Why do black people smell bad?

Why do black people smell bad?

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Why do white people smell like sweaty ass?
Why do asians smell like smoke?

Where can I smell other races?

whypipo can't handle flavor

high test
something white bois know nothing about

indian people and fat people both smell equally as terrible. i don’t really pick up on any other distinct racial smells (aside from smells like weed and body odor and shit like that)

So blind people can hate them too.

Extreme lack of self awareness. Actually the reason for almost everything about them

Allah formed them out of feces instead of clay.

we put just a little bit of poo in their lotions. Anything with cocoa butter has poo in it. only whites use aloe vera based lotions so those are safe.

Now where did you learn this racism from?

Best post I’ve read in weeks, kek.


Why do incels on here constantly concern themselves with minorities despite never interacting with anybody but their parents?

a football huddle in august and it's terrible bro.

they are preparing themselves for when they are older so they can hate the Haitian homecare nurse

Do they really count as "minorities" when they're the majority?

you just answered your own question. usually self-hatred is expressed outwardly, such as through racist bait threads like OP's. you're a fool if you take anything posted here as fact, and even wrose if you allign your ideologies with Yea Forums's. try making a conversation with someone in real life like that, see how well you do.


A lot of them don't bathe. The ones that do bathe smell fine.

Indians actually smell worse than blacks, despite being more tolerable in most other regards.

Black people secrete a hormone called nigrellin that attracts other black people. We have evolved to have a revolting reaction to it so we can safely avoid them.

Because they don't wash their BBC after smashing all dat white puss. stay jealous white boi.

At first I thought it was just because they didn't use deodorant, but turns out their sweat glands are different than ours and attract more smelly bacteria or some shit

apocrine sweat glands

>t. Stinky negro

Why WFBM porn makes so much more sucess than WMBF?

I actually got popular when I was younger by being racist and edgy, people thought I was funny. But once I started working and trying to be professional I made an effort to stop it, and I haven't acted like that for years. I even dated a black woman and her family loved me. Friends who knew me for a long time ribbed me hard over that. Kinda strange when I was spamming "gas niggers day of the rope" and A Wyatt Mann comics here a few years ago.

>armchair psychology
Holy fucking cringeola
I'm beggin ya, have sex.

asian hapa micropenis
white dad asian mom

It doesnt appear so on porn sites, most WMBF have way more views than vice versa. It looks better too.

Why are black dudes presented as strong when most i see are skinny malnourished fragile bois in oversized pants amd hoodies?

Why do white girls smell like wet dog?

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Just shut the fuck up redditor.

>resisting pantyhose thigh

Honestly, it sounds like you're one of those "Nice but..." type of guy, that's a complete doormat.

Why are there so many leftist beta cuck incels who virtue signal for blAkpipo? Do you think you're going to win a prize or something? Do you think black people are going to be like, "nah mayne he cool."

Or is it white nerd bois who are such outcasts in their own race and hate themselves so much they become obsessed with destroying other whites who hurt their poor wittle fweelings because they're ugly poor fucks who dont fit in?

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Don't blacks only make 13% of the US pop.? And despite that..

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Blacks are brown. Poo is brown. Blacks wear shit as sunscreen...also they are niggers.

Imagine how miserable this faggot's life would be

>usually self-hatred is expressed outwardly
>what is nuance

But minorities combined outnumber whites, and throughout the world. This "minority" bullshit has got to stop.


holy cope

Whites are 70% of the U.S which is a massive majority. The only group that might in the future even come close to changing that is the Hispanics, and if it ever looks like that might ever happen, a huge amount of them will wake up finding out they're now white just like Sicilians, Greeks, and others have at numerous points in American history in order to maintain the status quo.