Any movies about staying up much later than normal and then seeing a predatory insect start doing rounds around the...

any movies about staying up much later than normal and then seeing a predatory insect start doing rounds around the rooms of your house and realizing that this is its normal routine because you saw it once a year ago doing the same thing when you were again staying up later? it feels like a secret guardian of the home, crawling around quickly and creepily and eating pest insects that it finds all while everyone should be deeply asleep.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Godzilla 2014, because like staying up in your room at nighy, you can barely see shit.

>go back to sleep user, im only here to help

gas all of these niggers and every form of life in my home except me

used to see those fuckers in my bedroom when I was kid. good times.

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Wholesome thread

>Go to sleep user so I can crawl into your mouth

Geckos are wild out here and there's one in my room I've caught several times when coming home early from work. I don't try to catch and release because the last time I did that to one they got like a heart attack so i just let him chill.

Nimble navigators are the ultimate bros. they eat a metric fuckton worth of insects in your house every day and then magically disappear, only to reappear the next night. They follow a set patrol in my house. One runs by my bathroom at 2am every night and another at 4am.

Do House Centipedes eat ants?

I feel bad for killing 2 of them a few months ago. Now I have ants.

There's a cute lil nigga house spider that lives behind my sink in the bathroom, I've seen him poking his head out a few times, I put a dead fly down there and he scuttled further behind the sink to hide, but the next morning it was gone.

Thats just silverfish snacking on your wet wallpaper. check your roof for leaks

If you have ants you have termites. They kind of have a symbiosis thing going on.

>thinking house centipedes are the creepiest thing in your basement

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Based Geckos are kino animals.
Personally i dont kill spiders in my room aince they eat flies and other insects.
Thank you, spiders

I let these little niggas stay in the corners of my ceiling. They're the only insect/arachnid that doesn't get immediately killed because they never bother me or move from their designated ceiling corners except when they go into my bathroom to get water (I guess because I always find them in my tub).

They kill off all other spiders and flying insects so they act as a helpful form of pest control in my apartment.

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this reminds me of the time when i accidentally saw my mexican housemaid

What about the life forms on you and inside you?

I swear I seen a webm once of one of these picking up a camel spider with it’s mandibles and eating it’s head while it was still alive and struggling to escape.

Where I live you get cursed if you kill one of those little guys.

William Friedkin’s Bug (2006)

The Machinist (2004)

Praise Allah I've never had the curse of bedbugs, true hunters of the night.

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all deserve death. worst case scenario i eat a few chobanis to balance my gut flora

Isn't it weird that we find these and daddy longlegs absolute bros, when they embody the archetypal spider form so much?

What's it about the longer legs that make them bros?

>soon it'll be summer again and there'll be insects fucking everywhere and all over the house
god I wish it could just be winter forever fuck this shithole

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ants eat termites you dipshit

Daily reminder that centipede house is total bro bug tier

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I actually had a brief fly infestation. I didn't realize it but I had an opening in several of my windows and these niggers came in and bred everywhere. I wound up spraying hotshot (shitty raid or whatever) and gassing dozens of flys. I also found like 20 pupaes through out my house which I vacuumed up and threw in the garbage. So fucking disgusting, I had several days of coming home and finding like 20 hiding underneath my blinds. Long story short take your garbage out, do your dishes and make sure you keep your garbage lid closed and away from your apartment. Made me almost as angry as when I lived in a place with mice.

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>>soon it'll be summer
But it's August

its august, dude

you'll probably like the movie Todd Dies at the End

>Isn't it weird that we find these and daddy longlegs absolute bros, when they embody the archetypal spider form so much?

What separates them from normal spiders is that they're extremely slow and lethargic, and they don't hide. They're like a known variable inside your house so you never really have to bother them or deal with them like you might feel compelled to if you see any other spider.

>Todd Dies at the End
shit, i mean John Dies at the End

My cats brought a dead mouse and hid it in between some cushions.
Some weeks later, larva everywhere, fucking nasty.

You might've had some rotten food/meat somewhere, they basically eat that shit and fuck off again

>sup user?
>don't mind me, just going to be crawling on the walls and ceiling above your head as you sleep

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>Made me almost as angry as when I lived in a place with mice.
Are mice as bad as people say? They're not clean but they don't scare me as bad as rats at least.

