This is the best superhero movie ever. Prove me wrong

This is the best superhero movie ever. Prove me wrong.

You can't.

Attached: gotg2.jpg (674x1000, 230K)

Darkman exists


Iron Man (2008) and pic related are the best marvel movies IMHO

The original is way better and more tonally consistent than the sequel

But that’s not Mystery Men, BlankMan, or Super

Some random kids movie? Sure

It's not the first one

Attached: Guardians_Of_The_Galaxy_NK_FINALCC_GRD26_ft_dom_t2_v25rev_wt6.088923.jpg (2136x1080, 1.16M)

the first was better

Nah, first one is too generic in comparison. Although, I will say the music is better in the first. That's really the only thing, though.

But watchmen exists

I watched that for the first time the other day, it was pretty good. Based Darkman dropping villain

Blade is briddy good

What a strange unironic pick

I personally thought this film was absolute garbage - for me Deadpool 2 or Watchmen I guess.

The worst marvel movie I've seen.

Both of them are good imo. The first one was more tonally consistent and generally had better humor; the second tried way too hard to be funny in some parts, but had much better drama and emotional moments. Peter finding out Ego killed his mom, Yondu in general, and a lot of scenes with Gamora were especially spacekino.

It's honestly a shame that the R*ssos completely pissed on all of Quill and Gamora's character development in favor of LITERALLY a "wowie zowie, right in my infinity stones" gag. The Guardians were much better as a self contained thing, IW and Endgame completely screwed them.

Attached: drax mantis.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

but that's not batman (1989)

Guardians of the reddit.

I cant understand why people like the first one better at all. The entire movie, if youre a fan I guess, is just people arguing and fighting over who gets "the orb" there's very little happening. In the second movie there's a wacky insane plot and its more heart felt.

Go away r*ddit

Nah, if you rewatch GotG and pay attention to the scene where Gamora and Peter dance, they are being meta as fuck and winking to the audience that their character development is done and they have reached max relationship status. If you dont know what I mean its what happened to Han and Leia in Star Wars episode 3, they had nothing to do. All this shit is planned out, the logical thing to do is to seperate or change Gamora and they did. Anyway the guardians exist for teammup events, the comic roster exists because of an event called Annihilation.