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Other urls found in this thread:


How can someone think they're both Laura Palmer and Audrey Horne? They're completely different characters

there's a D list local 'celebrity' in my two horse town who literally is a spitting image of Quirky Wojackina.



fuckin kansas city queer tryin claim youre from a two horse town



Being from Kansas seems based

it is Kansas City faggot get it right bro

I don't get it.

Wow, that sounds like a good way to lose friends real goddamn quick

It is, but I'm a little alarmed at how many coloreds are moving here. The Pajeet and spic populations have exploded in the last few years and there are some ragheads now too.

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Not KC, Shawnee

This is the creator of the video

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Still doesn't mean he's wrong.

He looks normal to me. People act like average person looks like a model

Quirky alternative girls are so much fun to be around. I wish I had one for a girlfriend, but the sane ones are always taken and the rest have extreme emotional problems.

Creator of the video, not the song. Shooter is a completely different person.

based brown guy

Looks Turanid. Turk?

unfortunate mate. sounds like my area in aus. so many indians and asians now its unbelievable

The (((churches and humanitarian organizations))) bring the beaners and Somalians to the rural areas to work on the farms and ranches and poultry plants. The cities are hit with H1B Pajeets, plus a sprinkling of the brown underclass to work shitty jobs.

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Womp womp, life isn't fair. Dont go and shoot up a Walmart because of it.


cool sociopath post

Based and victimcomplexpilled

>Haha ugly people who relate to attractive fictional characters are so pathetic

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No, that faggot incel stole the song from Negative XP.

unbased and denying reality-pilled

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what color is your skin?

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Seething victim complex you got there, dont let it lead you into committing a mass shooting

Why, so you can shoot people with that skin color when you finish reading Siege and your victim complex ferments into seething violence?

>life isn't fair
but women must be made equal to men and whites must share their creations with nonwhites. it's only fair, right?

why are you worried about getting shot constantly? sounds like you have a victim complex more than me. everyones out to get you bud, all white people only want to get you.

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i won't. deshawn on the other hand...

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Are you referencing a strawman you made up in your schizophrenic headcanon again?

I'm not the one shooting up schools and walmarts because "wah I cant get a gf" or "boo hoo theres too many brown people". That's your team.

Deshawn doesn't want to kill me for my skin color

go outside

Not an argument. Also you contributed nothing to the technology or infrastructure I use other than tax dollars. The only thing you've ever innovated is skid marks in your underoos.

Deshawn definitely does. And nah, you just shoot up schools because they use the wrong pronouns.

have sex
dont shoot up walmarts

I'm not a tranny or white though, I dont shoot up schools. Wh*tes shoot up schools for any and every reason under the sun due to their coddled parenting when growing up

>Are you referencing a strawman you made up in your schizophrenic headcanon again?
no, i'm referencing your ideology. i.e. the ruling ideology
>Deshawn doesn't want to kill me for my skin color
sure thing

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>its white people that are the problem guys

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Yeah, that's why in my neighborhood growing up, my school was closed three times in high school because some niggers or spicks kept shooting each other. Weird who didn't shoot each other though.

>all this desperate posturing to defend being insecure because you're not white
ouch man

art hoe is the best thing come out of 2010s decade

>you contributed nothing
Same with you. You just come across as a whiny shitskin that's just jealous of being white. Eat shit

I used to hate myself for being gay, but lately it really feels like I've dodged a bullet.

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this it the type of men these women fuck, to feel some relief from her so-called white guilt. they fuck niggers because they think apologizing for years of slavery and racism.

if you think that's black you are blind

This embarrassing manlet keeps shilling his monotone voiced youtube channel on here.

I didn't call him black. but he's not white. which is what matters to these women

>my favorite movies?, Donnie Darko and the Harry Potter movies

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Imagine being this brainwashed by the ruling class.

You think Riley would like this song?

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Gib big butt art hoe gf


jesus imagine actually spending time drawing this and crying when your cartoon characters change color

have sex (with white people)

Girlfriend? Don't the El Paso retarded murdered all those people because he was a sick racist piece of shit?


I would express disgust at all the filthy leftist Americans in this thread, but the idea that any random day you could get shot by your own people makes me sleep happy. America has steadily become the biggest enemy of western civilization, so seeing it, not only fall apart, but get destroyed by its own people is great, karma at its fullest.

Art hoes are good rides but man I would never marry one

>Deshawn doesn't want to kill me for my skin color
But this is literally untrue.

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is this a fucking parody, why does a catholic institution even employ jews. The church has become pathetic

I was heaps into this archetype when i was younger, the whole manic pixie girl thing and even dated a ramona flowers wannabe. Now i'm older i've gotta agree with the feminists that it's a pathetic trope for failed men. Beta loser obsess over this shit because they offer nothing in a relationship so they desperately want a woman to awaken them (read; do everything). It's like "I could be this person i was meant to be if someone would do the hard parts for me" which is primo women shit, coincidentally it's also a common theme in hentai which explicitly targets failed men.

>boohoo why don't people like gingers!?
If I was trying to sell entertainment I wouldn't use a ginger actor as they only appeal to few fetishists. Nothing wrong with your fetish, but there is a reason why the red hair gene will disappear just as nature intended.

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me at the left
my gf at the right

Ricky FUCK OFF! You have shilled all week just stop

How can I offer something in a relationship?

God that song is terrible. I like the idea of mocking millenial roasties but the final product was wince-inducing

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That's kind of the point: it's a loud, angry, ugly, mean song.

he did not make the song

Anti-Stacy Aktion


>two shilling threads up at once
God Yea Forums is a shithole. Has this place just permanently become Reddit? I thought it would die down after capeshit season and mediocre television was over. It's just nonstop garbage here nowadays.

Girls are fucking dumb