Ralph is a tranny now, and that's a good thing! Here's why:

Ralph is a tranny now, and that's a good thing! Here's why:

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It makes my pp hard.

The world resorts to Socialism at the end, this is balllin’!!

>ALL change is good
>accepting change is good

I want a Rachel (male) gf bros

>at the end
The only reason it might be the end is because of capitalists killing the planet for profit.

Mr Bighead gets Trump hair when he stands up to The Winds of Change, what’d they mean by this?

I remember the show ending when I was a kid, why do they have to dig up it's corpse and do this? Nobody wins when you rape childhood memories like this.

>keep the deep voice

I personally don't watch any resurrections of old shows. Not a single one.

>you can't escape trannies, not even in your 90's cartoon revival specials

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Say, don’t those species actually GENETICALLY change their gender

I don't like PC culture or trannies but that Ralph has got the fuck me eyes.
I hope someone makes post-op porn of him.

Not even Stark Trek: The Motion Picture and Wrath of Khan?

I'd be willing to bet Rocko would have tackled trannies in it's original run. I don't think it was a statement about acceptance. I mean, the "how dare you!" Hippo was an overweight black mama. Is that SJW now?

Never watched this show, is it worth checking out?

So you wanna fap to grotesquely drawn wounds disguised as vaginas?

>toxic masculinity

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>Ralph is a tranny now, and that's a good thing! Here's why:
Because the more men become weak sissies the stronger I will be. And the weak can be easily exploited.

I can't wait to be murdered for being gay by autistic Yea Forums virgins one day because they made an Arthur character gay and a Rocco's Modern Life character trans.

The show was called Rocko's MODERN Life and was a send-up of modernity. How can you get MORE MODERN that trannyism? This is 22 years after the end of the show. Twenty-two years ago this wouldn't be "modern."

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Are you 8-17 years old and is it 1998? Probably not, then.

Calm down Mr. Goldenberg.


As long as you don't tell everyone how much of a fag you are nobody really cares. No need to have a victim complex.

It was my favorite show growing up in the 90's. Along with Ren and Stimpy, it was sort of a "babby's first look at surrealism" sort of thing. It wasn't any better than the actual adult animation fare that came after it where the gloves were off, like Aqua Teen or even The Simpsons. I tried watching the series for nostalgia in like 2010, but it didn't hold up. Even Spongebob was better viewing as a grown adult, and I can't stand the show now.

>The Simpsons
lmao what


There is no kike blood in my family. Why not exploit them, they're already exercising self-degradation and demand pride and acceptance for it, I give them acceptance.