sleep tight, steeler
Sleep tight, steeler
Other urls found in this thread:
Sleep tight, steeler
and another
>It's daytime
The saddest thing about this pic
no one escapes the Steel Slumber
Your mother will die in her sleep unless you reply sleep tight, steeler.
he was probably drinking the whole night while browsing Yea Forums
based sleepy steeler
this dude is literally me
>those posters
holy baste
based Alcoholic thread poster
sleep tight, steeler
I want to clean his room for him so when he wakes up hungover it will feel fresh and uncluter his mind
might sneak a cheeky new bed in from a charity shop and some draws
Hey, faggot.
Your mom will never LOVE you, period.
>those 3 beers are equivalent to a 12 pack
>he probably drank those in 2 hours
sleep tight, lil steeler
3 ltr vodka bottles on the ground
this guys a pro
>that bed
thank God I got a Queen sized bed for free. Can't imagine bringing a woman home to anything smaller.
>there are sober posters on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW
those wine bottles on the floor tho
sleep tight, steeler
Its not gunna happen pal
I need it brahs...
>"my internet friends is all i have :) i am somebody online"
Note the Taaka jugs on the floor
When al/ck/ existed I learned that a common strat is to alternate a shot of Taaka with a swig of Steelie- prevents the beer from making you bloated, prevents the vodka from making you shit blood, and gets you proper slammed fast.
Taaka should not be consumed by human beings.
That's your problem with the bed? Not that it's just a mattress?
You guys know he’s dead in this picture, right?
>1 Damba Road
Every time
can I post al/ck/ shit here?
>diet pepsi
Dead tired/drunk you mean
Nine months sober boyo. I had to stop when I had a seizure LMAO
I like how he got so bombed he didn't finish his glass of vodka and soda on his desk. That's always how I know I'm fucked up, I have to stop my drink halfway through and pass out immediately.
Literally me in about half an hour
I know this guy. Old drinking pal.
do we have ANY background on this guy?
I feel he needs help, and all he's getting is housemates taking mocking pictures
sleep tight, steeler
Based, I've thought of quitting but getting blackout drunk on the weekend the only thing I look forward to now
>4 empty handles
>3 empty wine boxes
>3 empty steelies
I have at least 4 friends of whom I could've snapped similar pics of, myself. It's sad, but alcoholism is a common disease with progressive and lifelong symptoms.
sleep tight, steeler
>only drinking on weekends
fuck off
Someone said in another thread that he actually died and was deceased in the pic
I know him. Old drinking pal. I know whose signature taaka that is too :)
I have to drive for my job unfortunately
he's not dead
>bringing back pig disgusting females to your home
i seriously hope you guys don't attend in making this happen....
That was me. Tbh if I did t start having serious consequences it would have been hard to find the motivation to quit. I’m glad I did though.
>The INTP room
sneed chuck, sneeder
3 double cans of steel reserve
so he drank the equvalent of a 6 pack of beer and passed out? Lightweight.
At this point you should graduate to heroin
He just posted on facebook 17 hours ago, so probably not dead. Just saying.
post a recent picture.
Does he know he is a Yea Forums legend?
sleep tight, steeler
I'm pretty sure he knows, but doesn't make a big deal about it.
proof or gtfo faggot
I haven't seen him in person for a quite a few years now. I got really reclusive when I got sober.
literally my daily life
about to chug three beers that I have stashed under my pillow so they don't get warm
I've had my first few over the past year. How fucked am I?
>might sneak a cheeky new bed in from a charity shop
Thanks for the bedbug infestation, ASSHOLE
jesus how much do you have to fucking drink before you get seizures?
Is your stomach swollen and do you have full pain in your liver?
I'm thinking about picking up heroin
what could go wrong how could it get any worse
a frame
they get factory rejects in
>how could it get any worse
You shoot up a batch and die because some dumb nigger cut it with fentanyl.
>jesus how much do you have to fucking drink before you get seizures?
It's a withdrawal symptom so if I run out of booze I get terrified.
>Is your stomach swollen and do you have full pain in your liver?
That would be great
You are probably doing some irreparable damage to your liver. If you want to quit you’re going to have to medical detox or you could die. If you don’t quit you will likely have to go to dialysis for the rest of your life after some point.
You don’t get seizures from drinking, you get them when you stop. Alcohol withdrawal will kill you.
It seems every former addict on here has a story about sucking off a dealer for a fix at some point, at least you'll never have that problem as an alkie
sleep tight, steeler
Sleep tight, steeler
lmao I had the swollen stomach and liver pain.
