Is this the only superhero movie that's actually good?

Is this the only superhero movie that's actually good?

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You rang?

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First class >>>>>>>>>>>>> Logan
And you're thinking of Watchmen

>I love Logan! It's serious, that means it's good.

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Watchmen, TDK, Spider-Man 2, Logan
The holy quad.

What are you doing?

Days of Future Past
Iron Man 1
Winter Soldier

Is watchman even any good?

It's a tough call but it might be the best Comic book film of all time

Logan or TDK?

the Dr. Manhattan origin sequence is really great

Doesn't even need to be answered

No. It's dogshit that only contrarians like.

Neck yourself

Logan was a really good movie. But it's better with all the Xmen movies taken into consideration. I think it's important seeing as the movie is mostly Logan and Xavier's relationship.

You can't argue that it's the ONLY superhero movie that's actually good though. There are definitely some other good ones. Infinity War, Winter Soldier, Raimi-Man 1, Batman Begins, among them.

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>Batman Begins
My nigga. So underrated

The third film is easily the worst. Just annoys me that billionaire Batman doesn't have so much as a taser built into his suit and goes up against Bane in fisticuffs twice despite having had his spine snapped last time he tried. I don't know why they went with that.

TDK is good, but I still put Begins higher. Definitely sets a high standard for origin films

>Infinity War, Winter Soldier

That's fair. You're entitled to an opinion.
What's your top 3 capeshit then?
No judgements. Just what do you think are the top 3 tolerable capeshit films in your opinion?

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>No judgements. Just what do you think are the top 3 tolerable capeshit films in your opinion?
Batman Returns
Thor: Ragnarok

Nevermind, you're going to be judged

Iron Man 1 was bretty good for a Marvel movie

no it turns to shit in the end, its more like an example of how good capeshit can be if they didnt try to make it palatable for the [pg] rating, alas thats exactly what they did with that dumb magical kids arc

Spiderverse is definitely not a bad movie. It's got a lot of good moments. But I wouldn't dream of putting it in the top 3.
Batman Returns for me was the worst of the Begins Trilogy.
As far as Ragnarok goes, I think it's actually the best Thor film. I thought the first 2 were boring and struggled to find their identity outside of a few good actor performances from Hopkins and Hiddleston. Ragnarok just went full comedy and I enjoyed it for that. But again, it wouldn't make top 3 as far as I'm concerned. I liked Shazam about as much as I liked Ragnarok. Last 20 minutes of Shazam were a little weak though. I don't know how you can have a full Shazam family and still have a villain that makes any sense as a threat.

Not sure if baiting.

Yeah, it was.

>Great Tier
Logan (mostly because it was respectful sendoff to icon)
Infinity War
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Dark Knight
Sin City
Batman (1989)

>Good Tier
Dark Knight Rises
Batman Begins
Endgame (meh, ok, you get in)

>OK Tier
Captain America
That mysterio spiderman because mysterio was my favorite spidey villain
Punisher: War Zone

>Trash Tier
Everything else

>Decomposed Jizz jar
Sam R. Spidermans

I have no idea why Yea Forums is always trying so hard to be contrarian, but no, pic related IS the greatest superhero movie ever made

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I actually forgot about Sin City
What a good movie

As someone who has never read a Constantine comic, I really enjoyed the movie.

However, I disagree with placing Begins and Rises on the same tier. Rises is definitely below. It only really gets points for having an ending for Batman. The great bulk of the film is just crap.

Not sure if Sin City counts as capeshit, but I'll allow it because I think it was great anyway.

Captain America < Winter Soldier though.
Skull has all these super laser weapons that disintegrate people if you get so much as a flesh wound, but almost all of Hydra gets taken out by a handful of normal soldiers with ordinary weapons. I feel like that could have been handled better.

I didn't really like it. Had the wrong feel for an X-Men movie. Kind of like how they fucked with the Star Wars formula so much after Episode VI it was an entirely different movie series altogether.

