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That's based what are you talking about?

okay this is epic

unironically based
and if jannies delete this instead of the blatant viral marketing The Boys threads than theyre gay

i love this guy so fucking much and i am not even american

Literally every thing trump accuses people of hes eventually exposed as having done himself so yeah, this is epic

Based Donald

wtf I love israel now

Wait, how are they pinning this on trump?

Name a single time he has done this.

It's frightening to think Hill-dawg has a hotline to an assassin service, and should she ask, they will nonchalantly cause the death of someone who might have feelings and relatives and such.

>doing everything he can to make people forget he ran around with Epstein
Classic Trump.

Americas enemies all love him

Zion Don is all talk no action.

Scamming kike puppet to Mossad jew handler Kushner.

Jannies aren’t gay, they are trannies, so they are gay larpers

Yes almost like that's fucking moronic of something

Imagine being a seething faggot like this

they try but #clintonbodycount has way more tweets.

time to get over your hate of minorities commie.

I get that but i'm just asking of what's the narrative to pin it to him.

Well our "friends" were robbing us blind so I really don't care.

yeah your enemies want your borders safe and to bring back jobs

based trump, hopefully he will donate more money to israel

Literally everything he says

>Saying that the Clinton Foundation was "criminal" when the Trump Foundation lacked the certification necessary to solicit money from the public and was recently ordered to stop fundraising by the N.Y. AG's office
Exploiting undocumented immigrants as a developer and running a decidedly anti-immigrant campaign when his wife is a Slovenian immigrant
More hypocrisy really

>Accusing the media of bias when his campaign is paying surrogates to derail negative segments about him on CNN (

>Accusing Hillary of attacking Bill's accusers and silencing their stories when Trump has done exactly that to every woman that has accused him of sexual misconduct these past few weeks

>Portraying himself as a man of the people and Hillary as the embodiment of special interests when he has made an entire career out of benefiting from special interests at the expense of actual taxpayers

>Referring to Hillary as a "racist" and "bigot" who sees people of color merely as votes when he has habitually co-opted alt-right invective about the threat of minorities in this country throughout the span of his campaign, said the Central Park Five are still guilty post exoneration, & attempted to pander to black voters with Don King as a prop

>accusing Dems of criminal obstruction despite Mueller literally writing and saying that that's exactly what Trump did

The problem is that Trumps absurd lies take more effort to debunk than they do to tell. And every time he makes up some easily disproven bullshit a few more people eat it up. You're in a cult with a literal retard as its leader

makes sense, epstein had valuable information about pedowood and he died, the information died with him, shady...

Epstein was in the care of the Justice Department who let him die for some reason.

Shut up redditor no one cares

>makes wild accusations
>only source is media matters

Was friends with Epstein and flew on his plane, Epstein claimed he introduced Trump to Melania. Trumps quote about how they both like young girls. Trumps labor secretary previously got Epstein off the hook when he was prosecuted before. Trumps AGs father gave Epatein his first professional job and then wrote a book about billionaires fucking sex slaves. Allegations that Epatein recruited from mar a lago. So him and the people he picked for his administration all have bizarre histories revolving around Trump. Theres literally nothing linking the Clinton's aside from bill riding the plane like Trump did

I wish this country really WAS an actual reality show, as it seems to be lately, so I could just turn it off.

you know how it goes

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if jannies delete this thread instead of a thread about a tv show? what you gonna do nigga huh?

Oh you mean the same Justice Department that led an illegal investigation into the Trump Campaign?

Good people are finally waking up. The Clintons got sloppy with this one.

Do you not follow his Twitter? Hes said all of those things user


>a literal DNC PAC as a sauce

>unning a decidedly anti-immigrant campaign when his wife is a Slovenian immigrant
>More hypocrisy really

>My strawman is a a hypocrite!

You are retarded really.

