Thanos, but maybe combined with his experience, intellect, and courage he could overcome Thanos the way other heroes have.
So like he did with Doomsday.
So Doomsday will kill Thanos

Honestly he probably would win in a one on one fight, considering Thanos wouldn't have his weakness available and even newborn Doomsday was Superman level strong and fast even if he wasn't charged by the sun

Honestly, without the IG, Doomschaday would wreck him.

I just want to see Doomsday getting punched by Thanos and them becoming much stronger and so making Thanos kneel and cry

>TFW Doomsday actually would fuck Thanos up, maybe even with the Stones, unless he actually snaps him away

Snyder did say in interviews he intended to explore Doomsday further, citing he's got his own mythology or something similar.
I read somewhere that Doomsday's body was supposed to be in JL, and that Batman was investigating Doomsday's body and came to the conclusion that Kryptonian bodies don't decay, just like Zod's body didn't decay 2 years after the events of MoS, and that is also the reason why he thinks that the Motherbox could restart Superman to life because he's stronger than a planet. The US government probably made claim to it like Zod's body

>DESU Doomschaday is still alive and will kill Thanos

Why do we have these kind of people in every fan-fights thread?

Meh, without full gauntlet Thanos Doomsday will wipe, the floor with Thanos

Could Doomschaday works as an hero as it was in that comic where Doomsday reedem himself?

I don't think Captain Marvel is quite as strong as Superman. She has very similar powers to him but she's more vulnerable.

>I don't think Captain Marvel is quite as strong as Superman. She has very similar powers to him but she's more vulnerable.
Superman was less vulnerable than Captain Marvel, she was stronger too. Look how she was fast in space, then see how she wrecked the ship. In MoS Clark struggled to wreck Zod's ship.

Well, Doomsday killed Superman. So he can kill Captain AMrvle and by equation even Thanos

One on one probably. I doubt he could take Thanos' entire army.

>Leave Shredder to me

He's much more powerful than Thanos. He was stronger than Superman and Superman would shit all over Thanos.

>One on one probably. I doubt he could take Thanos' entire army.
Didn't you saw how Doomsday shooted lasers? And his electric wave of destruction? And how he got stronger with each passing hit? Only IG Thanos could defeat him, but without he is helpless and "Doomed"

>Superman's powers wouldn't be much use against Thanos
Lol. Superman carried an entier commie block full of people like it was nothing and was so fast that Wonder Woman, who is a bullet timer herself, was a statue to him. Thanos can't even touch him.

In JL Superman was as fast as the Flash and casually overpowered Aquaman (who lifted a submarine), Wonder Woman (who can throw around tanks), and Cyborg at the same time. Captain Feminism isn't even the same league as Superman.

But that in the corrupted JL.
In the real Snyderverse Superman is weaker than WonderWoman (as confirmed by Snyder). And the russia thing never happened I guess.
But yeah, Snyderverse Supes is in fact stronger than Captain Fungus

>But that in the corrupted JL.
>In the real Snyderverse Superman is weaker than WonderWoman (as confirmed by Snyder)

Massive, massive cope.

>In the real Snyderverse Superman is weaker than WonderWoman (as confirmed by Snyder).

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Superman killed Doomsday.

>Superman killed Doomsday.
It was a consensual suicide

Nigger. Thanos with the stones would snap Darkseid

Thanos is many times stronger than Superman. I am referring to comics Thanos in this case.
Thanos is pretty much the strongest person in the universe who isn't either some fundamental aspect of existence (Living Tribunal, Eternity, Death, etc) or Galactus.

Thanos has technology which surpasses everything created by guys like Reed Richards or Doctor Doom. On paper, not within the context of individual stories, but as a character description Thanos is supposed to be peak mortal.

Wrong. He can kill avatar of Darkseid. And there are thousands of them. The main Darkseid could kill Thanos with a thought.

>The main Darkseid could kill Thanos with a thought.
Maybe. Thanos is wily.

>Thanos has technology which surpasses everything created by guys like Reed Richards or Doctor Doom. On paper, not within the context of individual stories, but as a character description Thanos is supposed to be peak mortal.
Wow! overpassing humans! Such a powerful creature!
Superman is a kryptonian! They're the smartest race of the universe after the Guradians of The Universe

>Thanos is many times stronger than Superman. I am referring to comics Thanos in this case.
>Thanos is pretty much the strongest person in the universe who isn't either some fundamental aspect of existence (Living Tribunal, Eternity, Death, etc) or Galactus.
>Thanos has technology which surpasses everything created by guys like Reed Richards or Doctor Doom. On paper, not within the context of individual stories, but as a character description Thanos is supposed to be peak mortal.
We're talking about movies.
Movie Thanos is almsot equal or superior to movie Superman.
And so Movie Doomsday will kill Thanos

marvel lore zzzzzzzzzzz

Doomsday is not only physically stronger, he’s virtually unkillable in any real, permanent way.

I love that they made his energy source be pretty much *everything*. In the movie, he’s not just absorbing solar energy, but the kinetic energy of impacts.

That wasn’t the ship he was fighting, it was the World Engine, a device that was “kryptoforming” Earth, complete with generating a Krypton-like atmosphere. It was actively making him weaker just being near it.

No, bro. This has already been settled.


Thanos is FUCKED

Bitch then why did superman kill him then? SMDH. Thanos>All

The Time Stone is Green just like Kryptonite a Green Stone

>Bitch then why did superman kill him then? SMDH. Thanos>All
Because they had the same weakness? They killed themselves for killing the other, and there is the possibility that they never really died

Humans are among the most powerful races in the universe in Marvel comics.

Humans are no slouch in DC either.

Batman in particular. Dude punched darkseid. He should be very dead

Kryptonians are stronker

That's only up to a certain level. I don't know if Doomsday can cut it as a Cosmic level threat. Thanos is very good at beating these "unstoppable" pseudo-gods.


>Leave doomsday to me

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Doomsday is adaptation. It’s literally what he does. They were smart to make him and Supes share an Achilles’ Heel, but I bet if you were to remove that kryptonite spear from his chest(and spine), he’d resurrect like a vampire and most likely be immune to kryptonite from that point forward.

Thanos, and I am talking comics Thanos, is supposed to be past the planet busting level of strength. He is able to beat an enraged Hulk into unconsciousness (without the gauntlet).

Doomsday killed Green Lanterns and New Gods that are the marvel's eternals

That’s bullshit powercreep. Back in the day, he could barely hold his own against Thor and the Thing, and the Surfer was *far* more powerful, so much more powerful, in fact, that Thanos faked his own death to keep the Surfer from learning of his plans.


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Superman defeated Hulk in the crossovers too, and he lifted the earth and a sun

Superman holded a black hole in his barr hands

back in the day he was tooling around in the thanoscopter

And I would have paid double to see that.