I quit alcohol for 4 months in 2018 and the first week was pretty bad, night sweats every night and 7 days in I got a fever that stayed at 101.5 for a couple days. I drank a gallon and a half of water a day and still my piss looked really dark like tea, almost brown.
I survived though lol
Believe it or not drug dealers don’t typically accept blowjobs from men as payment
>how could it get worse
You can't buy heroin over the counter at your local store so you'd better find a dealer you can trust 100%(LOL good fucking luck, bud!) or rish shooting up detergent or something else just as bad if not worse.
how is Denzel such a kino actor in any role he does?
Do they sell Steel Reserve in Australia? I can't find it anywhere and I'm keen to try.
Don't really want to risk it though
might kill myself that way not gonna lie
Do they sell any shit quality really cheap large cans of "malt beverage" or "malt lager" or "high gravity beer" that is 8%+? If so they sell steel reserve. All that shit gutter beer tastes the same.
it's not like in the movies, it's a long and miserable road bro
I already have a relative that offed herself that way. She binged on moonshine though.
I had my first seizure while I was on dialysis and I have never had a drinking problem. That user may be fucked with any choices from now on. He’s definitely not getting on an organ recipient list if he fucked his life up with booze.
Not as such, from what I understand. I actually heard most Australian beer is weak as fuck, possibly the weakest in the world. That's not a problem really, just drink more to fight off the heat of the outback!
Why the fuck would a dealer want herpes from some skank? Fuck that, either have the money or leave. Dealer's life is bullshit, and 100% not worth it. The drug game outside of the glow in the darkies at the top is a pyramid scheme.
Blacking out from beer sucks. I get the spins and hungover and sleep like shit.
Passing out from oxy and Xanax is top tier comfy
>That user may be fucked with any choices from now on. He’s definitely not getting on an organ recipient list if he fucked his life up with booze.
that hurt
any other drunks out there want to discuss some feels?
i don't know if i qualify as a drunk
i drink two 24 oz beers most Friday nights and end up listening to music and singing youtube karaoke
this seems pretty mild if you ask me
>not realising this is the designated /alc/ thread
It’s true. My uncle has had two liver transplants and now his kidneys are shot. It’s no way to live really.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
you're doing it right. don't take it any further.
Why do you drink user?
it's the only thing that makes me feel good but it also makes me feel awful and I suffer severe withdrawals
my advice to any zoomer in this thread is to never start drinking
so can we /alc/ it up then?
I have to go to jail for a dui lads. worst part is I know the gf will leave me while I'm in
you're living my nightmare
hang in there user
if it's any consolation, we'll all still be here when you get back
Sleep tight steeler
How long?
Sleep tight, steeler.
as long as you didn't kill or injure anybody, i wish you the best of luck user
I don't know what al/ck/ is so if you tell me then yes
I'm assuming it's the cooking board had some threads on alcohol?
who is that king?
>boxed wine
come on man there are a lot embarrassing things here but being awake when the sun is up is not one of them unless youre a farmer or something
sleep tight, steeler
sleep tight, steeler
Sleep tight, steeler
Literally me...
What was he posting?
>inb4 sneed or capeshit, or women (he chose to buy a twin bed)
I used to get drunk and cry as a grown man
god I was so pathetic as a drunk
glad I quit cold turkey after years of a 1/5th of alcohol a day or at least 12 beers or any combination of cheap beer if I was still broke from spending all my unemployment money on alcohol
it took me losing everything before I quit quit, I kept going weeks or months after I "quit" but it only took losing my family and gf before I finally said fuck it
everyone who drinks regularly is a fucking loser and the simplist fix is to just stop doing it
I know it's impossible but eventually your doctor will tell you that your liver is fucked or you'll be friendless with no one to care for, or dead if you're a lucky one (you won't be, your body will just keep surviving despite your best efforts
just get off the shit my friends it isn't worth it and if you need help drop your steam or something I can tell you how much I lost so you'll realize it isn't worth it cause I know how you feel when you're in it and nothing matters and you don't see a way out cause you just don't care anymore
you'll get it all back and wish you had done it sooner friends trust me
Don't cry on the first day. Stay tough, keep your head down but stay tough
sleep tight, steeler
on your first day bump into the biggest meanest nigger you can find, he will scowl for second then start laughing, exposing himself as a gentle giant, he will be your best friend for the rest of the stay. trust me
>completely agree with you
>opening a drink
almost 30 now
>8 whiskey sours
How did he do it?
is alcoholism the kino disease?
while you have it and things are going your way still, yeah, but after, no, it's the worst shit ever
I'm 31 and I only drank wine at communion before. Now that I read your post, I'm going to start drinking daily. Fuck you, I'll never die.
I suppose. It usually sucks though.