Wait for JOKER. 100 times better than Logan, saw a test screening

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Is it though? I just feel like it's lacking a bit of emotional heart. Maggie Gyllinghall suddenly replacing Katie Holmes felt off for me so I didn't care too much that she died.

It's a good film though, don't get me wrong. It's just that it's the first Nolan film where Batman seems a bit retarded when he's using the Batman voice. Especially when he's in a room with just Alfred and he's still putting it on.

>Master Bruce, I'm the only one here. You don't have to ruin your throat in my mere presence.

Its probably Snyder's only good movie.

He said superHERO not VILLAIN

It's based on the old man Logan story, not the X-Men one

>Is watchman even any good?
It takes itself far too seriously, because its ridiculous.

>Captain America < Winter Soldier though.
I am conflicted in this. I felt Winter Soldier was a better action movie and probably better overall. But it wasnt capeshit enough for me to make the list. I just asked myself, "would i have gave a shit about bucky if I hadn't watched captain america?" my answer was no. But like I said. Conflicted.

>I disagree with placing Begins and Rises on the same tier
I unfortunately gave points to "first impressions". So if a new movie trilogy/series comes out like Begins, i gave extra points. It's not a great idea but i did. An example is Watchmen. I walked out the theater thinking "That was new and I liked it" but I will probably never sit down and watch it again.

Sure thing. I mean, I hope it's a good movie, but my expectations are incredibly low.

Out of curiosity, what is the RIGHT feeling for an X-Men movie? I think it's okay to mess with the formula a bit. Especially because it was loosely based on the Old Man Logan story which was pretty dark and melancholic.

The worst part of Logan is the forced exposition when Logan is looking at the video recording of that Mexican woman from the lab. Felt very contrived. But otherwise I really enjoyed the movie. And I shed a tear at the ending. The callback to "Don't be what they made you" was fairly perfect and hit me rather unexpectedly.

And that's only because the source material is so fucking good, it's still a good movie despite Snyder trying his hardest to shit on it

I recommend you try to watch Rises again. I don't think it stacks up nearly as well as the other two.
I guess a key difference between Knight and Rises is in their endings. Rises actually has a conclusion while Knight is more of a cliffhanger.
Begins exists quite well on its own though.

As far as the Captain America stuff goes, I understand your point in that you don't care about Bucky if you haven't watched the first film. The ending of First Avenger is definitely good.
I just feel like a lot of First Avenger was a bit boring. There's a lot of montage scenes to fill up time skips so in a span of about 10 minutes, you go from cheerleader Steve to ultra war man Steve who completely topples Red Skull's empire. It was a bit jarring to me especially considering Skull's technological superiority.

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>>Decomposed Jizz jar
>Sam R. Spidermans
kys pleb

I also liked the first 300 movie. A bit too much on the slow-mo crap, but overall I think it's a good movie.

>Batman Returns for me was the worst of the Begins Trilogy.
What? I'm talking about Burton's second Batman film. Not TDKR

>Out of curiosity, what is the RIGHT feeling for an X-Men movie?
The whole gritty dark thing is way overused in hollywood. X-men is supposed to be grandiose, serious with simple but epic moral themes.

I 100% accept your criticism because I know I overly shit on Sam Raimi. But his spiderman movies literally feel like someone took the Wiki article on spiderman and just used that as a screenplay. I cant remember a single thing that was "new" or memorable from that trilogy.

>What? I'm talking about Burton's second Batman film. Not TDKR
Oh god, sorry. Sometimes I forget they existed after the whole Batman & Robin or Batman Forever film thing.

>I recommend you try to watch Rises again.
Like I said, I agree with you. I just gave some extra points for initial originality.

> First Avenger was a bit boring. There's a lot of montage scenes to fill up time
Yup, agreed. But that's exactly what I signed up for. I bought a ticket to a capeshit and that is exactly what I got. Excellent!

>you go from cheerleader Steve to ultra war man Steve who completely topples Red Skull's empire.
Happens when you take superman juice

You need to shut the fuck up, user.