He's clearly aussie you idiots

He’s a shitloster down under kids, that means their seasons are reversed. Haven’t you gone to school?

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They're called cave crickets. I had them in my house once and I had no idea what the fuck they were. I halfway suspected they were alien.

culturally speaking, seasons awareness originates from northern hemisphere

Summer in Auckland is serene. Winter gets a bit annoying. Ah nothing like a temperate climate with low biodiversity.

>he doesn't get the joke

Fuck those little faggots. I used to live in a trailer, and the last six months I lived there were a constant living hell, because I got hit with a bedbug infestation out of nowhere. That shit will legit fuck with you psychologically. When I was moving, I loaded all my furniture and boxes into the truck, then I set off four of those bedbug smoke grenades in the trailer and sealed it shut. They definitely didn't follow me to my next place.

>The US almost had those fuckers eradicated, but now they're making a comeback thanks to rampant unchecked immigration

Thanks, foreigners.

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>living with gross insects in your home
I don't know how you guys manage.

>staying up much later than normal

No. Sleep is a godsend when you don't want to exist any more.

I'm usually good to spiders but i can't let them get too big.

They're not spiders they're actually harvestmen. Basically spiders with a fused thorax.

also lets not forget these absolute units. They are literally oversized mosquitos that make a lot of noise BUT they only feed on fruit and shit. I always keep them alive for company.

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but the ones that make web are spiders

>soon it'll be summer again

I can't wait

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I get stupid gnats everywhere i take out garbage and don't have any potted plants but apparently the food disposal was let open for a period and now there's always like one that survives long enough to spawn, act all fucking crazy from starvation until i kill their stupid ass, but still one always remains causing the whole cycle to repeat.

i got fourths and no one cares?????

Theyre eating bugs, better than having a fucking spider in your room doing the job

>sleeping one flys into your face
fuck them

Rats are fucksmart and kill the mice while also making a mockery of traps. chances are if you have a rat you'll never know.


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Huh you're right they don't have silk glands. Weird now i wonder what they do instead because they definitely can chill in houses.

always kill those fuckers, i've seen three fully grown versions of them and those guys look furry. holy dicks do they move fast

Fuckers actually getting big i havent seen him in over a year but when i got out the hospital he left a big old piece of shedded skin by my keyboard. He's cool with me i just worry about him getting enough food or the fact that i keep it 70 degrees always.

>I enjoy sweating my ass off even when not moving, humidity so high it hurts to breathe, and not being able to sleep without the aircon on
FUCK you

Those are your problems. I operate just fine. I swear the worst part of summer is having to hear everyone else's dumb complaints.

Thank you, centifriend. You can't help that you're ugly, you're just trying to keep to yourself and eat the bugs nobody wants around.

Where do you live? I'm in shitney and most of summer is unbearable, and that's one of the more temperate parts of the country.

yeah but what I'm saying is that there are spiders that look almost like harvestmen, and they have a separate torso

pretty sure these guys eat spiders. i dont mind them because they stay to the edges of the room and dont climb shit. spiders on the other hand arent afraid to web down from the ceiling to right in front of your face

South east Melbourne. The temperature is sadly inconsistent but even on 40c days I'm happy.

I know that feel, fuckin cosmopolitan motherfuckers being like "it's only August omg settle down and have a micro brew" it was fucking 32 in Cairns yesterday, we get 3 months of brief reprieve and then it's back to this place being a cockroach infested shithole

whats wrong fag?

>all this love for cellar spiders
Makes me feel weird for killing them on sight with above average prejudice. Then again, you fags probably don't have hordes of these perpetually coating your basement and the space between walls.
>knock hole in wall plumbing
>meant to tape it til I closed it properly but forgot
>next morning bathroom is coated in spiders
I don't understand what the fuck they're eating between my walls but there are thousands and they get krumped into the fourth dimension when I catch them outside of their designated hell pits.

How about waking up covered in bed bugs?

>That shit will legit fuck with you psychologically
This. I was legit losing sleep because I every time I laid down to sleep, I'd start getting these phantom crawling feelings. Still have a couple scars on my feet from where they were nibbling. Ended up moving back in with my folks the last month of my lease just to get away.