>dude just check twitter
it's time for you to stop posting

You realize that Trumps appointees run the DoJ now right? Also obviously the Fisa warrants to monitor Trumps campaign officials interactions with russian intelligence were not illegal. You know that. You parrot trumps goofy nonsense because you're an actual lemming

I like how trump retweets fuck clinton shit when he actually likes hillary because he knows his dumb boomer fan base will eat it up.
Remember when he was going to put her in prison?

>in a thread with the op pic being from his twitter.

you think he has the authority to just do so? First the swamp needs to be drained.

>just ignore the obvious corruption that still exists because it's drumpfs fault now
>also all that falsified evidence used to start the illegal investigation wasn't actually against the law
t. brainlet

Found the Hillary voter.

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It's his primary form of communication. Why does being a trump cultists require constant lying and being disingenuous? Isnt it tiring to have to twist yourself into mental pretzels?
Heres one of his blatant lies right here claiming exoneration despite the report and Mueller both saying specifically he wasnt. It's a barrage of lies that you carry water for

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>I can't refute the facts and have no argument
The majority voted for her user there are quite of a few of us

>it's a twitter thread so I can shitpost
>then when asked for proof I dont have to provide any and just say go back to Twitter
ok thanks for letting me know to ignore your responses

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


>It's a barrage of lies that you carry water for

you mean like that whole collusion story?

>he doesn't understand innocent until proven guilty
lol lefties are so stupid

>The majority voted for her

its always the systems fault if it doesnt work for you isnt it?

>Trump: Bill Clinton is running the DOJ that’s under my control.
>Trump supporters: this makes sense!
You're hopelessly dumb :)

You copy and pasted all of that none of that wss your words.

>drumpf has control of the deep state that has been trying to overthrow the 2016 election
so naive and stupid

she called it in right?

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>m-muh Russian journalists
>m-muh Putin
>m-muh Russian mafia-FSB connection
lol, this is such a shitshow. The West is a fucking cesspit as bad, if not worse, than Ruskies and Chinks.

they are definitely gay since they delete every Jennifer Connelly thread

Good luck with that. As long as his jewish masters have him by the balls, Mr. Trumpstein will never drain the swamp

thank you for Correcting The Record™

Democrats dont love him, what are you talking about?

>muh deep state
Convenient scape goat for everything wrong with the nation
You voted Trump because as a naive retard you actually believed he'd put Hillary in prison, build le wall and all that dumb right winger shit
Now you backpedal with 'i-it's not that simple' 3 years into his term because he's done literally fuck all

>First the swamp needs to be drained.
its been three fucking years whats taking so long?

What does ROLCON mean?

What makes you retards so sure that Trump-supporters hate jews enough to fall for your laughable tactics?

And even if they did, you think you could convince them that the Democrats would be a better choice for anti semites? Its like you all got brain parasites.

kys nigger

>dude just forget about the last 4 years of media coverage
>forget that the DNI and CIA director called him a traitor
>the deep state doesn't exist because I say so
lol wanna know how I know you're retarded?

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If only there were some sort of search tool on the internet you could use to instantaneously look it up. Oh well, maybe one day.

Yes obviously Hillary personally did this. In no way was it the guy who bragged about barging in on naked teens, who claimed he liked young girls as much as epstein, who invited epstein to mar a lago and who epstein claimed he introduced to his wife. Nope we should ignore ALL of that and blame the lady who's literally never once been legally implicated in any wrong doing

The swamp is good at resisting.

dunno, Roleplay as Conservatives maybe? Like this guy:

how are there still untrustworthy people in his agencies when he's been president for 3 years? why hasn't he replaced them? how long does it take to clean house?

>BTFOing trumptard on their own turf
Extremely based post.

yeah you said the same thing about the wall while all the while Trump was fighting tooth and nail against the democrats that did everything to stop him.

The fact that Epstein even got on trial is a sign that things ARE changing for the better and you and your corrupt masters cant do shit about it.

'Muh deep state' meanwhile Trump does nothing against nobody, doesn't even name people
Must be the Illuminati using a proton mind control device on him