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> I greentexted a varying opinion! That means it's wrong!

And a total fluke apparently considering Nolan's other work. There had to be someone involved that production that knew what they were doing.

>when shitting on even good things is fashionable.

Name another good Nolan work.


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Exactly my thoughts. That little girl wiped out the goons while in the desert but in the finale she was super weak. The continuity was shit

kek. Yeah we're done here.

Yeah we ARE artfag.

I really like Memento and The Prestige. I think they hold up.

Liked Inception on the first watch, but on second watch, I found it was mostly spectacle. A few interesting moments though, but overall not such a great film.
Didn't care AT ALL for Interstellar. On first watching, it just seemed like a magic love story. I'm not always looking for realism or whatever, but I just thought a lot of the film was just stupid.

I am yet to try Dunkirk. I hear good things about it though.

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>I really like Memento and The Prestige. I think they hold up.
I've watched memento multiple times and always enjoyed the painless rewatchability. It's not CLASSIC tier rewatchability, but it's up there. The Prestige is hard to gauge because I love the actors so much that I dont know if I actually like the movie. Premise was great though.

>Liked Inception on the first watch, but on second watch, I found it was mostly spectacle.
This is what I was saying earlier about giving points to new/original stuff. I walk out theater happy, but know I'll never watch it again.

>Didn't care AT ALL for Interstellar.
Super happy on movie buildup, but when "Love" was introduced as new fundamental physical entity I just walked out.

>I am yet to try Dunkirk. I hear good things about it though.
I watched it.

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The Prestige.

>I watched it.
Yeah, and what did you think when comparing it to other war films like Saving Private Ryan etc.

>it was watched

It should not be compared to Saving Private Ryan. It's hardly a war film.

Oh. Well do you wanna break it down to me? Having not watched it, I've got no idea what it's about asides from what I've read from the historical significance of the event itself.

My favorite part of watching it was wishing i hadnt.

tim burton's batman, richard donner's superman, sam raimi's spider man, are all good
Whoever tells you any Christopher Nolan movie made at any point in time is good is a retard
The x-men movies have some good ones in there (mostly x2, first class, dofp and logan) but I personally find them to be too bogged down by continuity to be enjoyable as stand alone movies
Best tv capeshit or rather only good tv capeshit is daredevil, gotham and legion

Not so cape shit but still a comic book movie

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Have better taste

that would be BvS Extended Edition

Blade was good.

Well I have not seen the movie since its release so i'll have to give it a rewatch, but I suppose it's more akin to something like Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now.


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>illegally cross the border north to safety
>literally every bad guy is white
yeah, I'm thinking it's not based

Sin City

Obviously Logan

Unbreakable is a fucking pathetic film. Sorry. I know a lot of people seem to like it, but I just don't understand.

Bruce Willis walks around like a zombie for nearly 2 hours and then nearly drowns by getting tangled in a fucking pool cover as the climax.
The end.

Please please red pill me on Unbreakable.

Haven't tried Glass or that one with the split personality guy. Well, there it is. Split.

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>Spider-Man 3

Pick one.

Logan was good but so were X2, Spider-Man 1 and 2, Watchmen, The Dark Knight, Batman Returns, and others. Superhero movies aren't all capeshit.

>Unbreakable is a fucking pathetic film
Go watch Avengers you ADHD riddled zoomer.

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Unbreakable is dogshit. Which says a lot considering it's a capeshit film.

I'd put it a bit higher than Black Panther and Captain Marvel.

This is even a superhero movie? It's just a movie with superpowers.

>Big Guy takes out about 3 planes whilst just gliding around in his Spitfire as he ran out of fuel.
>One Direction lad helps a Frog that stole a dead soldier's uniform.
>the BFG rescues Cillian Murphy, but he has shell shock & it goes tits up.
Like a lot of Nolan's films it's beautifully shot though.

TDKR, unironically.


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You can add pic related to Good Tier.

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