Locusts are are mad cunts, they'll bite anything.

>web down from the ceiling to right in front of your face

Had one in my car do this while driving on the highway. I don't know if it thought it'd escape the impending fiery inferno or if he was just suicidal.

had those little heebs a few months ago. finally invested in some mattress/boxspring covers and spread diatomaceous earth around the walls.bedposts, and doorways haven't been bit since.

based spiders catching anoying flying faggots like mosquitos and flies

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>Australians think Australia is hot

Wouldn't last a day in Texas.

I live in Australia and iv woken up 3 times in the past year to critters running across my bed.
Twice it was huntsman spiders that can grow to the size of a human hand and the last time was a massive cockroach.
Don't move here if you are scared of insects. Every insect here is at least twice the size of what is in your country.

I still have a hard time believing they're that big of a deal, like I'm pretty sure being thrown in a dryer on high would kill them all but I don't care enough to possibly jinx it happening to me.

They poo and pee everywhere. If they can get to your food they will poo and pee in it. If there are enough of them pooing and peeing your place will smell like a bubonic senior living diaper infested hellhole. They chew stuff inside your walls. And everywhere else too. They die and rot in inaccessible places. Not bros.
Barn spiders are the only other bro tier spider i can think of.
>build visually pleasing webs and sit there all day catching bugs.
>nevar evar seen one indoors.

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I fucking hate bedbugs. They are the worst fucking pest on the entire planet and are brutal to get rid of once they get a solid foothold.

If I ever get them again I am immediately throwing my bed away and will spend 6 months sleeping on a cot surrounded by diatomaceous earth again.

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it gets way worse than texas in plenty of parts of australia, especially with the humidity

Yeah nigga that's dry heat, try machete a straight line through a rainforest full of wait a while, taipans and aboriginals scabbing your smokes then tell me how tough you lone star faggots are

my girlfriends roommate apparently got bedbugs

im legit thinking of breaking up with her over it. I haven't seen her in 3 weeks. I don't want that shit.

>dry heat

Try again


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Throw what in a dryer? They don't just hang out in your sheets. They nest in your walls or floor or wherever else they can squeeze themselves in. They come out at night while you're sleeping to feed.

>Barn spiders
shit yeah, love these guys, I like having their webs right outside my window

>haven't seen her in 3 weeks
she's the bedbugs' girlfriend now.

indoor bug powerrankings

1. based spiders
2. centibros
3. moths
4. flies
5. ants
6. mosquitos
100. roaches
999. bedbugs

can we all just agree???

Still the strongest indicator it's summer.

yeah I sure do love those obnoxious faggots slamming into my monitor every night in summer, or even right into my fucking face when I'm on my phone in bed

>Don't hold polite interesting anectdotal conversation among user frens.
i want to go back

Let's take a minute to appreciate the modern age we live in. 99.9% of human history bugs would be a fucking living nightmare.

I can believe it. Do any other bugs eat them? I have a yardscaping friend that gets ladybugs and mantises and they fuck shit up.

When I lived at my parent's I was on the third floor in my own room. Basically an attic converted to be a nice room. Used to get mice up there occasionally. They would eat my Doritos.
Not a problem in the day time but at night if one was in there it would run around making a fucking cacophony. They get really obnoxious about it too. At first you might just see a blur run past at the speed of light but I had one in there for so long it actually ran across my chest while I was trying to sleep.
I had to move my bed and found out that the faggot had stolen some tin foil from SOMEWHERE and was crunching it around under my bed for some reason.
I had to poison them which sorted them out, but I did catch one once on Christmas day so I took him outside and set him free. Pretty sure he came back.

>Yeah nigga that's dry heat,

>80% humidity

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If given the choice between 110 degree heat in Texas and a 95 degree heat in Florida, I'd pick Texas every time. Hell is humid.

Everything that is not certain spiders or centipedes can fuck right off. Moths especially, slamming against everything with a light, dumb fucks

Yeah it feels like swimming being outside from the heat or swimming outside when it's raining for the fourth time that afternoon. Also no such thing as spring or fall.

