any movies about staying up much later than normal and then seeing a predatory insect start doing rounds around the rooms of your house and realizing that this is its normal routine because you saw it once a year ago doing the same thing when you were again staying up later? it feels like a secret guardian of the home, crawling around quickly and creepily and eating pest insects that it finds all while everyone should be deeply asleep.
Any movies about staying up much later than normal and then seeing a predatory insect start doing rounds around the...
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Godzilla 2014, because like staying up in your room at nighy, you can barely see shit.
>go back to sleep user, im only here to help
gas all of these niggers and every form of life in my home except me
used to see those fuckers in my bedroom when I was kid. good times.
Wholesome thread
>Go to sleep user so I can crawl into your mouth
Geckos are wild out here and there's one in my room I've caught several times when coming home early from work. I don't try to catch and release because the last time I did that to one they got like a heart attack so i just let him chill.
Nimble navigators are the ultimate bros. they eat a metric fuckton worth of insects in your house every day and then magically disappear, only to reappear the next night. They follow a set patrol in my house. One runs by my bathroom at 2am every night and another at 4am.