The ENTIRE reason he became a producer is ROTJ. As a child he saw in the credits and tv specials that Lucas was in charge of everything and he wanted that job.
On Iron Man 1 he and Fav were given a tour of ILM, Fav says he knew the name of every spaceship, droid, and alien mask/costume, and he knew way more than the tour guide.
Half of what he follows on twitter is retro star wars/retro star wars toys, retro 80s/retro 70s sci-fi.
He never actually read Marvel comics growing up, he wanted to turn Marvel IP into what he loved growing up which is Star Wars, Star Trek, and Back To The Future.
The fact he wasnt given Star Wars is an absolute travesty
Other urls found in this thread:
He would have made TFA three times instead
>Romanticizing producers
You should commit suicide. I hope to god this was copied directly from reddit or soemthing.
The inherent problem with the SW franchise is that the main story has already been told so all there's left to do is either awkwardly continue it, diminishing the impact of the original 6 movies, or to so spin-off stories, which do not have the same appeal as the main thing.
Also, either you try too hard to mimic the OT which just comes out really derivative, or you try to do something original and have hordes of people bitch about it.
Lucas, in his infinite wisdom, has forseen that and ditched the entire thing, knowing full well there's nothing that can be done.
The Main Story was told in Star Wars (later known as A New Hope)
They just got lazy
Hi Kathleen
watch from 2:45 on DISNEY fucked up BIG TIME
>The inherent problem with the SW franchise is that the main story has already been told so all there's left to do is either awkwardly continue it
The sequel trilogy could have been an exploration of legacy. Rey should have been a Skywalker. She should have had Luke's plotline from The Last Jedi and been a foil to her father in A New Hope. She would not have wanted a grand destiny but to live her own life, only to be called back into service to do her duty to the galaxy. She ran to Jakku after Kylo Ren massacred students but spared her because she's scared to face her cousin. That's why the Millennium Falcon is with her. The trilogy would explore her fear, then anger, then hate for Kylo (fear leads to anger leads to hate to the dark side etc etc), and Kylo should have been redeemed through their familial love. Kylo is the dark legacy of their family, Vader, Rey is the light, Luke, etc etc
Rey would be what happens when you reject the past and legacy left to you but Kylo s what happens when you live in the past and embrace legacy before they come to the middle and start something new
And yet, we've seen parts of the IP flourish such as the old republic because they tell different stories within the canon that feel just as grand as the original movies without feeling derivative. The main problem is that these new movies lack an emotional core that resonates with the general audiences as much as the original trilogy did. If they spent time to make a well written, emotional charged script that was polished to kingdom come, then we'd be arguing about if this new trilogy was better than the OT
They can't do anything original because audiences wouldn't show up. Star Wars is built off the backbone of the original trilogy and that's mostly what the masses care about. They're not attached to the new characters because they are built off the backbone of the old cast and nostalgic references. It's always going to be a loss.
He's shit in a different way
Fuck off you Disney bootlicker
the lightsaber calling out to her then has a thematic meaning
he couldve saved everything
feige STILL reads comics every wednesday because a) it's part of his job and b) he enjoys it because he's a true Yea Forumsmrade nerd
feige's contract runs out at the end of 2019
it all depends on IX's performance. feige has NOTHING left to prove. he build a lasting cultural phenomenon in a decade's time. out of c-list castoff heroes that nobody wanted or thought would be successful. there has been no renewal yet (and it's doubtful disney wouldn't put out a press release if they had, this wouldn't be some quiet thing, they'd want to brag about this). i really do think he's biding his time, he's extremely patient (which is why he's such a good producer), and if iger was smart, he'll give kennedy some face-saving shit after IX and give the keys to lucasfilm to feige. the man grew up having the same lore debates about nerd shit like comics and star wars that half of Yea Forums did. he's a smart professional, he'll wait and see if JJ/kennedy can deliver (they won't be able to, the well is poisoned), but his buddy favreau who started it all with him is over there as a trojan horse with the mandalorian, which actually looks like a real star wars project, that could be his way in the door
the only issues are
>he has a daughter, so he is more open for girly stories
>black panther exceeded expectations x 5, so he's more likely to go for woke
>the mcu lesbian 3rd in charge and asian female 4th or 5th in charge has influenced him s strongly he will never recover
>The inherent problem with the SW franchise is that the main story has already been told
This is stupid. How about telling a new story set in the same universe? Why do we need a female Luke, a nigger Han Solo and Emo Vader and nu empire versus nu rebels? How about new stories written by professional writers not frauds like JJ and Rian who wrote and direct that trash. KK didn't want to hire real writers, she thinks SW is like legos you can just build it by assembling bricks. TFOX producers probably told the same thing to george after ANH that his story was told and the sequels would tank because ppl wouldn't want to watch the same movie. They didn't know he had actual written stories unlike the hacks at Disney. You don't make SW with simply using X wings, Tie fighters and a death Star.
Directors are out of control though. So many directors cannot write for shit and ruin films with their ego. So very few deserve so much power. From George Lucas, to Rob Zombie, to fucking Ridley Scott, to Jew Jew abhrams....they think they can write, fun, direct and they ruin expensive films and franchise.
Movies aren't terrible because of marvel. Movies are terrible because writers are non-existent. Directors ...the huge majority need to stay behind the camera and maybe the editing room and the the script and plot to real writers.
>And Victoria Alonso is not a huge comic book fan. Go figure right?
>I’ve gone on record saying this plenty. I love our movies, if you have a movie that is out there and if it’s La La Land or Juno or 12 Years a Slave or Moonlight, I would rather go see those movies than a superhero movie.
>Victoria told us the story about she and her partner adopted their daughter. “I work with a very nice group of men. I said to them, ‘I’m going to adopt a child. And one day I will come to you and say I’m going, and I did.' And we were getting ready. I was packed to go to San Diego for the first biggest Comi-Con of our careers, first Avengers, 2010. And we get a call from her birth mom in Chicago, and we left. And I called the boys and I said, ‘I gotta go. I’m gonna go get my girl'. And I did. And I came back a week later with Olivia.
Here's Phase 4 for you
>putting George Lucas, Ridley Scott along with Jew Jew
They all ruined franchises. Lucas ruined star wars with the prequels. Scott ruined Alien and jj just sucks.
This kind of thinking is exactly what's wrong with Star Wars right now. The complete lack of imagination is killing the franchise.