Don't believe that they'll just find you in sleep. Was sitting in the dark on the computer one night and found my arm covered in bites after an hour. You've got to declare total war on the fuckers or they'll never go away.

The fuck do I know to care, doubt you could point out QLD on a map where 80% is a good day

People tend to forget that Texas is fucking huge and has beaches bordering the gulf of Mexico. Texas and beaches just don't click together in the minds of most people.

At least they leave visible traces I guess. I thought I had scabies or something for a while because staying up all night I would get itches from hell and would drive me nuts. It eventually stopped and I have no idea what that was all about, but we don't talk about it anymore because people just love to throw out conjectures of being schizo as if schizos could even know they are.

So, you just don't actually know what dry and humid heat even is then? I've lived in both Texas, Florida, and also California, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona. None of these other states have the humidity levels of Texas where you literally sweat just by standing outside for 30 seconds. 120 degrees in the Nevada desert is more hospitable than anywhere in Texas

You guys have made me scared of bedbugs now thank you

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Regular predatory bugs will probably snack on them if available. Not sure about ladybugs. Lots of traditional insecticides aren't especially effective, and the stuff that is can have health effects in humans. Heat treatment, like that other user said, is one technique. They can't handle temps over ~110F for long. But if you don't get rid of them all at once, they'll come back. They are survivors, and they will go without feeding for months and can survive freezing temps for days.

You should be. Fuckers are satan.

Florida is a fucking peninsula, you cunt. Most of Texas isn't anywhere near as humid.

>see speck of dust
>it starts moving
>lean in and realize it isn't a dust spec but some bug
The fuck are these things? They're like grey/brown and the size of dust.

You're right, it's more humid. Also, you've never been to Texas

Be wary of public transportation. It's how they spread around here.

>current Humidity in Houston: 90%
>current humidity in Miami: 88%

how bad is florida on the coast? I know California isn't that bad the closer you are to the coast or up by the mountains

I'm an Aussie and I don't usually get many insects in my house.
I live in Victoria, do many insects reside there or is it mostly in the outback?

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>current humidity in Dallas 70%
>current humidity in Orlando 93%

>used to live on a house with a backyard with plants and shit
It was a fucking jungle out there, every once in a while I'd be on the kitchen and step on a fucking snail, crickets were unbearable, spiders everywhere. I moved to a fifth floor now and at the most I'll get a small spider up on the ceiling and I just let it chill

Godamn super bugs. I bet they're like roaches too where no matter what you do a shitty apartment neighbor will eventually fuck it up for everyone else.

Had mice too, absolute nightmare. They raised my kitchen so I couldn't store stuff in my shitty pantry and would keep me awake at night chewing on walls (they need to do it or else their teeth grow too much). Were a pain in the ass to get rid of. Had to plug all the holes with cement after I put poison inside, install new skirtings, thoroughly clean everything cause they piss n shit everywhere and throw away my shitty kitchen furniture and replace it with proper fully closed one. Finally can fucking sleep again.

>open window
>see some flying insect longer than my hand
>close window
>call in sick to work
>stay inside for 2 days

>3 years ago
>taking a shit
>bathroom is so small that you can only really fit one person inside
>finish taking shit
>look up
>at the top of the door there is a moth the size of my hand
>sit perfectly still for a solid half hour, just staring at it
>eventually dash out of there
I have always hated moths and I will always hate moths
Fucking hellspawn

>Current humidity in Amarillo 62%
>Current humidity in Jacksonville 93%

congrats on picking one major Texas city near the coast. Florida is almost all coast, so I'm not wrong when I say that most of Florida is more humid than most of Texas.

I saw these fuckers everywhere when i lived in Hawaii and gladly crushed them.

based scutigera poster

I'm sure it's totally more humid than Florida in the panhandle, dumbass

Attached: Relief_map_of_Texas.png (1000x989, 1.28M)


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>high temp for Orlando this week: 92
>high for Dallas: 102

I wonder if cats eat them. When I lived with a roommate who had three of them I never even saw a gnat. One day a lizard got in from the patio and it was three days of chaos while they slept in shifts waiting for an opportunity to get it.

It depends on the species. The terms just describes a what the species look like because of convergent evolution.

Harvestmen are based but I don't like having them in my room because they are active predators who might touch me in my sleep.

>uh oh got proven wrong about humidity
>better try and change my argument to temperature

Just don't live an any domicile that doesn't have central air. No matter what the landlord tells you a janky ass wall unit will not be enough.

Not only is it equally or more humid in the 4 biggest Texas cities, they also have higher temperatures. So no matter how you look at, Texas is hotter. Also, you've never been to Texas.

That is a house centipede. It is not a silverfish.

>watches over you while you sleep

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>I don’t kill [insert bug] because it eats [insert different bug]

Here’s an idea, kill all bugs

>102 degrees F with 80% humidity isn't hotter than 92 degrees F with 80% humidity

>80% humidity
So not you are outright lying?

>Australia: all kind of critters and drop bears
>New Zealand: kiwis and hobbits

Not possible unless you live in a hermetically sealed closet.

new zealand is incredible, I mean idk about city living there, but I've been on holidays and it's really lovely, 100x better than anything you'll find in australia, even the water tastes noticeably better

You just gave me instant PTSD. I had a major infestation. We removed the panel to wall and it looked like it was moving. Hundreds of thousands

You Texas retards wouldn’t last a day in Oklahoma

Emu leaders sold the country out and import them to break the will of the people.

isn't Australia just a fucking desert

Also had a major infestation of mice, they're worse than you can imagine if you dont take of them asap. Especially the smell

Keep moving the goalpost, nigger. The argument was about which state was more humid, not which state was hotter. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the average humidity is higher in Florida because it's a Peninsula. Florida is America's nutsack, and it's balls deep in the ocean. If you're gonna just bring up the four major cities of Texas, then congrats on pissing off the rest of Texans that want nothing to do with your boastful city-slicking. You sound like a Californian immigrant.

The 3 most humid cities in Texas out average the Florida cities, and have a higher temp to boot.

It's Florida with cows and beaners instead of alligators and Puerto Ricans.

>Keep moving the goalpost, nigger. The argument was about which state was more humid, not which state was hotter.

Well, considering Texas has both the heat AND the humidity I'd say it's hotter than Florida...

Not even the four major cities. Dallas has like 70%.
>orlando 93%
>jacksonville 92%
>miami 88%

>dallas 70%
>austin 83%
>houston 90%

Yes, but which state got the worst bugs? Texas bugs are quite large. Never seen me no florida bugs.


They're a big deal especially if you're not paying attention. They will infest your couch, bed, underneath carpet, wall panels hell I even found some hiding out in old remotes and extension cords. They are extremely resistant to certain sprays and pesticides. I found the trick was lavender oil and diamceous earth

Texas has scorpions right? Texas wins if that.

Texas has both scorpions and tarantulas.

Big ass moths. Fire ants. Big ass killer bee swarms. Pretty sure Florida has all those though.

top skreeonk

these are so fucking creepy, they just scare the living shit out of me. I always kill them on sight


Almost half of Texas, the entire Eastern part of the state averages 80% humidity or more, and with the higher temps to go with, this constitutes a larger landmass than the Florida peninsula

what was his fucking problem ? What is his endgame ?

I had nervous breakdown because my roomate called our landlord thinking he had beg bug bites. An exterminator was to fumigate our place. I kept itching thinking I could feel them on me. I had no bites and my doctor co firmed. I threw out thousands of dollars of clothes and things. I ended up moving out, being unable to sleep. My teeth were chattering in panic attacks. I had to get a lawyer to sort things out.

Motnhs later my roomate said he was on medicatjon to treat an allergic reaction to othe medication. In hindsight, we didn't even have bedbugs and I had a mental breakdown over nothing. Sometimes the worst bugs are the ones that only exist in your head.

Ah shit
I fucking love deadly 60
Always preferred Steve backshall to bear grylls, he felt way more genuine and authentic

I know for a fact that they've got fire ants.

>In the Navy
>Going to A School in Pensacola
>Got up to in the morning to do PT
>We were all in a big field, doing pushups
>My arm suddenly started stinging like hell
>My hand was right next to a fire and mound, and all the activity pissed them off, so they were all over my arm

Reminder that while spiders and - to some - house centipedes - might be allies in the greater fight against The Bug, ultimately they are traitors and will get the rope too

based and bugpilled

Only the ones that think it a good idea to leave webbing in constantly trafficked walkways.

being a cheeky cunt with 250 million years of seniority

screencap this thread!

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>that user who lived inside a slum-tier rented flat in London for several months a few years ago with tic-like bugs crawling over the bathroom walls and sometimes on the bedsheets, who woke found one morning that he he had deep tiny holes formed in track marks all over his shins which bled profusely whenever he picked at them, and which are still there and still bleed thick dark red blood years later

Is my skin diseased or what?

One summer when I was a kid and we went on a vacation, my mom wanted to kill one but I decided to save it. Whole summer I wasn't bitten by a mosquito while my mom was bitten every day and night. I told myself that the spider protected me by hunting the mosquitos and leaving them in my mom's room.

Anybody here had a dust mite infestation? I had a pretty bad one, they formed colonies on my carpets, curtains and mattress.

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What a shitty situation. Sorry you had to go through that.

It would be really satisfying to slowly fold that cardboard together and hear them all popping. Fuck Bedbugs

Fuck moths. They eat all my clothes, especially my favourite tshirt.


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Moths are bros. Arachnids are cunts

What do they call this animal in your country?

In mine it's "Granny Greys". They are bro-tier.

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I have a small amount at the moment, think I caught them quick. Where do I put this diatomaceous to fucking kill them all please friends? Like just throw it into a room or lay it down in certain places or what?
I've been scouring the room for a while and killed all I've found, washed the seats at 90, checked crevices etc but I still find one every now and then

Called em "rolly pollys" in the middle US

Based doomer

Sorry to hear that. If you're using a mattress/boxspring youll want to get sealing covers to enclose any that may be living in them. They're relatively inexpensive. Just make sure they're certified to seal in bedbugs or other pests.
Make sure none of your bedding is touching the wall or anything else they can crawl up on. Surround the wall approaches/bedstand with diatomaceous earth. If any try to get to you they're going to get fucked up by it and die within a few days. I also lined the doorway of my bedroom with it so they couldn't get to other parts of the house.
Make sure to vacuum regularly and keep with this and they should be gone within a few months.

thanks user

I stayed at a hotel room that had bed bugs, when I got home I had bites everywhere. Called the hotel and they confirmed the room had them. Literally went crazy for 3-4 months checking for them in the middle of the night witha flashlight once every hour or so, thinking every skin blemish was a new bite and avoiding buying anything new incase I'd have to throw them away. It was not a good time. Coincidentally I had my first ever panic attack not long after. Those fuckers really messes with your mind for some reason.

Bænkebider - Translates to "bench biter".

Any movies about waking up in the middle of the night, looking down and seeing a giant spider in your sheets, jumping out of bed, turning the light on, but theres nothing there?

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Did you sue?

Based. Thank you so much man.

Those are QUADS fucking newfag

Assuming you're the only host present, if not they may feed off household pets in desperation for sustenance. If you're still getting bit after taking action then they're still finding a way to you. Remember, they're only insects. A few cheap solutions and good housekeeping and they're up shit creek. good luck.


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Somehow avoided getting lice through all of childhood, only to get it filling in ONE day as a substitute teacher for grade school kids (awful timing) I don’t know if I’m just a pussy but having things crawling on you that aren’t easily done away with freaked me out so bad and I still get paranoid if anything flakes off my head. Those fuckers are hellish. I don’t think I could cope with bedbugs

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Thanks man, just nothing worse than that feeling of spending a day sweating in your pants dismantling everything you own, cleaning like mad and putting it all back together, then a few days later seeing one and it's back to the start

recently found 5 of these in my fridge, no idea how they got there, i live on 16th floor. i also have silverfish running all around my apartment, had to move my bed from bedroom to living room because there's more light here and motherfuckers used to climb onto the bed and crawl under the pillow

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I once had a cave cricket climb on my face while I was asleep and I woke up and put a glass over it and went to sleep again and completely forgot about it thought it was just a dream and then in the morning I woke up and saw it looking at me

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